Robert DeNiro....Tough Guy or PUNK?

According to this in September Trump had an approval above 50% in only 17 states.

Trump Approval Dips in Every State, Though Deep Pockets of Support Remain

And of course most of those states have a low electoral college value.
What is the approvals for Democrats in congress? 12%?

It's probably pretty damn low, just like Republicans and that has been that way for years. Now, what does that have to do with you guys being completely unable to deal with the fact that Trump is very unpopular?
Trump filled coliseums; Hillary couldn't fill a junior high school gym.

He still lost the popular vote by 3 million people.

Boy, you can't have it both ways. You can't claim the popular vote doesn't matter and then go on and brag about filling coliseums. Please be consistent, you'll be a better person for it.
Considering the fact they busted a bunch of Chinese breeding factories in California...that's nothing to brag about.
Once again the pretend mobster "Bobby DeNiro" is calling out President Trump with insults and veiled threats. Just what his problem with Trump is he won't say. In fact he won't say much about anything because he's not very bright. How "tough" is he? His nickname growing up was "Bobby Milk". :lol: There's no evidence he's ever been in a real street fight, despite playing Jake LaMotta in "Raging Bull" which was choreographed like a dance movie.


In his latest rant against Trump, DeNiro refers to Trump's "bone spurs" keeping Trump out of the draft. When asked how he avoided the draft, tough guy Bobby Milk says:

PLAYBOY: A number of your films—from Greetings to The Deer Hunter to Jacknife—have dealt with Vietnam. How politically aware were you of the Vietnam war?

ROBERT DE NIRO: I was aware. I thought that the war was wrong. What bothered me was that people who went to war became victims of it; they were used for the whims of others. I didn't think that the policy makers had the smarts. I didn't respect their decisions or what they were doing. And it was a right of many people to feel, "Why should I go and get involved with something that's unclear—and pay for it with my life?" It takes people like that to make changes.

PLAYBOY: How did you manage to beat the draft?

ROBERT DE NIRO: That's an area I don't want to talk about. [Looks at watch]

Bottom line? DeNiro is a illusionary tough guy and a loudmouth punk. Trump on the other hand, has dealt with real mobsters his entire career in the NYC building trades and would likely wipe the floor with the pretender.

Robert De Niro: Playboy Interview (January, 1989) by журнал Playboy — Translated by humans
It Turns Out Hollywood Tough Guy Robert De Niro Is A Whiny Liberal Crybaby In Real Life -
Who said he was a tough guy? He is an actor, that is what actors do....they act, pretend to be someone else.
the votes are totaled by state electoral votes

We were talking about popularity, numbnut.
Popularity is not valid in presidential elections. It doesn't count. Never will count.

The discussion was around the popularity of the president, he's not.
Yes he is among citizens who matter. You people are full of hatred and you don't know why other than he won an election. If you can't give him some credit for the improved economy at least, then what you think matters less than shit on a brick.

The economy improved greatly under Obama, Trump's only been at it less than a year with a government running mostly off of Obama's economy.

Oh, by the way, all American's matter.
Obama couldn't muster 2% GDP growth in 8 years. Trump doubled that in less than a year. Economy is optimistic. Bonuses.and companies giving raises. This economy is all Trump's.
Trump is popular in more states--the majority of states---
Hillary was not
we use the electoral votes so we don't turn into a third world shithole where one section of idiots can't run the country

The topic was popularity, not electoral college glitch.
exactly--Trump is more popular over more of the USA
and ALL the states make up the USA--not just NY and CA

He is? Nice claim, now back it up. How many states is Trump's approval above 50%? I bet you won't bother to answer that.
What the fuck do you want from us? To agree with you so you can finally ejaculate? Your popularity polls are no more accurate than the polls that said Hillary has 100% chance of winning the election. Don't fucking tell me that she wasnt considered a shoo-in according to those same polls that under-poll conservatives.

Trump won and by the count that only matters: the Electoral College. The popular vote isn't even found on the Electoral College web page results of the election. It is a meaningless number. The additional 3milion votes came from CA and NY. Those states were already blue.

Not a single poll said Hillary had a 100% chance of winning, you obviously don't even know what a poll is.

The additional 3 million votes weren't 'additional' they were votes, just like all the others.
On election night a poll of the libtard media gave Hillary 100% chance of winning. They've said throughout the campaign. 3 million more votes in blue states wasn't needed.

Watching you guys get so butthurt over everyone who dares to speak against Trump is my new favorite hobby.

Yeah, I mean you Maoist were so graceful when anyone opposed Obama.

Yes, Race Influences Opposition to Obama
Here's something to remember: we're only forty-seven years removed from the official end of Jim Crow.

Yes, Race Influences Opposition to Obama

Hey, being a Maoist doesn't mean you're a fucking hypocrite automatically.

Oh, wait....


You've just given up on being a rational human being at this point. Didn't you once claim to have a PhD?

Carry on.


Oh yes, pointing out your reeking hypocrisy is "irrational."

I mean, what could be more rational than the foaming at the mouth hatred you Maoists engage in during every waking hour? :dunno:

Say, do you writhe with anguished hatred while you sleep as well? :dunno:


See, this is why I have a hard time believing that you have a PhD. You appear to have no control over your emotions.

Did you shriek insults at the thesis board, during your defense? Did you call them "maoists" every time they challenged your conclusions?

Projection is such a sad thing...

Plus, you've long ago snooped my personal info and know exactly who I am and that I am exactly what I say.
According to this in September Trump had an approval above 50% in only 17 states.

Trump Approval Dips in Every State, Though Deep Pockets of Support Remain

And of course most of those states have a low electoral college value.
What is the approvals for Democrats in congress? 12%?

It's probably pretty damn low, just like Republicans and that has been that way for years. Now, what does that have to do with you guys being completely unable to deal with the fact that Trump is very unpopular?
Trump filled coliseums; Hillary couldn't fill a junior high school gym.

He still lost the popular vote by 3 million people.

Boy, you can't have it both ways. You can't claim the popular vote doesn't matter and then go on and brag about filling coliseums. Please be consistent, you'll be a better person for it.
-not everyone voted--so you can't tell if Trump is more popular by just votes or idiotic polls
but you can tell by the state votes
26.5 & for Hillary and 26.3 for Trump--wooooowww !!! a HUGE difference ..A MONUMENTAL difference of .2 %
that's POINT 2 %--not 2%

Not everyone voted. That's what you're hanging your hat on? :badgrin:

I don't know why it's so difficult for you guys to except the obvious.
According to this in September Trump had an approval above 50% in only 17 states.

Trump Approval Dips in Every State, Though Deep Pockets of Support Remain

And of course most of those states have a low electoral college value.
What is the approvals for Democrats in congress? 12%?

It's probably pretty damn low, just like Republicans and that has been that way for years. Now, what does that have to do with you guys being completely unable to deal with the fact that Trump is very unpopular?
He's very unpopular with some.
However, not nearly as unpopular as Congress.
So you have to understand that with the fucked press coverage he constantly gets, and the general apathy the public has, nobody is all that popular right now.
Isolating Trump is irrelevant.

No, he's just very unpopular, why do you morons keep dancing around this?
According to this in September Trump had an approval above 50% in only 17 states.

Trump Approval Dips in Every State, Though Deep Pockets of Support Remain

And of course most of those states have a low electoral college value.
What is the approvals for Democrats in congress? 12%?

It's probably pretty damn low, just like Republicans and that has been that way for years. Now, what does that have to do with you guys being completely unable to deal with the fact that Trump is very unpopular?
Trump filled coliseums; Hillary couldn't fill a junior high school gym.

He still lost the popular vote by 3 million people.

Boy, you can't have it both ways. You can't claim the popular vote doesn't matter and then go on and brag about filling coliseums. Please be consistent, you'll be a better person for it.
Considering the fact they busted a bunch of Chinese breeding factories in California...that's nothing to brag about.

I'm sure that makes a huge difference. Whatever it takes for you dimwitted idiots to comfort yourselves.
We were talking about popularity, numbnut.
Popularity is not valid in presidential elections. It doesn't count. Never will count.

The discussion was around the popularity of the president, he's not.
Yes he is among citizens who matter. You people are full of hatred and you don't know why other than he won an election. If you can't give him some credit for the improved economy at least, then what you think matters less than shit on a brick.

The economy improved greatly under Obama, Trump's only been at it less than a year with a government running mostly off of Obama's economy.

Oh, by the way, all American's matter.
Obama couldn't muster 2% GDP growth in 8 years. Trump doubled that in less than a year. Economy is optimistic. Bonuses.and companies giving raises. This economy is all Trump's.

Obama couldn't muster a 2% GDP? What are you smoking?
The topic was popularity, not electoral college glitch.
exactly--Trump is more popular over more of the USA
and ALL the states make up the USA--not just NY and CA

He is? Nice claim, now back it up. How many states is Trump's approval above 50%? I bet you won't bother to answer that.
What the fuck do you want from us? To agree with you so you can finally ejaculate? Your popularity polls are no more accurate than the polls that said Hillary has 100% chance of winning the election. Don't fucking tell me that she wasnt considered a shoo-in according to those same polls that under-poll conservatives.

Trump won and by the count that only matters: the Electoral College. The popular vote isn't even found on the Electoral College web page results of the election. It is a meaningless number. The additional 3milion votes came from CA and NY. Those states were already blue.

Not a single poll said Hillary had a 100% chance of winning, you obviously don't even know what a poll is.

The additional 3 million votes weren't 'additional' they were votes, just like all the others.
On election night a poll of the libtard media gave Hillary 100% chance of winning. They've said throughout the campaign. 3 million more votes in blue states wasn't needed.

Really a poll gave Clinton a 100% chance of winning? I tell you what, if you produce that poll I will leave this board forever, if I prove your poll is not actually a poll then you leave, how does that sound?
I used to like Robert Deniro until he threatened to punch Americas greatest president in the face. What is it with Hollywood liberals and their violent ways?
I used to like Robert Deniro until he threatened to punch Americas greatest president in the face. What is it with Hollywood liberals and their violent ways?

At the very least give Trump 1 full term before swallowing.

Watching you guys get so butthurt over everyone who dares to speak against Trump is my new favorite hobby.

Yeah, I mean you Maoist were so graceful when anyone opposed Obama.

Yes, Race Influences Opposition to Obama
Here's something to remember: we're only forty-seven years removed from the official end of Jim Crow.

Yes, Race Influences Opposition to Obama

Hey, being a Maoist doesn't mean you're a fucking hypocrite automatically.

Oh, wait....


You've just given up on being a rational human being at this point. Didn't you once claim to have a PhD?

Carry on.


Oh yes, pointing out your reeking hypocrisy is "irrational."

I mean, what could be more rational than the foaming at the mouth hatred you Maoists engage in during every waking hour? :dunno:

Say, do you writhe with anguished hatred while you sleep as well? :dunno:


See, this is why I have a hard time believing that you have a PhD. You appear to have no control over your emotions.

Did you shriek insults at the thesis board, during your defense? Did you call them "maoists" every time they challenged your conclusions?

Projection is such a sad thing...

Plus, you've long ago snooped my personal info and know exactly who I am and that I am exactly what I say.


No, I have not "snooped your personal info".

I have neither the desire nor the ability to do so.
What is the approvals for Democrats in congress? 12%?

It's probably pretty damn low, just like Republicans and that has been that way for years. Now, what does that have to do with you guys being completely unable to deal with the fact that Trump is very unpopular?
Trump filled coliseums; Hillary couldn't fill a junior high school gym.

He still lost the popular vote by 3 million people.

Boy, you can't have it both ways. You can't claim the popular vote doesn't matter and then go on and brag about filling coliseums. Please be consistent, you'll be a better person for it.
-not everyone voted--so you can't tell if Trump is more popular by just votes or idiotic polls
but you can tell by the state votes
26.5 & for Hillary and 26.3 for Trump--wooooowww !!! a HUGE difference ..A MONUMENTAL difference of .2 %
that's POINT 2 %--not 2%

Not everyone voted. That's what you're hanging your hat on? :badgrin:

I don't know why it's so difficult for you guys to except the obvious.
unless you poll everyone in the country, or everyone votes--you CANNOT prove how everyone feels about is not factual
I don't know why it's so difficult for you to ACCEPT the obvious
It's probably pretty damn low, just like Republicans and that has been that way for years. Now, what does that have to do with you guys being completely unable to deal with the fact that Trump is very unpopular?
Trump filled coliseums; Hillary couldn't fill a junior high school gym.

He still lost the popular vote by 3 million people.

Boy, you can't have it both ways. You can't claim the popular vote doesn't matter and then go on and brag about filling coliseums. Please be consistent, you'll be a better person for it.
-not everyone voted--so you can't tell if Trump is more popular by just votes or idiotic polls
but you can tell by the state votes
26.5 & for Hillary and 26.3 for Trump--wooooowww !!! a HUGE difference ..A MONUMENTAL difference of .2 %
that's POINT 2 %--not 2%

Not everyone voted. That's what you're hanging your hat on? :badgrin:

I don't know why it's so difficult for you guys to except the obvious.
unless you poll everyone in the country, or everyone votes--you CANNOT prove how everyone feels about is not factual
I don't know why it's so difficult for you to ACCEPT the obvious

Which totally explains your claim that Trump is popular. Idiot, can't have it both ways. :badgrin:
Trump filled coliseums; Hillary couldn't fill a junior high school gym.

He still lost the popular vote by 3 million people.

Boy, you can't have it both ways. You can't claim the popular vote doesn't matter and then go on and brag about filling coliseums. Please be consistent, you'll be a better person for it.
-not everyone voted--so you can't tell if Trump is more popular by just votes or idiotic polls
but you can tell by the state votes
26.5 & for Hillary and 26.3 for Trump--wooooowww !!! a HUGE difference ..A MONUMENTAL difference of .2 %
that's POINT 2 %--not 2%

Not everyone voted. That's what you're hanging your hat on? :badgrin:

I don't know why it's so difficult for you guys to except the obvious.
unless you poll everyone in the country, or everyone votes--you CANNOT prove how everyone feels about is not factual
I don't know why it's so difficult for you to ACCEPT the obvious

Which totally explains your claim that Trump is popular. Idiot, can't have it both ways. :badgrin:
he's not-unpopular
did I say he is most popular of the people??
He still lost the popular vote by 3 million people.

Boy, you can't have it both ways. You can't claim the popular vote doesn't matter and then go on and brag about filling coliseums. Please be consistent, you'll be a better person for it.
-not everyone voted--so you can't tell if Trump is more popular by just votes or idiotic polls
but you can tell by the state votes
26.5 & for Hillary and 26.3 for Trump--wooooowww !!! a HUGE difference ..A MONUMENTAL difference of .2 %
that's POINT 2 %--not 2%

Not everyone voted. That's what you're hanging your hat on? :badgrin:

I don't know why it's so difficult for you guys to except the obvious.
unless you poll everyone in the country, or everyone votes--you CANNOT prove how everyone feels about is not factual
I don't know why it's so difficult for you to ACCEPT the obvious

Which totally explains your claim that Trump is popular. Idiot, can't have it both ways. :badgrin:
he's not-unpopular
did I say he is most popular of the people??

You said he was popular. Just stop, you've been given plenty of evidence that Trump is not well liked, his approval rating is in the gutter as far as presidents go. You can try to fool yourself all you want, we both know (or at least should know) that you can't handle the truth.
Once again the pretend mobster "Bobby DeNiro" is calling out President Trump with insults and veiled threats. Just what his problem with Trump is he won't say. In fact he won't say much about anything because he's not very bright. How "tough" is he? His nickname growing up was "Bobby Milk". :lol: There's no evidence he's ever been in a real street fight, despite playing Jake LaMotta in "Raging Bull" which was choreographed like a dance movie.


In his latest rant against Trump, DeNiro refers to Trump's "bone spurs" keeping Trump out of the draft. When asked how he avoided the draft, tough guy Bobby Milk says:

PLAYBOY: A number of your films—from Greetings to The Deer Hunter to Jacknife—have dealt with Vietnam. How politically aware were you of the Vietnam war?

ROBERT DE NIRO: I was aware. I thought that the war was wrong. What bothered me was that people who went to war became victims of it; they were used for the whims of others. I didn't think that the policy makers had the smarts. I didn't respect their decisions or what they were doing. And it was a right of many people to feel, "Why should I go and get involved with something that's unclear—and pay for it with my life?" It takes people like that to make changes.

PLAYBOY: How did you manage to beat the draft?

ROBERT DE NIRO: That's an area I don't want to talk about. [Looks at watch]

Bottom line? DeNiro is a illusionary tough guy and a loudmouth punk. Trump on the other hand, has dealt with real mobsters his entire career in the NYC building trades and would likely wipe the floor with the pretender.

Robert De Niro: Playboy Interview (January, 1989) by журнал Playboy — Translated by humans
It Turns Out Hollywood Tough Guy Robert De Niro Is A Whiny Liberal Crybaby In Real Life -


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