Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Absolutely brainless.
What if Ohio turns out for reproductive freedom and two thirds rejection of white Republican Christian attempts to control what happens in uteruses nationwide, goes the way of Kansas.

Will you admit Dobbs was terrible for white conservatives when Ohioans choose freedom over Republican religious zealotry that “Saving Baby Fetus” is a states’ rights lost cause the way slavery caused whites in slave states to start a civil war and get their traitorous asses kicked ny
by real Americans big time?

bckvgn.23.07,17 #9,780
nf.23.07.17 #9,782
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Will you admit Dobbs was terrible for white conservatives when Ohioans choose freedom over Republican religious zealotry that “Saving Baby Fetus” is a states’ rights lost cause the way slavery caused whites in slave states to start a civil war and get their traitorous asses kicked ny
by real Americans big time
Grab a rifle, then. I’ll enlist right now as long as I get assigned somewhere near you.
It is impossible for me to be brainless like a fifteen week fetus is brainless because I am typing this reply to you. You are a liar.
Your replies are like negative brain power, negative intelligence.

Being brain dead and typing nothing would be more useful, coherent, and intelligent then the output you shit out onto our screens. Your death will improve your mental capacity.
What if Ohio turns out for reproductive freedom and two thirds rejection of white Republican Christian attempts to control what happens in uteruses nationwide, goes the way of Kansas.

Will you admit Dobbs was terrible for white conservatives when Ohioans choose freedom over Republican religious zealotry that “Saving Baby Fetus” is a states’ rights lost cause the way slavery caused whites in slave states to start a civil war and get their traitorous asses kicked ny
by real Americans big time?

bckvgn.23.07,17 #9,780
nf.23.07.17 #9,782
What if you post without relying on religion which is irrelevant to the conversation?

captain’s log supplemental, stardate 20230717.5 and eieio.
I don't care if someone else getting murdered doesn't harm me
Outside of self defense If an individual expects to live a full life as a free individual he cannot murder another individual and expect to remain free.
Yet you want women to be able to murder another individual in cold blood and expect to remain free.
A fetus that has no brain and no neurological system to sustain it’s own life is not an individual like you and I are individuals.
Objectively false, retard.
A fetus that has no brain and no neurological system to sustain it’s own life is not an individual
how do cells know how to divide •••• is there intelligence?

So St Atheist, was it selection error or just an outright lie by omission when you left out the last six words that are bolded in quote #6 ? Didn’t you see the period at the end of my sentence? You claimed in quote #6 that what I wrote in quote #7 is objectively false. what about the full sentence? You must know that it’s true. It’s why you had to change the meaning of what I wrote.

An answer to quote 8 is that the only human intelligence involved in cell division would be energized by the mother’s intelligence because her’s is the only brain in the body of a woman when she is less than twenty one weeks pregnant. The only way cell division can happen is being connected and fully a part of the fully advanced neurological network that is sustained by the woman’s life.

myrpls.23.07.15 #9,734
nf.23.07.15 #9,745
myrpls.23.07.15 #9,767
nf.23.07.16 #9,770
myrpls.23.06.17 #9,785
nf.23.07.16 #9,770
lktr.23.07.17 #9,787
Nf.23.07.17 #9,789
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an answer to quote 8 is that the only human intelligence involved in cell division would be energized by the mother’s intelligence because her’s is the only brain in the body of a woman when she is less than twenty one weeks pregnant. The only way cell division can happen is being connected and fully a part of the fully advanced neurological network that is sustained by the woman’s life.
I am curious, how do cells know how to divide? How does it just happen? I will most likely google the answer, I thought you might know beings how you seem to think you know much about this.
So St Atheist
Fuck off and die, already. Religion doesn’t matter here. You’re so butthurt you can’t call me Catholic because it undermines your point, and you’re so ignorant of scientific fact it’s distressing how overopinionated you are while being this uneducated.

was it selection error or just an outright lie by omission when you left out the last six words that are bolded in quote #6 ?
Most of what you say is noise.

You denying that factually individual organisms - like unborn human beings - are individual organisms is just you spewing obviously incorrect retardation. It isn’t a matter of opinion, you’re just wrong.

That’s all you do. Lie and deny reality.

Fuck off to oblivion, please.
I am curious, how do cells know how to divide? How does it just happen? I will most likely google the answer, I thought you might know beings how you seem to think you know much about

It’s a good question, but I don’t claim to be anything more than a male human being who believes women should be treated much better and with more respect for their privacy and health decisions than what the white Christian Republican Saving Baby Fetus fanatics fight so hard to make sure they don’t have it.

lktr.24.07.17 #9,790
It’s a good question, but I don’t claim to be anything more than a male human being who believes women should be treated much better and with more respect for their privacy and health decisions than what the white Christian Republican Saving Baby Fetus fanatics fight so hard to make sure they don’t have it.

lktr.24.07.17 #9,790
Interrupting the natural biology of a women is not healthcare nor is it an issue of privacy.
Interrupting the natural biology of a women is not healthcare nor is it an issue of privacy.

elektra220503-#63 “Abortion is murder if there is a heartbeat”

electra221002-#496 “Our [sp] laws are based on biblical laws”

Is it in the Bible? That the natural biology of a woman is not healthcare?

Is it a biblical law that women do not have a right to privacy when they get pregnant?
Is it in the Bible? That the natural biology of a woman is not healthcare?

Is it a biblical law that women do not have a right to privacy when they get pregnant?
why does it need to be in the bible.

Is it in the bible that the natural biology of a woman is not healthcare? We are not talking about natural biology. Abortion is about as far as one can get to being natural.

Whatever your argument is, it fails when you equate abortion with natural biology.

Privacy? Do women have a right to privacy if they decide to shoot heroin? This is not a privacy issue. It takes dozens of people to abort a baby, interrupting the natural biology of women.
why does it need to be in the bible.

Is it in the bible that the natural biology of a woman is not healthcare? We are not talking about natural biology. Abortion is about as far as one can get to being natural.

Whatever your argument is, it fails when you equate abortion with natural biology.

Privacy? Do women have a right to privacy if they decide to shoot heroin? This is not a privacy issue. It takes dozens of people to abort a baby, interrupting the natural biology of women.
Book of Numbers 5:11 to 5:31.
Its called sotah in hebrew.
Interrupting the natural biology of a women is not healthcare nor is it an issue of privacy.

Is interrupting the natural biology of male ejaculation not a private act as well? You need to be consistent in enforcing the rule for women that sexual intercourse for pleasure is not a private matter. You must apply the same law to men. You say natural biology is strictly for reproduction and replenishing the human species. You insist there is no just cause for interrupting natural reproductive biology.

lktr.23.07.17 #9,797
nf.23.07.17 #9,799
Is interrupting the natural biology of male ejaculation not a private act as well? You need to be consistent in enforcing the rule for women that sexual intercourse for pleasure is not a private matter. You must apply the same law to men. You say natural biology is strictly for reproduction and replenishing the human species. You insist there is no just cause for interrupting natural reproductive biology.

lktr.23.07.17 #9,797
nf.23.07.17 #9,799
You need a doctor to stop doing what to yourself in privacy? That is the argument you are making. Let make it a little clearer exactly what I said, you need not try and twist my words to say anything different, I do thank you for allowing me to clarify.

Interrupting the healthy natural biology of a woman is not healthcare.

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