Robert Kennedy a better option than Biden?

If your prediction was accurate, there should be thousands dying in the streets every day by now. What happened?
Has it been 5 years? And people are dropping dead a lot now. There is only one thing different, they are vaccinated. The vaccine kills.

Most people here care about this country.
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Seems to have a speech problem? But otherwise seems to have his wits about him.

How silly it has become that we judge democrats by mental competency rather than actual policy positions 🙄

He's certainly popular among conservatives.

If only they were voting in democratic primaries.
wow... Why did you have to scare me like that?

scarier than the one in the movie!


The movie is fiction.

Gretched's mandated jabs murdered many in REAL LIFE....

Gretched is the entire package of what is totally wrong with America today

Gretched is a left wing election fraud Zionist Fascist LBTQxyz homo hate hoaxer and Chris Wray did her big hate hoax for her... and helped her steal both her elections....
Let's find out what he's all about first. Maybe we can run him in '28.

He is all about truth.

He has spend the past few decades researching what really happened to his dad and uncle and why.

And now he knows.

And that is why he TERRIFIES so many....
He's certainly popular among conservatives.

If only they were voting in democratic primaries.

RFKjr is pretty darn liberal on most issues.

People who correctly see TRUTH as missing from politics and news in America are flocking to RFKjr.

That scares the shit out of you ZIONIST FASCIST MOSSAD LIARS....

Robert Kennedy a better option than Biden?​

Yes, though it’s a really low bar.

And when the polls show RFKjr ahead of Biden, that is when the $$$$$broom will come for Gretched Whitmer...
RFKjr is pretty darn liberal on most issues.

People who correctly see TRUTH as missing from politics and news in America are flocking to RFKjr.

That scares the shit out of you ZIONIST FASCIST MOSSAD LIARS....
I gotta say that is the one reason I'm hoping he does well. I may disagree with him on 2A and Climate Change but he tells the truth and could be a unifier of sanity on the left if there is any sanity left to be found over there
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We need another Kennedy like we need another Bush.

You aren't dumb enough to think that W Bush is something other than TERRIFIED of RFKjr???

If you don't your IQ <5

The FBI 911 file is still just sitting there. RFKjr will appoint non Zionists who will actually open it....
I gotta say that is the one reason I'm hoping he does well. I may disagree with him on 2A and Climate Change but he tells the truth and could be a unifier of sanity on the left if there is any sanity left to be found over there

It is in the independents. His polling there will shock the establishment.

Plenty of time for other Dems to jump in...
RFKjr is pretty darn liberal on most issues.

People who correctly see TRUTH as missing from politics and news in America are flocking to RFKjr.

That scares the shit out of you ZIONIST FASCIST MOSSAD LIARS....

He's popular among conservatives because of he's an anti-vaxxer.
He's popular among conservatives because of he's an anti-vaxxer.

He is also someone who did NOT cheer when Zionist Fascist US Army Rangers shot Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it to Al Qaeda...
He's popular among conservatives because of he's an anti-vaxxer.
You mean he's pro choice and not for big pharma. I thought the left championed those two things. You all did 10 years ago anyway until the media brainwashed you after Occupy

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