Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

Fetus not Babies
It’s a baby deal with it
Deal with it while you live in poverty, can't afford school lunches, no living wage, no healthcare and while you're doing that get over that baby you killed. White Conservative Men don't ask much do they? They have to strip the women of everything they have. Makes them sleep better at night.
How did black conservatve
It is because the unborn child can't speak. We the people speak for them.
Wrong you the white conservatives speak for them.
Why do continue to take rights away based on skin color?
Because white conservatives are just power driven a**holes.
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want to is another conservative white male observation. got any references to back that up, or are you just shit slinging.
Are you saying because I’m white I have no free speech? Hey democrat the 1960’s are over we defeated you years ago. Can’t kick people based on the color of their skin democrat
1960's no way forcing children because white conservative males say so. The Supreme Court made a decision on abortion long ago, care to abide by it? As far as your free speech goes on US Messageboard we ask to see reference so we know what your saying is valid. If you can't do that maybe you should go to another forum that appreciates shit slinging.
Listen baby killer it’s ending soon deal with it
No it isn't and you're the one that needs to deal with it. Ha! you calling me a baby killer as low as you can go?
I promise you it will be over soon
Why you got terminal cancer?
It’s a baby deal with it
Deal with it while you live in poverty, can't afford school lunches, no living wage, no healthcare and while you're doing that get over that baby you killed. White Conservative Men don't ask much do they? They have to strip the women of everything they have. Makes them sleep better at night.
How did black conservatve
It is because the unborn child can't speak. We the people speak for them.
Wrong you the white conservatives speak for them.
Why do continue to take rights away based on skin color?
Because white conservatives are just power driven a**holes.
What gives you the privilege to say that? Lol
Are you saying because I’m white I have no free speech? Hey democrat the 1960’s are over we defeated you years ago. Can’t kick people based on the color of their skin democrat
1960's no way forcing children because white conservative males say so. The Supreme Court made a decision on abortion long ago, care to abide by it? As far as your free speech goes on US Messageboard we ask to see reference so we know what your saying is valid. If you can't do that maybe you should go to another forum that appreciates shit slinging.
Listen baby killer it’s ending soon deal with it
No it isn't and you're the one that needs to deal with it. Ha! you calling me a baby killer as low as you can go?
I promise you it will be over soon
Why you got terminal cancer?
No abortion will be over do you see the new young supreme court justice in the wing I think she has eight children yeah she’s anti-abortion
Umm if I kill a pregnant woman I’m most likely charged with 2 murder charges.. STOP KILLING BABIES!
Fetus not Babies
It’s a baby deal with it
Call it whatever you want. If it's inside my body it's none of your fucking business.
Your body yes but when you create another body that’s when we say you will be charged with murder

No you don't. YOU don't say jack shit because it's not your baby. Not your body, and none of your business.
It's the unborn person's business . We speak for them.
Umm if I kill a pregnant woman I’m most likely charged with 2 murder charges.. STOP KILLING BABIES!
Fetus not Babies
It’s a baby deal with it
Deal with it while you live in poverty, can't afford school lunches, no living wage, no healthcare and while you're doing that get over that baby you killed. White Conservative Men don't ask much do they? They have to strip the women of everything they have. Makes them sleep better at night.
How did black conservatve
It is because the unborn child can't speak. We the people speak for them.
Wrong you the white conservatives speak for them.
Deal with it while you live in poverty, can't afford school lunches, no living wage, no healthcare and while you're doing that get over that baby you killed. White Conservative Men don't ask much do they? They have to strip the women of everything they have. Makes them sleep better at night.
How did black conservatve
It is because the unborn child can't speak. We the people speak for them.
Wrong you the white conservatives speak for them.
Why do continue to take rights away based on skin color?
Because white conservatives are just power driven a**holes.
What gives you the privilege to say that? Lol
I like to think my 14 years service in the military.
How did black conservatve
It is because the unborn child can't speak. We the people speak for them.
Wrong you the white conservatives speak for them.
Why do continue to take rights away based on skin color?
Because white conservatives are just power driven a**holes.
What gives you the privilege to say that? Lol
I like to think my 14 years service in the military.
That doesn’t give you privilege.. no I didn’t,, they said I was to dangerous
Wrong you the white conservatives speak for them.
Why do continue to take rights away based on skin color?
Because white conservatives are just power driven a**holes.
What gives you the privilege to say that? Lol
I like to think my 14 years service in the military.
That doesn’t give you privilege.. no I didn’t,, they said I was to dangerous
Yes it does. I defended the constitution of the US and I'll use it for my good if I so desire.
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Abortion is the reason the Democrats are so incompetent.

All the competent politicians left the Democratic Party during the 1980's because, in part, of the party's support for Roe v. Wade.

For example, the South used to be solidly Democrat, now it's solidly Republican.

A majority of voters also support Roe vs Wade. Also worth noting that the North was solid Republican. Even in the South, cracks are showing as Republicans are losing the suburbs. Virginia is a Democrat leaner. North Carolina is a swing state. South Carolina is a 53% red state versus the 60+ it was in the 80s and 90s. Georgia is barely Republican. Even Texas is showing cracks.
All these states are getting redder and redder, with the deportation exodus of large numbers of illegal aliens, on a J curve.

Also, blacks are increasingly approving of Trump and the GOP. And why wouldn't they ? When black unemployment is at it's lowest level in US history, and the median wage the highest ever.

New polls show black support for Trump surging

No they don't. All of these polls are outliers. Also it is clear that blacks are turning out in large numbers to defeat Trump and the Republicans as we saw in November 2019.
The post you quoted explains why these 3 polls have better accuracy than those of the MSM. No need to repeat.

MSM polls are inaccurate now for the reason I described, same as they were before election day 2016.

The MSM were extremely accurate in November of 2018. What they say has not been proven to be true in any election. When there was a heavy turnout among black voters in early voting, Republicans knew what was going on. They were voting Democrat and as a result, Republicans put more time and money into Louisiana. Name 1 election in which these polls were right.
Why do continue to take rights away based on skin color?
Because white conservatives are just power driven a**holes.
What gives you the privilege to say that? Lol
I like to think my 14 years service in the military.
That doesn’t give you privilege.. no I didn’t,, they said I was to dangerous
Yes it does. I defended the constitution of the US and I'll use it for my good if I so desire.
Sorry buddy you can’t kill baa a babies will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
Roe v. Wade is the most prominent and deservedly infamous case of judicial activism in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court.

They took a made-up, nonexistent "Constitutional right" and used it as the basis to make one of the most profound legislative decisions imaginable.

Although much of Roe v. Wade has already been gutted by later decisions (the idea that citizenship and personhood starts with the time of viability has gone out the window), it will not be overturned as long as C.J. Roberts is in place. He would NEVER vote to overturn a decision that has been on the books for almost 50 years, and relied on by every court in the land as binding precedent.

Viability has not gone out the door. It is the only standard we can be sure of. Anything else is a guess.
more humane than a coat hanger. But imo anything we can do to move to more contraception and earlier access to medical abortions with drugs is good

That's a weak argument.
It's a weak argument that an abortion in a clinic is more humane than one with a coathanger? Put the crack pipe down

The fetus still ends up dead. How humane is that?
The fetus isn't a living being. Only God gets to kill people without it being murder, too

Fetuses are alive, denying that is idiotic. They are organic lifeforms with their own DNA, their bodies perform biological processes from conception on, even if they are only at the cellular level in the beginning.

That is a opinion.
Only 7 states allow late term abortions. In the other 43 states, it is illegal and therefore murder. In other words, late term abortion is murder in the vast majority of this country.

Those seven states are the majority of the country... You guys still labor under the delusion that Wyoming is as important as California.

The reality- there are very few doctors in the whole country who perform late term abortions, because 1) There isn't much demand for it, 2) You religious nuts terrify the crap out of them and 3) it's actually a tough specialty.

No woman is having a late abortion "Just because". They are having them because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy, and you ghouls are sticking your fucking noses where they don't belong.

Late term abortion is legal in all states. However not all states have facilities that will perform the procedure.

A late term abortion is considered one that's after viability.

The ONLY way to have a legal late term abortion is under very limited circumstances. There must be a serious threat to the woman's health or a serious problem with the fetus. There must be medical documentation proof that the abortion is needed.

It's situations like a fetus that doesn't have a brain or spina bifida or the fetus heart beat stopped or won't be born alive.

It is very illegal to have a late term abortion just because the person wants one. Which that doesn't happen either. If a woman doesn't want to be a mom she has had the abortion in the first couple of months.

By the time it's that far into the pregnancy the parents have picked out a name, have bought a crib and all they need for a nursery. By the time it's late term it's a wanted pregnancy. An unwanted one is terminated in the first couple months.

All this bull about late term abortions is just that. BULL SHIT.

If it's a late term abortion it's usually a matter of life and death. So what the anti choice people are saying is they want to kill women because her pregnancy went wrong.

They use late term life saving abortions as a weapon as if most or all abortions happen at that time when in reality less than 2% abortions in America are late term abortions.

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The question is nonsensical. I have no idea what point you are attempting to stumble you?

Go on record and find out.
Troll on, boy...troll on.

I don't troll.

I simply adhere to the facts no matter how inconvenient the facts may be.
More shitposting, may be.

You just trolled yourself onto my ignore list.

Translation: you're a pussy.
The issue is what you define as a basic human right. Here the fight is between the right of a fetus to exist and the right of a woman to control her own body.

The woman was once in the fetal stage of her own life. Wasn't she?

The fact is, She was.

As for your assessment of "the issue?" I obviously disagree with your take on it and here's why.

You (arguably) physically exist as does a child in the womb.

Society does not have the right to take away your "right to exist." Does it?

Society certainly doesn't have the right to arbitrarily decide MY "right to exist." Does it yours?

As for the part of your comment about the conflict between the child's "right to exist" and the woman's right to "control her body." I have a question for you, about that.

If a total stranger were to catch you in a moment where you were completely unconscious and they took certain actions that resulted in YOU being connected to their body in such a way that you would die, if the connection is broken before 9 months time. . . . Would you or would you not have an arguably LEGAL right to maintain that physical relationship, until you can be safely separated?
This is...incoherent.

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