Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

Not outraged...not surprised by this being in Missouri either. :D

yeah, they still poke fun at a President like you all did with Bush, still do with Reagan, and any Congressperson that is Republican...

that freedom of speech thing is bothersome for some of the Obama cult members, isn't it would be to those arresting the rodeo clowns. They WERE arrested, right? If not, doesn't seem to be a 1st Amendment infraction.

Any Rodeos in AriZONA?
I get it that people are angry over Obama's actions as president ( so am I ) but this is over the top. imo.

I saw it earlier and ignored it as I don't agree with it. Anyone who has seen a bull stomp a cowboy or gore one with his horns knows that it is no laughing matter.

Rodeos are a family affair. Lots of children present. Is this the message we want to give our children? That it is alright in the name of comedy to depict the stomping of a president by a bull? I remember when GWB Jr. was president some found it humorous to depict his assassination. I didn't find that funny and I cannot find the humor in this either.

Right is right even when no one agrees with it and wrong is wrong even when everyone agrees with it.

We've lost our way here. - Jeri

oh brother...:eusa_shifty:

none of these people upset over this comedy skit was this upset over the movie of bush being spare us the sermon

Run the comparison for us...with links.
The bright spot to all of that people can now show this sort of disrespect to anyone, and no one can say "Well this is radical".

Because it won't be.

It's kinda like conservatives complaining about "Weiner", who doesn't have a snowball chance in hell of getting elected, and voting in Mark Sanford.

They look like hypocritical idiots.

But don't they always.

I bet you really enjoyed this movie:

Death of a President

Never saw it.

It's a foreign film.

Did you see it?

You don't watch foreign films? My, how xenophobic of you. One would have expected you to CELEBRATE MULTICULTURALISM and DIVERSITY.
yeah, they still poke fun at a President like you all did with Bush, still do with Reagan, and any Congressperson that is Republican...

that freedom of speech thing is bothersome for some of the Obama cult members, isn't it would be to those arresting the rodeo clowns. They WERE arrested, right? If not, doesn't seem to be a 1st Amendment infraction.

Any Rodeos in AriZONA?

Probably as many as there are in California. I like going the the Annual Gay Rodeo in Lakeside, myself.
It is always a bad sign when commercial culture starts to exploit the political environment. That is what killed television news, and gave us Fox and MSN. I've seen it before, when the extreme left leaning movie, "Easy Rider" came out around 1970. The Right wing folks walked out of the theaters in droves, and the left wing folks actually left the movie in shock and tears when the movie ended with some redneck shooting Peter Fonda with a shotgun at the end of the movie.

It did not help the political climate of the day, which was sumerized as hippies vs. hardhats.

What a stupid post.
When one is a racist, they see race in everything.

We need to go back to putting Bush's head on a stick, I guess

Yes sir. When Bush was burned in effigy outside the White House - where was the outrage by the media? Nowhere to be found.

A friend of mine (who lives in Kansas City) sent me the article. The nazi media types are wringing their collective hands and gnashing their teeth at the "outrage". Scolding all who read that irrelevant rag and preaching how "KKK" it was.

Again, where was the outrage when Bush was burned in effigy outside the White House?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Screw Barry
Not if you miss it or not hear of it. EVERY is an absolute. I can't state an absolutes that us why I don't use them.

I defended Bush way more than I ever have Obama, that is a fact. Very little do I agree with Obama on.

Then you should have said that you defended Bush every time you witnessed him being disrespected.

IMO Obama's actions cannot be defended.

Obama is being disrespected, the office is being disrespected in this case.

It is wrong, it is not funny. However, it is America and you have the right and others have the right to disapprove.

Frankly, when Government Abuses Its Power, as the Obama Admin has done, I think it is the duty of Every Patriot to ridicule those in power as frequently and vociferously as possible.

Ridicule is a great weapon to use against those who wish to silence us.
ZOMG!!! What if someone made a video of this and showed it in the Middle East? Would any of our Embassies be safe?
This story is hilarious. Normal everyday people showing how much they dispise the Hussein, and it drives liberals nuts! They can't stand the idea that most people see Obama for what he really is, a clown that has no idea how to be a President.

I agree it is hilarious. White, rodeo folks, hate Obama. Stop the press.......I'm sure NASCAR fans agree......

man oh man, you people are frikken sickening...and the biggest race hustlers much for wanting to bring people together..all a bunch bullshit you spew

I have to give him props for dragging NASCAR into just wait for an NRA mention! Oh, and some leftoid should smear Wal-Mart too.
Then you should have said that you defended Bush every time you witnessed him being disrespected.

IMO Obama's actions cannot be defended.

Obama is being disrespected, the office is being disrespected in this case.

It is wrong, it is not funny. However, it is America and you have the right and others have the right to disapprove.

Frankly, when Government Abuses Its Power, as the Obama Admin has done, I think it is the duty of Every Patriot to ridicule those in power as frequently and vociferously as possible.

Ridicule is a great weapon to use against those who wish to silence us.

Correct. The left treats that clown as though he is some sort of god. He is NOT. Or, as Glenn Beck responded today:

Glenn Beck responded to the controversy on radio Monday, excoriating the national figures who unequivocally condemned the clown, saying the president is not God or Mohammed and that Americans are allowed to mock him.

“Stop treating [President Obama] like God,” Beck declared. “I apologize to those on the left, to assume that you would treat God with any respect…Stop treating him like he’s the prophet Mohammed.”

He suggested the lawmakers who can’t tolerate the mockery pick up a copy of the United States Constitution.

If the Left can burn Bush in effigy, then don't be so damned "hurt" when someone makes fun of your poseur president. Get used to it you liberals.
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Then you should have said that you defended Bush every time you witnessed him being disrespected.

IMO Obama's actions cannot be defended.

Obama is being disrespected, the office is being disrespected in this case.

It is wrong, it is not funny. However, it is America and you have the right and others have the right to disapprove.

Frankly, when Government Abuses Its Power, as the Obama Admin has done, I think it is the duty of Every Patriot to ridicule those in power as frequently and vociferously as possible.

Ridicule is a great weapon to use against those who wish to silence us.

when the libs do it they call it satire. when the right does it the libs call it disrespect or when obama is involved, racism
When one is a racist, they see race in everything.

We need to go back to putting Bush's head on a stick, I guess

Yes sir. When Bush was burned in effigy outside the White House - where was the outrage by the media? Nowhere to be found.

A friend of mine (who lives in Kansas City) sent me the article. The nazi media types are wringing their collective hands and gnashing their teeth at the "outrage". Scolding all who read that irrelevant rag and preaching how "KKK" it was.

Again, where was the outrage when Bush was burned in effigy outside the White House?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Screw Barry

He was?

Gotta link?

Seems we remember things a little differently.

When Bush was criticized by the Dixie Chicks, Clear Channel banned them.

Dixie Chicks axed by Clear Channel - Jacksonville Business Journal

When Bill Maher said the hijackers showed bravery which was directly against the Bush meme, his show was axed.

Politically Incorrect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just recently there was a dust up about using a likeness of Bush's head on a pike. The scene was purged from the telecast and dvd.

Fake Head of George Bush in ?Game of Thrones? Sparks Ire - ABC News

Seems that criticizing Bush has consequences. :eusa_shhh:

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