Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Life has Value. Taking life is barbarism. The entire question is when life begins? And we rank with North Korea and China on this issue. Many states have had enough. Dont like it? Carry your butt back to blue shitholes
You claimed to agree with the statement: "The purpose of government is to protect our liberty, not bully people you don't like. Not to force others to follow your values".
I don't believe you.
well, I cant help you with that. As a "libertarian", you will understand my right to my beliefs whether you believe me or not. Right?
NFBW2208132315-#4,759 “ When a woman has an abortion prior to 28 weeks after conception she is ending the living biological continuum as defined by Dr. William Reville; meaning the potential for a fully developed human life to be born, comes to an end.
In other words what was alive is now dead because it was killed. Don't be afraid to say what really happens.
NFBW: You are a liar @ding I have already stated that abortion terminates what you unscientifically refer to as a baby in the womb and kills it - it dies and therefore it is dead. And it’s unique human DNA will never exist in the universe again in the human condition of being alive.
It doesn't just die. It's killed.
NFBW2208120955-#4,679 Scientifically speaking The one-celled organism that forms as part of a woman’s body immediately after fertilization is alive and if the mother terminates it prior to viability it dies, it is dead, kaput, over, life ended, finished that human DNA will never exist in the universe again.
There's no need to soften abortion. Abortion ends the life of a living human being.
NFBW: Are you ever going to show me @ding a quote from Dr. Landrum B. Shettles where he states the absurd unscientific non-fact that “viable human beings begin at conception” that your interpretation of his words mean?
You should write an embryology textbook. :rolleyes:

You remind me of Donald Trump. He too tried to rewrite things for his own benefit.
NotfooledbyW , Every embryology textbook teaches that new genetically distinct human beings come into existence IMMEDIATELY after fertilization. That's the science. Viability apart from its mother plays no role in that determination. The reason you are playing word games with viability is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life.

You deny the science that a new genetically distinct human being comes alive after fertilization because it's easier for you to kill them and dismiss their right to life if you don't see them as living human beings.

Women should acknowledge that they understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again. Your minimizing the consequences of abortion does no one any favors. It's dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
NotfooledbyW if you want to discuss killing them, let's discuss killing them. But I'm going to need you to man up to what you are advocating. You are advocating ending a human life. You don't need to couch it or soften it. So let's discuss killing them ok?
I am not ignoring your talk about civilization.

I am ignoring you because you’re full of shit when you start accusing me of things that you have absolutely no way of knowing - Religion has warped your mind and that is your problem not mine. I am not opposed to religion most people do not allow religion to warp their minds

I’m glad to hear you don’t want women who have an abortion not to be charged with murder

In other words what was alive is now dead because it was killed. Don't be afraid to say what really happens.
Yes because if it wasn't alive, then it wouldn't continue the process of development. So you are absolutely correct that it is alive. If the body saw that it was no longer alive, then it would begin the rejection process of the now dead human in it's stages of development that is no longer moving towards full development, and ultimately the birth canal.

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