Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

“Just prior to the start of the bull riding event, one of the clowns came out dressed in this,” the posts says, referring to the photo. “The announcer wanted to know if anyone would like to see Obama run down by a bull. The crowd went wild. He asked it again and again, louder each time, whipping the audience into a lather. One of the clowns ran up and started bobbling the lips on the mask and the people went crazy

According to the post, a bull then charged the clown, forcing him to run away “to the delight of the onlookers hooting and hollering from the stands.”

I bet the liberals are more upset at the crowd reaction than they are about the clown.
One clown dissing the president is one thing but an entire rodeo arena dissing Obama was surely more than they could stand. I am sure the NAACP is now trying to get the names of the attendees so they can be forced to attend sensitivity training too.

but there is no evidence of any "crowd reaction" whatsoever , just more of the usual " because I say so" accusations.
Ows shitters? What are you even talking about?

As if you didn't know big mouth. You butt your fucking nose in to everything so don't even pretend you don't know that YOUR PEOPLE, "THE SHITTERS" OWS, crapped all over sidewalks, driveways, on cop cars.. Filth.. but what's new? I remember Odumbo's inauguration -- TRASH everywhere.. it's what you nasty leftists do.. you create shitholes, cesspools everywhere you go.. See Detroit also..

Be sure to check with Groupon. They might have a coupon for a psychiatrist. You never know.
You must of used one before since you know where to clip it from.
Where was the Reactionary Liberal Outrage over a Rodeo Clown letting a bull gore a George Bush dummy?

The big white bull with black spots and the foot-long horns came slamming out, looking big as a pickup truck, and Skimmer Walker, his feet spread, his hands out to the side, crouched to make a move.

Jalapeno dispatched his rider before the mandatory eight seconds. Now he stood tall, his head up, looking for something to charge.

T.J. Hawkins rolled out the big inner tube, and the bull lowered his head, shot forward and launched into the tube, sending it bounding down the center of the arena. The crowd cheered. Then the bull saw the George Bush dummy.

He tore into it, sending the rubber mask flying halfway across the sand as he turned toward the fence, sending cowboys scrambling up the fence rails, hooking one with his horn and tossing him off the fence

A Rodeo Veteran Takes Bull By The Horns Jimmy Lee Walker Makes His Comeback In A Young Man's Game. -
obama is responsible for more American deaths than Bush. All but 564 deaths in the middle east occurred under obama. 100% of the recent political assassinations are by obama's orders.



3000 at the World Trade Center.
1200 at Katrina.
4000 in Iraq.
574 in Afghanistan.

That's Bush.
obama is responsible for more American deaths than Bush. All but 564 deaths in the middle east occurred under obama. 100% of the recent political assassinations are by obama's orders.



3000 at the World Trade Center.
1200 at Katrina.
4000 in Iraq.
574 in Afghanistan.

That's Bush.

You are a Blithering Idiot.


obama pretends to be God, Bush IS God. He made a hurricane. He make 19 terrorists fly into two buildings.

Got it.

Bring Bush back.
The reason for so many deaths under obama is because he changed the rules of engagement to make sure that there were more deaths.
1728 US troops have died in Afghanistan since October 7, 2001, with 1153 of those deaths having occurred since President Obama's inauguration. 575 US troops died in Afghanistan during President Bush's term in office.

US Troop Deaths in Afghan War Under Obama Now Twice That Under Bush | Just Foreign Policy

Blog: U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan More Than Doubled Under Obama

That's Obama.

Fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore !!!!

Someone is looking out for America's troops and his name is Warrior102.

[ame=]Oliver North, US Troops Veterans Day Video - YouTube[/ame]
The bottom line is that PC has run amok, especially with blacks and muslims being involved. The libs are the most racist, and they are the biggest hypocrites! There, I explained it for everyone.
And now all the rodeo clowns have to take sensitivity training. This place is doomed. Soon "Newspeak" will end destroy the 1st amendment.
Don't you all remember the story, "A black guy, a commie, and a muslim walks into a bar, and the bartender asks, What will you have, Mr. President?" lol

Some jokes can be handled by libs, but most, like the clown, cannot.
I thought the funniest part was where he shook the mask to make the floppy lips move up and down. Hilarious.
obama is responsible for more American deaths than Bush. All but 564 deaths in the middle east occurred under obama. 100% of the recent political assassinations are by obama's orders.



3000 at the World Trade Center.
1200 at Katrina.
4000 in Iraq.
574 in Afghanistan.

That's Bush.

You are a Blithering Idiot.


Coming from a blithering Idiot, I will take that as a compliment.

Or "zirp" in your case.

Zirp zirp.


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