Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

It has nothing to do with being untouchable. This was a non political family event... Not the place for it.
You are obviously too stupid to realize that.


and you are Einstein reincarnated?

no need to get personal dear.

It's what jealous hags do..Ignore her..

Says the **** who can't have a debate without getting personal. You must be very jealous of me.
I already knew you were a little, I just didn't know you are that overly jealous of me. Very weird.
Says the **** who can't have a debate without getting personal. You must be very jealous of me.
I already knew you were a little, I just didn't know you are that overly jealous of me. Very weird.

Are we in the flame zone?
It has nothing to do with being untouchable. This was a non political family event... Not the place for it.
You are obviously too stupid to realize that.


and you are Einstein reincarnated?

no need to get personal dear.

It's what jealous hags do..Ignore her..

When I was a mod and you thought I was moving your threads all the time.. Now that was awesome, by the way.
That is when I started to realize what a lunatic you are.

You and Sunshine are top notch Christian women. Jesus would be so proud.
Any personal attack to deflect away from the absolute INSANITY of attacking rodeo clowns will do. It's what the left does when they have no rebuttal. They launch a personal attack in order to derail the discussion.

This manufactured dust up makes even less sense than the one manufactured against Paula Deen.
And you are a bigot.

One is connected to the other?

I mean, I have no idea the ethnicity of anyone on the board - but if you are black, that makes me a bigot?

How does that mechanism work?

I will give you a hint, moron.
Sunshine calls SarahG, Ravi and I black because to her it is an insult. Just one more example of her being a bigot.
Now do you want to stop trolling me?
Any personal attack to deflect away from the absolute INSANITY of attacking rodeo clowns will do. It's what the left does when they have no rebuttal. They launch a personal attack in order to derail the discussion.

This manufactured dust up makes even less sense than the one manufactured against Paula Deen.

Typical right winger has to blame the left.. Which it was quite obvious I was responding to LGS and Sunshine.

As for the rodeo clown, he got a few people in trouble. And I don't think he will be working too much this rodeo season. That's what happens when you are a disrespectful asshole.
Which is probably why you defend him.
What? Glenn Beck was run down by a bull? And the left is upset? I guess I misjudged them.
Did you ask LGS that, loser?
Of course not. Go away.

Since the TOS states that you can only call others a "c%nt" in the flame zone, I figured I'd ask.

You appear to have serious self-control issues, perhaps you should see someone about that....
Did you ask LGS that, loser?
Of course not. Go away.

Since the TOS states that you can only call others a "c%nt" in the flame zone, I figured I'd ask.

You appear to have serious self-control issues, perhaps you should see someone about that....

They changed the rules a few months ago. Check the rules again.

Says the guy who has to attack me anytime he sees me posting in a thread.
This rodeo incident and you just reaffirms my belief that most of the right wingers on this board are hypocrites.
Especially you.
If it had been Bush who would have been whining like a baby.
Any personal attack to deflect away from the absolute INSANITY of attacking rodeo clowns will do. It's what the left does when they have no rebuttal. They launch a personal attack in order to derail the discussion.

This manufactured dust up makes even less sense than the one manufactured against Paula Deen.

Typical right winger has to blame the left.. Which it was quite obvious I was responding to LGS and Sunshine.

As for the rodeo clown, he got a few people in trouble. And I don't think he will be working too much this rodeo season. That's what happens when you are a disrespectful asshole.
Which is probably why you defend him.

I defend him because we have an absolute and unassailable right to be disrespectful to any politician.

Of course this clown will be working this rodeo season. Just not in Missouri. Rodeo clowns have absolutely the single most dangerous job in rodeo and there are very few of them. Without the clowns there would be no rodeo. Aside from that, there might be all kinds of official protestations that doesn't mean that the clown lacks an incredible amount of support. What the left can't stand is that the crowd was cheering. The crowd wanted to see him. They liked what he was doing.

The left will just have to weep over it. The scum in the white house needs to be disinfected out. There are slime trails all over the furniture.
They changed the rules a few months ago. Check the rules again.

Says the guy who has to attack me anytime he sees me posting in a thread.
This rodeo incident and you just reaffirms my belief that most of the right wingers on this board are hypocrites.
Especially you.
If it had been Bush who would have been whining like a baby.


The shit your fuckwads threw at Bush - which I have documented in this thread - is in a whole different league.

While opposition to Bush was the highest form of patriotism, do you think that those who speak against Obama should be charged with treason?
The phony outrage over this whole incident is comical. It's like an episode of South Park.
They changed the rules a few months ago. Check the rules again.

Says the guy who has to attack me anytime he sees me posting in a thread.
This rodeo incident and you just reaffirms my belief that most of the right wingers on this board are hypocrites.
Especially you.
If it had been Bush who would have been whining like a baby.


The shit your fuckwads threw at Bush - which I have documented in this thread - is in a whole different league.

While opposition to Bush was the highest form of patriotism, do you think that those who speak against Obama should be charged with treason?

Please don't say you, asshole.
I might have criticized his politics but I wasn't a disrespectful hateful loser like you and the rodeo clown. My parents taught me to respect the president no matter his party. So run along and assume shit somewhere else.
Or find where I have attacked Bush in this matter. Until then don't lump me in with what your hypocritical mind assumes.
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The phony outrage over this whole incident is comical. It's like an episode of South Park.

It's not really the incident that has be outraged, it's how disrespectful the right has become that has me outraged.
This is just a sign of the times.
They changed the rules a few months ago. Check the rules again.

Says the guy who has to attack me anytime he sees me posting in a thread.
This rodeo incident and you just reaffirms my belief that most of the right wingers on this board are hypocrites.
Especially you.
If it had been Bush who would have been whining like a baby.


The shit your fuckwads threw at Bush - which I have documented in this thread - is in a whole different league.

While opposition to Bush was the highest form of patriotism, do you think that those who speak against Obama should be charged with treason?

As for your second paragraph. Are you half retarded?
Any personal attack to deflect away from the absolute INSANITY of attacking rodeo clowns will do. It's what the left does when they have no rebuttal. They launch a personal attack in order to derail the discussion.

This manufactured dust up makes even less sense than the one manufactured against Paula Deen.

Typical right winger has to blame the left.. Which it was quite obvious I was responding to LGS and Sunshine.

As for the rodeo clown, he got a few people in trouble. And I don't think he will be working too much this rodeo season. That's what happens when you are a disrespectful asshole.
Which is probably why you defend him.

I defend him because we have an absolute and unassailable right to be disrespectful to any politician.

Of course this clown will be working this rodeo season. Just not in Missouri. Rodeo clowns have absolutely the single most dangerous job in rodeo and there are very few of them. Without the clowns there would be no rodeo. Aside from that, there might be all kinds of official protestations that doesn't mean that the clown lacks an incredible amount of support. What the left can't stand is that the crowd was cheering. The crowd wanted to see him. They liked what he was doing.

The left will just have to weep over it. The scum in the white house needs to be disinfected out. There are slime trails all over the furniture.

I wonder what the children thought about it?
Of course right wingers don't think about that sort of thing

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