Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Do you have your shiny new Vagina Police State badge. Why not just start in the present and go arrest Herschel Walker and his girlfriend.
Never proven, otherwise just more political assassination by the Democrat's when they feel the need to steal an election with lie's and innuendo. The politics of personal destruction is a stapler of Democrat culture but what's funny is when it backfires on their own big time... ROTFLMBO 🤣
Never proven
Are you saying Herschel Walkers’ girlfriend Is a liar with a fake check implicating Walker when Walker confirmed it was his Check at the time she had the abortion.

point is I have never fertilized an egg during sex and the paid for an abortion yet you call me the uncivilized one with no proof of anything and Walker meets your civilization standards where his girlfriend has the receipts and the check and had another kid from your civilized hero after the abortion you call 2/3 of the American population uncivilized based on no proof of anything.

When it cones to asking for proof you are a joke beagle9
Are you saying Herschel Walkers’ girlfriend Is a liar with a fake check implicating Walker when Walker confirmed it was his Check at the time she had the abortion.

point is I have never fertilized an egg during sex and the paid for an abortion yet you call me the uncivilized one with no proof of anything and Walker meets your civilization standards where his girlfriend has the receipts and the check and had another kid from your civilized hero after the abortion you call 2/3 of the American population uncivilized based on no proof of anything.

When it cones to asking for proof you are a joke beagle9
Proof is cemented in a court of law, other than that it's not proven until the fact's are secured by the oath taken in a courtroom, and a verdict is rendered. That's you leftist problem, where as you want so badly to believe something for political purposes and biases, that you present them as fact when no trial or courtroom findings were the result of a verdict given in a case.
JK230126-#509 jknowgood • Tell me, what did the baby do to deserve death
NFBW230217-#7,339 • Be conceived without a brain of its own . . . .
NFBW230217-#7,346 No the second question was clear: •••• What harm comes to you @jkknowgood if a woman decides to terminate an unintended pregnancy prior to the moment when her unintended fetus develops its own brain?
JK230217-#7,347 • I can't say anything scientifically till the hearts starts beating. Then it's a living being and killing it is murder
NFBW230217-#7,349 • when does the heart become a throbbing blood pumping machine according to your science like the one in your chest only smaller?
JK230217-#7,352 • 4d ultrasound will prove you a murderer.
NFBW230217-#7,353 Post 7349 asked when does the heart become a throbbing blood pumping machine. At what week of gestation does a 4d ultrasound detect the heart start beating in a living fetus? Is it before or after the fetus has a brain. Could you please reply at what week the heartbeat starts?
beagle9230218-#7,355 • What's evident here, is that you could care less about a potential mother that if were instead lifted up in her pregnancy, instead of being torn down, then she would give birth to a life partner that would be there for her when all else fails in her life maybe. Are you working for the devil himself NFBW ? Why not promote life instead of death ?
NFBW230218-#7,357 • You responded to my question in 7353. Why don’t you answer it? instead you are attempting to dehumanize me by telling me that I don’t care about humans who are women when they become situated in what you generously and constantly refer to as a sin and uncivilized behavior and conduct of her own making. •••• I care more than you will ever know beagle9.
beagle9230218-#7,360 • What's a sin or uncivilized behavior to you ?

NFBW: I am a rational theist. The Christian concept of original sinis way too irrational for me. There are no sins against a rational creator supreme being. But even Christians can be rational if they want to be as you are here:

beagle9220810-#4,612 No one wants to prosecute any of these mis-led women for past or recent abortion's, and basically calling them murderers.

If the a woman decides to terminate an unintended pregnancy prior to the moment when her unintended fetus develops its own brain I do not see it as murder, the same as you. Where we part is I do not see that choice having any detrimental effect on civilization whatsoever.

But I do not understand your irrational alliance with jknowgood who wrote in 7352 that a 4d ultrasound will prove that I am a murderer.

If anything is detrimental to civilization it is when some on the 40 percent side opposed to women’s reproductive freedom accuse everyone on the 60 percent side who support women having privacy and reproductive freedom of choice, of being murderers, baby killers, working for the devil himself and pro-death.

Why do you put up with those ignorant uncivilized people, beagle9 ????

JK230126-#509 jknowgood • Tell me, what did the baby do to deserve death
NFBW230217-#7,339 • Be conceived without a brain of its own . . . .
NFBW230217-#7,346 No the second question was clear: •••• What harm comes to you @jkknowgood if a woman decides to terminate an unintended pregnancy prior to the moment when her unintended fetus develops its own brain?
JK230217-#7,347 • I can't say anything scientifically till the hearts starts beating. Then it's a living being and killing it is murder
NFBW230217-#7,349 • when does the heart become a throbbing blood pumping machine according to your science like the one in your chest only smaller?
JK230217-#7,352 • 4d ultrasound will prove you a murderer.
NFBW230217-#7,353 Post 7349 asked when does the heart become a throbbing blood pumping machine. At what week of gestation does a 4d ultrasound detect the heart start beating in a living fetus? Is it before or after the fetus has a brain. Could you please reply at what week the heartbeat starts?
beagle9230218-#7,355 • What's evident here, is that you could care less about a potential mother that if were instead lifted up in her pregnancy, instead of being torn down, then she would give birth to a life partner that would be there for her when all else fails in her life maybe. Are you working for the devil himself NFBW ? Why not promote life instead of death ?
NFBW230218-#7,357 • You responded to my question in 7353. Why don’t you answer it? instead you are attempting to dehumanize me by telling me that I don’t care about humans who are women when they become situated in what you generously and constantly refer to as a sin and uncivilized behavior and conduct of her own making. •••• I care more than you will ever know beagle9.
beagle9230218-#7,360 • What's a sin or uncivilized behavior to you ?

NFBW: I am a rational theist. The Christian concept of original sinis way too irrational for me. There are no sins against a rational creator supreme being. But even Christians can be rational if they want to be as you are here:

beagle9220810-#4,612 No one wants to prosecute any of these mis-led women for past or recent abortion's, and basically calling them murderers.

If the a woman decides to terminate an unintended pregnancy prior to the moment when her unintended fetus develops its own brain I do not see it as murder, the same as you. Where we part is I do not see that choice having any detrimental effect on civilization whatsoever.

But I do not understand your irrational alliance with jknowgood who wrote in 7352 that a 4d ultrasound will prove that I am a murderer.

If anything is detrimental to civilization it is when some on the 40 percent side opposed to women’s reproductive freedom accuse everyone on the 60 percent side who support women having privacy and reproductive freedom of choice, of being murderers, baby killers, working for the devil himself and pro-death.

Why do you put up with those ignorant uncivilized people, beagle9 ????

Yes and in the end you still support abortion. The devil will tell you personally, good work. For God said he knew you before he formed you in the womb.
JK230126-#509 jknowgood • Tell me, what did the baby do to deserve death
NFBW230217-#7,339 • Be conceived without a brain of its own . . . .
NFBW230217-#7,346 No the second question was clear: •••• What harm comes to you @jkknowgood if a woman decides to terminate an unintended pregnancy prior to the moment when her unintended fetus develops its own brain?
JK230217-#7,347 • I can't say anything scientifically till the hearts starts beating. Then it's a living being and killing it is murder
NFBW230217-#7,349 • when does the heart become a throbbing blood pumping machine according to your science like the one in your chest only smaller?
NFBW230217-#7,353 • At what week of gestation does a 4d ultrasound detect the heart start beating in a living fetus? Is it before or after the fetus has a brain. Could you please reply at what week the heartbeat starts?
beagle9230218-#7,360 • What's a sin or uncivilized behavior to you ?
NFBW230218-#7,364 • I am a rational theist. The Christian concept of original sin is way too irrational for me. There are no sins against a rational creator supreme being. But even Christians can be rational if they want to be as you are here:
beagle9220810-#4,612 No one wants to prosecute any of these mis-led women for past or recent abortion's, and basically calling them murderers.

NFBW230218-#7,364 • If a woman decides to terminate an unintended pregnancy prior to the moment when her unintended fetus develops its own brain I do not see it as murder, the same as you. Where we part is I do not see that choice having any detrimental effect on civilization whatsoever.

JK230218-#7,365 • Yes and in the end you still support abortion.

NFBW: I do not support abortion.

JK230218-#7,365 The devil will tell you personally, good work.

NFBW: I am a rational theist as were our first four presidents. There is no devil or original sin. A rational God does not create fiction - only reality. Only truth.

JK230218-#7,365 jknowgood • For God said he knew you before he formed you in the womb.

NFBW: A rational God formed the universe and keeps nature on course - Nature’s God does not know me from Adam - nature formed me in the womb. It took nature about 20 weeks to form my brain - prior to that I had no human capacity to marvel at the beauty and magnificence of nature’s God’s creation / sometimes called Mother Nature.

ref: 230218^aa In his new book, "Nature's God: The Heretical Origins Of The American Republic," he argues that the founders' concept of God was as revolutionary as their ideas about self determination and democracy. Matthew Stewart joins us to explain. •••• STEWART: So nature's God is one - a deity that operates entirely through laws - natural laws - that are explicable. And we have to approach this god through the study of nature and also evidence and experience. So it's a dramatically different kind of deity from that you find in most revealed religions. •••• Nature's God really descends from an ancient Greek tradition that was passed along to the early modern philosophers. And these were quite radical thinkers who were really challenging the ways of thinking of their time and the established religion. Many of them ran into trouble, but it was from them that America's revolutionary philosophers picked up their ideas and, in particular, the idea of nature's God. •••• Jefferson, like all of America's founders, appreciated the tremendous value and richness of the Christian tradition and of other religious traditions. The important point, though, is that he understood that value to lie in the morality, and this morality was ultimately based on reason. 230218^aa​

NFBW: still waiting jknowgood for an answer to this: “What harm comes to you if a woman decides to terminate an unintended pregnancy prior to the moment when her unintended fetus develops its own brain in the natural world we live in AND I do not give my consent to be governed in a society according to the revealed religion that forms you beliefs on who is a sinner and who is a saint.

RogueAI220629-#14 Not that I trust polls, but the simple reality that overturning Roe did not ban abortions, merely returned that power to the states, made the liberal narrative ring false. This whole thing was a major flop for the left.

NFBW: Dobbs bans abortions and women’s access to them in their state. What’s with the early argument that overturning Roe does not ban abortions? Just curious?

RogueAI220626-#9 • No, I support the life of the child. I do not support irresponsible behavior. In the adult world actions have consequences, but we do not punish the innocent for the actions of others.

NFBW: Do you support the life of a child that never had a brain or are you talking about all Children that successfully developed their own life sustaining brain during gestational period at approximately 20 weeks inside and part of it’s mother’s body?

We all support the latter but we have disagreement on the former.

Can we be precise in our language here Rogue AI or is that not an option for you?

JK230126-#509 jknowgood • Tell me, what did the baby do to deserve death
NFBW230217-#7,339 • Be conceived without a brain of its own . . . .
NFBW230217-#7,346 No the second question was clear: •••• What harm comes to you @jkknowgood if a woman decides to terminate an unintended pregnancy prior to the moment when her unintended fetus develops its own brain?
JK230217-#7,347 • I can't say anything scientifically till the hearts starts beating. Then it's a living being and killing it is murder
NFBW230217-#7,349 • when does the heart become a throbbing blood pumping machine according to your science like the one in your chest only smaller?
JK230217-#7,352 • 4d ultrasound will prove you a murderer.
NFBW230217-#7,353 Post 7349 asked when does the heart become a throbbing blood pumping machine. At what week of gestation does a 4d ultrasound detect the heart start beating in a living fetus? Is it before or after the fetus has a brain. Could you please reply at what week the heartbeat starts?
beagle9230218-#7,355 • What's evident here, is that you could care less about a potential mother that if were instead lifted up in her pregnancy, instead of being torn down, then she would give birth to a life partner that would be there for her when all else fails in her life maybe. Are you working for the devil himself NFBW ? Why not promote life instead of death ?
NFBW230218-#7,357 • You responded to my question in 7353. Why don’t you answer it? instead you are attempting to dehumanize me by telling me that I don’t care about humans who are women when they become situated in what you generously and constantly refer to as a sin and uncivilized behavior and conduct of her own making. •••• I care more than you will ever know beagle9.
beagle9230218-#7,360 • What's a sin or uncivilized behavior to you ?

NFBW: I am a rational theist. The Christian concept of original sinis way too irrational for me. There are no sins against a rational creator supreme being. But even Christians can be rational if they want to be as you are here:

beagle9220810-#4,612 No one wants to prosecute any of these mis-led women for past or recent abortion's, and basically calling them murderers.

If the a woman decides to terminate an unintended pregnancy prior to the moment when her unintended fetus develops its own brain I do not see it as murder, the same as you. Where we part is I do not see that choice having any detrimental effect on civilization whatsoever.

But I do not understand your irrational alliance with jknowgood who wrote in 7352 that a 4d ultrasound will prove that I am a murderer.

If anything is detrimental to civilization it is when some on the 40 percent side opposed to women’s reproductive freedom accuse everyone on the 60 percent side who support women having privacy and reproductive freedom of choice, of being murderers, baby killers, working for the devil himself and pro-death.

Why do you put up with those ignorant uncivilized people, beagle9 ????


Being conceived without a brain if it’s own ………

Good one Biff!

Kind of describes you!

Dead man walking. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
RogueAI211206-#95 Rogue AI • As it stands, activist judges created arbitrary standards that defy centuries of common law and common sense.

NFBW: Have you heard what the Catholic activist judge majority did that went afoul of centuries of Common Law to decide Dobbs.

Supreme deceit: How Alito snuck medieval state Christianity into the Dobbs opinion
David Boyle, Salon October 13, 2022

Alito's opinion sneaks in a 12th-century religious penalty for abortion — not a criminal statute — citing it in a section meant to support the history of criminal punishment, and with its ecclesiastical origins neatly excised. 230218^ba​
Page 17 of the Dobbs slip opinion, in footnote 25, cites the legal treatise "Leges Henrici Primi" (or "Laws of Henry I"), which dates to around 1115 A.D.: •••• Even before Bracton's time, English law imposed punishment for the killing of a fetus. See Leges Henrici Primi 222–223 (L. Downer ed. 1972) (imposing penalty for any abortion and treating a woman who aborted a "quick" child "as if she were a murderess"). •••• Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation of the original 12th-century Latin text, however, reads, "f she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess." Alito carefully clipped out the words "she shall do penance for seven years" from the quotation, between "quick" and "as." •••• Why hide those words? Unless he was sleepwalking, Alito understood perfectly well that he was committing a gross material omission, obscuring the fact that the "penalty" in this medieval text was merely religious and penitential, not civil or criminal. Religious "crimes" are not crimes at all, by our modern legal standards. (The Leges Henrici, at pages 222-223, mentions paying "wergeld" and "manbot," or reparations, including compensation for loss of a pregnancy, if a pregnant woman is slain by any means. But that's not "punishment for abortion," which is merely penance in the Leges.) 230218^bb

NFBW: From the Alito doctored up footnote:

Even before Bracton's time, English law imposed punishment for the killing of a fetus. See Leges Henrici Primi 222–223 (L. Downer ed. 1972) (imposing penalty for any abortion and treating a woman who aborted a "quick" child "as if she were a murderess")

NFBW: From Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation

"f she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

NFBW: Are you aware Rogue AI what aborting a "quick" child means?

Being conceived without a brain of it’s own …

You say is a “
Dead man walking

Did you have brain HeyNorm at this moment in your life?


If not - were you dead ?

if you didn’t have a brain but were not dead do yiu know why you were not dead HeyNorm ??????
RogueAI211206-#95 Rogue AI • As it stands, activist judges created arbitrary standards that defy centuries of common law and common sense.

NFBW: Have you heard what the Catholic activist judge majority did that went afoul of centuries of Common Law to decide Dobbs.

Supreme deceit: How Alito snuck medieval state Christianity into the Dobbs opinion
David Boyle, Salon October 13, 2022

Alito's opinion sneaks in a 12th-century religious penalty for abortion — not a criminal statute — citing it in a section meant to support the history of criminal punishment, and with its ecclesiastical origins neatly excised. 230218^ba​
Page 17 of the Dobbs slip opinion, in footnote 25, cites the legal treatise "Leges Henrici Primi" (or "Laws of Henry I"), which dates to around 1115 A.D.: •••• Even before Bracton's time, English law imposed punishment for the killing of a fetus. See Leges Henrici Primi 222–223 (L. Downer ed. 1972) (imposing penalty for any abortion and treating a woman who aborted a "quick" child "as if she were a murderess"). •••• Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation of the original 12th-century Latin text, however, reads, "f she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess." Alito carefully clipped out the words "she shall do penance for seven years" from the quotation, between "quick" and "as." •••• Why hide those words? Unless he was sleepwalking, Alito understood perfectly well that he was committing a gross material omission, obscuring the fact that the "penalty" in this medieval text was merely religious and penitential, not civil or criminal. Religious "crimes" are not crimes at all, by our modern legal standards. (The Leges Henrici, at pages 222-223, mentions paying "wergeld" and "manbot," or reparations, including compensation for loss of a pregnancy, if a pregnant woman is slain by any means. But that's not "punishment for abortion," which is merely penance in the Leges.) 230218^bb

NFBW: From the Alito doctored up footnote:

Even before Bracton's time, English law imposed punishment for the killing of a fetus. See Leges Henrici Primi 222–223 (L. Downer ed. 1972) (imposing penalty for any abortion and treating a woman who aborted a "quick" child "as if she were a murderess")

NFBW: From Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation

"f she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

NFBW: Are you aware Rogue AI what aborting a "quick" child means?

You being anti-christianity, and a one sided poster basically decertifies your credentials on the matter at hand here. Why ? Because you are biased and a partisan hack that hates a woman being pregnant, so if she wants to go uncivilized then that's just fine and dandy with you. You know abortion got mid-evil in this country, but you conveniently ignore that in your attack's on Christianity, otherwise a religion that saved the world from the dark ages.
RogueAI230118-#66 • We don't need to raise the debt ceiling, we need to prioritize the money we already have.

NFBW: 0066 above clarifies that Rogue AI spreads disinformation for and bestows favor upon the political Party that is comprised of a very noticeably unique large number of white Christians who are devoted to Trump. DJT gave white religious Republicans of Christian faith specific political power by adding three Catholics to the Supreme Court for an an unprecedented Catholic majority that now rules to favor white Christian voters regardless of precedent, Constitutional or Common Law.

The study, to be published in The Supreme Court Review, documented a 35-percentage-point increase in the rate of rulings in favor of religion in orally argued cases, culminating in an 81 percent success rate in the court led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. •••• “Plainly, the Roberts court has ruled in favor of religious organizations, including mainstream Christian organizations, more frequently than its predecessors,” wrote the study’s authors, Lee Epstein of Washington University in St. Louis and Eric A. Posner of the University of Chicago. “With the replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg with Amy Coney Barrett, this trend will not end soon and may accelerate.”An Extraordinary Winning Streak for Religion at the Supreme Court (Published 2021) ~ 230219^aa​

RogueAI211206-#95 Not at all I have never brought religion into the baby killing debate, it's a matter of logic and the law. This a legal matter not a science matter

NFBW: RogueAI does not need to bring white Christian religion zealotry to the “baby killing” debate because it’s already there and the zealotry has the affection of the majority of Justices that presently make up the Supreme Law of the Land and are now beyondc the reach of voters.

Sam Alito slipped “quick fetus” into the Dobbs Decision when he cited (albeit roguely edited ) Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation of the original 12th-century Latin text,

"If she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

The Medieval Christians had no religious punishment for a women unless they intentionally destroyed her fetus after quickening which in terms of modern science equates to what was settled in ROE - potential for viability.

RELIGION IS WHY THERE IS A BABY KILLING vs aborting brainless fetuses DEBATE.

Last edited:
RogueAI230118-#66 • We don't need to raise the debt ceiling, we need to prioritize the money we already have.

NFBW: 0066 above clarifies that Rogue AI spreads disinformation for and bestows favor upon the political Party that is comprised of a very noticeably unique large number of white Christians who are devoted to Trump. DJT gave white religious Republicans of Christian faith specific political power by adding three Catholics to the Supreme Court for an an unprecedented Catholic majority that now rules to favor white Christian voters regardless of precedent, Constitutional or Common Law.

The study, to be published in The Supreme Court Review, documented a 35-percentage-point increase in the rate of rulings in favor of religion in orally argued cases, culminating in an 81 percent success rate in the court led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. •••• “Plainly, the Roberts court has ruled in favor of religious organizations, including mainstream Christian organizations, more frequently than its predecessors,” wrote the study’s authors, Lee Epstein of Washington University in St. Louis and Eric A. Posner of the University of Chicago. “With the replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg with Amy Coney Barrett, this trend will not end soon and may accelerate.”An Extraordinary Winning Streak for Religion at the Supreme Court (Published 2021) ~ 230219^aa​

RogueAI211206-#95 Not at all I have never brought religion into the baby killing debate, it's a matter of logic and the law. This a legal matter not a science matter

NFBW: RogueAI does not need to bring white Christian religion zealotry to the “baby killing” debate because it’s already there and the zealotry has the affection of the majority of Justices that presently make up the Supreme Law of the Land and are now beyondc the reach of voters.

Sam Alito slipped “quick fetus” into the Dobbs Decision when he cited (albeit roguely edited ) Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation of the original 12th-century Latin text,

"If she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

The Medieval Christians had no religious punishment for a women unless they intentionally destroyed her fetus after quickening which in terms of modern science equates to what was settled in ROE - potential for viability.

RELIGION IS WHY THERE IS A BABY KILLING vs aborting brainless fetuses DEBATE.

You being a staunch racist debunks any voice that you think that you have on the issue's, so why don't you go crawl back under the rock you crawled out from.
RogueAI230118-#66 • We don't need to raise the debt ceiling, we need to prioritize the money we already have.

NFBW: 0066 above clarifies that Rogue AI spreads disinformation for and bestows favor upon the political Party that is comprised of a very noticeably unique large number of white Christians who are devoted to Trump. DJT gave white religious Republicans of Christian faith specific political power by adding three Catholics to the Supreme Court for an an unprecedented Catholic majority that now rules to favor white Christian voters regardless of precedent, Constitutional or Common Law.

The study, to be published in The Supreme Court Review, documented a 35-percentage-point increase in the rate of rulings in favor of religion in orally argued cases, culminating in an 81 percent success rate in the court led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. •••• “Plainly, the Roberts court has ruled in favor of religious organizations, including mainstream Christian organizations, more frequently than its predecessors,” wrote the study’s authors, Lee Epstein of Washington University in St. Louis and Eric A. Posner of the University of Chicago. “With the replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg with Amy Coney Barrett, this trend will not end soon and may accelerate.”An Extraordinary Winning Streak for Religion at the Supreme Court (Published 2021) ~ 230219^aa​

RogueAI211206-#95 Not at all I have never brought religion into the baby killing debate, it's a matter of logic and the law. This a legal matter not a science matter

NFBW: RogueAI does not need to bring white Christian religion zealotry to the “baby killing” debate because it’s already there and the zealotry has the affection of the majority of Justices that presently make up the Supreme Law of the Land and are now beyondc the reach of voters.

Sam Alito slipped “quick fetus” into the Dobbs Decision when he cited (albeit roguely edited ) Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation of the original 12th-century Latin text,

"If she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

The Medieval Christians had no religious punishment for a women unless they intentionally destroyed her fetus after quickening which in terms of modern science equates to what was settled in ROE - potential for viability.

RELIGION IS WHY THERE IS A BABY KILLING vs aborting brainless fetuses DEBATE.

Your 'format' is annoying; therefore you are unworthy of my time. Kindly stop mentioning me or my responses until you can communicate in less pathetic manner.
Your 'format' is annoying;
What about seeing the history of written conversations from over the years included with each post annoys you. That is all I am doing for ease of access and making sure what we all say is accurate.

When I cite you it is because even though I disagree, I have respect for your views in the way you present and would like to challenge your facts and reasoning. If you are not interested in defending your facts so be it. But you put your beliefs out into the public domain so where I am very certain your facts are wrong I will challenge them.

Did you write this on December 12 2011 click link to post 0095 below:

RogueAI211206-#95 Not at all I have never brought religion into the baby killing debate, it's a matter of logic and the law. This a legal matter not a science matter​

I challenge you that you don’t need to bring religion to the “baby killers” debate because majority white Republican Christian zealots both Catholic and Protestant are the reason the debate ever started and exists

You brought up common law and if we are to be Constitutional originalist, abortion should be legal until a modern day version of “quickening” or viability is established in law.

I suggest 20 weeks because that is when a physically identifiable fetal brain is ready to assume life support if the mother’s brain becomes no longer available or connected.

What say you?
What about seeing the history of written conversations from over the years included with each post annoys you. That is all I am doing for ease of access and making sure what we all say is accurate.

When I cite you it is because even though I disagree, I have respect for your views in the way you present and would like to challenge your facts and reasoning. If you are not interested in defending your facts so be it. But you put your beliefs out into the public domain so where I am very certain your facts are wrong I will challenge them.

Did you write this on December 12 2011 click link to post 0095 below:

RogueAI211206-#95 Not at all I have never brought religion into the baby killing debate, it's a matter of logic and the law. This a legal matter not a science matter​

I challenge you that you don’t need to bring religion to the “baby killers” debate because majority white Republican Christian zealots both Catholic and Protestant are the reason the debate ever started and exists

You brought up common law and if we are to be Constitutional originalist, abortion should be legal until a modern day version of “quickening” or viability is established in law.

I suggest 20 weeks because that is when a physically identifiable fetal brain is ready to assume life support if the mother’s brain becomes no longer available or connected.

What say you?
No, it's your format that is annoying. First challenge of facts, I posted nothing here in 2011. Seems like someone is already lying, and it isn't me.

I repeat, I have not used religion in any aspect of my arguments against recreational baby killing. All that time you spent looking over my posts without noticing that pretty much says it all. I do not speak for others, so if you have a problem with religious arguments, take it up with those that make them, not me.

You would be wrong, if we were to apply the notion of common law under the guise of originalism, abortion, not being covered at all and would require an amendment. That's the problem, we all know the only way to settle an issue like this or marriage is through the amendment process, not by unelected judges.
First challenge of facts, I posted nothing here in 2011.
It’s 2021 - Nice fail for starters.

RogueAI211206-#95 Not at all I have never brought religion into the baby killing debate, it's a matter of logic and the law. This a legal matter not a science matter

So is it yours?
You would be wrong, if we were to apply the notion of common law under the guise of originalism, abortion, not being covered at all and would require an amendment.

Originalists defer to colonial life and what was common law on certain issues when the CONSTITUTION was written. Terminating a pregnancy was not against any law in the 18th Century English Colonies unless it was done after quickening had occurred, And then it was a misdemeanor. Women at least back then had an unenumerated right to privacy until pregnancy showed. And then it was not considered murdering a person, it was a misdemeanor, probably never enforced.

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