Roberts craps on freedom. romney campaign down the crapper


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2009
this ends freedom as we know it. it also undercuts the argument we need romney to nominate more robert's. there never was any enthusiasm for romney and there will be less now.
We will repeal the funding in 2013 this is an end game for Obama 70% wanted the mandate thrown out. Look for an even bigger rise in fiscal responsibility voting by the people. Its taken long time to get here it will take awhile now to rid ourselves of them in power.
people can say what they want about reps now being energized, this re-elected obama.
We will repeal the funding in 2013 this is an end game for Obama 70% wanted the mandate thrown out. Look for an even bigger rise in fiscal responsibility voting by the people. Its taken long time to get here it will take awhile now to rid ourselves of them in power.

you are in lala land. romney is now going to say we must follow the supreme court. you think reps will grow a spine? lala land baby.
romney is now going to say we must follow the supreme court.

You could not be more wrong. His plank will be to repeal Obamacare. Two thirds of Americans are opposed to the individual mandate.
It is being reported that Roberts mentions the upcoming presidential election in his opinion. This means the decision was politically motivated and it should now be repealed on that basis. He stated the individual mandate is a tax. Here is Obama and Sebelius a while back stating the mandate was NOT a tax.

President Obama Tells Judas Stephanopoulos Health Insurance Mandate IS NOT Tax Increase - YouTube

the argument is over. roberts decided to be petted by the liberal media
it is being reported that roberts mentions the upcoming presidential election in his opinion. This means the decision was politically motivated and it should now be repealed on that basis. He stated the individual mandate is a tax. Here is obama and sebelius a while back stating the mandate was not a tax.

president obama tells judas stephanopoulos health insurance mandate is not tax increase - youtube

the argument is over. Roberts decided to be petted by the liberal media

ding ding ding!!!!!!!!!!
This ruling changed America as we know it. FREEDOM is DEAD. Our SUPREME COURT has turned AGAINST the people. Our scotus has failed America and drove a knife clear through it's heart. We now know we live in a communist state where our government can do ANYTHING IT WANTS to the people. It can TAKE or DEMAND *ANYTHING* from the people AT WILL, and is doing so right now. Our constitution is nothing more than an AFTER THOUGHT. It has been DISCARDED.

Bring on Civil War II. Voting will not solve this problem. The traitors, villains, communist and liars need to be routed from Washington like rats infesting a ship.

This is one of saddest days in the history of America.
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All the decision does in the short term is firmly establish a battle line for the election. And I'd rather be on our side in that fight than Barry's.
My sincere hope is that the Obama haters will LEARN about the act and LEARN about how it helps ALL Americans.

Quit hating long enough to LEARN how this saves you a bundle and gives you and your family the same chance at excellent health care as the rest of the civilized world enjoys. (Including the health care YOU buy for congress.)
The freedom to die from cancer.

Roll out the cancer lady!

The appeal to emotion logical fallacy propagated heavily by the right and the left has resulted in a shit ton of "cures" that are worse than the diseases.

1. We must do something!

2. This "cure" is something.

3. We must do this!
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this ends freedom as we know it. it also undercuts the argument we need romney to nominate more robert's. there never was any enthusiasm for romney and there will be less now.

I disagree. If anything, this will work in Romney's favor. It will energize Conservatives and make libs fat and happy.
All the decision does in the short term is firmly establish a battle line for the election. And I'd rather be on our side in that fight than Barry's.

there it is this is the reaction of dumb right leaners.

I like like my side because its my side not because it makes sense
this ends freedom as we know it. it also undercuts the argument we need romney to nominate more robert's. there never was any enthusiasm for romney and there will be less now.

I disagree. If anything, this will work in Romney's favor. It will energize Conservatives and make libs fat and happy.


your point of veiw cant be maintained by a thinking right leaner.

roberts just proved that
This is Pyrrhic victory.

Pyrrhic victory \PIR-ik\ , noun:
A victory achieved at great or excessive cost; a ruinous victory.

Technically it was a victory for the British, who attacked the patriot fortifications -- but a Pyrrhic victory if ever there was: out of 2,200 British soldiers 1,034 were killed or wounded, including one in nine of all the officers the British lost in the whole war.
-- Geoffrey Wheatcroft, "A Revolutionary Itinerary", The Atlantic, April 2001

Ferguson argued that British involvement in World War I was unnecessary, far too costly in lives and money for any advantage gained, and a Pyrrhic victory that in many ways contributed to the end of the Empire.
-- David Harsanyi, "The Old Order", National Review, May 5, 2003

In short, the Hong Kong government might have won this particular battle against the speculators, just as the Malaysians reckon they have done. But with both administrations' credibility hugely damaged as a result, these are Pyrrhic victories that they may come to rue.
-- "Market intervention: Fashionable", The Economist, September 5, 1998

A Pyrrhic victory is so called after the Greek king Pyrrhus, who, after suffering heavy losses in defeating the Romans in 279 B.C., said to those sent to congratulate him, "Another such victory over the Romans and we are undone."

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