Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

Fetuses are alive, denying that is idiotic. They are organic lifeforms with their own DNA, their bodies perform biological processes from conception on, even if they are only at the cellular level in the beginning.

But they aren't viable until the 22nd week of pregnancy, where 99% of abortion occur before.

Then why is the abortion lobby in such a tizzy to get laws about the remaining 1% that most of the country hates?
I disagree with that. Let the States sort it out.

My view is I don't support banning abortion, but I do support regulating it. For cause only after say 1/2 way through the 2nd trimester, no free elective abortions, and parents have to be notified for minors.

Or you could try minding your own business... that would work.

The Right Wing Libertarian... he wants government small enough to fit into a woman's hoo-ha.

Actually this is my federalism coming into play. I'm in NY so abortion will be just fine here.

And coming from a man who's a fan of BAKE THAT DAMN CAKE PEASANT, your ability to mind YOUR own business is just not there.
The reprehensible right certainly likes to propagate the ‘bake the cake’ lie.

What lie?

How about you define your position on this issue instead of being a drive by posting SJW soi boi?
That's a weak argument.
It's a weak argument that an abortion in a clinic is more humane than one with a coathanger? Put the crack pipe down

The fetus still ends up dead. How humane is that?
The fetus isn't a living being. Only God gets to kill people without it being murder, too

Fetuses are alive, denying that is idiotic. They are organic lifeforms with their own DNA, their bodies perform biological processes from conception on, even if they are only at the cellular level in the beginning.
Having nothing at all to do with allowing the state to interfere in citizens’ private lives – which is the only thing at issue.

Where in the Constitution does it make a difference between a person's private or public life, or make it different somehow when they try to sell something?
That's a weak argument.
It's a weak argument that an abortion in a clinic is more humane than one with a coathanger? Put the crack pipe down

The fetus still ends up dead. How humane is that?
The fetus isn't a living being. Only God gets to kill people without it being murder, too

Fetuses are alive, denying that is idiotic. They are organic lifeforms with their own DNA, their bodies perform biological processes from conception on, even if they are only at the cellular level in the beginning.

That is a opinion.

Either a Fetus is a living thing, or it is a rock. No middle ground here.
I am not making an argument for or against an early term abortion. There is some gray area there. There is absolutely no gray area when it comes to a late term abortion. It is murder, plain and simple and the only reasonable argument that can be made would be to save the life of the mother, and that is a 50/50 argument.

The only ones qualified to make that decision are the woman and her doctor, period. Eveyrone else needs to mind their own fucking business.

Sorry, murder is society's business. Sorry you can't understand that.

Abortion is not murder, no more than executions are. If the state sanctions killing another human, it is by definition NOT murder.

Only 7 states allow late term abortions. In the other 43 states, it is illegal and therefore murder. In other words, late term abortion is murder in the vast majority of this country.

Virginia supports post-birth Abortion. Ralph "Adolf" Northham waxes on about "terminating" babies after they are born. Anyway, murder is a legal term.
We need to give a woman alternatives to aborting a child

Maternal care, save her job, low cost childcare, housing assistance, healthcare

If you are unwilling to do so, don’t complain if she chooses to terminate the pregnancy

Here's a question.

Think really hard before you answer.


Why do you feel like that "needs" to be done?


Because if you give a woman no other alternatives, she will choose abortion.


What's so wrong with her choosing to have an abortion?

Constitutional right to make own reproductive decision.

Then you can point to this in the Constitution? Because they only thing I see is about being secure in your person and papers, you know, like tax returns (that you Marxists violate).
nobody is a 'pro abort'

No, that's wrong. Some people ABSOLUTELY ARE pro-abortion.

No, they're not. They're in favour of minding their own business. They believe that a woman has a right to determine if she's ready and able to carry this child to term, or to raise it. This is not your decision because it's not your life, or your baby.

Having a baby isn't a punishment for having sex. It's a lifelong commitment to another human being. More unbreakable than marriage. As such, it should not be undertaken lightly, or when you're not fully and able ready to commit to that child. For poor families, another child may mean the difference between staying in their home, or living on the street.
Unless you have PERSONALLY spoken to each and every person in the world, you are wrong. Yet again:some people ABSOLUTELY ARE pro-abortion.
How did black conservatve
It is because the unborn child can't speak. We the people speak for them.
Wrong you the white conservatives speak for them.
Why do continue to take rights away based on skin color?
Because white conservatives are just power driven a**holes.
What gives you the privilege to say that? Lol
I like to think my 14 years service in the military.
You have the right to say it, but that doesn't make it smart or correct.
Because white conservatives are just power driven a**holes.
What gives you the privilege to say that? Lol
I like to think my 14 years service in the military.
That doesn’t give you privilege.. no I didn’t,, they said I was to dangerous
Yes it does. I defended the constitution of the US and I'll use it for my good if I so desire.
Sorry buddy you can’t kill baa a babies
Sure ya can as long as it's early in a pregnancy or the pregnant woman's life is in danger because of the pregnancy.
What gives you the privilege to say that? Lol
I like to think my 14 years service in the military.
That doesn’t give you privilege.. no I didn’t,, they said I was to dangerous
Yes it does. I defended the constitution of the US and I'll use it for my good if I so desire.
Sorry buddy you can’t kill baa a babies
Sure ya can as long as it's early in a pregnancy or the pregnant woman's life is in danger because of the pregnancy.
Not for long .. sorry buddy
I like to think my 14 years service in the military.
That doesn’t give you privilege.. no I didn’t,, they said I was to dangerous
Yes it does. I defended the constitution of the US and I'll use it for my good if I so desire.
Sorry buddy you can’t kill baa a babies
Sure ya can as long as it's early in a pregnancy or the pregnant woman's life is in danger because of the pregnancy.
Not for long .. sorry buddy

You idiots have been saying thhat for nearly ½ a century now.


How many more centuries am I gonna have to wait?
That doesn’t give you privilege.. no I didn’t,, they said I was to dangerous
Yes it does. I defended the constitution of the US and I'll use it for my good if I so desire.
Sorry buddy you can’t kill baa a babies
Sure ya can as long as it's early in a pregnancy or the pregnant woman's life is in danger because of the pregnancy.
Not for long .. sorry buddy

You idiots have been saying thhat for nearly ½ a century now.


How many more centuries am I gonna have to wait?
Maybe 2023 or

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