Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Some might. Some might wish they had terminated a pregnancy sooner. Freedom to control one's own body does not guarantee unallied joy.
Again, you keep trying to say it’s a woman’s “own body” while neglecting the fact that another human is involved - and about to have its life sniffed out.
These babies feel PAIN as their mother kills them, unless it’s done very early.

DECENT folks have a problem with that.
You can deny that most Americans are decent people if you need to, of course.

While authoritarian statists do attempt to delay the procedure, medical researchers agree that a fetus is not capable of experiencing pain until the third trimester, between 29 and 30 weeks.

The majority of abortions in 2019 took place early in gestation: 92.7% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (6.2%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (<1.0%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation.

A March 2010 report from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Reviewing the neuroanatomical and physiological evidence in the fetus, it was apparent that connections from the periphery to the cortex are not intact before 24 weeks of gestation and, as most neuroscientists believe that the cortex is necessary for pain perception, it can be concluded that the fetus cannot experience pain in any sense prior to this gestation.)

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You keep saying the same thing. These babies feel PAIN as their mother kills them, unless it’s done very early.

DECENT folks have a problem with that.
Have you ever looked at a graph on abortion. 34% of them occur between the first and sixth week of pregnancy. There is no brain in an embryo at that time just a brain stem. Another 18% have it done during the 7th week, there is a heartbeat at that point from a primitive heart and the brain is beginning to form. Now we got more than half of them done,52%. Most all the rest are done before the first trimester screening occurs or while it's occurring. We have entered the fetal stage at that time. About 85% of all abortions are completed by this time. The number of abortions gets less and less and ends up with ,005 % of them being late term abortions. Decent folks also have problems forcing other people to live by their rules. Received for the most part most of these people do live by the rules. Maybe they're not very smart, maybe they're very poor, maybe,maybe, maybe, it doesn't matter,it's their life. Only they should have the right to decide what to do and I'm sorry if that's it's badly with you. You definitely got a problem then. I'm just hope these women are mature enough to compartmentalize this aspect of their life and move on and learn from it all. That would be a success for everyone.
Again, you keep trying to say it’s a woman’s “own body” while neglecting the fact that another human is involved - and about to have its life sniffed out.
You see it as a life, obviously the women who have abortions do not see it that way if they are lucky. You seem to think this is a real choice, it isn't for some. I'm sure there are many, many married women who have to have abortions that wanted a child instead. We are only human, we can't control everything. Beliefs are a lot more powerful than you think. When beliefs conflict with reality, you must question the beliefs.
Have you ever looked at a graph on abortion. 34% of them occur between the first and sixth week of pregnancy. There is no brain in an embryo at that time just a brain stem. Another 18% have it done during the 7th week, there is a heartbeat at that point from a primitive heart and the brain is beginning to form. Now we got more than half of them done,52%. Most all the rest are done before the first trimester screening occurs or while it's occurring. We have entered the fetal stage at that time. About 85% of all abortions are completed by this time. The number of abortions gets less and less and ends up with ,005 % of them being late term abortions. Decent folks also have problems forcing other people to live by their rules. Received for the most part most of these people do live by the rules. Maybe they're not very smart, maybe they're very poor, maybe,maybe, maybe, it doesn't matter,it's their life. Only they should have the right to decide what to do and I'm sorry if that's it's badly with you. You definitely got a problem then. I'm just hope these women are mature enough to compartmentalize this aspect of their life and move on and learn from it all. That would be a success for everyone.
Even if authoritarians institute draconian measures against women, medical reality and the woman's vastly superior awareness of her own personal circumstances mean that her exercising her freedom to make personal decisions in consultation with loved ones, spiritual advisers and health care professionals whom she trusts is vastly preferable to anonymous bureaucrats dictating their impersonal blanket edicts to her.
Has anyone here read Alito's rough draft? He refers to TWO witch hunters from the 1600s...Sir Edward Cooke and Sir Matthew Hale. THIS is what Alito is basing his ruling on........................17th century woman-hating witch hunters.
I'm glad you think your world is black and white. The real world isn't, it's got a whole rainbow and amongst all those colors are various shades of Gray. Life is a little more complex than you put on.

Another dodge to "I'd really rather talk about personal criticisms of you than respond to your arguments I can't refute."

You stand as evidence of why pro-lifers have no desire to silence their opponents the way you pro-aborts do. Sometimes, our best argument is to let you be yourselves as loudly and often as possible.
I note that you're still trying to change the subject away from your "Gotcha!" challenge that failed.

This is why lawyers are taught to never ask a question they don't know the answer to. It sucks when you think you're saying something devastating, and you discover that you've screwed yourself.
Speak, Fifi, speak! Good girl! Now roll over!
There are no pro-abortion people. It's all about a woman's right to choose when and if to bring children into this world. Life isn't always black and white, this is a gray area. Abortion is an always will be unnecessary evil. A tool of last resort.
Well, no, that's wrong. Some people ABSOLUTELY ARE pro abortion.
Show me a post where she thinks anything like all women support killing babies. A link will do, otherwise it is obfuscation.
I just did. The overbroad nature of that line suggests that all women will vote in that manner because she thinks they all support unrestricted abortion. The fact you ignore it so willingly is obfuscation within itself.

Moving on.
It's as bad as pro life people calling unwanted fetuses in other women's bodies " unborn child ".

Before a child carried to term is born, what do you call it? A fetus? You idiot. That is a fully developed unborn child. You think it is a matter of time and location. It's not. From zygote to full term, that is an unborn child. Period. Full stop.
But since you accused me of not reading the post (even though I did), Coyote, here we go:

"This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men."

This very sentence here leaves one to surmise that she means ALL women, especially the part where she stated "there are 8 million more women voters" than men.

Really? Doesn't that suggest to the reader that every woman in the country will vote this one way in response to Roe getting potentially overturned?

She overstates her case and is woefully oblivious to other women who don't think the same as her.
She is speaking generally. A lot of women may not support abortion but support choice and where some where ambivalen, losing that choice alter that ambivalence. If even half of those 8 million women became politically active it could change things. That is my read on it.
I just did. The overbroad nature of that line suggests that all women will vote in that manner because she thinks they all support unrestricted abortion. The fact you ignore it so willingly is obfuscation within itself.

Moving on.
I didn’t ignore, I didn’t see your response.

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