Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

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Can I get a witness in da Houz? One two three.. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
There is a world of difference, Asclepias. There is no disrespect or dishonor in disagreeing with the actions of this president. To claim you find "absolutely no difference" in disagreeing with Obama's actions vs. a comedy skit or a movie depicting the murder of a president as "entertainment" tells me you are either a brainwashed communist or seriously disconnected from reality here!

I was being sarcastic. For adults let them have their fun. The POTUS will still retire on their tax dollars and that probably burns their ass but for children this was a very irresponsible display and sends the wrong message.

Spare the freaking sermon sparky. Don't pull holier than thou unless you can erase the 8 years plus of the bullshit the left pulled on President Bush.


Sorry. I thought Bush was a clown but I never disrespected the office. I even got mad when that guy threw a shoe at him. :lol:
I've never disrespected the office no matter who the occupant was. I have dual citizenship and revere the Presidency and any Prime Minister and the Queen.

But this was a joke. A rodeo comedy skit. Unless we've all just become radical Islamists our top office holders are always going to be the butt of jokes. It comes with the territory.

This thread is hysterical showing how many people are getting their panties in a wad over a freaking rodeo clown.

I love it. Chris Matthews is probably sobbing in a bathroom stall right now wondering if he can face is viewers tonight on the heels of a rodeo clown "dissing" Obama.

I've never disrespected the office no matter who the occupant was. I have dual citizenship and revere the Presidency and any Prime Minister and the Queen.

But this was a joke. A rodeo comedy skit. Unless we've all just become radical Islamists our top office holders are always going to be the butt of jokes. It comes with the territory.

This thread is hysterical showing how many people are getting their panties in a wad over a freaking rodeo clown.

I love it. Chris Matthews is probably sobbing in a bathroom stall right now wondering if he can face is viewers tonight on the heels of a rodeo clown "dissing" Obama.


Libruls and their joke- "Disrespect the Office," and in the same breath when it comes to BUBBA THE CIGAR, these same Zombies state about defiling the office, "So what.. it's no big deal.. WHO CARES?" Don't buy in to their junk lines Tiny.. this is nothing more than a big fat liberal hysterical hissy fit because their god has been shamed on national television.. LMFAO
I've never disrespected the office no matter who the occupant was. I have dual citizenship and revere the Presidency and any Prime Minister and the Queen.

But this was a joke. A rodeo comedy skit. Unless we've all just become radical Islamists our top office holders are always going to be the butt of jokes. It comes with the territory.

This thread is hysterical showing how many people are getting their panties in a wad over a freaking rodeo clown.

I love it. Chris Matthews is probably sobbing in a bathroom stall right now wondering if he can face is viewers tonight on the heels of a rodeo clown "dissing" Obama.


Of course you haven't.. :lol:
He should be plowed-into by a bull.
He's a horrible dictator, er... selected, er... President
Here's another one, Obama playing suicide poker, from two years ago...where was the outrage...:lol:


Uploaded on Jul 23, 2011
At 2011 OC Fair Extreme Rodeo. This bull isn't too fond of Obama, Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Anthony he gives it to 'em.

I'm sure you have something, where in a partially publicly funded event, George W. Bush was subject to this sort of ridicule, right?

You probably won't find any such clowning of Bush at rodeo events. As I said before the cowboy culture is pretty much conservative leaning. And the reason is simple, it's because cowboys understand and accept personal responsibility and liberty.

Indeed but the ghetto entertainers be thwy singers or comedians CONSTANTLY did skits or tunes degrading Bush.
Selective liberal outrage
Now back again to the topic of this thread...Rodeo Clown Obama and the liberal outrage...:lol:

Not outraged...not surprised by this being in Missouri either. :D

yeah, they still poke fun at a President like you all did with Bush, still do with Reagan, and any Congressperson that is Republican...

that freedom of speech thing is bothersome for some of the Obama cult members, isn't it would be to those arresting the rodeo clowns. They WERE arrested, right? If not, doesn't seem to be a 1st Amendment infraction.
I get it that people are angry over Obama's actions as president ( so am I ) but this is over the top. imo.

I saw it earlier and ignored it as I don't agree with it. Anyone who has seen a bull stomp a cowboy or gore one with his horns knows that it is no laughing matter.

Rodeos are a family affair. Lots of children present. Is this the message we want to give our children? That it is alright in the name of comedy to depict the stomping of a president by a bull? I remember when GWB Jr. was president some found it humorous to depict his assassination. I didn't find that funny and I cannot find the humor in this either.

Right is right even when no one agrees with it and wrong is wrong even when everyone agrees with it.

We've lost our way here. - Jeri

Yes. It is.

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