Rod Rosenstine Subpoenaed in Manafort Case....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Rod Rosenstine Subpoenaed in Manafort Case..

"Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano made this point on Wednesday during an appearance on the network’s morning show, “Fox & Friends.”

The former judge made the same point later in the day during another appearance on the network:

NAPOLITANO: Paul Manafort’s lawyers are former federal prosecutors who are every bit as talented and experienced as the people on the other side of the courtroom.

One of their arguments is this: Paul Manafort was investigated by the federal government, by a team of federal prosecutors and FBI agents for all this stuff eight years ago, and they exonerated him.

And who was the young prosecutor that led that exoneration? Rod Rosenstein, who now runs the Justice Department.

And they have threatened to call Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein as their first witness and have him give to the jury all the reasons why he declined the prosecution of these charges eight years ago."

And now a subpoena has been issued for Rosenstine... The Mueller attorneys are scrambling now to stop him from testifying and have refused to conclude their case presentation on Friday.

The Manafort case is crumbling and they know it....
With all of the prosecutions people shown frauds and liars the presentation of Rosenstine as a credible witness for the defense is going to be stunning. Explaining to the jury why they did not prosecute should seal the case as unfounded.. Reasonable doubt in the Mueller investigation..
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Manafort is never leaving a life of confinement.

The Rosenstein "subpoena" is a last ditch effort the judge will throw back in the face of the defense.
Stupid "defense" by the Trump ass kisser, Napolitano.........

First, "exonerated" would mean that Manafort stood trial and was found "not guilty" by a judge and/or jury.

Second, if you look at the current indictment, many of Manafort's crimes were outlined as having taken place from 2014-2017.

If you think that Manafort will be walking the streets EVER again to continue his treasonous activities, you're dumber than the asshole, Napolitano.
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NAPOLITANO: Paul Manafort’s lawyers are former federal prosecutors who are every bit as talented and experienced as the people on the other side of the courtroom.
I hope that’s true. It will exclude an appeal based on incompetent counsel when Manafort is found guilty.

The childish antics of the Mueller team have been exposed. The reasons and REASONABLE DOUBT that is about to be created will get a NOT GUILTY decision from the jury.. The Mueller team is in shear panic mode...

This is going to be fun to watch...
You mean to tell me that the eight years ago the FBI was investigating Manafort's actions from 2016? That's amazing! They must have had some top notch investigators to be able to see into the future.
You mean to tell me that the eight years ago the FBI was investigating Manafort's actions from 2016? That's amazing! They must have had some top notch investigators to be able to see into the future.
I guess you fail to understand Mueller's team is the one prosecuting the current case and that Rosenstine is the one who exonerated him just a few years back for the exact same crimes...

Funny how you cant put things together...
Hey...we just learnd this week that Trump and Rosenstine are best buddies.

They probably play golf together all the time...
You mean to tell me that the eight years ago the FBI was investigating Manafort's actions from 2016? That's amazing! They must have had some top notch investigators to be able to see into the future.
I guess you fail to understand Mueller's team is the one prosecuting the current case and that Rosenstine is the one who exonerated him just a few years back for the exact same crimes...

Funny how you cant put things together...

Funny how you can't understand grade school arithmetic or the unidirectional nature of time.
Hey...we just learnd this week that Trump and Rosenstine are best buddies.

They probably play golf together all the time...
While funny to think about, I haven't seen this and I don't think they do... But that would likely stop the testimony if it were true, but its not..
You mean to tell me that the eight years ago the FBI was investigating Manafort's actions from 2016? That's amazing! They must have had some top notch investigators to be able to see into the future.
None of the original charges are from any where near 2016.
Funny how you can't understand grade school arithmetic or the unidirectional nature of time.

For Trump cultists, even a straw seems like a life-saver when they're drowning.

Napolitano may have graduated from Trump U.
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Rod Rosenstine Subpoenaed in Manafort Case..

"Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano made this point on Wednesday during an appearance on the network’s morning show, “Fox & Friends.”

The former judge made the same point later in the day during another appearance on the network:

NAPOLITANO: Paul Manafort’s lawyers are former federal prosecutors who are every bit as talented and experienced as the people on the other side of the courtroom.

One of their arguments is this: Paul Manafort was investigated by the federal government, by a team of federal prosecutors and FBI agents for all this stuff eight years ago, and they exonerated him.

And who was the young prosecutor that led that exoneration? Rod Rosenstein, who now runs the Justice Department.

And they have threatened to call Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein as their first witness and have him give to the jury all the reasons why he declined the prosecution of these charges eight years ago."

And now a subpoena has been issued for Rosenstine... The Mueller attorneys are scrambling now to stop him from testifying and have refused to conclude their case presentation on Friday.

The Manafort case is crumbling and they know it....

You’re whistling past the graveyard. Not to mention that the defence would be crazy to call Rosenstein.

This is a “paper case”. The evidence is in the documents and financial records of the accused. It’s about as air tight as you can get. Having Rod Rosenstein come to court and say that they tried to nail this guy 8 years ago but he hadn’t gone broke and started lying to banks on mortgage applications yet, isn’t going to help his defense.

Manafort is going to jail for the rest of his life, as well he should.
You’re whistling past the graveyard. Not to mention that the defence would be crazy to call Rosenstein.

As Trump cultists often do.....


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