Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

all. I do not speak for others, so if you have a problem with religious arguments, take it up with those that make them, not me.
I do not have a problem with religious arguments at all. The argument you appear to be making on the baby killer debate is that it’s a legal issue and a logic issue. You said it was not a scientific issue.

RogueAI211206-#95 Not at all I have never brought religion into the baby killing debate, it's a matter of logic and the law. This a legal matter not a science matter.​
Since there is nothing logical about calling a brainless human organism at the early fetus stage thru 19 weeks of pregnancy a “child” , I do not see where “logic” is being used on your part. Calling an organism that has no brain a “child” is an emotional appeal for use by religious zealots for non-religious people to support two things. Anti-abortion law and the Republican lawmakers that will make them. The devoted political will and power of white anti-choice Christian’s is huge in what gives the GOP political wins like MAGA Trumpism 2016. IT ain’t logic science or respect for the Constitution and secular civil law. It’s white Republican Christian religion driving it .
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abortion, not being covered at all and would require an amendment. That's the problem, we all know the only way to settle an issue like this or marriage is through the amendment process, not by unelected judges.
NOT true: The fight to restore freedom of conscience, religious freedom and equality for women will go on until restored in all states; whatever it takes because White Christian Zealots are in decline and the moves to ban woman from a reproductive health medical procedure that harms no person will be beaten with the zealotry
that pushes it.

The most offensive abortion ban in the nation in Missouri

MISSOURI Published January 19, 2023 3:15pm EST Missouri sued by pro-abortion clergy over post-Roe ban The MO law makes abortion illegal barring 'cases of medical emergency'
Associated Press
A group of religious leaders who support abortion rights filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging Missouri's abortion ban, saying lawmakers openly invoked their religious beliefs while drafting the measure and thereby imposed those beliefs on others who don't share them. •••• The lawsuit filed in St. Louis is the latest of many to challenge restrictive abortion laws enacted by conservative states after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June. That landmark ruling left abortion rights up to each state to decide. •••• Since then, religious abortion rights supporters have increasingly used religious freedom lawsuits in seeking to protect abortion access. The religious freedom complaints are among nearly three dozen post-Roe lawsuits that have been filed against 19 states’ abortion bans, according to the Brennan Center for Justice.

The Missouri lawsuit brought on behalf of 13 Christian and Jewish leaders seeks a permanent injunction barring the state from enforcing its abortion law and a declaration that provisions of its law violate the Missouri Constitution.
"What the lawsuit says is that when you legislate your religious beliefs into law, you impose your beliefs on everyone else and force all of us to live by your own narrow beliefs," said Michelle Banker of the National Women’s Law Center, the lead attorney in the case. "And that hurts us. That denies our basic human rights."
Missouri Senate President Pro Tem Caleb Rowden, a Republican, called the lawsuit "foolish."
"We were acting on the belief that life is precious and should be treated as such. I don’t think that’s a religious belief," Rowden said.
Missouri sued by pro-abortion clergy over post-Roe ban ~ 230219^ba

Americans can sue for reproductive rights on white Christian Republican v controlled states.
RogueAI211206-#95 Not at all I have never brought religion into the baby killing debate, it's a matter of logic . . . .

NFBW: I don’t see anti-freedom posters being functional in the use of logic

RogueAI230220-#36 • For once the Ukrainians got something right. Seems a fair warning that the greatest disaster to befall them just arrived. Biden is doing all he can to extend the misery and suffering of the Ukrianian people playing out his Cold War fantasies.

NFBW: what kind of logic is it for anyone with a developed human brain to say that a visit to Ukraine by Joe Biden, is the Ukrainians greatest disaster in the backdrop of one fucking year of horrendous disaster in Ukraine. Disaster including Putin’s campaign of genocide against the Ukrainian people, as there was the total destruction of an entire city of Mariupol being missile striked into the ground by cowards and looters Russian army shortly after the invasion
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Cplus6230211-#15 • Legal abortion is a human rights abuse.

NFBW: When abortion is performed at 20 weeks or before, it is when the fetus has no brain of its own. The fetus has an alive human body even though it has no brain because it is inside a human body and is connected to that human body’s brain.

ding221121-#5,715 “Abortion is a human rights issue. Not a religious issue

NFBW: Abortion is both. It is a human rights issue based on science, ideology and most importantly religion because religion itself is a matter of conscience and the matter of conscience at hand is whether a human fetus up to a certain point is “an individual being” that has, in biological fact, “no brain”. I believe a being that has no brain at the moment of being aborted - very definitely has no conscience and is in possession of no thoughts. The question of conscience then becomes whether a fetus with no conscience or consciousness is deserving of American protections of human rights equal in dignity and force by the state the same that is afforded to living humans at birth.

The ONLY reason I contend that the conflict of rights and interests exists in the first place in American politics is because of mass numbers of mostly white Republican leaning Christian have adopted the brainless fetus’ cause because GOD created a person not a developing human organism at conception. No brain or self-sustained human body is necessary for a god created human living organism to be equal to its biological host.

Evolution vs Creationism brings out the same conflict of ideological divisions between secular and religious minded thinkers and posters on this forum.


RogueAI220114-#312 • The theory of gravity can be tested in laboratories across the planet, each netting the same result. The theory of evolution, not so
Dagosa220114-#315 Dagosa • Seriously ? Are you kidding ? MODERN BIOLOGY IS BASED UPON EVOLUTION THEORY WORK. You have to be kidding. Every thing you normally buy in a grocery store, is genetically engineered. •••• At Every hospital most treatments you get from vaccines to cancer treatments to control of infections are founded in genetic engineering.. •••• Geesus, the covid vaccine works on altering the dna of the virus. Computer science can use algorythyms originally designed for DNA mapping for other purposes . •••• You now have a life expectancy that is doubled by our knowledge of EVOLUTION that would not have happened otherwise. •••• There may not be a farmer in the United States that doesn’t use genetic engineered seeds . The fking common milk cow and today’s steer were fking bred into existence by evolutionary related studies. •••• TELL US AGAIN HOW THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION IS NOT TESTED AND VERIFIED IN OUR LIVES EVERY DAY.
RogueAI220114-#322 • That you have sunk so low as to comparing sentience with plant life speaks volumes.

CaptCaveman220114-#317 • Just saw an article in the news that they found a metal that does not obey the law of known physics. The reason being, all the 'set in stone' science laws are still just theories.
Dagosa220114-#324 • You’re confused because you go through life misusing the word “ theory” when you should be using the word “ hypothesis”. •••• Ted Williams developed the Science of Hitting. It’s based upon a Theory in Hitting a thrown baseball. It has stood the test of time because many trials and lots of evidence by real scientist have “ agreed .” •••• Some coaches use these ideas, some don‘t. The ones that don’t, have no where near the results as those who do. That’s how science works. People are more successful using it instead of making up shit.

Dagosa220114-#325 to:0322 • You’re not a scientist or are science literate are you ? •••• If you want to speak volumes about science . , at least look up the word “science” in a dictionary.

AbuAfak220114-#326 to:0324 • Uneducated people, especially Creationists, use the common, casual, and less important definition of 'theory' instead of looking up the definition of 'Scientific Theory.' •••• The latter not your take on who’s going to win the super bowl.

CaptCaveman-#331 Captain Caveman • Creationist's have their theories, scientists have their theories. I'm agnostic, but lean scientifically. I hope this post makes your replies to my posts more relevant.

RogueAI220114-#334 To:0325 • It is you backing the idea that fiddling around with the very building blocks of an organism and getting miniscule improvements equates to a monkey to man certainty.

AbuAfak220114-#336 to:0331 • 100% demonstrating you do NOT know what a Scientific Theory is. •••• Creationist have no factual basis for their belief/Faith, Science only get's to theory after logical thought, then Hypothesis, then further evidenced/tested to become a Scientific Theory. •••• You are so LOW IQ you are undebatable. •••• A Raging contrary Idiot. •••• Who also is an 'agnostic' on evolution v anti Creationism. •••• Evolution is a fact that has nothing to do with a religious belief.. It's a demonstrable fact with Evidence, unlike Religions/gods

Dagosa220114-#338 to:0334 • I have no idea what you’re babbling about. You’re bouncing from one thing to another. Evolution is demonstrated continuously all around you In the modern world. It’s like someone saying quantum theory isn’t either while they are talking on a cell phone or using the internet. Advanced science is demonstrated everyday in most things normal people do… eat, watch TV and their jobs.
RogueAI220114-#340 I'm not surprised you don't comprehend. •••• Cell phones, or more correctly digital transfer these days is not quantum theory. It is based on known wave frequencies in which technology has broadened the ability to send and receive. •••• You mistake my purpose. I am very much in support of science and the betterment of our species. I do not support the broken orthodoxy that seems to have bogged down modern science.

RogueAI220114-#370 • You quacks are too much. You only accept ideas that confirm your preconceptions and lash out like children by proclaiming any dissent is denial of science. Pathetic.

AbuAfak220114-#371 abu afak • We all have ideas. •••• Apparently you can't explain or defend yours. •••• Show me I'm wrong. •••• That's what this place is for. It's not for worship. •••• We do have a religion section tho. •••• Problem is you can't defend your belief v mine (what I posted to you) and you know it. •••• So it's YOU who are the denier.
RogueAI220114-#372 • Funny I have never mentioned or argued religion anywhere on these forums. Come up with some new material you two bit hack

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Cplus6230211-#15 • Legal abortion is a human rights abuse.

NFBW: When abortion is performed at 20 weeks or before, it is when the fetus has no brain of its own. The fetus has an alive human body even though it has no brain because it is inside a human body and is connected to that human body’s brain.

ding221121-#5,715 “Abortion is a human rights issue. Not a religious issue

NFBW: Abortion is both. It is a human rights issue based on science, ideology and most importantly religion because religion itself is a matter of conscience and the matter of conscience at hand is whether a human fetus up to a certain point is “an individual being” that has, in biological fact, “no brain”. I believe a being that has no brain at the moment of being aborted - very definitely has no conscience and is in possession of no thoughts. The question of conscience then becomes whether a fetus with no conscience or consciousness is deserving of American protections of human rights equal in dignity and force by the state the same that is afforded to living humans at birth.

The ONLY reason I contend that the conflict of rights and interests exists in the first place in American politics is because of mass numbers of mostly white Republican leaning Christian have adopted the brainless fetus’ cause because GOD created a person not a developing human organism at conception. No brain or self-sustained human body is necessary for a god created human living organism to be equal to its biological host.

Evolution vs Creationism brings out the same conflict of ideological divisions between secular and religious minded thinkers and posters on this forum.


RogueAI220114-#312 • The theory of gravity can be tested in laboratories across the planet, each netting the same result. The theory of evolution, not so
Dagosa220114-#315 Dagosa • Seriously ? Are you kidding ? MODERN BIOLOGY IS BASED UPON EVOLUTION THEORY WORK. You have to be kidding. Every thing you normally buy in a grocery store, is genetically engineered. •••• At Every hospital most treatments you get from vaccines to cancer treatments to control of infections are founded in genetic engineering.. •••• Geesus, the covid vaccine works on altering the dna of the virus. Computer science can use algorythyms originally designed for DNA mapping for other purposes . •••• You now have a life expectancy that is doubled by our knowledge of EVOLUTION that would not have happened otherwise. •••• There may not be a farmer in the United States that doesn’t use genetic engineered seeds . The fking common milk cow and today’s steer were fking bred into existence by evolutionary related studies. •••• TELL US AGAIN HOW THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION IS NOT TESTED AND VERIFIED IN OUR LIVES EVERY DAY.
RogueAI220114-#322 • That you have sunk so low as to comparing sentience with plant life speaks volumes.

CaptCaveman220114-#317 • Just saw an article in the news that they found a metal that does not obey the law of known physics. The reason being, all the 'set in stone' science laws are still just theories.
Dagosa220114-#324 • You’re confused because you go through life misusing the word “ theory” when you should be using the word “ hypothesis”. •••• Ted Williams developed the Science of Hitting. It’s based upon a Theory in Hitting a thrown baseball. It has stood the test of time because many trials and lots of evidence by real scientist have “ agreed .” •••• Some coaches use these ideas, some don‘t. The ones that don’t, have no where near the results as those who do. That’s how science works. People are more successful using it instead of making up shit.

Dagosa220114-#325 to:0322 • You’re not a scientist or are science literate are you ? •••• If you want to speak volumes about science . , at least look up the word “science” in a dictionary.

AbuAfak220114-#326 to:0324 • Uneducated people, especially Creationists, use the common, casual, and less important definition of 'theory' instead of looking up the definition of 'Scientific Theory.' •••• The latter not your take on who’s going to win the super bowl.

CaptCaveman-#331 Captain Caveman • Creationist's have their theories, scientists have their theories. I'm agnostic, but lean scientifically. I hope this post makes your replies to my posts more relevant.

RogueAI220114-#334 To:0325 • It is you backing the idea that fiddling around with the very building blocks of an organism and getting miniscule improvements equates to a monkey to man certainty.

AbuAfak220114-#336 to:0331 • 100% demonstrating you do NOT know what a Scientific Theory is. •••• Creationist have no factual basis for their belief/Faith, Science only get's to theory after logical thought, then Hypothesis, then further evidenced/tested to become a Scientific Theory. •••• You are so LOW IQ you are undebatable. •••• A Raging contrary Idiot. •••• Who also is an 'agnostic' on evolution v anti Creationism. •••• Evolution is a fact that has nothing to do with a religious belief.. It's a demonstrable fact with Evidence, unlike Religions/gods

Dagosa220114-#338 to:0334 • I have no idea what you’re babbling about. You’re bouncing from one thing to another. Evolution is demonstrated continuously all around you In the modern world. It’s like someone saying quantum theory isn’t either while they are talking on a cell phone or using the internet. Advanced science is demonstrated everyday in most things normal people do… eat, watch TV and their jobs.
RogueAI220114-#340 I'm not surprised you don't comprehend. •••• Cell phones, or more correctly digital transfer these days is not quantum theory. It is based on known wave frequencies in which technology has broadened the ability to send and receive. •••• You mistake my purpose. I am very much in support of science and the betterment of our species. I do not support the broken orthodoxy that seems to have bogged down modern science.

RogueAI220114-#370 • You quacks are too much. You only accept ideas that confirm your preconceptions and lash out like children by proclaiming any dissent is denial of science. Pathetic.

AbuAfak220114-#371 abu afak • We all have ideas. •••• Apparently you can't explain or defend yours. •••• Show me I'm wrong. •••• That's what this place is for. It's not for worship. •••• We do have a religion section tho. •••• Problem is you can't defend your belief v mine (what I posted to you) and you know it. •••• So it's YOU who are the denier.
RogueAI220114-#372 • Funny I have never mentioned or argued religion anywhere on these forums. Come up with some new material you two bit hack

What bullshit. No one in their right mind is going to read that much drivel. Yawn.
Compared to you religious fanatics, my science is as impeccable as that practiced at Johns Hopkins and thousands of other science institutes. That’s where I go. You go where ? Drop out Hannity and dullard Tucker ?,
You go where ? Drop out Hannity and dullard Tucker ?,

NO! $ding and CarsomyrPlusSix are likely Tucker and Hannity duped not me.

Cplus6230211-#15 • Legal abortion is a human rights abuse.

NFBW230221-#7,384 • When abortion is performed at 20 weeks or before, it is when the fetus has no brain of its own. The fetus has an alive human body even though it has no brain because it is inside a human body and is connected to that human body’s brain.

ding221121-#5,715 “Abortion is a human rights issue. Not a religious issue

NFBW230221-#7,384 • Abortion is both. It is a human rights issue based on science, ideology and most importantly religion because religion itself is a matter of conscience and the matter of conscience at hand is whether a human fetus up to a certain point is “an individual being” that has, in biological fact, “no brain”. I believe a being that has no brain at the moment of being aborted - very definitely has no conscience and is in possession of no thoughts. The question of conscience then becomes whether a fetus with no conscience or consciousness is deserving of American protections of human rights equal in dignity and force by the state the same that is afforded to living humans at birth.

Compared to you religious fanatics

I think we are on the same side if you reject Trump’s white Republican Christian Nationalists using their religion to put women into forced labor snd childbirth because their fears about losing their Jesus and their guns can be eased if they convince enough politicians that a brainless fetus is a baby that pro-choice Americans want to brutally Kill . Therefore good white Christian politicians must promote government control over women’s bidiesc to please God at all government levels in the Christian 2nd Amendent Nation that America is meant to be. Just ask Mashmont

The good news is that DOBBS has ignited broad opposition to the brainless fetus rightwinger anti-woman crusade from rational and sane voters who respect separation of church and state snd freedom of conscience and with throw the fascist Christian politicians who use the brainless fetus to enact horrible gun and economic policies that hurt the middle class.
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NO! $ding and CarsomyrPlusSix are likely Tucker and Hannity duped not me.

Cplus6230211-#15 • Legal abortion is a human rights abuse.

NFBW230221-#7,384 • When abortion is performed at 20 weeks or before, it is when the fetus has no brain of its own. The fetus has an alive human body even though it has no brain because it is inside a human body and is connected to that human body’s brain.

ding221121-#5,715 “Abortion is a human rights issue. Not a religious issue

NFBW230221-#7,384 • Abortion is both. It is a human rights issue based on science, ideology and most importantly religion because religion itself is a matter of conscience and the matter of conscience at hand is whether a human fetus up to a certain point is “an individual being” that has, in biological fact, “no brain”. I believe a being that has no brain at the moment of being aborted - very definitely has no conscience and is in possession of no thoughts. The question of conscience then becomes whether a fetus with no conscience or consciousness is deserving of American protections of human rights equal in dignity and force by the state the same that is afforded to living humans at birth.

I think we are on the same side if you reject Trump’s white Republican Christian Nationalists using their religion to put women into forced labor snd childbirth because their fears about losing their Jesus and their guns can be eased if they convince enough politicians that a brainless fetus is a baby that pro-choice Americans want to brutally Kill . Therefore good white Christian politicians must promote government control over women’s bidiesc to please God at all government levels in the Christian 2nd Amendent Nation that America is meant to be. Just ask Mashmont

The good news is that DOBBS has ignited broad opposition to the brainless fetus rightwinger anti-woman crusade from rational and sane voters who respect separation of church and state snd freedom of conscience and with throw the fascist Christian politicians who use the brainless fetus to enact horrible gun and economic policies that hurt the middle class.
So, any abortion should be illegal or legal according to you, regardless of the circumstance ? Is that what you’re saying ? The vast majority are chemical abortions in the first trimester, literally induced by a prescription drug. That would fit your definition. The vast majority of Later abortions are health risk abortions. Right now, conservative states take away any choice what so ever. Only the predominantly male legislators are ruling in abortions.
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January 14, 2022 USMB

0371 AbuAfak220114-#371 to:0370 • We all have ideas. •••• Apparently you can't explain or defend yours. •••• Show me I'm wrong. •••• That's what this place is for. It's not for worship. •••• We do have a religion section tho. •••• Problem is you can't defend your belief v mine (what I posted to you) and you know it. •••• So it's YOU who are the denier.

0372 RogueAI220114-#372 to:0371 • Funny I have never mentioned or argued religion anywhere on these forums.

0402 AbuAfak220115-#402 to:0372 • Still whiffed my post and it's facts THREE Times.

NFBW: I think $RogueAi is “None of The Above” if asked by PEW research if he participates in any organized religion. However as a typical Republican voter he is forced to defend the white Christian nationalists’ irrational and illogical non-scientific explanations of what human beings are doing in the universe.
In post 0372 $RogueAI objects that his defense of creationism has nothing to do with the Christians who push the creation story as a qualification to be an anti-liberal Jesus-worthy politician that will get their vote.

It is the same with abortion.

The political position that a brainless fetus is an equal to the actual two persons that created it suffers from the same biblical irrationality that Bible believers and their politically driven secular minded fellow Trump duped Republicans who believes creationism is literal and real.

That is a point that I’m investigating,

So, any abortion should be illegal or legal according to you, regardless of the circumstance ? Is that what you’re saying ?

My view on abirtion as a rational white male who got a vasectomy after my second child because my wife could not take the pill is that ROE must be reinstated federally in all states there is no wrong in Roe v Wade but viability could be moved up to 22 or 24 weeks.

The government has an interest and obligation to protect the life of a fetus at viability at which moment an arbitrary deadline in weeks of gestation can be set to restrict abortion on demand. That gives every woman the time to electively abort an unwanted pregnancy in the privacy of her family and her doctors. When the life or mental state of the mother is in jeopardy the decisions go to their doctors and family involved. There need not be a politician or Sherriff in the delivery room in the rare occasions that medical emergencies arise in wanted pregnancy.
January 14, 2022 USMB

0371 AbuAfak220114-#371 to:0370 • We all have ideas. •••• Apparently you can't explain or defend yours. •••• Show me I'm wrong. •••• That's what this place is for. It's not for worship. •••• We do have a religion section tho. •••• Problem is you can't defend your belief v mine (what I posted to you) and you know it. •••• So it's YOU who are the denier.

0372 RogueAI220114-#372 to:0371 • Funny I have never mentioned or argued religion anywhere on these forums.

0402 AbuAfak220115-#402 to:0372 • Still whiffed my post and it's facts THREE Times.

NFBW: I think $RogueAi is “None of The Above” if asked by PEW research if he participates in any organized religion. However as a typical Republican voter he is forced to defend the white Christian nationalists’ irrational and illogical non-scientific explanations of what human beings are doing in the universe.
In post 0372 $RogueAI objects that his defense of creationism has nothing to do with the Christians who push the creation story as a qualification to be an anti-liberal Jesus-worthy politician that will get their vote.

It is the same with abortion.

The political position that a brainless fetus is an equal to the actual two persons that created it suffers from the same biblical irrationality that Bible believers and their politically driven secular minded fellow Trump duped Republicans who believes creationism is literal and real.

That is a point that I’m investigating,

My view on abirtion as a rational white male who got a vasectomy after my second child because my wife could not take the pill is that ROE must be reinstated federally in all states there is no wrong in Roe v Wade but viability could be moved up to 22 or 24 weeks.

The government has an interest and obligation to protect the life of a fetus at viability at which moment an arbitrary deadline in weeks of gestation can be set to restrict abortion on demand. That gives every woman the time to electively abort an unwanted pregnancy in the privacy of her family and her doctors. When the life or mental state of the mother is in jeopardy the decisions go to their doctors and family involved. There need not be a politician or Sherriff in the delivery room in the rare occasions that medical emergencies arise in wanted pregnancy.
My view on abortion is simple. It’s up to the woman, her family and attending physician. Anyone else has no Fking thing to say about it. It’s the woman’s body with a physician’s guidance in the doctor and an external caring entity when needed in the family. No one else has a need to INTERFERE with a woman’s right to self determination.
So, any abortion should be illegal or legal according to you, regardless of the circumstance ? Is that what you’re saying ? The vast majority are chemical abortions in the first trimester, literally induced by a prescription drug. That would fit your definition. The vast majority of Later abortions are health risk abortions. Right now, conservative states take away any choice what so ever. Only the predominantly male legislators are ruling in abortions.
Why do you lie like a rug ?
" Brain Development Is Rhetorical When ' Without Cause ' Is Not Relevant "

* ' With Cause ' Abortion Does Not Fit Academic Timeline Theory "

Cplus623016-#7,327 CarsomyrPlusSix • The motives of those opposing laws banning abortion is that they are bigoted pieces of shit.
MONK-EYE230215-#7,317 Monk-Eye • Prove where elective abortion is socially deleterious to an extent that it violates minimal standards of safety or security to the public at large .
NFBW: Here is my motive. I oppose laws banning elective abortion prior to 20 weeks which falls before a fetus acquires a physical brain because no case has been made that elective abortion is socially deleterious to an extent that it violates minimal standards of safety or security to the public at large and therefore no woman’s right to privacy during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy shall be abridged.
Natural viability is presumed at 24 weeks and was substituted in lieu of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , based on an ability of a fetus to survive an imminent live birth ; however , the 24 weeks demarcation is a rhetorical argument as abortions at that stage of development are " with cause " .

That is , the natural tendency of individuals is not to seek abortions at 20 weeks , or at 24 weeks , as if " without cause " , as if " simply because " , as would be the case for abortions prior to 15 weeks .

For example , an induced delivery of a brain dead fetus is medical nonsense , while none considers induced delivery for healthy fetus to be anything other than expected - When Waiting for Baby Isn’t Safe: Inducing Labor | Premier Health .

A c-section delivery is not considered safe prior to 39 weeks .

Efforts to proscribe " with cause " abortion is a heinous act against individual liberty , its quality of life and its pursuit of happiness , and yet the anti-choice movement does so based on blathering idiocy and ignorance as traitors to us constitution .

The anti-choice cite " without cause " timelines for abortion in europe , while ignoring that exceptions for " with cause " abortions are also included in those laws .

The anti-choice ass clowns in the us do not want to own up to " with cause " abortions , and the religion of secular humanism has its own political correct dissonance about bringing up the issue .
" Over Generalizing By Puritanical Sanctimonious Perverts "

* Explanation Of With Cause Abortions For Dummies *

If she didn't want that responsibility, maybe she should've be responsible before she had sex and used protection.
You carry it to term , you keep it for life .

" Carnivores With Over Inflated Sense Of Innocence "

* Damned Dirty Apes *

I can't say anything scientifically till the hearts starts beating. Then it's a living being and killing it is murder.
Go cry a river for all the dead , because none are waking up from their dirt nap , except figuratively by procreation .
" Over Generalizing By Puritanical Sanctimonious Perverts "

* Explanation Of With Cause Abortions For Dummies *

You carry it to term , you keep it for life .

I know people who have done exactly that, and they gave the child a chance to live to the best of it's ability. They are all in heaven now, so God bless their suffering, love, and enduring tolerance in which they gave, for they have all since inherited the Kingdom of Heaven as their work on earth was done. AMEN.

We should only be so worthy if we are lucky. Most take life for granite.
" Authoritarians With Nothing To Say Because Of Naturalism "

* Individualism Is Not To Be Subverted By Collectivism *

I know people who have done exactly that, and they gave the child a chance to live to the best of it's ability. They are all in heaven now, so God bless their suffering, love, and enduring tolerance in which they gave, for they have all since inherited the Kingdom of Heaven as their work on earth was done. AMEN.
We should only be so worthy if we are lucky. Most take life for granite.
The iterative point being that the choice was determined by the individual and not dictated , by traitors to us republic principles for individualism , by those pandering populism of democracy as tyranny by majority .

If an individual chooses to assume the task through their own personal volition , so be it , but if an individual chooses not to assume the task through their own personal volition , so be it , as well .

That which is not , so be it , is the task being dictated by the psychosis of sanctimonious lunar ticks acting with violence against the choice of individuals which have been born and thereby entitled to equal protection with a citizen !
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" Authoritarians With Nothing To Say Because Of Naturalism "

* Individualism Is Not To Be Subverted By Collectivism *

The iterative point being that the choice was determined by the individual and not dictated , by traitors to us republic principles for individualism , by those pandering populism of democracy as tyranny by majority .

If an individual chooses to assume the task through their own personal volition , so be it , but if an individual chooses not to assume the task through their own personal volition , so be it , as well .
If anything the new shift should give or influence more good thought, and more freedom for Doctor's to do the pro-life good works instead of catering to a death cult, otherwise this being is in regards to the subject........ They can abandon the baby killing factories in which they found themselves possibly caught up in some kind of way.
FETUS at GESTATION AGE 16 WEEKS: “I cannot think therefore I ain’t”

NFBW: There is no scientific, humane, moral, religious, philosophical or common sense reason for a pro-choice person to be as Unkotare sermonized on January 11, 2022 in POST -#813 telling me that I am trying to falsely convince myself that my pro-choice position is not inherently immoral.

Unkotare expresses the absurd and pitifully weak and unscientific main MAGA “Baby Killer” argument against a political position that favors women having full autonomy over their own bodies at a time when they carry a fetus that has no brain of it’s own and the mother’s brain is what keeps that brainless and therefore braindead fetus alive.

The remaining exchanges are reference material that prove there is no science to the pro-brainless-life mobilized movement in America.

THEREFORE ONLY thinking humans seriously devoted to reason truth, facts and politics need read further as well as all those who have joined the ranks of civilized humanity who favor using the brain that god or mother nature gave them to good use for the betterment of mankind.


NFBW: Republicans are facing an "intellectual and moral and political collapse" as they turn to increasingly anti-democracy and anti-free speech and anti-“freedom of conscience” unAmerican conduct. •••• MAGA’s now have DeSantis appeasing Putin as the leader of white Christian Russia who do not want Trump’s mentor to be defeated by “woke” Ukrainians getting help from Joe Biden, •••• Opposition to Dobbs and anti-choice politicians has to be what stops pro/Putin MAGA voters from giving Putin his genocidal control of Ukraine less than a century after the Holocaust of European Jews. Zelinski is Jewish so we must as patriotic Americans devoted to protecting democracy not ending it, have his back,

Reference: January 14, 2022 USMB Keeping political outrage against Dobbs and more DEM wins alive:

BobB220527-#57 to:0055 “A human being is a human being, at every stage of his life.”

NFBW: to Bob Blaylock 0055 : “What you say is not in dispute. Fact is during the earliest stage of a human being’s prenatal development it has no brain. It can’t say “I think therefore I am” …. Think about it if you have a brain.o

ChuzLife190202-#76 • Funny that we have just as much evidence (I think significantly more) to support the fact that a child's life begins at conception, than we have in the way of evidence to "prove" the theories of gravity, evolution . . . . {etc}

Flopper190202-#87 to:0076 Flopper • “The question of whether a human life begins at conception or birth or some stage of development is something science can't answer because it depends on how a person defines a human life and there is certainly strong difference of opinion on that issue. Theories are based on accepted truths.”

ChuzLife190202- #89 to:0087 • Chuz Life • Really? •••• Are you claiming that human beings somehow MORPH out of one organism that is NOT a human being and into an organism that

NFBW: to Chuz Life 0089 • it’s a living human organism at conception, but at conception the human organism does not have a brain making it unlike all of us persons who post on this message board.

RogueAI220114-#312 00.0 • “The theory of gravity can be tested in laboratories across the planet, each netting the same result. The theory of evolution, not so

RogueAI220114-#325 to:0322 • “You’re not a scientist or are science literate are you ? •••• If you want to speak volumes about science . , at least look up the word “science” in a dictionary”

RogueAI220114-#340 • “I am very much in support of science and the betterment of our species. I do not support the broken orthodoxy that seems to have bogged down modern science.”

Dagosa220114-#341 to:0334 • Not any monkey. Only the common ancestral of both. It isn’t like an ape today will evolve into a man. They have no need. Their environment doesn’t demand it.

CaptCaveman220114-#339 to:0336 • The only thing you know for sure on this earth is, "I think, therefore I am". You know you exist, anything past that is open to interpretation.

RogueAI220114-#347 to:0341 • The problem I see is in the practice. The theory can only account for so much. Taking the 'common ancestors' into account sounds fine on paper yet attempting to apply the idea even theoretically requires some significant leaps of faith. Nor does this relate to just one or two species, but multiple species over time. The boundaries of logic begin to fray when attempting to accept the numerous inter-species breeding, each resulting in viable offspring who then usurp both progenitor species, not once but multiple times. Do the math on that and perhaps you too will begin to question current orthodoxy

Dagosa220114-#354 to:0347 • So, what’s your point ? If it could account for everything, we’d call it a religion. That’s NOT. what science is all about. We aren’t expected to have all the answers. Only by expanding a theory beyond the limits of the prevailing evidence by inject more, can one improve upon their understanding.
you deniers have no idea how far reaching evolution theory is. Get you head out of fix news ass and do some research at any medical science or any science web site…..or are you too afraid.
Food, climate change, medicine etc are all related to evolution. Afraid to Google ?

RogueAI220114-#358 to:0354 • Deniers only exist in the closed minds of True Believers. You can't explain things and have a hissy fit when confronted. It is dolts like you that have closed off innovation and news lines of thinking in continued support of broken orthodoxy.

AbuAfac220114-#365 to:0358 YOU ARE THE DENIER AND A FRAUD. •••• You can't answer me denier. .•••• THIRD TIME

AbuAfac220114-#365 to:0312 abu afak • We have overwhelming Physical evidence for Evolution. •••• What in Court would be called "Proof beyond a reasonable doubt." •••• A great circumstantial case, plenty good enough to hang a man. ••••
(Captain Caveman too) But true proof, as sci would use it is not 90%. Not 99.9%. •••• Only math has absolute 100% 'proof' (2+2=4) •••• Some sciences, like astronomy, are also not lab-able but observational. •••• Though the Hard evidence for Evo has been piling up for 160 years. •••• Many new sciences since, and all relevant ones not only don't contradict it, but some help confirm it. (lab-tested DNA, Isotopic dating, etc), •••• And all new found fossils consistent in age/strata, and in finding tweeners that only Evolution (not creationism) could and does predict. •••• One fossil out of place of millions found could have blown it. None has.

RogueAI220114-#370 to:0365 • You only accept ideas that confirm your preconceptions and lash out like children by proclaiming any dissent is denial of science.

0371 AbuAfak220114-#371 to:0370 • We all have ideas. •••• Apparently you can't explain or defend yours. •••• Show me I'm wrong. •••• That's what this place is for. It's not for worship. •••• We do have a religion section tho. •••• Problem is you can't defend your belief v mine (what I posted to you) and you know it. •••• So it's YOU who are the denier.

0372 RogueAI220114-#372 to:0371 • Funny I have never mentioned or argued religion anywhere on these forums.

0402 AbuAfak220115-#402 to:0372 • Still whiffed my post and it's facts THREE

NFBW221105-#806 to:2284 • While true, it is true also that a new genetically distinct human being that has never existed before and will never exist again factually and in all reality lives it’s first 24 weeks during pregnancy as a biologically functioning part of an existing genetically distinct human being that has never existed before and will never exist again, and she has a natural right to terminate her own pregnancy in private and in order to prevent harm to herself and to her economic conditions in life. • No scientist is able to prove, using any science available to humankind, that a woman does not have that natural right. It is your religion that decides that for you. So if you believe that a woman is murdering an innocent unborn life if she decides to terminate her own pregnsncy, don’t get an abortion if you get pregnant and don’t Herschel Walker a woman if you do get a woman pregnant.

Unkotare221105-#813 to:0806 • Keep trying to convince yourself that your pro-death position isn't inherently immoral.

ding220716-#2,284 ding “At conception a very specific human being has come into existence. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. Each state can decide for themselves when rights are conveyed.”

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