Robert B. Reich: The Bankruptcy Of Detroit And The Division Of America

The wealthy whites abandoned the area when Obama policies indicated that the industrial power of America was over.

Bullshit. The middle and upper classes began abandoning Detroit long before anyone even heard of Obama.

Much of population movement was due to the superhighway system developed during the 60s and 70s which enabled people to live in the suburbs and work in the city.
The superhighways were developed in the 1950s.
People left Detroit starting with the riots in 1968. The city never recovered from that.
Actually, the automobile and cheap gas doomed Detroit, as we knew it. Workers could escape the city and still work for the automakers. The thread's an example of liberals' problem with de facto segregation being legal. And that's hardly racism, because middle class blacks get out too.

But there's a resurgence in people wanting to live in cities. That's not helping the Detroit poor, but Detroit's not a total wasteland either.
His theory appears to be that people who moved away from the declining areas to the suburbs in another county should somehow be financially responsible for their former county, and since they are not writing checks to their former county they are racist.

So if your area is in decline and you're white, you're a racist if you do what's best for your family and move.

If you don't stay where you are and "share" the costs of public services with people whose skin color is darker than yours, you're a racist.

It's come to this, gang. This is how the PC Police thinks.


This is just one of the opening shots in the new culture war. As the demographics of America change and whites slide towards minority status, the Democrats will ramp up their effort to prevent whites from trying to escape the dysfunction that surrounds minority communities. They won't let whites escape.
His theory appears to be that people who moved away from the declining areas to the suburbs in another county should somehow be financially responsible for their former county, and since they are not writing checks to their former county they are racist.

So if your area is in decline and you're white, you're a racist if you do what's best for your family and move.

If you don't stay where you are and "share" the costs of public services with people whose skin color is darker than yours, you're a racist.

It's come to this, gang. This is how the PC Police thinks.


AGAIN? Such utter right wing bullshit. This a a problem ALL cities eventually face. What do WE, THE PEOPLE do?

Reich sheds a light on a who is WE, and asks some good questions. What I DON'T hear from any of you right wing turds are solutions or any ideas other than let them die.

All cities do not face that problem. Only cities that sell class warfare tax the rich bullshit face those problems. If Detroit had incorporated the whole county, everyone would have moved out of the county. It's really that simple.
You want to help people? Quit electing Democrats.

ALL cities face these problems...eventually. You are such a moron Rabbi. You really are a piece of human excrement. And I reluctantly use the term 'human'...
Please post all the cities that have faced these problems.
I'll start:
Pittsburgh. Saw declining industrial base in steel and attracted medical and education research business with active outread to those business and more pro-business policies.
Your turn, moron.

Even if you didn't learn about Concentric zone model of urban structure in college like I did, a drive through any city would reveal the pattern of urban decay that happens to every city. I already knew you are stupid, I didn't know you are blind.

Here is your term for the day: Legacy Cities

So, all these cities have to do is to quit electing Democrats? Ironic, Pittsburgh quit electing Republican mayors in 1934. List of mayors of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here is an interesting article. Read it with caution, it might dent your dogma...

Here is your other term for the day: immigration

A Tale Of Three Cities Detroit Toronto And Pittsburgh In A Post-Industrialized World
His theory appears to be that people who moved away from the declining areas to the suburbs in another county should somehow be financially responsible for their former county, and since they are not writing checks to their former county they are racist.

So if your area is in decline and you're white, you're a racist if you do what's best for your family and move.

If you don't stay where you are and "share" the costs of public services with people whose skin color is darker than yours, you're a racist.

It's come to this, gang. This is how the PC Police thinks.


AGAIN? Such utter right wing bullshit. This a a problem ALL cities eventually face. What do WE, THE PEOPLE do?

Reich sheds a light on a who is WE, and asks some good questions. What I DON'T hear from any of you right wing turds are solutions or any ideas other than let them die.

All cities do not face that problem. Only cities that sell class warfare tax the rich bullshit face those problems. If Detroit had incorporated the whole county, everyone would have moved out of the county. It's really that simple.
You want to help people? Quit electing Democrats.

ALL cities face these problems...eventually. You are such a moron Rabbi. You really are a piece of human excrement. And I reluctantly use the term 'human'...
Please post all the cities that have faced these problems.
I'll start:
Pittsburgh. Saw declining industrial base in steel and attracted medical and education research business with active outread to those business and more pro-business policies.
Your turn, moron.

Even if you didn't learn about Concentric zone model of urban structure in college like I did, a drive through any city would reveal the pattern of urban decay that happens to every city. I already knew you are stupid, I didn't know you are blind.

Here is your term for the day: Legacy Cities

So, all these cities have to do is to quit electing Democrats? Ironic, Pittsburgh quit electing Republican mayors in 1934. List of mayors of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here is an interesting article. Read it with caution, it might dent your dogma...

Here is your other term for the day: immigration

A Tale Of Three Cities Detroit Toronto And Pittsburgh In A Post-Industrialized World
That's why every city is bankrupt, right?
You're such a moron it's amazing you can operate a can opener.
AGAIN? Such utter right wing bullshit. This a a problem ALL cities eventually face. What do WE, THE PEOPLE do?

Reich sheds a light on a who is WE, and asks some good questions. What I DON'T hear from any of you right wing turds are solutions or any ideas other than let them die.

All cities do not face that problem. Only cities that sell class warfare tax the rich bullshit face those problems. If Detroit had incorporated the whole county, everyone would have moved out of the county. It's really that simple.
You want to help people? Quit electing Democrats.

ALL cities face these problems...eventually. You are such a moron Rabbi. You really are a piece of human excrement. And I reluctantly use the term 'human'...
Please post all the cities that have faced these problems.
I'll start:
Pittsburgh. Saw declining industrial base in steel and attracted medical and education research business with active outread to those business and more pro-business policies.
Your turn, moron.

Even if you didn't learn about Concentric zone model of urban structure in college like I did, a drive through any city would reveal the pattern of urban decay that happens to every city. I already knew you are stupid, I didn't know you are blind.

Here is your term for the day: Legacy Cities

So, all these cities have to do is to quit electing Democrats? Ironic, Pittsburgh quit electing Republican mayors in 1934. List of mayors of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here is an interesting article. Read it with caution, it might dent your dogma...

Here is your other term for the day: immigration

A Tale Of Three Cities Detroit Toronto And Pittsburgh In A Post-Industrialized World
That's why every city is bankrupt, right?
You're such a moron it's amazing you can operate a can opener.

And yet some Lefty chick here nominated her as the most thoughtful poster on the board.
All cities do not face that problem. Only cities that sell class warfare tax the rich bullshit face those problems. If Detroit had incorporated the whole county, everyone would have moved out of the county. It's really that simple.
You want to help people? Quit electing Democrats.

ALL cities face these problems...eventually. You are such a moron Rabbi. You really are a piece of human excrement. And I reluctantly use the term 'human'...
Please post all the cities that have faced these problems.
I'll start:
Pittsburgh. Saw declining industrial base in steel and attracted medical and education research business with active outread to those business and more pro-business policies.
Your turn, moron.

Even if you didn't learn about Concentric zone model of urban structure in college like I did, a drive through any city would reveal the pattern of urban decay that happens to every city. I already knew you are stupid, I didn't know you are blind.

Here is your term for the day: Legacy Cities

So, all these cities have to do is to quit electing Democrats? Ironic, Pittsburgh quit electing Republican mayors in 1934. List of mayors of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here is an interesting article. Read it with caution, it might dent your dogma...

Here is your other term for the day: immigration

A Tale Of Three Cities Detroit Toronto And Pittsburgh In A Post-Industrialized World
That's why every city is bankrupt, right?
You're such a moron it's amazing you can operate a can opener.

And yet some Lefty chick here nominated her as the most thoughtful poster on the board.

AGAIN? Such utter right wing bullshit. This a a problem ALL cities eventually face. What do WE, THE PEOPLE do?

Reich sheds a light on a who is WE, and asks some good questions. What I DON'T hear from any of you right wing turds are solutions or any ideas other than let them die.

All cities do not face that problem. Only cities that sell class warfare tax the rich bullshit face those problems. If Detroit had incorporated the whole county, everyone would have moved out of the county. It's really that simple.
You want to help people? Quit electing Democrats.

ALL cities face these problems...eventually. You are such a moron Rabbi. You really are a piece of human excrement. And I reluctantly use the term 'human'...
Please post all the cities that have faced these problems.
I'll start:
Pittsburgh. Saw declining industrial base in steel and attracted medical and education research business with active outread to those business and more pro-business policies.
Your turn, moron.

Even if you didn't learn about Concentric zone model of urban structure in college like I did, a drive through any city would reveal the pattern of urban decay that happens to every city. I already knew you are stupid, I didn't know you are blind.

Here is your term for the day: Legacy Cities

So, all these cities have to do is to quit electing Democrats? Ironic, Pittsburgh quit electing Republican mayors in 1934. List of mayors of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here is an interesting article. Read it with caution, it might dent your dogma...

Here is your other term for the day: immigration

A Tale Of Three Cities Detroit Toronto And Pittsburgh In A Post-Industrialized World
That's why every city is bankrupt, right?
You're such a moron it's amazing you can operate a can opener.

Not ever city goes through bankruptcy. Detroit is the largest. Do you know how many have pea brain?
All cities do not face that problem. Only cities that sell class warfare tax the rich bullshit face those problems. If Detroit had incorporated the whole county, everyone would have moved out of the county. It's really that simple.
You want to help people? Quit electing Democrats.

ALL cities face these problems...eventually. You are such a moron Rabbi. You really are a piece of human excrement. And I reluctantly use the term 'human'...
Please post all the cities that have faced these problems.
I'll start:
Pittsburgh. Saw declining industrial base in steel and attracted medical and education research business with active outread to those business and more pro-business policies.
Your turn, moron.

Even if you didn't learn about Concentric zone model of urban structure in college like I did, a drive through any city would reveal the pattern of urban decay that happens to every city. I already knew you are stupid, I didn't know you are blind.

Here is your term for the day: Legacy Cities

So, all these cities have to do is to quit electing Democrats? Ironic, Pittsburgh quit electing Republican mayors in 1934. List of mayors of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here is an interesting article. Read it with caution, it might dent your dogma...

Here is your other term for the day: immigration

A Tale Of Three Cities Detroit Toronto And Pittsburgh In A Post-Industrialized World
That's why every city is bankrupt, right?
You're such a moron it's amazing you can operate a can opener.

And yet some Lefty chick here nominated her as the most thoughtful poster on the board.

Hey Mrs Stormfront, I am a male.
ALL cities face these problems...eventually. You are such a moron Rabbi. You really are a piece of human excrement. And I reluctantly use the term 'human'...
Please post all the cities that have faced these problems.
I'll start:
Pittsburgh. Saw declining industrial base in steel and attracted medical and education research business with active outread to those business and more pro-business policies.
Your turn, moron.

Even if you didn't learn about Concentric zone model of urban structure in college like I did, a drive through any city would reveal the pattern of urban decay that happens to every city. I already knew you are stupid, I didn't know you are blind.

Here is your term for the day: Legacy Cities

So, all these cities have to do is to quit electing Democrats? Ironic, Pittsburgh quit electing Republican mayors in 1934. List of mayors of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here is an interesting article. Read it with caution, it might dent your dogma...

Here is your other term for the day: immigration

A Tale Of Three Cities Detroit Toronto And Pittsburgh In A Post-Industrialized World
That's why every city is bankrupt, right?
You're such a moron it's amazing you can operate a can opener.

And yet some Lefty chick here nominated her as the most thoughtful poster on the board.

Hey Mrs Stormfront, I am a male.

This is the internet so no one can tell. Your writing style, female-like cat-fighting character assassination style, constant whining and desire to be cared for by Big Government strongly point to you being a woman.
this is what the left/progressive/Democrats thinks of you people in the country
Unbelievable. so it's OUR FAULT. and not just everyone but (white people) for not staying in a dying city with high crime, high taxes, etc while their government gives to unions and government employees so they can live the high life off the people who lived there.

Robert B. Reich 6:28 a.m. EDT September 16, 2014

Detroit is the largest city ever to seek bankruptcy protection, so its bankruptcy is seen as a potential model for other American cities now teetering on the edge.
But Detroit is really a model for how wealthier and whiter Americans escape the costs of public goods they would otherwise share with poorer and darker Americans.
Judge Steven Rhodes of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Michigan is now weighing Detroit's plan to shed $7 billion of its debts and restore some $1.5 billion of city services by requiring various groups of creditors to make sacrifices.

Among those being asked to sacrifice are Detroit's former city employees, now dependent on pensions and health care benefits that the city agreed years before to pay. Also taking a cut: investors who bought $1.4 billion worth of bonds the city issued in 2005.
Both groups said the cuts unfairly burden them. Under the plan, the 2005 investors emerge with little or nothing, and Detroit's retirees have their pensions cut 4.5%, lose some health benefits, and do without cost-of-living adjustments.

No one knows whether Rhodes will accept or reject the plan. But one thing is for certain: A very large and prosperous group close by won't sacrifice a cent -- the mostly white citizens of neighboring Oakland County.

Oakland County is the fourth wealthiest county in the United States among counties with a million or more residents.
In fact, metro Detroit, including its suburbs, ranks among the top financial centers, top four centers of high technology employment, and second largest source of engineering and architectural talent in America.
The median household in the county earned more than $65,000 last year. The median household in Birmingham earned more than $94,000. In Bloomfield Hills, the median was close to $105,000.
Detroit's upscale suburbs also have excellent schools, rapid-response security and resplendent parks.
Forty years ago, Detroit had a mixture of wealthy, middle class and poor. But then its middle class and white residents began fleeing to the suburbs. Between 2000 and 2010, the city lost a quarter of its population.
By the time it declared bankruptcy, Detroit was almost entirely poor. Its median household income was $26,000. More than half of its children were impoverished.
That left it with depressed property values, abandoned neighborhoods, empty buildings and dilapidated schools. Forty percent of its streetlights don't work. Many of its parks closed within the last five years.
Earlier this year, monthly water bills in Detroit were running 50% higher than the national average, and officials began shutting off the water to 150,000 households who couldn't pay the bills.

all of it here WITH COMMENTS over this disgusting little mans accusations:
Robert B. Reich The bankruptcy of Detroit and the division of America
People have a right to live where they want. So they left a city that was getting ran into the ground by poor quality of government and life. Bring in the liberals and mass exodus will follow.
His theory appears to be that people who moved away from the declining areas to the suburbs in another county should somehow be financially responsible for their former county, and since they are not writing checks to their former county they are racist.

So if your area is in decline and you're white, you're a racist if you do what's best for your family and move.

If you don't stay where you are and "share" the costs of public services with people whose skin color is darker than yours, you're a racist.

It's come to this, gang. This is how the PC Police thinks.


This is just one of the opening shots in the new culture war. As the demographics of America change and whites slide towards minority status, the Democrats will ramp up their effort to prevent whites from trying to escape the dysfunction that surrounds minority communities. They won't let whites escape.

Liberals love destroying first world nations.
Actually, the automobile and cheap gas doomed Detroit, as we knew it. Workers could escape the city and still work for the automakers. The thread's an example of liberals' problem with de facto segregation being legal. And that's hardly racism, because middle class blacks get out too.

But there's a resurgence in people wanting to live in cities. That's not helping the Detroit poor, but Detroit's not a total wasteland either.

Good points. Seems "racist" to me for them to assume that only white people are capable of leaving decaying areas, and blacks are not.


I've seen a few (and there must be more) initiatives to draw business back to the area, particularly manufacturing. Since property values aren't far from zero, they may be able to find a way to draw business back, if they can convince the companies they're not jumping into a crime shit hole. It would just take a few to get the momentum going, theoretically.

Please post all the cities that have faced these problems.
I'll start:
Pittsburgh. Saw declining industrial base in steel and attracted medical and education research business with active outread to those business and more pro-business policies.
Your turn, moron.

Even if you didn't learn about Concentric zone model of urban structure in college like I did, a drive through any city would reveal the pattern of urban decay that happens to every city. I already knew you are stupid, I didn't know you are blind.

Here is your term for the day: Legacy Cities

So, all these cities have to do is to quit electing Democrats? Ironic, Pittsburgh quit electing Republican mayors in 1934. List of mayors of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here is an interesting article. Read it with caution, it might dent your dogma...

Here is your other term for the day: immigration

A Tale Of Three Cities Detroit Toronto And Pittsburgh In A Post-Industrialized World
That's why every city is bankrupt, right?
You're such a moron it's amazing you can operate a can opener.

And yet some Lefty chick here nominated her as the most thoughtful poster on the board.

Hey Mrs Stormfront, I am a male.

This is the internet so no one can tell. Your writing style, female-like cat-fighting character assassination style, constant whining and desire to be cared for by Big Government strongly point to you being a woman.

Maybe because you are a cretin clouds your view.
ALL cities face these problems...eventually. You are such a moron Rabbi. You really are a piece of human excrement. And I reluctantly use the term 'human'...
Please post all the cities that have faced these problems.
I'll start:
Pittsburgh. Saw declining industrial base in steel and attracted medical and education research business with active outread to those business and more pro-business policies.
Your turn, moron.

Even if you didn't learn about Concentric zone model of urban structure in college like I did, a drive through any city would reveal the pattern of urban decay that happens to every city. I already knew you are stupid, I didn't know you are blind.

Here is your term for the day: Legacy Cities

So, all these cities have to do is to quit electing Democrats? Ironic, Pittsburgh quit electing Republican mayors in 1934. List of mayors of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here is an interesting article. Read it with caution, it might dent your dogma...

Here is your other term for the day: immigration

A Tale Of Three Cities Detroit Toronto And Pittsburgh In A Post-Industrialized World
That's why every city is bankrupt, right?
You're such a moron it's amazing you can operate a can opener.

And yet some Lefty chick here nominated her as the most thoughtful poster on the board.

All cities do not face that problem. Only cities that sell class warfare tax the rich bullshit face those problems. If Detroit had incorporated the whole county, everyone would have moved out of the county. It's really that simple.
You want to help people? Quit electing Democrats.

ALL cities face these problems...eventually. You are such a moron Rabbi. You really are a piece of human excrement. And I reluctantly use the term 'human'...
Please post all the cities that have faced these problems.
I'll start:
Pittsburgh. Saw declining industrial base in steel and attracted medical and education research business with active outread to those business and more pro-business policies.
Your turn, moron.

Even if you didn't learn about Concentric zone model of urban structure in college like I did, a drive through any city would reveal the pattern of urban decay that happens to every city. I already knew you are stupid, I didn't know you are blind.

Here is your term for the day: Legacy Cities

So, all these cities have to do is to quit electing Democrats? Ironic, Pittsburgh quit electing Republican mayors in 1934. List of mayors of Pittsburgh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here is an interesting article. Read it with caution, it might dent your dogma...

Here is your other term for the day: immigration

A Tale Of Three Cities Detroit Toronto And Pittsburgh In A Post-Industrialized World
That's why every city is bankrupt, right?
You're such a moron it's amazing you can operate a can opener.

Not ever city goes through bankruptcy. Detroit is the largest. Do you know how many have pea brain?
Not enough to prove your point. Harrisburg? Birmingham? Stockton? So what? Your point is wrong and you have failed to prove it or defend it. ALl you do is fling shit and hope it sticks.
Actually, the automobile and cheap gas doomed Detroit, as we knew it. Workers could escape the city and still work for the automakers. The thread's an example of liberals' problem with de facto segregation being legal. And that's hardly racism, because middle class blacks get out too.

But there's a resurgence in people wanting to live in cities. That's not helping the Detroit poor, but Detroit's not a total wasteland either.

Good points. Seems "racist" to me for them to assume that only white people are capable of leaving decaying areas, and blacks are not.


I've seen a few (and there must be more) initiatives to draw business back to the area, particularly manufacturing. Since property values aren't far from zero, they may be able to find a way to draw business back, if they can convince the companies they're not jumping into a crime shit hole. It would just take a few to get the momentum going, theoretically.


Well, there's also those who are posting that "only republicans can lead them back," yet would they claim Rudy or Bloomberg ..... not. LOL. And Den's center revitaliziation was led my an Hispanic and black mayor, and now Hickenlooper. It has little to do with politics and more to do with where people want to live. I think forced bussing had a negative effect, but now charter and magnet schools eliminate that negative. America is going through a time when it's more and more appealing to "re-urbanize."

Detroit was the extreme because it was so much a one industry town, and GM was terribly mismanaged, and the UAW and Toyota basically bankrupted them. GM's probably viable as an employee run concern, Ford remains independent and Chrysler ... we'll see. Morning Joe had one or two shows there last week. I don't watch much in the morning, but my wife had it on. They probably need to land a silicon valley implant or something, to move big. But downtown and midtown are growing.
Apologies for going off topic, but ...

I don't know much about the Detroit situation. And I didn't read the article. And the reason for that is... that I learned all I need to know about Robert Reich when, shortly after 9/11, he issued a lengthy commentary on NPR announcing, and eagerly welcoming, the coming police state. His zeal for authoritarian government was palpable, and his willingness to opportunistically dance on the graves of those who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks to further that agenda was utterly disgusting.
Republicans want to reward ownership.
Democrats want to reward work.
Republicans are against unions and the minimum wage.Republicans hate the working man.

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