Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

I thought our first gay president would enjoy playing with the bulls

Ahh the old "stop treating Obama like a god" meme. Always makes for great theater and reverse psych technique used by teenage girls since 1974
When one is a racist, they see race in everything.

We need to go back to putting Bush's head on a stick, I guess

Yes sir. When Bush was burned in effigy outside the White House - where was the outrage by the media? Nowhere to be found.

A friend of mine (who lives in Kansas City) sent me the article. The nazi media types are wringing their collective hands and gnashing their teeth at the "outrage". Scolding all who read that irrelevant rag and preaching how "KKK" it was.

Again, where was the outrage when Bush was burned in effigy outside the White House?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Screw Barry

He was?

Gotta link?

Seems we remember things a little differently.

When Bush was criticized by the Dixie Chicks, Clear Channel banned them.

Dixie Chicks axed by Clear Channel - Jacksonville Business Journal

When Bill Maher said the hijackers showed bravery which was directly against the Bush meme, his show was axed.

Politically Incorrect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just recently there was a dust up about using a likeness of Bush's head on a pike. The scene was purged from the telecast and dvd.

Fake Head of George Bush in ?Game of Thrones? Sparks Ire - ABC News

Seems that criticizing Bush has consequences. :eusa_shhh:

The Dixie who?
This some funny stuff and it is all over the internet tonight. Liberals are flying mad about it though but as I was reading the article, I thought one thing. "When am I going to see someone cry 'racism'?" Sure enough, I found it. It's amazing that the crowd goes wild when Obama is parodied and then the elite politicians cower in fear and bend over backwards to protect this ineligible president and to condemn the act so enjoyed by the common man.

Rodeo Clown Dresses As President Obama at Mo. State Fair « CBS St. Louis

The photo was first posted on the liberal blog Show Me Progress. The blog post tells the tale of a Missouri resident, Perry Beam, who attended the fair in Sedalia with his wife Lily and a Taiwanese student Saturday night.

“Just prior to the start of the bull riding event, one of the clowns came out dressed in this,” the posts says, referring to the photo. “The announcer wanted to know if anyone would like to see Obama run down by a bull. The crowd went wild. He asked it again and again, louder each time, whipping the audience into a lather. One of the clowns ran up and started bobbling the lips on the mask and the people went crazy.”

According to the post, a bull then charged the clown, forcing him to run away “to the delight of the onlookers hooting and hollering from the stands.”


Beam’s story was also posted on Daily Kos and shared on social media sites Facebook and Twitter Sunday morning. Much of the outrage centered on the fact that the Missouri State Fair is publicly-funded and billed as a family-friendly event.

“I felt like I was at a Klan rally,” Beam told the website Raw Story. “This isn’t a Republican state fair. I want to write the governor and the fair board, because I want my money back. This was shameful.”

It's only racist when the ****** gets it. [ame=]Blazing Saddles - Nobody move or ... - YouTube[/ame]

It couldn't possibly b/c obama is a tyrant and MO is a red state

no, that couldn't be it
At least this guy has some respect.
"Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, a Republican, tweeted late Sunday afternoon that the Missouri State Fair “celebrates Missouri and our people. I condemn the actions disrespectful to POTUS the other night. We are better than this.”

If it was tweeted, it must be true.
When one is a racist, they see race in everything.

We need to go back to putting Bush's head on a stick, I guess

Yes sir. When Bush was burned in effigy outside the White House - where was the outrage by the media? Nowhere to be found.

A friend of mine (who lives in Kansas City) sent me the article. The nazi media types are wringing their collective hands and gnashing their teeth at the "outrage". Scolding all who read that irrelevant rag and preaching how "KKK" it was.

Again, where was the outrage when Bush was burned in effigy outside the White House?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Screw Barry

He was?

Gotta link?

Seems we remember things a little differently.

When Bush was criticized by the Dixie Chicks, Clear Channel banned them.

Dixie Chicks axed by Clear Channel - Jacksonville Business Journal

When Bill Maher said the hijackers showed bravery which was directly against the Bush meme, his show was axed.

Politically Incorrect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just recently there was a dust up about using a likeness of Bush's head on a pike. The scene was purged from the telecast and dvd.

Fake Head of George Bush in ?Game of Thrones? Sparks Ire - ABC News

Seems that criticizing Bush has consequences. :eusa_shhh:

Why would I say it if I couldn't back it up?

George W Bush burns in effigy (Washington DC) - YouTube,or.&fp=fa97296cbde8899b&q=kill+bush+pictures
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Yes sir. When Bush was burned in effigy outside the White House - where was the outrage by the media? Nowhere to be found.

A friend of mine (who lives in Kansas City) sent me the article. The nazi media types are wringing their collective hands and gnashing their teeth at the "outrage". Scolding all who read that irrelevant rag and preaching how "KKK" it was.

Again, where was the outrage when Bush was burned in effigy outside the White House?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Screw Barry

He was?

Gotta link?

Seems we remember things a little differently.

When Bush was criticized by the Dixie Chicks, Clear Channel banned them.

Dixie Chicks axed by Clear Channel - Jacksonville Business Journal

When Bill Maher said the hijackers showed bravery which was directly against the Bush meme, his show was axed.

Politically Incorrect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just recently there was a dust up about using a likeness of Bush's head on a pike. The scene was purged from the telecast and dvd.

Fake Head of George Bush in ?Game of Thrones? Sparks Ire - ABC News

Seems that criticizing Bush has consequences. :eusa_shhh:

Why would I say it if I couldn't back it up?

George W Bush burns in effigy (Washington DC) - YouTube


Got like a news article or something?

I mean..for the record.

I've never disrespected the office no matter who the occupant was. I have dual citizenship and revere the Presidency and any Prime Minister and the Queen.

But this was a joke. A rodeo comedy skit. Unless we've all just become radical Islamists our top office holders are always going to be the butt of jokes. It comes with the territory.

This thread is hysterical showing how many people are getting their panties in a wad over a freaking rodeo clown.

I love it. Chris Matthews is probably sobbing in a bathroom stall right now wondering if he can face is viewers tonight on the heels of a rodeo clown "dissing" Obama.


Of course you haven't.. :lol:

Not even in the 60's when I was a young lib. And ran with serious left wingers and party animals.

Maybe it's because my parents took me to the WH way back then and the sense of history just oozes from the home of the people. It is magnificent. It is a solemn experience.

I was almost not allowed in first visit because I was wearing culottes and there was a dress code.

I've crawled thru Washington DC with my dad in those days on our vacations. We did the Needle together. :) We walked up together. I thought he was going to stroke. We took the elevator down.

A lot of good times looking back but as a kid it was OMG we're going to Arlington again?
My Mom and my Baba sobbing at the eternal flame as I tried to still keep trying to look cool as a teenager?

Yeah you bet I have always respected the Office. And Washington. The home of true freedom. The city on the hill.
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He was?

Gotta link?

Seems we remember things a little differently.

When Bush was criticized by the Dixie Chicks, Clear Channel banned them.

Dixie Chicks axed by Clear Channel - Jacksonville Business Journal

When Bill Maher said the hijackers showed bravery which was directly against the Bush meme, his show was axed.

Politically Incorrect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just recently there was a dust up about using a likeness of Bush's head on a pike. The scene was purged from the telecast and dvd.

Fake Head of George Bush in ?Game of Thrones? Sparks Ire - ABC News

Seems that criticizing Bush has consequences. :eusa_shhh:

Why would I say it if I couldn't back it up?

George W Bush burns in effigy (Washington DC) - YouTube


Got like a news article or something?

I mean..for the record.



"For the record".
Was the Obama clown stomped or gored?

I missed that part.

Which were you hoping for?

I didn't miss a thing.

I see, so you implied something that didn't happen.

So much for hoping for honesty.

I never implied anything. I merely pointed out the danger and you're attempt to derail what I meant in 1st reply. I suppose there is no point in pointing out that you are the one being dishonest here.

If you were honest you'd have to admit I'm right. Carry on.

- Jeremiah
I'm really enjoying seeing Shallow make a Supersized Fool of himself today. Heckuva job!
The important thing to remember here is that a red neck asshole got his ass kicked by a bull.


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