Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

more humane than a coat hanger. But imo anything we can do to move to more contraception and earlier access to medical abortions with drugs is good

That's a weak argument.
It's a weak argument that an abortion in a clinic is more humane than one with a coathanger? Put the crack pipe down

The fetus still ends up dead. How humane is that?
The fetus isn't a living being. Only God gets to kill people without it being murder, too

Fetuses are alive, denying that is idiotic. They are organic lifeforms with their own DNA, their bodies perform biological processes from conception on, even if they are only at the cellular level in the beginning.
Having nothing at all to do with allowing the state to interfere in citizens’ private lives – which is the only thing at issue.

What's so wrong with her choosing to have an abortion?

Constitutional right to make own reproductive decision.
1. No one has a constitutional right to commit murder.

2. The person being born has a constitutional right to the reproductive decision too.

In a list of stupid arguments, this is the dumbest. No one has any rights until after they are born. Even the Bible doesn't consider you alive until you draw breath.

Not only that, the fetus doesn't have the intellectual ability to make decisions, so that argument fails utterly. We don't give infants a say in their medical treatment, so you give rights to the fetus that the living baby doesn't have.

Conservatives twisting themselves into pretzels to strip women of their right to self-determination.

So why did supreme court justice Potter Stewart say this;

And why did the pro abortion lawyer (Sarah Weddington) AGREE with him on that?

Sadly for you, that IF never occurred.
What rights will women have regarding their bodies?
Umm if I kill a pregnant woman I’m most likely charged with 2 murder charges.. STOP KILLING BABIES!
Fetal homicide laws do not apply to the pregnant woman who chooses to terminate her own pregnancy.
They will be hehe

What rights will women have regarding their bodies?
Umm if I kill a pregnant woman I’m most likely charged with 2 murder charges.. STOP KILLING BABIES!
Fetus not Babies
It’s a baby deal with it
Deal with it while you live in poverty, can't afford school lunches, no living wage, no healthcare and while you're doing that get over that baby you killed. White Conservative Men don't ask much do they? They have to strip the women of everything they have. Makes them sleep better at night.
What rights will women have regarding their bodies?
Umm if I kill a pregnant woman I’m most likely charged with 2 murder charges.. STOP KILLING BABIES!
Fetus not Babies
It’s a baby deal with it
Deal with it while you live in poverty, can't afford school lunches, no living wage, no healthcare and while you're doing that get over that baby you killed. White Conservative Men don't ask much do they? They have to strip the women of everything they have. Makes them sleep better at night.
Ok weird o lol
What rights will women have regarding their bodies?
Umm if I kill a pregnant woman I’m most likely charged with 2 murder charges.. STOP KILLING BABIES!
Fetus not Babies
It’s a baby deal with it
Deal with it while you live in poverty, can't afford school lunches, no living wage, no healthcare and while you're doing that get over that baby you killed. White Conservative Men don't ask much do they? They have to strip the women of everything they have. Makes them sleep better at night.
Ok weird o lol
Have no dog in the race. How would you know if it's weird or not. Can I press you for the rationalization you use to come up with that?

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