Rocky Mountain regions over 400% of normal snow pack

Pretty unusual stuff going on here. Weather wise. I was born in Colorado 60 years ago, we were in a drought for a few years, then we get a huge hail storm. I remember the flood of 65, In my pajamas crying to my mother.
Once again you live in the North Pole for a year, I will live in Tahiti...

After a year we will trade notes which is better.


You'll be living on a boat ;) Tahiti within the next 50 years will probably be doing the same.

I won't be alive in 50 years idiot.


Well, there's experiements into anti-aging that seem to be working on our little rat friends...So who knows. Hopefully your mind will change by that time and you will become more logical.

Why would anyone want to live to 102 years old ...When they know they are saved and go to heaven?

Which heaven? Valhalla? Happy Hunting Ground? Many Mansions? LOL I will take all the life I can get as no one has come back to tell me that there is an other side.

Don't come crying to me on your death have the tools to know today.

You'll be living on a boat ;) Tahiti within the next 50 years will probably be doing the same.

I won't be alive in 50 years idiot.


Well, there's experiements into anti-aging that seem to be working on our little rat friends...So who knows. Hopefully your mind will change by that time and you will become more logical.

Why would anyone want to live to 102 years old ...When they know they are saved and go to heaven?

Which heaven? Valhalla? Happy Hunting Ground? Many Mansions? LOL I will take all the life I can get as no one has come back to tell me that there is an other side.

Don't come crying to me on your death have the tools to know today.


After a nice extended life I know I"ll be accepted in the place with a nice big hug. ;) People in the early days(Abraham) if you read through the bible use to live to nearly 1000 years old.
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In a forecast discussion this morning, several of the meteorologist in my group discussed the state of snow pack in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming ranges. Many are now at 400% of normal and some areas are in excess of 48 feet of snow. With the cool spring and cool summer, we expect that many of these areas will not fully melt this year.

Let me repeat, with the cool spring and cool summer, we expect that many of these areas will not fully melt this year. This means the process known as glaciation will occur. Many areas that held glaciers just 100 years ago will again hold glaciers next year, however thin they may be.

IF next year snow fall happens nearly the same as this year, those glacial areas will expand rapidly and thicken.

Here is what Bear Tooth Pass looks like on 5/26/17

Note that we are expecting a -1 deg C below average temp summer here.. And short one too boot.. Estimating first snow will happen in early September.

Oh my, Silly Billy is making predictions again. With that, we can probably expect bare ground at Bear Tooth in November. In line with the accuracy of his previous prognostications. Hey Silly Billy, how is that super La Nina developing for this year?

This is why posting factual data and predictions is problematic, Idiots, like you, who do not have a clue about how or why earths climactic systems act as they do are ignorant and will not leave your preconceived biases behind.

This is also why every single prediction of the alarmists have failed to date.. The earth doesn't give a damn about your political agenda.. I still laugh at you idiots and your manufactured data that is now biting you in the ass..
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I won't be alive in 50 years idiot.


Well, there's experiements into anti-aging that seem to be working on our little rat friends...So who knows. Hopefully your mind will change by that time and you will become more logical.

Why would anyone want to live to 102 years old ...When they know they are saved and go to heaven?

Which heaven? Valhalla? Happy Hunting Ground? Many Mansions? LOL I will take all the life I can get as no one has come back to tell me that there is an other side.

Don't come crying to me on your death have the tools to know today.


After a nice extended life I know I"ll be accepted in the place with a nice big hug. ;) People in the early days(Abraham) if you read through the bible use to live to nearly 1000 years old.
Bwhaaaaaaaaaa....Years were considered as seasons... I thought you were an atheist? Now your a bible thumping tree hugger?
In a forecast discussion this morning, several of the meteorologist in my group discussed the state of snow pack in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming ranges. Many are now at 400% of normal and some areas are in excess of 48 feet of snow. With the cool spring and cool summer, we expect that many of these areas will not fully melt this year.

Let me repeat, with the cool spring and cool summer, we expect that many of these areas will not fully melt this year. This means the process known as glaciation will occur. Many areas that held glaciers just 100 years ago will again hold glaciers next year, however thin they may be.

IF next year snow fall happens nearly the same as this year, those glacial areas will expand rapidly and thicken.

Here is what Bear Tooth Pass looks like on 5/26/17

Note that we are expecting a -1 deg C below average temp summer here.. And short one too boot.. Estimating first snow will happen in early September.

Northern Rockies, normal temperatures this summer, Southern Rockies warmer than normal.

We discussed these... they missed flows and pressure gradient changes which normally do change but are not taking place (over 9 weeks over due for change but given the positive shift in storm track will now not occur).. they are going to be off by about +1 deg C. Primary storm track is going to remain at roughly 42 deg Lat. a full 5 Deg Lat. lower than last year.

Lots of areas of disagreement...
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Why can't you retarded redneck gun toting Bible thumping rubes come to grips with the fact that Global warming is Settled Science!!

Our beloved president Obama decreed that several years ago.

So get with the program, and ignore the snow. ..... :cool:
Why can't stupid ignorant fucks like you get it through you thick skull that among the predictions of global warming is more extreme weather, and wider and wilder swings in the weather.
Moron.. We have had a very calm storm track going on now for over 35 years. Storm energy is at a 65 year low.. I'd like to know where the hell you think this magical, fairy dust, extreme weather is happening..

Hmmmmmmmmmm............................ the title of this thread has nothing to do with weather extremes, then? LOL By the way, Silly Billy, if you post a graph, how about a link to where it came from. Otherwise, I just assume it is another thing you have pulled out of your ass.
Its June now and here on Long Island nights still cold as a witches tit. Nobody who lives here and is over 40 years old gets it.......we now freeze from mid-October until June 1st and beyond. Summer? Used to be always in the 90's all summer. Not anymore.......low 80's and most days too cold to go to the ocean = ghey. People are dying for a little global warming here in NewYorkistan.
We are the agents of change this time. Simple as that. As far as us being to small to change the climate, about 2 billion years ago a single celled creature completely changed the makeup of the atmosphere.

Once again you live in the North Pole for a year, I will live in Tahiti...

After a year we will trade notes which is better.


You'll be living on a boat ;) Tahiti within the next 50 years will probably be doing the same.

I won't be alive in 50 years idiot.


Well, there's experiements into anti-aging that seem to be working on our little rat friends...So who knows. Hopefully your mind will change by that time and you will become more logical.

Why would anyone want to live to 102 years old ...When they know they are saved and go to heaven?


You really are an idiot.

The thread concerns science and you post silly superstitions.


Sent from my iPad using
When the folks see reports of mega-snow cover, only the nutter ones think that it means global warming is off the hook. Those are some of the dots these people.........and it is indeed fascinating.........don't connect. This is why they are called green fantasy dwellers......and mental cases............they don't get the psychological component of all of this stuff. Studies have proven this is the case and it is well documented in these pages ( will post links by request ). Stories like this have the effect of making people apathetic about fighting climate change...........well.......:spinner::spinner:..........fucking duh. When people spend months freezing their asses off and having to go out and purchase nut sack warmers, it kinda makes them a bit less worried about a 2mm rise in the ocean. Just a bit though...........:popcorn::rofl::rofl:
glaciers are growing..................dummy.:beer:
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

PSI is the backradation denier site, so kooky that even most deniers aren't desperate enouigh to quote it. Here's what actual science says about the shrinking Colorado glaciers.

Rocky Mountain meltdown: CU scientists find glaciers shrinking – The Denver Post

This is what the typical bozo progressive does when they get pwned in a public forum. Attack the source and in this case, post a link displaying the 2 or 3 places glaciers are actually growing.

How ghey, right?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

And s0n........said it before I'll say it again. The'll have more credibility if you lose that faggy cat. Im not even kidding......nobody takes you seriously s0n.
And back in reality, snow cover in the Rocky Mountains isn't exceptional. It's higher than the average (188%), but not anything record-breaking. Snowpack has been above average in the Colorado basin for several years, yet the glaciers there keep shrinking.

Upper Colorado River Snowpack Database
I can assure you, as someone who was just there measuring and verifying snow-tel stations which were fully buried, that it is massively above normal.. Good luck with the automated system that simply is unable to tell what the level of real snowpack is..
Well now, we had series of record low snowpacks, then we get immediatly after that, near record snowpacks. Wider and wilder weather swings with an over all warming.

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