Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

I mean why is it that the Leader That Leads from Behind....from the buttocks so to speak ...why is it that some think he is Untouchable???

He Is NOT.

not by a long shot.... even bulls can recognize the likes of him...and they hate him too bless their innocent souls .:mad:

It has nothing to do with being untouchable. This was a non political family event... Not the place for it.
You are obviously too stupid to realize that.


and you are Einstein reincarnated?

no need to get personal dear.

It's what jealous hags do..Ignore her..
Bwhahahahah I just got home and read Drudge.. SENSITIVITY TRAINING FOR CLOWNS.. OMG.. Only in KOOKLEFTISTVILLE!!!!!!!!!

The event was at a tax payer funded facility and the rodeo received tax dollars,

False - a lie debunked long ago. The rodeo PAID the fair and relied on gate sales for their income.

along with the fact that was suppose to be a family friendly event as stated by the article.
There is a reason why republican elected officials in Missouri are condemning it.

So lets recap, you offer gross hypocrisy in that the OWS shitters attacked Bush on government ground with your squealing delight - you openly lied about tax payer funds being used, and the irony of a leftist like you suddenly having concern about children is beyond the pale.

Ows shitters? What are you even talking about?
I'd like to put Obama's head on a target at 300 meters and unleash the Nagant or M1A1 on him his photo copied head, but I suspect I might get some unwelcome attention by some liberal passerby who would probably unleash some illicit, illegal behavior by some shaved headed neanderthals that spent too much time playing call of duty before they were hired by police agencies.
The event was at a tax payer funded facility and the rodeo received tax dollars,

False - a lie debunked long ago. The rodeo PAID the fair and relied on gate sales for their income.

along with the fact that was suppose to be a family friendly event as stated by the article.
There is a reason why republican elected officials in Missouri are condemning it.

So lets recap, you offer gross hypocrisy in that the OWS shitters attacked Bush on government ground with your squealing delight - you openly lied about tax payer funds being used, and the irony of a leftist like you suddenly having concern about children is beyond the pale.

Ows shitters? What are you even talking about?

As if you didn't know big mouth. You butt your fucking nose in to everything so don't even pretend you don't know that YOUR PEOPLE, "THE SHITTERS" OWS, crapped all over sidewalks, driveways, on cop cars.. Filth.. but what's new? I remember Odumbo's inauguration -- TRASH everywhere.. it's what you nasty leftists do.. you create shitholes, cesspools everywhere you go.. See Detroit also..
The event was at a tax payer funded facility and the rodeo received tax dollars,

False - a lie debunked long ago. The rodeo PAID the fair and relied on gate sales for their income.

along with the fact that was suppose to be a family friendly event as stated by the article.
There is a reason why republican elected officials in Missouri are condemning it.

So lets recap, you offer gross hypocrisy in that the OWS shitters attacked Bush on government ground with your squealing delight - you openly lied about tax payer funds being used, and the irony of a leftist like you suddenly having concern about children is beyond the pale.

Ows shitters? What are you even talking about?

xXx WARNIG xXx Pics of ows liberal shitters...:eek:

False - a lie debunked long ago. The rodeo PAID the fair and relied on gate sales for their income.

So lets recap, you offer gross hypocrisy in that the OWS shitters attacked Bush on government ground with your squealing delight - you openly lied about tax payer funds being used, and the irony of a leftist like you suddenly having concern about children is beyond the pale.

Ows shitters? What are you even talking about?

xXx WARNIG xXx Pics of ows liberal shitters...:eek:


If I could rep you again I would :)
False - a lie debunked long ago. The rodeo PAID the fair and relied on gate sales for their income.

So lets recap, you offer gross hypocrisy in that the OWS shitters attacked Bush on government ground with your squealing delight - you openly lied about tax payer funds being used, and the irony of a leftist like you suddenly having concern about children is beyond the pale.

Ows shitters? What are you even talking about?

As if you didn't know big mouth. You butt your fucking nose in to everything so don't even pretend you don't know that YOUR PEOPLE, "THE SHITTERS" OWS, crapped all over sidewalks, driveways, on cop cars.. Filth.. but what's new? I remember Odumbo's inauguration -- TRASH everywhere.. it's what you nasty leftists do.. you create shitholes, cesspools everywhere you go.. See Detroit also..

Be sure to check with Groupon. They might have a coupon for a psychiatrist. You never know.
Look it's a white racist bull.
False - a lie debunked long ago. The rodeo PAID the fair and relied on gate sales for their income.

So lets recap, you offer gross hypocrisy in that the OWS shitters attacked Bush on government ground with your squealing delight - you openly lied about tax payer funds being used, and the irony of a leftist like you suddenly having concern about children is beyond the pale.

Ows shitters? What are you even talking about?

As if you didn't know big mouth. You butt your fucking nose in to everything so don't even pretend you don't know that YOUR PEOPLE, "THE SHITTERS" OWS, crapped all over sidewalks, driveways, on cop cars.. Filth.. but what's new? I remember Odumbo's inauguration -- TRASH everywhere.. it's what you nasty leftists do.. you create shitholes, cesspools everywhere you go.. See Detroit also..

First off, you are insane.
Second, I had nothing to do with OWS. I also did not attend Obama's inauguration.
Butt my nose? What are you doing now?
Seek help.
“Just prior to the start of the bull riding event, one of the clowns came out dressed in this,” the posts says, referring to the photo. “The announcer wanted to know if anyone would like to see Obama run down by a bull. The crowd went wild. He asked it again and again, louder each time, whipping the audience into a lather. One of the clowns ran up and started bobbling the lips on the mask and the people went crazy

According to the post, a bull then charged the clown, forcing him to run away “to the delight of the onlookers hooting and hollering from the stands.”

I bet the liberals are more upset at the crowd reaction than they are about the clown.
One clown dissing the president is one thing but an entire rodeo arena dissing Obama was surely more than they could stand. I am sure the NAACP is now trying to get the names of the attendees so they can be forced to attend sensitivity training too.

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