Robert Kennedy a better option than Biden?

So was Albert Anastasia. Somebody wanted his job, and he was gone; same 'culture' prevails in any criminal outfit. The luggage stealing drag queen is gone now, for instance.

Do you believe the official version of 911?

Obviously you do, since you are completely lost...
You aren't dumb enough to think that W Bush is something other than TERRIFIED of RFKjr???

If you don't your IQ <5

The FBI 911 file is still just sitting there. RFKjr will appoint non Zionists who will actually open it....
Your opinion is worth less than a Biden promise.
How often when one party is in power do challengers arise from within the party for the second term? Not often. Biden has screwed up so bad it wouldn't surprise me if more come forward but none will be a bigger name than RFK

You all don't give a shit cause you're legit NPCs taking orders from CNN and MSDNC

It happens every in virtually election, dude.

in 2020, Bill Weld, Rocky De La Fuente, Joe Walsh, Mark Sanford, Bob Ely, Jack Fellure, Augustus Sol Invictus, and some dude named 'Zoltan' all ran for the republican nomination against Trump.

You're trying to pretend that Robert going for the nomination against a sitting president is somehow special, or unprecedented.....because its important to conservatives to believe that. That's why your ilk keep starting thread after thread about Robert. You want him to be important.

He's not. And democrats don't give a shit.
It happens every in virtually election, dude.

in 2020, Bill Weld, Rocky De La Fuente, Joe Walsh, Mark Sanford, Bob Ely, Jack Fellure, Augustus Sol Invictus, and some dude named 'Zoltan' all ran for the republican nomination against Trump.

You're trying to pretend that Robert going for the nomination is somehow special, or unprecedented.....because its important to conservatives to believe that. That's why your ilk keep starting thread after thread about Robert. You want him to be important.

He's not. And democrats don't give a shit.
Bill Weld and Sol Invictus are libertarian, De La Fuente is Reform Party, Bob Ely a democrat, Fellure Prohibition party, so no they didn't ALL run for the Republican nomination you idiot

You would know if they ran against Trump as a Republican as there would have been Republican Primary debates in 2020. Were there any? No
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Bill Weld is a libertarian, De La Fuente is Reform Party, Bob Ely a democrat, Fellure Prohibition party, so no they didn't ALL run for the Republican nomination you idiot
And Bill Weld ran for the republican nomination before suspending his campaign.

Here's Fullere's FEC paperwork as a candidate for the Republican party:

Bob Ely got on the ballot for the republican nomination:

Sanford ran against Trump in 2020. Walsh also ran against Trump in 2020.

Your ilk want Robert to be special. You want to pretend that someone running against a sitting president is rare or unprecedented. It happens in almost every election.

You simply don't know what you're talking about. About any of this.
And Bill Weld ran for the republican nomination before suspending his campaign.

Here's Fullere's FEC paperwork as a candidate for the Republican party:

Bob Ely got on the ballot for the republican nomination:

Sanford ran against Trump in 2020. Walsh also ran against Trump in 2020.

Your ilk want Robert to be special. You want to pretend that someone running against a sitting president is rare or unprecedented. It happens in almost every election.

You simply don't know what you're talking about. About any of this.
Weld lasted a month and a half

Fellure failed to make the ballot in ANY state

Bob Ely is a long time democrat joke candidate who ran in 2020 and was only on the ballot in a few states

AGAIN you're not talking about prominent GOP leaders challenging Trump

Got some more joke candidates to try and "prove" your point or wanna keep proving mine that you're a retard
Weld lasted a month and a half

Fellure failed to make the ballot in ANY state

Bob Ely is a long time democrat joke candidate who ran in 2020 and was only on the ballot in a few states Weld wasn't a candidate for the republican nomination. Except he was.

Bob Ely wasn't a candidate for the republican nomination. Except he was.

Fullere wasn't a candidate for the republican nomination. Except he was.

You were wrong on every assertion you made about them. You don't know what you're talking about.

AGAIN you're not talking about prominent GOP leaders challenging Trump

Got some more joke candidates to try and "prove" your point or wanna keep proving mine that you're a retard

Sanford was a republican governor AND a US rep.

Fuente, a businesman just like Trump.

Walsh, a US rep.

You ignore them all.

Again, opposition to the sitting president happens virtually every election. Robert isn't special. He's not a 'prominent Democratic leader'. He hasn't even held elected office.

His records for winning any zero.

This is your circle jerk. Not democrats'. They don't give a shit.
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this nut job kennedy

The idiot foot soldiers for the Democrats funded by our taxdollars have their "talking points" and you'll see them use

from outer space

because they really REALLY do NOT want the AMERICAN PEOPLE to have a GOOD LOOK at the real effects of the


and whether it was ever needed... even if it was actually a vaccine... which it isn't...

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