Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Says it all got the saving baby fetus cult inthe name of the new MAGA RELIGION - Trumpissedtianity
interrupting the natural healthy biology of a woman is not a valid medical procedure.

Yep, projection, certainly cults, could be evil and do barbaric ritual killings. But you are calling those who value and would not kill, a cult?

And me, I am not religious, yet notfooled (irony for a name?) says my view on life is only religious.

Then, of course, notfooled (seriously, that name is hilarious in light of your opinions) uses maga and religion as an insult.

I have stated facts, I have not demeaned you in any way, I have not assumed or stereotyped, or out of bigotry accused of being in cult, yet that is how notfooled must respond?

yep, thanks for telling us, you are notfooled
interrupting the natural healthy biology of a woman is not a valid medical procedure.

Jewish murderers can get executed like anyone

Instead of just being an ignoramuses lie, your statement in post #9,819 is an anti/Semitic lie now unless you renounce Saint Atheist of CarsomyrPlusSix fame’s anti-Semitic rant

As a Christian you should be ashamed. Thankfully most Christian’s and specifically black Christians plus a majority of Christians who are Catholic are capable of rejecting your lie simply by understanding and being aware of basic English language and other translations thereof.

A surgical abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy. While the term “surgery” is often used, most abortions are minimally invasive and don’t require general anesthesia. Surgical abortions are a good option for people who want their abortion completed in a clinic or hospital setting.​
Medical abortions, which are also an option for most people, take place primarily at home.​
A medical abortion (or medication abortion) is a procedure in which medication (prescription drugs) is used to end a pregnancy. It does not require surgery and is performed through the ninth week of pregnancy. It involves taking two medications — mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone works by blocking the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the pregnancy cannot continue to grow in the uterus.​

You need to wonder why and figure out why anti-Semites are attracted to your propaganda. You can start by accepting the fact that most Christians are with me on this his issue and respect woman and they should have a choice whether to gestate a fetus in their own body or notz

lktr.23.067.18 #9,819
myrpls.23.07.18 #9,820
And me, I am not religious, yet notfooled •••• says my view on life is only religious.
Please cite the post where you think I say such a thing.

The Saving Baby Fetus Cult I define to be a large but minority group which is not led by a typical charismatic and self-appointed leader who excessively controls its members. The SBF Cult has unwavering irrational devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered morally superior and above the common accepted norms of society. SBF cult believers are primarily white Christians who share an intense fanatical common interest in a particular goal of forcing full term gestation on all women in order to save fetuses from being killed. The cult is centered on Catholic fsmily doctrinal belief that sacred life begins at conception. The cult forbids Biblical Jewish belief that sacred life begins at first breath.

lktr.23.07.18 #9,822
nf.23.07.18 #9,824
unless you renounce Saint Atheist of CarsomyrPlusSix fame’s anti-Semitic rant

What? Pro-aborts are retarded.

You’re the one saying a lot of Jews are retarded.

Athiests tend to be worse, which, most folks who are ethnically Jewish are religiously atheist, so there’s the real correlation. When those atheists or half-ass mealy mouthed Reformed Judaism types start mouthing off about their religion in ignorance, they end up in dark, stupid places.

Why are so many atheists religion hating edgelords? idk, I don’t hate religions just because.

I do hate evil retarded dipshits who lie about their religion to justify your vehement hatred, though.

I mean some religions are just unavoidably evil and bigoted or promote violence against the innocent.

Judeochristianity isn’t, but this batshit dumbfuck erroneous belief that every birth is magical abiogenesis like in Eden - you people are absolute retards.

Sorry I know your religion better than you - it’s probably on account of your incredible stupidity.
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Instead of just being an ignoramuses lie, your statement in post #9,819 is an anti/Semitic lie now unless you renounce Saint Atheist of CarsomyrPlusSix fame’s anti-Semitic rant

As a Christian you should be ashamed. Thankfully most Christian’s and specifically black Christians plus a majority of Christians who are Catholic are capable of rejecting your lie simply by understanding and being aware of basic English language and other translations thereof.

A surgical abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy. While the term “surgery” is often used, most abortions are minimally invasive and don’t require general anesthesia. Surgical abortions are a good option for people who want their abortion completed in a clinic or hospital setting.​
Medical abortions, which are also an option for most people, take place primarily at home.​
A medical abortion (or medication abortion) is a procedure in which medication (prescription drugs) is used to end a pregnancy. It does not require surgery and is performed through the ninth week of pregnancy. It involves taking two medications — mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone works by blocking the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the pregnancy cannot continue to grow in the uterus.​

You need to wonder why and figure out why anti-Semites are attracted to your propaganda. You can start by accepting the fact that most Christians are with me on this his issue and respect woman and they should have a choice whether to gestate a fetus in their own body or notz

lktr.23.067.18 #9,819
myrpls.23.07.18 #9,820
blow me,
"Before you were conceived in the womb, I knew you." - The Holy Bible

Many men are in prison for murdering unborn babies. It is a criminal act, UNLESS done by the so-called "Mother."
Why the discrimination for murder?

Babies hearts start beating at the 6th week. Doctors check for heartbeat to determine if an unconscious person is alive.
They don't have to be breathing.

aborted humans.jpg

Draw a horizontal line and at the left end, label it "conception."
At the right end, label it "moment of birth."

Now draw a vertical line and split the second where you contend and pretend that "life begins." YOu can't honestly do it, because life begins, as doctors know only too well, at conception.
Founder of Planned Parenthood conceived this abomination to eliminate and murder blacks whom she loathed. Be proud, baby-killers.

Margaret Sanger and KKK.jpg

"Before you were conceived in the womb, I knew you." - The Holy Bible

Therefore, it stands to logical metaphysical reason that the same God was speaking to the Jewish women of ancient times, who believed that the sanctity of life begins at first breath. That should settle things except for antisemites like CarsomyrPlusSix .

chmngnr.23.07.18 #9,827
nf.23.07.18 #9,828
Many men are in prison for murdering unborn babies.
It’s pretty well-known fact that men cannot conceive gestate and give birth to a fetus. So, if a man murders an unborn living human organism, that organism must be inside of another individual’s body. Murder laws are against people, killing other people outside of the womb who have met a live birth requirement prior to them being murdered.
except for antisemites like CarsomyrPlusSix

Hey retarded liar, just so you know, I’m an equal opportunity hater of retarded liars and supporters of politicians who promote the killing of innocent human beings.

Hating dumbasses for their dumbassery isn’t hating them for their religion or their ethnicity.

I wish so many Jews weren’t so retarded on this issue, but demographically rather a lot are, and all of those folks learned nothing from the Holocaust. It’s rank hypocrisy.

Be sure to call me a racist too for noting that so many black peoples vote retarded - for democraps - meaning they too, the portion that do, also learned nothing from history.

It’ll be dumb and amuse me. Dance, monkey, dance.
When one out of five pregnancies end in miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, it is apparently natural biology to lose a fetus before 20 weeks of pregnancy. It typically happens during the first trimester, or first three months, of the pregnancy. Is it your business when this happens? If yes please tell me why.

When the fetus is discharged from the body by a spontaneous abortion or an elective abortion, what harm comes to society either way? The woman who elects to put an end to gestation does not attempt to end gestation in somebody else’s body.

lktr.23.07.17 #9,797
nf.23.07.17 #9,801
The fetus isn't naturally miscarriged like you are trying to infer, otherwise suggesting that something is wrong so the baby naturally aborts.

We are talking about people using abortion as a means of birth control, otherwise causing a healthy fetus to abort by unnatural forces at play.
It’s pretty well-known fact that men cannot conceive gestate and give birth to a fetus. So, if a man murders an unborn living human organism, that organism must be inside of another individual’s body. Murder laws are against people, killing other people outside of the womb who have met a live birth requirement prior to them being murdered.
Uhhh, best go ask Scott Peterson about this one.
Hating dumbasses for their dumbassery isn’t hating them for their religion or their ethnicity.
Believing that the sanctity of life begins at first breath is not dumbassery. It is aligned with the US Constitution when government protection of life begins at birth. If anyone steps foot on US soil they are under US Constitution jurisdiction.
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Believing that the sanctity of life begins at first breath is not dumbassery. It is aligned with the US Constitution when government protection of life begins at birth.
You heard it here folks, NFBW says illegal aliens aren’t people - time to round em up in the death camps.
You heard it here folks, NFBW says illegal aliens aren’t people - time to round em up in the death camps.
How do you figure? Visitors and Immigrants whether here legally or illegally have met a live birth requirement for right to life protection under the U.S. Constitution.

any person who sets foot on US is under US Jurisdiction of every state.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
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It’s pretty well-known fact that men cannot conceive gestate and give birth to a fetus. So, if a man murders an unborn living human organism, that organism must be inside of another individual’s body. Murder laws are against people, killing other people outside of the womb who have met a live birth requirement prior to them being murdered.
notfooled, hahahahahah
An abortion is not a medical procedure

This is not a religious issue. It is simple, it is life. That is the issue.

the Dobbs decision has nothing to do with Christianity.

I am not religious, yet notfooled •••• says my view on life is only religious.


When St Elektra says abortion is not a medical procedure she is saying access to safe abortions and medical professionals who do them are not needed to save human lives. But the truth facts and data tell reasonable people the exact opposite is truth.

Banning abortion will increase maternal deaths mostly for low income women and all St Elektra can do is laugh at my screen name when things like that are brought to her attention.

Abortion is a safe medical procedure that protects lives.​

The death rate for legal abortions is 0.7 deaths for every 100,000 abortions. •••• three deaths for every 100,000 colonoscopies, and three to six deaths per 100,000 tonsillectomies. Childbirth has nine deaths per 100,000 deliveries.​
Pregnancy-related maternal deaths could increase 20% in US states with abortion bans. Amanda Stevenson, Sociology Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, explained, “People with resources are more likely to make it out of state or find out about medication abortions. People who can’t are more likely to have health issues, to live in poverty and have less access to resources.” People of color are especially likely to be in the latter category and, thus, negatively impacted by abortion bans.​
When St Elektra says banning abortion is not a religious issue. It is simple, it is life. She needs to revues her ideology to one where poor women who don’t want to be pregnant when they are poor deserve the higher risk of death for having unprotected sex which is not a crime but offends a certain breed of white Christian.

lktr.22.09.30 #92
lktr.22.10.05 #49
lktr.22.10.11 #197
lktr.23.07.18 #9,822
lktr.23.07.18 #9,836
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We were given freedom of conscience and in many ways we have blown it with decisions like Dobbs by Catholic justices who do not respect the freedom of conscience that our founders made into law.
And, the Dobbs decision has nothing to do with Christianity.
The Dobbs decision ruled that states with a large enough Christian population can ban a medical surgical procedure that offends Christianity but is acceptable to Judaism on the matter of when the sanctity of life begins.

The ruling therefore established favorability to one religion in violation of the Constitution.

nf.22.10.11 #196
lktr.22.10.11 #197
nf.23.07.18 #9,838
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The Dobbs decision ruled that states with a large enough Christian population can ban a medical surgical procedure that offends Christianity but is acceptable to Judaism on the matter of when the sanctity of life begins.

The ruling therefore is an establishment of religion in violation of the Constitution.

nf.22.10.11 #196
lktr.22.10.11 #197
On what day (if ever) will fooledbyeverything finally stop trying to force fit religion into his endless looping of his erroneous contention?
On what day (if ever) will fooledbyeverything finally stop trying to force fit religion into his endless looping of his erroneous contention?
I have not force fit white fanatical Christianity into the Mississippi legislature.

state lawmakers in Mississippi had introduced the nation’s first-ever 15-week abortion ban. Based on ADF’s model legislation, the bill was designed to provoke a challenge from abortion rights groups that, ADF hoped, would make its way to the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and then on to the Supreme Court.​

The Christian Legal Army Behind the Ban on Abortion in Mississippi​
The Alliance Defending Freedom has been laying the groundwork to end legal abortion for years. But that’s just the beginning. AMY LITTLEFIELD NOVEMBER 30, 2021​
In January 2018, attorneys with the Alliance Defending Freedom outlined a plan to “eradicate Roe” that is now coming to fruition. Speaking at the Evangelicals for Life conference, ADF senior counsel Denise Burke announced that just that week, state lawmakers in Mississippi had introduced the nation’s first-ever 15-week abortion ban. Based on ADF’s model legislation, the bill was designed to provoke a challenge from abortion rights groups that, ADF hoped, would make its way to the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and then on to the Supreme Court.
“We’re kind of basically baiting them; come on, fight us on turf that we have already set up and established,” Burke said, according to audio provided by Peter Montgomery of Right Wing Watch, who reported on the panel at the time. “Once we get these first-trimester limitations in place, we’re going to go for a complete ban on abortion, except to save the life of the mother.”​
Almost four years later, that plan is on track. On December 1, that 15-week ban, now on the books but enjoined in Mississippi, will give the Supreme Court’s three Trump-appointed justices their first real opportunity to reshape legal abortion. For decades, the Christian Right’s legal and judicial wings have worked together to bring about this moment. The Federalist Society hand-picked the justices for Trump to appoint the Supreme Court. ADF wrote the law at issue in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that will give those justices the opportunity to overhaul Roe v. Wade.​
bckvgn.23.07.18 #9,839
nf.23.07.18 #9,840
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