Rocket Man give Biden a big FU...Refuses to respond to contact efforts

Kim is going to be upset when he realizes he can't play Biden like a fool, like he did to Trump.

Maybe Kim will write him "beautiful letters", and hope that Biden declares he "fell in love" with him.

(Need more proof Trump is mentally ill? Watch this clip)

How did he play Trump like a fool? What did Kim get out of Trump? On the other hand, under Trump, Kim stopped his missile testing and his nuclear testing.

If you had watched the entire video, Trump reached his hand out to shake the General's but the General snapped to attention and saluted him. So big fucking deal, he returned the salute.

Anything else got your panties in a wad today?
Post the video or be forever labeled a liar.

If I do post the video, will those people who spread that admit to being liars? Will the media admit to being liars?

Will they also admit to the thousands of lies they spread for four years?


President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table. But they won't even return Joe Biden's phone calls.

"US President Joe Biden's administration says it has been trying to contact the North Korean government since February but has yet to receive a response.
Washington had tried to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating, officials said.

The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes..."

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts

View attachment 467771
Brought peace to the world?!?! Haha what in the hell are they spiking the Koolaid with?!?!
View attachment 467882
Wow, your guy sounds very tough. Amazing that he got whooped by a scaredy cat. That must really frustrate you
Not really, the way Biden is failing. He will bring Trump back.
He isn’t failing in the eyes of the people who voted for him... a number that far out numbers the Trump voters.

Biden isn't failing in the eyes of you Biden-voters because your news media isn't telling you exactly how bad he is failing.

You probably don't even know about the 15,000 union pipeline workers he put out of a job, and the major clusterfuck happening on your southern border.

That's why we're always referred to you people as "low-information voters."
No both of those things have been reported pretty thoroughly. Many of his voters support Bidens environmental policies thus the ending of Keystone and they don’t blame him for the border situation and see him with his head down trying to fix these problems not blowing lies and hot air into microphones like the last leader did.

what information do you think his supporters don’t know?
The Keystone pipeline is carbon neutral, using other ways to transport it is equivalent to putting a million vehicles on the road. The border crisis is Biden's 100%, even the president of Mexico is saying its bad. Just heard the news that Biden’s tax plan is bigger than the one in 1993. I went from getting a couple hundred to paying a couple of hundred at the end of the year. So congratulations, this nut is going to kill the economy.
Like I said, I don’t support the shutting down of keystone. The border situation is not all Bidens fault. Look at Trumps 2019 numbers at the border. This shit has been ramping up.

What tax plan? You’re still under Trumps tax plan if you now have to pay at the end of the year then that’s not because of Biden
It was reported that Biden is going to raise taxes as high as Clinton did in 1993. We didn't have caravans coming across the border. Especially they weren't wearing let me in Biden t-shirts.
It’s been reported that Biden is going to magically write legislation by possessing the bodies of congressmen? And based on that magic you’ve concluded that you’re going to pay a couple hundred at the end of the year?! That’s a great story man!
President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table. But they won't even return Joe Biden's phone calls.

"US President Joe Biden's administration says it has been trying to contact the North Korean government since February but has yet to receive a response.
Washington had tried to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating, officials said.

The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes..."

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts

View attachment 467771
Brought peace to the world?!?! Haha what in the hell are they spiking the Koolaid with?!?!
View attachment 467882
Wow, your guy sounds very tough. Amazing that he got whooped by a scaredy cat. That must really frustrate you
Not really, the way Biden is failing. He will bring Trump back.
He isn’t failing in the eyes of the people who voted for him... a number that far out numbers the Trump voters.

Biden isn't failing in the eyes of you Biden-voters because your news media isn't telling you exactly how bad he is failing.

You probably don't even know about the 15,000 union pipeline workers he put out of a job, and the major clusterfuck happening on your southern border.

That's why we're always referred to you people as "low-information voters."
No both of those things have been reported pretty thoroughly. Many of his voters support Bidens environmental policies thus the ending of Keystone and they don’t blame him for the border situation and see him with his head down trying to fix these problems not blowing lies and hot air into microphones like the last leader did.

what information do you think his supporters don’t know?
The Keystone pipeline is carbon neutral, using other ways to transport it is equivalent to putting a million vehicles on the road. The border crisis is Biden's 100%, even the president of Mexico is saying its bad. Just heard the news that Biden’s tax plan is bigger than the one in 1993. I went from getting a couple hundred to paying a couple of hundred at the end of the year. So congratulations, this nut is going to kill the economy.
Like I said, I don’t support the shutting down of keystone. The border situation is not all Bidens fault. Look at Trumps 2019 numbers at the border. This shit has been ramping up.

What tax plan? You’re still under Trumps tax plan if you now have to pay at the end of the year then that’s not because of Biden
It was reported that Biden is going to raise taxes as high as Clinton did in 1993. We didn't have caravans coming across the border. Especially they weren't wearing let me in Biden t-shirts.

He won't believe what you just wrote because CNN and MSNBC never told him about that...

Haha, I believe what he wrote. I can find reports that the trumps are time travelers if you’re so hot on reports. I like to deal with reality though
Right. How about that "reality" of President Trump initiating a salute to a North Korean General, eh?

President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table. But they won't even return Joe Biden's phone calls.

"US President Joe Biden's administration says it has been trying to contact the North Korean government since February but has yet to receive a response.
Washington had tried to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating, officials said.

The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes..."

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts

View attachment 467771
Brought peace to the world?!?! Haha what in the hell are they spiking the Koolaid with?!?!
View attachment 467882
Wow, your guy sounds very tough. Amazing that he got whooped by a scaredy cat. That must really frustrate you
Not really, the way Biden is failing. He will bring Trump back.
He isn’t failing in the eyes of the people who voted for him... a number that far out numbers the Trump voters.

Biden isn't failing in the eyes of you Biden-voters because your news media isn't telling you exactly how bad he is failing.

You probably don't even know about the 15,000 union pipeline workers he put out of a job, and the major clusterfuck happening on your southern border.

That's why we're always referred to you people as "low-information voters."
No both of those things have been reported pretty thoroughly. Many of his voters support Bidens environmental policies thus the ending of Keystone and they don’t blame him for the border situation and see him with his head down trying to fix these problems not blowing lies and hot air into microphones like the last leader did.

what information do you think his supporters don’t know?
The Keystone pipeline is carbon neutral, using other ways to transport it is equivalent to putting a million vehicles on the road. The border crisis is Biden's 100%, even the president of Mexico is saying its bad. Just heard the news that Biden’s tax plan is bigger than the one in 1993. I went from getting a couple hundred to paying a couple of hundred at the end of the year. So congratulations, this nut is going to kill the economy.
Like I said, I don’t support the shutting down of keystone. The border situation is not all Bidens fault. Look at Trumps 2019 numbers at the border. This shit has been ramping up.

What tax plan? You’re still under Trumps tax plan if you now have to pay at the end of the year then that’s not because of Biden
It was reported that Biden is going to raise taxes as high as Clinton did in 1993. We didn't have caravans coming across the border. Especially they weren't wearing let me in Biden t-shirts.
It’s been reported that Biden is going to magically write legislation by possessing the bodies of congressmen? And based on that magic you’ve concluded that you’re going to pay a couple hundred at the end of the year?! That’s a great story man!
I'm just saying I was considered poor in 1993 and I always got back a couple hundred bucks. Then Clinton raised taxes and I owed till the Bush tax cuts. So get ready to pay. Democrats have full control and they love to raise taxes.
President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table. But they won't even return Joe Biden's phone calls.

"US President Joe Biden's administration says it has been trying to contact the North Korean government since February but has yet to receive a response.
Washington had tried to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating, officials said.

The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes..."

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts

View attachment 467771
Brought peace to the world?!?! Haha what in the hell are they spiking the Koolaid with?!?!
View attachment 467882
Wow, your guy sounds very tough. Amazing that he got whooped by a scaredy cat. That must really frustrate you
Not really, the way Biden is failing. He will bring Trump back.
He isn’t failing in the eyes of the people who voted for him... a number that far out numbers the Trump voters.

Biden isn't failing in the eyes of you Biden-voters because your news media isn't telling you exactly how bad he is failing.

You probably don't even know about the 15,000 union pipeline workers he put out of a job, and the major clusterfuck happening on your southern border.

That's why we're always referred to you people as "low-information voters."
No both of those things have been reported pretty thoroughly. Many of his voters support Bidens environmental policies thus the ending of Keystone and they don’t blame him for the border situation and see him with his head down trying to fix these problems not blowing lies and hot air into microphones like the last leader did.

what information do you think his supporters don’t know?
The Keystone pipeline is carbon neutral, using other ways to transport it is equivalent to putting a million vehicles on the road. The border crisis is Biden's 100%, even the president of Mexico is saying its bad. Just heard the news that Biden’s tax plan is bigger than the one in 1993. I went from getting a couple hundred to paying a couple of hundred at the end of the year. So congratulations, this nut is going to kill the economy.
Like I said, I don’t support the shutting down of keystone. The border situation is not all Bidens fault. Look at Trumps 2019 numbers at the border. This shit has been ramping up.

What tax plan? You’re still under Trumps tax plan if you now have to pay at the end of the year then that’s not because of Biden
It was reported that Biden is going to raise taxes as high as Clinton did in 1993. We didn't have caravans coming across the border. Especially they weren't wearing let me in Biden t-shirts.
It’s been reported that Biden is going to magically write legislation by possessing the bodies of congressmen? And based on that magic you’ve concluded that you’re going to pay a couple hundred at the end of the year?! That’s a great story man!
I'm just saying I was considered poor in 1993 and I always got back a couple hundred bucks. Then Clinton raised taxes and I owed till the Bush tax cuts. So get ready to pay. Democrats have full control and they love to raise taxes.
Are you still making the same kind of money you were making in 93?
Right. How about that "reality" of President Trump initiating a salute to a North Korean General, eh?

What does that have to do with anything?

Oh, my bad. That was Larsky who posted the picture of Trump.

Slade, Larsky....I get you collectivists confused sometimes, it must be the matching Mao jackets or something.
Right. How about that "reality" of President Trump initiating a salute to a North Korean General, eh?

What does that have to do with anything?

Oh, my bad. That was Larsky who posted the picture of Trump.

Slade, Larsky....I get you collectivists confused sometimes, it must be the matching Mao jackets or something.
Sorry I don’t have a Mao jacket. I do have a Maui shirt though... Perhaps get your eyes checked out.
President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table. But they won't even return Joe Biden's phone calls.

"US President Joe Biden's administration says it has been trying to contact the North Korean government since February but has yet to receive a response.
Washington had tried to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating, officials said.

The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes..."

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts

View attachment 467771
Funny. You left out the part of the BBC article that said "The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.
Three meetings between Mr Biden's predecessor and North Korea's Kim Jong-un achieved little.
The talks failed to persuade North Korea to give up nuclear weapons - a key demand of the US and other Western powers."
"A US official told Reuters news agency there had been "multiple attempts" to engage with North Korea, but no meaningful contact for more than 12 months, which includes much of Donald Trump's final year as president."

Why did you do that? It doesn't support your fantasy of when you wrote "President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table."
You ought to play it straight or not play at all, especially if depending on nobody reading your source material.

Trump is no longer the focus....What is the current President laying out as his plan to deal with NK? Do you even know?
No, but past poor performance by one president is not an indicator of future performance of the new president. Do you think he should threaten with a fleet in some other ocean going the opposite direct and then exchange love letters as his predecessor did? I don't.
Brought peace to the world?!?! Haha what in the hell are they spiking the Koolaid with?!?!

This is how stupid bed wetting leftist are folks.

Trump had arab nations normalizing relations with Israel, something Jerkoff Kerry said was "impossible", brought a hermit despotic regime out of a deeply hostile shell and conducted the first peace talks in 60 years, dominated the chi-coms, isolated the iranians, wiped out ISIS and is the first POTUS in my life that didn't have to deploy thousands of troops into places we have no business in and setting up bases we didn't need.

Shit... we still have people in fucking Bosnia.

BTW... when was there a serious terrorist attack on the US while Trump was in office? They happened quite a few times when the meat puppet faggot was occupying the WH. In fact it seems like jihad was awful quiet in the 4 years of Trump. The domestic communists in the US have been the most destructive gaggle of parasites in the world over the last year or so.

Uh, the three countries that signed peace agreements with Israel, WERE ALREADY AT PEACE with what was achieved?

You know nothing about the intricacies of diplomacy. If you get other Arab nations to enter into an alliance with you and get a signed agreement, other nations will follow suit.

Trump's end game was to isolate Iran and the Palestinians to the point where they would eventually have to acquiesce to a peaceful solution in the Middle East. In other words, he was offering Iran a way out of the sanction we had put against them.

Democrats are proven foreign policy imbeciles. They always seem to cause more wars than they manage to avoid.
Perhaps, Israel's enemies will sign one too.... I suppose that is possible, but HIGHLY, UNLIKELY.... Pretty far fetched.... I think its bonkers to think a signed agreement between countries that already are in agreement, are all of a sudden going to make countries that hate Israel change their minds and sign a peace agreement with Israel as well...... is kinda bat shit crazy.

So it's a much better foreign policy to have an atmosphere where your enemies aren't even willing to communicate with you?

Like we are now under Josephus Biden?

I see, said the blind man to the deaf man on the telephone.
Like who in the middle east?
President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table. But they won't even return Joe Biden's phone calls.

"US President Joe Biden's administration says it has been trying to contact the North Korean government since February but has yet to receive a response.
Washington had tried to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating, officials said.

The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes..."

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts

View attachment 467771
Funny. You left out the part of the BBC article that said "The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.
Three meetings between Mr Biden's predecessor and North Korea's Kim Jong-un achieved little.
The talks failed to persuade North Korea to give up nuclear weapons - a key demand of the US and other Western powers."
"A US official told Reuters news agency there had been "multiple attempts" to engage with North Korea, but no meaningful contact for more than 12 months, which includes much of Donald Trump's final year as president."

Why did you do that? It doesn't support your fantasy of when you wrote "President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table."
You ought to play it straight or not play at all, especially if depending on nobody reading your source material.

It's BBC. Of course they're not going to give Trump credit for bringing Kim to the table. In case you don't remember, before Trump worked his magic, North Korea was making almost weekly threats to incinerate the west coast of the US, was threatening to increase their nuclear arsenal, and was firing missiles over Japan.

The BBC article didn't even mention the fact that because of President Trump, North Korea returned the remains of hundreds of US soldiers killed during the Korean War.
He wasn't regard as the sole of diplomacy by anybody in the world but trumpers. Hi, trumpy!

What other US President actually walked across the Korean DMZ? Or moved our embassy to Jerusalem? Or made NATO members pay more of their fair share? Or returned 56 hostages and detainees from more than 24 countries? Or brought the terrorist nation Iran’s oil exports to zero and denied the regime its principal source of revenue? Or brokered a historic peace agreement between Israel and Arab-Muslim countries, including the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Sudan? Or enabled Americans to file lawsuits against persons and entities that trafficked in property confiscated by the Cuban regime? Or brought criminal charges against Nicolas Maduro for his narco-terrorism? Or created an entire new branch of the military, the Space Force? Or levied tariffs against communist China for flooding our country and creating a massive trade imbalance.

Sorry to say, but in your blind hatred for President Trump, you missed out on a lot of historical events that no other President has ever accomplished. Joe Biden will never, ever accomplish anything near the historical achievements that Trump did. Enjoy your four years of mediocrity, malaise, and stagflation, because you truly deserve it.
Look dude. He sucked up to Kim outrageously, while Kim kept his weapon and worked on delivery systems. Kim broke contact before 2020 and has had no contact with the American government since. Trump accomplished nothing. You have evaluated incorrectly. Kim played trump.

Having the remains of American soldiers killed in Korea might might be "nothing" to you, but it meant a lot to those family members who lost those soldiers. I suppose you being a Democrat, would have rather seen Trump nuke the NORKS and start WW3, instead of trying diplomacy, eh?
Your extremist views mean little. Nuke'm till they glow is more of a right wing reactionary thing. Returning some remains is important, but also important to the historical understanding, the cease fire was in 1953. I was born in 54 and am 66 years old with my parents dying of old age 20 years ago. If you were serving between 1950 and 1953, I am pretty sure your close family is mostly gone, as it was about 71 years ago. And, don't wave dead American soldiers in my face. I have seen them die in person and rendered last respects and services to mine and worked in person with their grieving survivors. You haven't.
President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table. But they won't even return Joe Biden's phone calls.

"US President Joe Biden's administration says it has been trying to contact the North Korean government since February but has yet to receive a response.
Washington had tried to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating, officials said.

The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes..."

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts

View attachment 467771
Brought peace to the world?!?! Haha what in the hell are they spiking the Koolaid with?!?!
View attachment 467882
Wow, your guy sounds very tough. Amazing that he got whooped by a scaredy cat. That must really frustrate you
Not really, the way Biden is failing. He will bring Trump back.
He isn’t failing in the eyes of the people who voted for him... a number that far out numbers the Trump voters.

Biden isn't failing in the eyes of you Biden-voters because your news media isn't telling you exactly how bad he is failing.

You probably don't even know about the 15,000 union pipeline workers he put out of a job, and the major clusterfuck happening on your southern border.

That's why we're always referred to you people as "low-information voters."
No both of those things have been reported pretty thoroughly. Many of his voters support Bidens environmental policies thus the ending of Keystone and they don’t blame him for the border situation and see him with his head down trying to fix these problems not blowing lies and hot air into microphones like the last leader did.

what information do you think his supporters don’t know?

What kind of person would be against American energy-indepence, beside Biden-supporting morons?

Likewise, who would be against the flooding of this country with more crime, drugs, and gangs, and human-traficking besides you people?
I personally didn’t support the keystone shut down but that doesn’t mean I want the clown back in office. There are plenty of things I disagree with Biden on. I hope after 4 years we get a smart conservative to run against him... not one of the Trump puppets.

You should reread the second question you asked me... haha, I don’t think you want me to answer as it’s phrased.

The key stone pipeline was NOT shut down by Biden, key stone pipeline is flowing as normal.

Biden put a HOLD on the building of the new extension of the key stone pipeline, called Keystone XL until the Impact Studies ordered years ago, are completed and can be reviewed.

Keystones XL is a proposed pipeline from Canada's shale oil fields, cutting through central northern states that eventually through other connections, makes it to the Gulf foreign refineries there, for export, to places like China....from what I understand....
Last edited:
President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table. But they won't even return Joe Biden's phone calls.

"US President Joe Biden's administration says it has been trying to contact the North Korean government since February but has yet to receive a response.
Washington had tried to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating, officials said.

The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes..."

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts

View attachment 467771
Brought peace to the world?!?! Haha what in the hell are they spiking the Koolaid with?!?!
View attachment 467882
Wow, your guy sounds very tough. Amazing that he got whooped by a scaredy cat. That must really frustrate you
Not really, the way Biden is failing. He will bring Trump back.
He isn’t failing in the eyes of the people who voted for him... a number that far out numbers the Trump voters.

Biden isn't failing in the eyes of you Biden-voters because your news media isn't telling you exactly how bad he is failing.

You probably don't even know about the 15,000 union pipeline workers he put out of a job, and the major clusterfuck happening on your southern border.

That's why we're always referred to you people as "low-information voters."
No both of those things have been reported pretty thoroughly. Many of his voters support Bidens environmental policies thus the ending of Keystone and they don’t blame him for the border situation and see him with his head down trying to fix these problems not blowing lies and hot air into microphones like the last leader did.

what information do you think his supporters don’t know?

What kind of person would be against American energy-indepence, beside Biden-supporting morons?

Likewise, who would be against the flooding of this country with more crime, drugs, and gangs, and human-traficking besides you people?
I personally didn’t support the keystone shut down but that doesn’t mean I want the clown back in office. There are plenty of things I disagree with Biden on. I hope after 4 years we get a smart conservative to run against him... not one of the Trump puppets.

You should reread the second question you asked me... haha, I don’t think you want me to answer as it’s phrased.

The key stone pipeline was NOT shut down by Biden, key stone is flowing as normal.

Biden put a HOLD on the building of the new extension of the key stone pipeline, called Keystone XL until the Impact Studies ordered years ago, are completed and can be reviewed.

Keystones XL is a proposed pipeline from Canada's shale oil fields, cutting through central northern states that eventually through other connections, makes it to the Gulf foreign refineries there, for export, to places like China....from what I understand....
Thanks for the details I still think the XL is a good thing. Many oppose it because they think it destroys the environment but as much as I do care about the environment I think energy independence as a very good thing for our country and I see the environmentalists going way too far in many cases
President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table. But they won't even return Joe Biden's phone calls.

"US President Joe Biden's administration says it has been trying to contact the North Korean government since February but has yet to receive a response.
Washington had tried to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating, officials said.

The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes..."

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts

View attachment 467771
Brought peace to the world?!?! Haha what in the hell are they spiking the Koolaid with?!?!
View attachment 467882
Wow, your guy sounds very tough. Amazing that he got whooped by a scaredy cat. That must really frustrate you
Not really, the way Biden is failing. He will bring Trump back.
He isn’t failing in the eyes of the people who voted for him... a number that far out numbers the Trump voters.

Biden isn't failing in the eyes of you Biden-voters because your news media isn't telling you exactly how bad he is failing.

You probably don't even know about the 15,000 union pipeline workers he put out of a job, and the major clusterfuck happening on your southern border.

That's why we're always referred to you people as "low-information voters."
No both of those things have been reported pretty thoroughly. Many of his voters support Bidens environmental policies thus the ending of Keystone and they don’t blame him for the border situation and see him with his head down trying to fix these problems not blowing lies and hot air into microphones like the last leader did.

what information do you think his supporters don’t know?

What kind of person would be against American energy-indepence, beside Biden-supporting morons?

Likewise, who would be against the flooding of this country with more crime, drugs, and gangs, and human-traficking besides you people?
I personally didn’t support the keystone shut down but that doesn’t mean I want the clown back in office. There are plenty of things I disagree with Biden on. I hope after 4 years we get a smart conservative to run against him... not one of the Trump puppets.

You should reread the second question you asked me... haha, I don’t think you want me to answer as it’s phrased.

The key stone pipeline was NOT shut down by Biden, key stone is flowing as normal.

Biden put a HOLD on the building of the new extension of the key stone pipeline, called Keystone XL until the Impact Studies ordered years ago, are completed and can be reviewed.

Keystones XL is a proposed pipeline from Canada's shale oil fields, cutting through central northern states that eventually through other connections, makes it to the Gulf foreign refineries there, for export, to places like China....from what I understand....
Thanks for the details I still think the XL is a good thing. Many oppose it because they think it destroys the environment but as much as I do care about the environment I think energy independence as a very good thing for our country and I see the environmentalists going way too far in many cases
I agree with you on energy independence, but this shale oil from Canada, is strictly for Export, it never touches our hands. And we export some of our American oil, instead of using it all here, while still buying oil from places like Saudi Arabia....?

And it is drinking water spoilage to Aquifers serving the Indian/Native American reservations and others in those and surrounding states...that is the concern....

Spills from shale oil is different than just oil. Because it is muddy and heavy muck, it sinks in to soil when spilled and mixes with water, instead of floating on top of water where it can be easily removed in a clean up....again, from what I understand of it....
President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table. But they won't even return Joe Biden's phone calls.

"US President Joe Biden's administration says it has been trying to contact the North Korean government since February but has yet to receive a response.
Washington had tried to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating, officials said.

The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes..."

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts

View attachment 467771
Brought peace to the world?!?! Haha what in the hell are they spiking the Koolaid with?!?!
View attachment 467882
Wow, your guy sounds very tough. Amazing that he got whooped by a scaredy cat. That must really frustrate you
Not really, the way Biden is failing. He will bring Trump back.
He isn’t failing in the eyes of the people who voted for him... a number that far out numbers the Trump voters.

Biden isn't failing in the eyes of you Biden-voters because your news media isn't telling you exactly how bad he is failing.

You probably don't even know about the 15,000 union pipeline workers he put out of a job, and the major clusterfuck happening on your southern border.

That's why we're always referred to you people as "low-information voters."
No both of those things have been reported pretty thoroughly. Many of his voters support Bidens environmental policies thus the ending of Keystone and they don’t blame him for the border situation and see him with his head down trying to fix these problems not blowing lies and hot air into microphones like the last leader did.

what information do you think his supporters don’t know?
The Keystone pipeline is carbon neutral, using other ways to transport it is equivalent to putting a million vehicles on the road. The border crisis is Biden's 100%, even the president of Mexico is saying its bad. Just heard the news that Biden’s tax plan is bigger than the one in 1993. I went from getting a couple hundred to paying a couple of hundred at the end of the year. So congratulations, this nut is going to kill the economy.
Like I said, I don’t support the shutting down of keystone. The border situation is not all Bidens fault. Look at Trumps 2019 numbers at the border. This shit has been ramping up.

What tax plan? You’re still under Trumps tax plan if you now have to pay at the end of the year then that’s not because of Biden
It was reported that Biden is going to raise taxes as high as Clinton did in 1993. We didn't have caravans coming across the border. Especially they weren't wearing let me in Biden t-shirts.
It’s been reported that Biden is going to magically write legislation by possessing the bodies of congressmen? And based on that magic you’ve concluded that you’re going to pay a couple hundred at the end of the year?! That’s a great story man!
I'm just saying I was considered poor in 1993 and I always got back a couple hundred bucks. Then Clinton raised taxes and I owed till the Bush tax cuts. So get ready to pay. Democrats have full control and they love to raise taxes.
Are you still making the same kind of money you were making in 93?
No, of course not.
President Trump brought peace to the world by being able to convince even the most hostile people on this planet to sit to the negotiation table. But they won't even return Joe Biden's phone calls.

"US President Joe Biden's administration says it has been trying to contact the North Korean government since February but has yet to receive a response.
Washington had tried to reach Pyongyang in several different ways to prevent tensions escalating, officials said.

The US and North Korea remain at loggerheads over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes..."

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts

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Brought peace to the world?!?! Haha what in the hell are they spiking the Koolaid with?!?!
View attachment 467882
Wow, your guy sounds very tough. Amazing that he got whooped by a scaredy cat. That must really frustrate you
Not really, the way Biden is failing. He will bring Trump back.
He isn’t failing in the eyes of the people who voted for him... a number that far out numbers the Trump voters.

Biden isn't failing in the eyes of you Biden-voters because your news media isn't telling you exactly how bad he is failing.

You probably don't even know about the 15,000 union pipeline workers he put out of a job, and the major clusterfuck happening on your southern border.

That's why we're always referred to you people as "low-information voters."
No both of those things have been reported pretty thoroughly. Many of his voters support Bidens environmental policies thus the ending of Keystone and they don’t blame him for the border situation and see him with his head down trying to fix these problems not blowing lies and hot air into microphones like the last leader did.

what information do you think his supporters don’t know?

What kind of person would be against American energy-indepence, beside Biden-supporting morons?

Likewise, who would be against the flooding of this country with more crime, drugs, and gangs, and human-traficking besides you people?
I personally didn’t support the keystone shut down but that doesn’t mean I want the clown back in office. There are plenty of things I disagree with Biden on. I hope after 4 years we get a smart conservative to run against him... not one of the Trump puppets.

You should reread the second question you asked me... haha, I don’t think you want me to answer as it’s phrased.

The key stone pipeline was NOT shut down by Biden, key stone is flowing as normal.

Biden put a HOLD on the building of the new extension of the key stone pipeline, called Keystone XL until the Impact Studies ordered years ago, are completed and can be reviewed.

Keystones XL is a proposed pipeline from Canada's shale oil fields, cutting through central northern states that eventually through other connections, makes it to the Gulf foreign refineries there, for export, to places like China....from what I understand....
Thanks for the details I still think the XL is a good thing. Many oppose it because they think it destroys the environment but as much as I do care about the environment I think energy independence as a very good thing for our country and I see the environmentalists going way too far in many cases
I agree with you on energy independence, but this shale oil from Canada, is strictly for Export, it never touches our hands. And we export some of our American oil, instead of using it all here, while still buying oil from places like Saudi Arabia....?

And it is drinking water spoilage to Aquifers serving the Indian/Native American reservations and others in those and surrounding states...that is the concern....

Spills from shale oil is different than just oil. Because it is muddy and heavy muck, it sinks in to soil when spilled and mixes with water, instead of floating on top of water where it can be easily removed in a clean up....again, from what I understand of it....
Thanks, I’ll take a closer look. I’ve read about other pipelines that are trying to be shut down that are for American oil and seem to be very much over kill by environmentalists. Like they are stoping them from replacing old oil pipelines which could cause real damage. Stuff like that makes me shake my head. If native Americans don’t want them cutting through their land then that’s their right... they should be rerouted
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