Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

Yes its racist and yes is typical of a backward place like Missouri


Let's get a little perspective here.

Every single prez has been made fun of and had caricatures made of him by his enemies. Are any of you old enough to remember Vaughn Meader's parodies of JFK? Look it up.

While you're at it, look up political satire and op/ed cartooning going all the way back to our first president.

If you want to do harm to these asshole racists, ignore them. And, really, that's all they're worth.

Luddy, the only poster to ever prove himself a fool in one posting.

That's just so awesome
The difference between Obama and other President is that other Presidents were mere American mortals, while Obama is Lord, Savior, Daddy and male Head of household to all good Progressive Boys and Girls
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BREAKING NEWS Al Sharpton of MSNBC is demanding Eric Holder and the DOJ begin a investigation of the bull for a possible hate crime. If the DOJ refuses to investigate Sharpton has promised to organize a were not bullshitting about this protest march.

the left seemed not so outraged by the bush dummies at rodeos

The big white gate flew open. The bull came out bucking. The rider flopped from side to side and the bullfighters held back, letting the bull make his moves until the rider dropped off. Licciardello crouched in a heavily padded barrel, a human target should the bull decide to charge. Hawkins waited near the barrel, holding his big inner tube. A dummy with a George Bush mask stood beside the clown, propped up by a broomstick.“…

…”.J. Hawkins rolled out the big inner tube, and the bull lowered his head, shot forward and launched into the tube, sending it bounding down the center of the arena. The crowd cheered. Then the bull saw the George Bush dummy.

He tore into it, sending the rubber mask flying halfway across the sand as he turned toward the fence, sending cowboys scrambling up the fence rails, hooking one with his horn and tossing him off the fence.”

A Rodeo Veteran Takes Bull By The Horns Jimmy Lee Walker Makes His Comeback In A Young Man's Game. -
tip of the day

the rodeo clown dressed as obama

is a dummy

literally a dummy

propped up by a broom


Oh I hope that's true. But I've just pulled up an NBC report on the "clown" I can't even believe I am typing this :lol: being banned from being a clown at rodeos.

yup a dummy alright

A photo surfaced Tuesday depicting clowns taking down a dummy with a Barrack Obama mask at a recent rodeo

Yes its racist and yes is typical of a backward place like Missouri


Let's get a little perspective here.

Every single prez has been made fun of and had caricatures made of him by his enemies. Are any of you old enough to remember Vaughn Meader's parodies of JFK? Look it up.

While you're at it, look up political satire and op/ed cartooning going all the way back to our first president.

If you want to do harm to these asshole racists, ignore them. And, really, that's all they're worth.

So it's racist



Yes its racist and yes is typical of a backward place like Missouri


Let's get a little perspective here.

Every single prez has been made fun of and had caricatures made of him by his enemies. Are any of you old enough to remember Vaughn Meader's parodies of JFK? Look it up.

While you're at it, look up political satire and op/ed cartooning going all the way back to our first president.

If you want to do harm to these asshole racists, ignore them. And, really, that's all they're worth.

Luddy, the only poster to ever prove himself a fool in one posting.

That's just so awesome
Poor Luddly. Every day Obama is in office, it's a full moon in his world.
When one is a racist, they see race in everything.

We need to go back to putting Bush's head on a stick, I guess

Bush was the most popular president in US History. He convinced Democrats to sign on to the Iraq fiasco. If only Democrats hated him as much as Republicans hate Obama, thousands of Americans might be alive and tens of thousands not maimed for life. And Republicans are proud of what they did to those young Americans. Tragic.
And Republicans say I'm the racist.

stuck on a broom that descended from his backside.

"The state fair is funded by taxpayer dollars, and is supposed to be a place where we can all bring our families and celebrate the state that we love," she said. "But the young Missourians who witnessed this stunt learned exactly the wrong lesson about political discourse, that somehow it's ever acceptable to, in a public event, disrespect, taunt, and joke about harming the president of our great nation."

Rodeo clown mocks Obama at Missouri State Fair -

Republicans teaching their children how to treat "black men". You gotta love it. They are who they are.
This some funny stuff and it is all over the internet tonight. Liberals are flying mad about it though but as I was reading the article, I thought one thing. "When am I going to see someone cry 'racism'?" Sure enough, I found it. It's amazing that the crowd goes wild when Obama is parodied and then the elite politicians cower in fear and bend over backwards to protect this ineligible president and to condemn the act so enjoyed by the common man.

Rodeo Clown Dresses As President Obama at Mo. State Fair « CBS St. Louis

The photo was first posted on the liberal blog Show Me Progress. The blog post tells the tale of a Missouri resident, Perry Beam, who attended the fair in Sedalia with his wife Lily and a Taiwanese student Saturday night.

“Just prior to the start of the bull riding event, one of the clowns came out dressed in this,” the posts says, referring to the photo. “The announcer wanted to know if anyone would like to see Obama run down by a bull. The crowd went wild. He asked it again and again, louder each time, whipping the audience into a lather. One of the clowns ran up and started bobbling the lips on the mask and the people went crazy.”

According to the post, a bull then charged the clown, forcing him to run away “to the delight of the onlookers hooting and hollering from the stands.”


Beam’s story was also posted on Daily Kos and shared on social media sites Facebook and Twitter Sunday morning. Much of the outrage centered on the fact that the Missouri State Fair is publicly-funded and billed as a family-friendly event.

“I felt like I was at a Klan rally,” Beam told the website Raw Story. “This isn’t a Republican state fair. I want to write the governor and the fair board, because I want my money back. This was shameful.”
Uh-oh, the FBI will be out in force getting pictures of the event. They will be putting switches in their IRS stockings for Christmas. Ohhhhhmmmmm...
And Republicans say I'm the racist.

stuck on a broom that descended from his backside.

"The state fair is funded by taxpayer dollars, and is supposed to be a place where we can all bring our families and celebrate the state that we love," she said. "But the young Missourians who witnessed this stunt learned exactly the wrong lesson about political discourse, that somehow it's ever acceptable to, in a public event, disrespect, taunt, and joke about harming the president of our great nation."

Rodeo clown mocks Obama at Missouri State Fair -

Republicans teaching their children how to treat "black men". You gotta love it. They are who they are.
That is not so. People hate Obama because he raises taxes on white people and gives his people a free ride with the sweat of other people's brows.

So the folks had a couple of laughs.

That really brings out the old curmudgeon in you rdean.

I am confused.
The rodeo clown I see is not in Missouri.
He is in Washington DC.


Although that clown is way to elitist to ever associate with rodeo.
When one is a racist, they see race in everything.

We need to go back to putting Bush's head on a stick, I guess

"When one is a racist, they see race in everything."

Nominated for stupid comment of the month.

It's actually TQM to be able to recognize it. Projection 101. You see it daily on the boards.

"When one is a racist, they see race in everything."

This post is perfect by hortysir. He caught it and nailed it. And by the way, hortysir is one of the finest posters I have ever come across.
And Republicans say I'm the racist.

stuck on a broom that descended from his backside.

"The state fair is funded by taxpayer dollars, and is supposed to be a place where we can all bring our families and celebrate the state that we love," she said. "But the young Missourians who witnessed this stunt learned exactly the wrong lesson about political discourse, that somehow it's ever acceptable to, in a public event, disrespect, taunt, and joke about harming the president of our great nation."

Rodeo clown mocks Obama at Missouri State Fair -

Republicans teaching their children how to treat "black men". You gotta love it. They are who they are.

Right, it's only appropriate when a Republican is mocked in public...

Got it.

The indestructible 2008 race matter how many times it's played, it never wears out...

And Republicans say I'm the racist.

stuck on a broom that descended from his backside.

"The state fair is funded by taxpayer dollars, and is supposed to be a place where we can all bring our families and celebrate the state that we love," she said. "But the young Missourians who witnessed this stunt learned exactly the wrong lesson about political discourse, that somehow it's ever acceptable to, in a public event, disrespect, taunt, and joke about harming the president of our great nation."

Rodeo clown mocks Obama at Missouri State Fair -

Republicans teaching their children how to treat "black men". You gotta love it. They are who they are.

Right, it's only appropriate when a Republican is mocked in public...

Got it.

The indestructible 2008 race matter how many times it's played, it never wears out...


It's not right for any President to be mocked in that way, especially when it isn't a political event.

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