Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

We need to give a woman alternatives to aborting a child

Maternal care, save her job, low cost childcare, housing assistance, healthcare

If you are unwilling to do so, don’t complain if she chooses to terminate the pregnancy

Here's a question.

Think really hard before you answer.


Why do you feel like that "needs" to be done?


Because if you give a woman no other alternatives, she will choose abortion.


What's so wrong with her choosing to have an abortion?

Constitutional right to make own reproductive decision.
1. No one has a constitutional right to commit murder.

2. The person being born has a constitutional right to the reproductive decision too.

No constitutional right to use my body as you see fit. I make that decision.
We need to give a woman alternatives to aborting a child

Maternal care, save her job, low cost childcare, housing assistance, healthcare

If you are unwilling to do so, don’t complain if she chooses to terminate the pregnancy

Here's a question.

Think really hard before you answer.


Why do you feel like that "needs" to be done?


Because if you give a woman no other alternatives, she will choose abortion.


What's so wrong with her choosing to have an abortion?

Constitutional right to make own reproductive decision.
1. No one has a constitutional right to commit murder.

2. The person being born has a constitutional right to the reproductive decision too.
Thank goodness abortion isn't murder.
Ask any adult whose parents were contemplating abortion, what they think.

You are pure DENIAL.
We need to give a woman alternatives to aborting a child

Maternal care, save her job, low cost childcare, housing assistance, healthcare

If you are unwilling to do so, don’t complain if she chooses to terminate the pregnancy

Here's a question.

Think really hard before you answer.


Why do you feel like that "needs" to be done?


Because if you give a woman no other alternatives, she will choose abortion.


What's so wrong with her choosing to have an abortion?

Constitutional right to make own reproductive decision.
1. No one has a constitutional right to commit murder.

2. The person being born has a constitutional right to the reproductive decision too.

In a list of stupid arguments, this is the dumbest. No one has any rights until after they are born. Even the Bible doesn't consider you alive until you draw breath.

Not only that, the fetus doesn't have the intellectual ability to make decisions, so that argument fails utterly. We don't give infants a say in their medical treatment, so you give rights to the fetus that the living baby doesn't have.

Conservatives twisting themselves into pretzels to strip women of their right to self-determination.
Stand in a room full of 30 year olds whose parents had contemplated abortion, and say that.

THEY are who you're talking about, not some blood and skin tissues.

You're trying to strip those people of their right to self-determination, and of their lives entirely.
We need to give a woman alternatives to aborting a child

Maternal care, save her job, low cost childcare, housing assistance, healthcare

If you are unwilling to do so, don’t complain if she chooses to terminate the pregnancy

Here's a question.

Think really hard before you answer.


Why do you feel like that "needs" to be done?


Because if you give a woman no other alternatives, she will choose abortion.


What's so wrong with her choosing to have an abortion?

Constitutional right to make own reproductive decision.
1. No one has a constitutional right to commit murder.

2. The person being born has a constitutional right to the reproductive decision too.

No constitutional right to use my body as you see fit. I make that decision.
You? No, not just you . It is a decision between 3 people. You, your doctor, and the person being born. All 3 have some right to decide.

What's so wrong with her choosing to have an abortion?

Constitutional right to make own reproductive decision.
1. No one has a constitutional right to commit murder.

2. The person being born has a constitutional right to the reproductive decision too.

No constitutional right to use my body as you see fit. I make that decision.
You? No, not just you . It is a decision between 3 people. You, your doctor, and the person being born. All 3 have some right to decide.
How do we communicate with the person being born. I think you need to get your jollies off, power fix, and ego boost for the day. Actually there are only two, the woman and God.

Constitutional right to make own reproductive decision.
1. No one has a constitutional right to commit murder.

2. The person being born has a constitutional right to the reproductive decision too.

No constitutional right to use my body as you see fit. I make that decision.
You? No, not just you . It is a decision between 3 people. You, your doctor, and the person being born. All 3 have some right to decide.
How do we communicate with the person being born. I think you need to get your jollies off, power fix, and ego boost for the day. Actually there are only two, the woman and God.

Wow. Just wow.

Your word of the day is "proxy."
. . ., you are in fact saying that (to you) a child is not a child / person until they live long enough and develop past that point. . . After which YOU won't deny them any longer.

Is that a fair summary of your position?

Come on Marty. Don't leave me hanging here.

Pretty much, it is a compromise between my moral side and my libertarian side.

Most compromises don't make people 100% happy with the result, and this is my case.

What gives you, me ir anyone else the right to make "compromises" with the basic human "rights" of another human being or class or sector of human beings?
Last edited: will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.

So you want to ban IVF and the pill....
. . ., you are in fact saying that (to you) a child is not a child / person until they live long enough and develop past that point. . . After which YOU won't deny them any longer.

Is that a fair summary of your position?

Come on Marty. Don't leave me hanging here.

Pretty much, it is a compromise between my moral side and my libertarian side.

Most compromises don't make people 100% happy with the result, and this is my case.

What gives you, me ir anyone else the right to make "compromises" with the basic human "rights" of another human being or class or sector of human beings?

My right to say what I want, and to vote how I want as U.S. Citizen. That's how I draw the line, you draw it somewhere else.
Eww Shew wouldn't you know Gee comes from Louisiana. Talk about white men living in the 60's.In that land the white men are head of the household and women cater to his needs. Men dictate to women. Then there is the fact that the stats show a deadly trend associated with domestic violence in some instances. The rate of Louisiana women who have been murdered by men has increased for the sixth consecutive year, according to a 2019 Violence Policy Center study. I don't want a place like this that is trying to use hospital admitting procedures as a means to gut Roe v Wade to dictate to all women in America.
As per the OP...

He has to call all IVF procedures illegal and the outcome as Murder Babies.... Please get on your soapbox and ban IVF and condemn the children from them... At the moment it is estimated 1 in every 6 couples are going to have one in there relationship.

Good Luck with that...
. . ., you are in fact saying that (to you) a child is not a child / person until they live long enough and develop past that point. . . After which YOU won't deny them any longer.

Is that a fair summary of your position?

Come on Marty. Don't leave me hanging here.

Pretty much, it is a compromise between my moral side and my libertarian side.

Most compromises don't make people 100% happy with the result, and this is my case.

What gives you, me ir anyone else the right to make "compromises" with the basic human "rights" of another human being or class or sector of human beings?

My right to say what I want, and to vote how I want as U.S. Citizen. That's how I draw the line, you draw it somewhere else.


Can we agree that it is antithetical to make compromises with basic huan rights?
. . ., you are in fact saying that (to you) a child is not a child / person until they live long enough and develop past that point. . . After which YOU won't deny them any longer.

Is that a fair summary of your position?

Come on Marty. Don't leave me hanging here.

Pretty much, it is a compromise between my moral side and my libertarian side.

Most compromises don't make people 100% happy with the result, and this is my case.

What gives you, me ir anyone else the right to make "compromises" with the basic human "rights" of another human being or class or sector of human beings?

My right to say what I want, and to vote how I want as U.S. Citizen. That's how I draw the line, you draw it somewhere else.


Can we agree that it is antithetical to make compromises with basic huan rights?

The issue is what you define as a basic human right. Here the fight is between the right of a fetus to exist and the right of a woman to control her own body. Notice I use the term "right" instead of "Right". to me the upper case one is an enumerated Right given by a governing document. the lower case one is what a person believes to be an innate right, which government cannot provide, just protect.
It tried to reach a humane, social solution to a political problem. And that's generally not a role for courts.

I wouldn't call it humane for the fetus, but they tried to get the country past the issue, and failed miserably.

I think if it was left to the States the issue would have progressed naturally over time to be less restrictive, except for the States where they are wholly against it.
more humane than a coat hanger. But imo anything we can do to move to more contraception and earlier access to medical abortions with drugs is good

That's a weak argument.
It's a weak argument that an abortion in a clinic is more humane than one with a coathanger? Put the crack pipe down

The fetus still ends up dead. How humane is that?
The fetus isn't a living being. Only God gets to kill people without it being murder, too
I wouldn't call it humane for the fetus, but they tried to get the country past the issue, and failed miserably.

I think if it was left to the States the issue would have progressed naturally over time to be less restrictive, except for the States where they are wholly against it.
more humane than a coat hanger. But imo anything we can do to move to more contraception and earlier access to medical abortions with drugs is good

That's a weak argument.
It's a weak argument that an abortion in a clinic is more humane than one with a coathanger? Put the crack pipe down

The fetus still ends up dead. How humane is that?
The fetus isn't a living being. Only God gets to kill people without it being murder, too

Fetuses are alive, denying that is idiotic. They are organic lifeforms with their own DNA, their bodies perform biological processes from conception on, even if they are only at the cellular level in the beginning.
Are you attempting to stumble upon a POINT?

Of course.

But I can't lead anyone to that point, if they are incapable or unwilling to go there.

Can I?
No point, then? Figured.


You are actually helping make the point by also avoiding the question.

The question is nonsensical. I have no idea what point you are attempting to stumble you?

Go on record and find out.
Troll on, boy...troll on.
Of course.

But I can't lead anyone to that point, if they are incapable or unwilling to go there.

Can I?
No point, then? Figured.


You are actually helping make the point by also avoiding the question.

The question is nonsensical. I have no idea what point you are attempting to stumble you?

Go on record and find out.
Troll on, boy...troll on.

I don't troll.

I simply adhere to the facts no matter how inconvenient the facts may be.
So...anti-Choicers....what are your plans for a post-abortion rights America?
Eww Shew wouldn't you know Gee comes from Louisiana. Talk about white men living in the 60's.In that land the white men are head of the household and women cater to his needs. Men dictate to women. Then there is the fact that the stats show a deadly trend associated with domestic violence in some instances. The rate of Louisiana women who have been murdered by men has increased for the sixth consecutive year, according to a 2019 Violence Policy Center study. I don't want a place like this that is trying to use hospital admitting procedures as a means to gut Roe v Wade to dictate to all women in America.

Stats show Louisiana ranks high for deadly domestic violence cases each year An excerpt from this article states “All of it comes out of the idea that an abuser is exercising dominion and control over a power and control, and so they exercise that and violence and the threats of violence to basically enslave another person,” said Price.

I think people should turn around and mind their own business.
No point, then? Figured.


You are actually helping make the point by also avoiding the question.

The question is nonsensical. I have no idea what point you are attempting to stumble you?

Go on record and find out.
Troll on, boy...troll on.

I don't troll.

I simply adhere to the facts no matter how inconvenient the facts may be.
More shitposting, may be.

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