Robert Kennedy a better option than Biden?

The idiot foot soldiers for the Democrats funded by our taxdollars have their "talking points" and you'll see them use

from outer space

because they really REALLY do NOT want the AMERICAN PEOPLE to have a GOOD LOOK at the real effects of the


and whether it was ever needed... even if it was actually a vaccine... which it isn't...

Being anti-vax is popular with Republicans. Not democrats.

That's why you *talked* about polls showing otherwise. But when challenged to *show* us polls showing otherwise... tucked your tail between your legs and fled.

Robert's candidacy is a conservative circle jerk, with essentially every thread started about him being from conservatives.

Democrats just don't give a shit. Weld wasn't a candidate for the republican nomination. Except he was.

Bob Ely wasn't a candidate for the republican nomination. Except he was.

Fullere wasn't a candidate for the republican nomination. Except he was.

You were wrong on every assertion you made about them. You don't know what you're talking about.

Sanford was a republican governor AND a US rep.

Fuente, a businesman just like Trump.

Walsh, a US rep.

You ignore them all.

Again, opposition to the sitting president happens virtually every election. Robert isn't special. He's not a 'prominent Democratic leader'. He hasn't even held elected office.

His records for winning any zero.

This is your circle jerk. Not democrats'. They don't give a shit.
No dumbass, l asked you for serious GOP party members who challenged Trump not joke candidates like Zoltan or whatever the fuck you pulled outta your ass. Not candidates who suddenly became repubs in 2020 to make a name for themsleves running against Trump (all the candidates YOU mentioned that didn't make it past Iowa) so yeah they should be ignored

Again democrats don't give a shit cause you are all lost idiots
No dumbass, l asked you for serious GOP party members who challenged Trump not joke candidates like Zoltan or whatever the fuck you pulled outta your ass. Not candidates who suddenly became repubs in 2020 to make a name for themsleves running against Trump (all the candidates YOU mentioned that didn't make it past Iowa) so yeah they should be ignored

Again democrats don't give a shit cause you are all lost idiots
Laughing....way to move your goal posts after your spectacular failure on Weld, Bob Ely, and Fullere....with you claiming none were GOP primary candidates when they all were.

With your concession well and truly noted, let's move on to your 'serious' candiates.

Sanford was a republican governor AND a US rep.

Fuente, a businessman just like Trump.

Walsh, a US rep.

You ignore them all.

Again, opposition to the sitting president happens virtually every election.
Robert isn't special. Nor is he a 'prominent Democratic leader'. He hasn't even held elected office.

His records for winning any zero.

This is your circle jerk. Not democrats'. They don't give a shit.
Laughing....way to move your goal posts after your spectacular failure on Weld, Bob Ely, and Fullere....with you claiming none were GOP primary candidates when they all were.

With your concession well and truly noted, lets move on to 'serious' candiates.

Sanford was a republican governor AND a US rep.

Fuente, a businessman just like Trump.

Walsh, a US rep.

You ignore them all.

Again, opposition to the sitting president happens virtually every election.
Robert isn't special. He's not a 'prominent Democratic leader'. He hasn't even held elected office.

His records for winning any zero. By your own standards, Robert is not a 'serious' candidate.

This is your circle jerk. Not democrats'. They don't give a shit.
Says the guy moving the goal posts picking joke candidates who aren't Republicans.

I haven't conceded shit but you certainly have proved what an nincompoop you are. Gonna go for Vermin Supreme next?

Ah no you're just gonna copy and paste your same bs for last message truly the mark of someone who lost
Says the guy moving the goal posts picking joke candidates who aren't Republicans.

Every last one of them ran for the Republican nomination. Exactly as I said.

You simply didn't know what you were talking about. Which is why you're amending your standard now to 'serious' candidates.

If you argument had merit, you wouldn't' have needed to change your standards.
I haven't conceded shit but you certainly have proved what an nincompoop you are. Gonna go for Vermin Supreme next?

Ah no you're just gonna copy and paste your same bs for last message truly the mark of someone who lost

Of course I'm going to copy and paste what you ignore.

Sanford, Walsh and Fuente were all 'serious' candidates by your own standards. And they all opposed a sitting president in a primary.

Which is why you starkly refuse to discuss them.

Why would I stop posting about the candidates who 1) send you running 2) obliterate your entire silly argument, even by your 'serious' candidate standard?

Especially when Sanford, Walsh or Fuente all outperforms Robert as a 'serious candidate.'

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. Deal?
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Every last one of them ran for the Republican nomination. Exactly as I said.

You simply didn't know what you were talking about. Which is why you're amending your standard now to 'serious' candidates.

If you argument had merit, you wouldn't' have needed to change your standards.

Of course I'm going to copy and paste what you ignore.

Sanford, Walsh and Fuente were all 'serious' candidates by your own standards. And they all opposed a sitting president in a primary.

Which is why you starkly refuse to discuss them.

Why would I stop posting about the candidate who 1) send you running 2) obliterate your entire silly argument, even by your 'serious' candidate standard?

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. Deal?
No they did not I showed you not Every last one of them did. And again you're mixing up random attention grabbing out of party jumpers for LONG STANDING GOP CONTENDERS. Show me a republican primary 2020 debate. You can't

All you can't do is post names of people who dropped out after failing in Iowa or who couldn't get on the ballot at all and you consider that a serious challenge LOL

And you keep copying and pasting the same bs that I will continue to ignore and laugh at your dumbass LOL
No they did not I showed you not Every last one of them did. And again you're mixing up random attention grabbing out of party jumpers for LONG STANDING GOP CONTENDERS. Show me a republican primary 2020 debate. You can't

All you can't do is post names of people who dropped out after failing in Iowa or who couldn't get on the ballot at all and you consider that a serious challenge LOL

And you keep copying and pasting the same bs that I will continue to ignore and laugh at your dumbass LOL

And still you starkly refuse to even MENTION Sanford, Walsh or Fuente. Let alone discuss them.

Any mention of them sending you fleeing with your tail between your legs.

Sanford was a two-term governor and US rep. Walsh was a US rep. Fuente was a real estate business man, just like Trump. And any one of them is a more 'serious' candidate than Robert.

Robert who has never held elected office once. His record of winning elections is exactly zero. By your own standards, he's not a 'serious' candidate.

Robert isn't special. Opposition of a sitting president isn't special. It happens virtually every election. You want it to be special, because Robert's candidacy is a conservative circle jerk, with essentially every thread started on the man being by your ilk.

Democrats just don't give a shit. And they're the one's voting.
And still you starkly refuse to even MENTION Sanford, Walsh or Fuente. Let alone discuss them.

Any mention of them sending you fleeing with your tail between your legs.

Sanford was a two-term governor and US rep. Walsh was a US rep. Fuente was a real estate business man, just like Trump. And any one of them is a more 'serious' candidate than Robert.

Robert who has never held elected office once. His record of winning elections is exactly zero. By your own standards, he's not a 'serious' candidate.

Robert isn't special. Opposition of a sitting president isn't special. It happens virtually every election. You want it to be special, because Robert's candidacy is a republican circle jerk, with essentially every thread started on the man being by your ilk.

Democrats just don't give a shit. And they're the one's voting.

Laughing.......and once again, you flee at the mere MENTION of Sanford, a two time GOP governor, Walsh a GOP rep, and Fuente, a real estate business man just like Trump.

All who ran against Trump in 2020, all who were more serious candidates that Robert.

Your concession is accepted with all the grace it deserves.
Laughing.......and once again, you flee at the mere MENTION of Sanford, a two time GOP governor, Walsh a GOP rep, and Fuente, a real estate business man just like Trump.

All who ran against Trump in 2020, all who were more serious candidates that Robert.

Your concession is accepted with all the grace it deserves.
Cause your joke candidates don't mean jackshit. The fact you think they are even in the same league as a Kennedy is laughable and shows you're a midwit idiot

Again I was talking GOP HARDLINERS like Cruz, Rubio, Rand etc not libertarians not Reform Party not jokers like Invictus or Zoltan you fucking moron
Cause your joke candidates don't mean jackshit. The fact you think they are even in the same league as a Kennedy is laughable and shows you're a midwit idiot

Again I was talking GOP HARDLINERS like Cruz, Rubio, Rand etc not libertarians not Reform Party not jokers like Invictus or Zoltan you fucking moron

Laughing......if they were jokes, you'd be able to say there names. Just like you did old 'Zoltan'.

Yet any mention of Sanford, Walsh and Fuente send you running with your tail between your quivering haunches.

Sanford was a two term GOP governor and GOP Representative in the House.

Walsh was a GOP representative in the House.

Fuente was a real estate businessman, just like Trump.

Any one of them is a more serious candidate than Robert, who has never held any elected office. His record of winning elections is ZERO.

So much for Robert's candidacy being either special or 'serious'. You simply didn't know what you were talking about.
Again I was talking GOP HARDLINERS like Cruz, Rubio, Rand etc not libertarians not Reform Party not jokers like Invictus or Zoltan you fucking moron

Oh, and you just kicked your own argument in the teeth yet again.

Cruz, Rubio and Rand are all senators. All prominent leaders in the GOP. All winners of significant elected office.

Is Robert a senator? Is Robert a prominent leader in the DNC? Has Robert won any elected office, ever?

Laughing.....of course not.

Thank you for again demonstrating why Robert isn't a serious candidate. And why you have no idea what you're talking about.
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Oh, and you just kicked your own argument in the teeth yet again.

Cruz, Rubio and Rand are all senators. All prominent leaders in the GOP. All winners of significant elected office.

Is Robert a senator? Is Robert a prominent leader in the DNC? Has Robert won any elected office, ever?

Laughing.....of course not.

Thank you for again demonstrating why Robert isn't a serious candidate. And why you have no idea what you're talking about.
You are fucking retarded.

Does that look like a an actual primary to you dumbass?

How about this

" The Trump campaign and GOP officials cited the fact that Republicans canceled several state primaries when George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush sought a second term in 1992 and 2004, respectively; and Democrats scrapped some of their primaries when Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were seeking reelection in 1996 and 2012, respectively."

This is what I'm talking about DUMB FUCK! An incumbent president doesn't really face a challenge inside his party

Post more from fringe candidates and repeat your same bs again cause you're a fucking doorknob humping RETARD

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Seems to have a speech problem? But otherwise seems to have his wits about him.

How silly it has become that we judge democrats by mental competency rather than actual policy positions 🙄

He's not electable and it's a long shot and I think he knows it. He has some kind of condition which makes his voice sound like he's crying, which won't help him get elected. I prefer Ralph Nader but he doesn't have a chance in hell of getting elected, either.

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