Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

No, I was hoping that more American's would honor the constitutional right set out by Roe v Wade. It's kinda like the gun restrictions being an issue. Constitutional rights.

If you don't support abortion you legalize all the wrongs committed against women.

Here are Virginia's rules on abortion -- how do they compare to other states?

The SCOTUS is not infallible and it hss been wrong before.

Can we agree that nobody has the right to violate the rights of another person? A Child?

A fertilized egg, a fetus, is not a child. There is no completed infant there. You do not understand the process of gestation.

Do you have a biological father?

No, she is an angel sent from God.

Funny (and telling) how you pro abort tardz can't afford to give a straight answer to that question.
It's a moronic question, ridiculous on the level of asking, "Andromeda checkerboard horcrux cattle diamond?"
I support an increase in taxes to help take care of unwanted's called pro life stance that doesn't end at birth.
Everyone is pro-life – including those who defend a woman’s right to privacy.

This issue isn’t solely about unwanted children – it’s about government excess and overreach at the expense of individual liberty, it’s about prohibiting unwarranted government interference in personal, private matters, and it’s about allowing each individual to decide the issue for himself in accordance with his own good conscience safeguarded by the right to privacy.
No, not everyone is pro-life.
Everyone is pro-life


Some of us correctly cite human overpopulation, not Algore's fraud, for the fires in Australia and the Amazon, most recently.... too many humans sucking too much fresh water from nature.

I am PRO DEATH. We are in a late STAGE 1 of human overpopulation, and we sure as heck do not need crack whores being forced to bring every pregnancy to term....

Pro Lifers are 100% MORONS who do not understand basic math, science, or anything save parroting the preacher....

On today's Earth, a "pro life" attitude guarantees a billion human death event in the near future....
When do you kill yourself, then? will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
What are they waiting for?
We need to give a woman alternatives to aborting a child

Maternal care, save her job, low cost childcare, housing assistance, healthcare

If you are unwilling to do so, don’t complain if she chooses to terminate the pregnancy

Here's a question.

Think really hard before you answer.


Why do you feel like that "needs" to be done?


Because if you give a woman no other alternatives, she will choose abortion.


What's so wrong with her choosing to have an abortion?


Not according to Rightwinger, it's not.
The SCOTUS is not infallible and it hss been wrong before.

Can we agree that nobody has the right to violate the rights of another person? A Child?

A fertilized egg, a fetus, is not a child. There is no completed infant there. You do not understand the process of gestation.

Do you have a biological father?

No, she is an angel sent from God.

Funny (and telling) how you pro abort tardz can't afford to give a straight answer to that question.
It's a moronic question, ridiculous on the level of asking, "Andromeda checkerboard horcrux cattle diamond?"

Your "Appeal to Ridicule" fallacy is noted.

The answer to my obviously rhetorical question is "yes."

But we all know why pro-aborts resist their going on record and their acknowledgement of the biological fact that they have / had a "biological father."

Don't we.
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A fertilized egg, a fetus, is not a child. There is no completed infant there. You do not understand the process of gestation.

Do you have a biological father?

No, she is an angel sent from God.

Funny (and telling) how you pro abort tardz can't afford to give a straight answer to that question.
It's a moronic question, ridiculous on the level of asking, "Andromeda checkerboard horcrux cattle diamond?"

Your "Appeal to Ridicule" fallacy is noted.

The answer to my obviously rhetorical question is "yes."

But we all know why pro-aborts resist their going on record and their acknowledgement of the biological fact that they have / had a "biological father."

Don't we.
Are you attempting to stumble upon a POINT?
Do you have a biological father?

No, she is an angel sent from God.

Funny (and telling) how you pro abort tardz can't afford to give a straight answer to that question.
It's a moronic question, ridiculous on the level of asking, "Andromeda checkerboard horcrux cattle diamond?"

Your "Appeal to Ridicule" fallacy is noted.

The answer to my obviously rhetorical question is "yes."

But we all know why pro-aborts resist their going on record and their acknowledgement of the biological fact that they have / had a "biological father."

Don't we.
Are you attempting to stumble upon a POINT?

Of course.

But I can't lead anyone to that point, if they are incapable or unwilling to go there.

Can I?
No, she is an angel sent from God.

Funny (and telling) how you pro abort tardz can't afford to give a straight answer to that question.
It's a moronic question, ridiculous on the level of asking, "Andromeda checkerboard horcrux cattle diamond?"

Your "Appeal to Ridicule" fallacy is noted.

The answer to my obviously rhetorical question is "yes."

But we all know why pro-aborts resist their going on record and their acknowledgement of the biological fact that they have / had a "biological father."

Don't we.
Are you attempting to stumble upon a POINT?

Of course.

But I can't lead anyone to that point, if they are incapable or unwilling to go there.

Can I?
No point, then? Figured. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
What the fuck is a "pro-abort"?

A supporter and promoter of abortion, part of the billion dollar abortion industrial complex. Planned genocide, NARAL (NAZI?), et al.
I reject any attempts to force me to pay taxes to perform abortions.
I figure...if liberals want to murder their own children....they can do it all they want....

The problem is so many of them are making money off of the enterprise.
Do you have any references to them making money off the enterprise?
Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Business Partners Admit Guilt in $7.8 Million Settlement – The Center for Medical Progress

CMP Asks Appeals Court to Remove Judge with Planned Parenthood Ties From Undercover Videos Cases – The Center for Medical Progress
Neither DaVinci Biosciences nor DV Biologics are Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood did not profit from those sales, despite CMP's best effort to show otherwise; and CMP is currently defending themselves from a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood. The only ones facing criminal charges are members of CMP.
Funny (and telling) how you pro abort tardz can't afford to give a straight answer to that question.
It's a moronic question, ridiculous on the level of asking, "Andromeda checkerboard horcrux cattle diamond?"

Your "Appeal to Ridicule" fallacy is noted.

The answer to my obviously rhetorical question is "yes."

But we all know why pro-aborts resist their going on record and their acknowledgement of the biological fact that they have / had a "biological father."

Don't we.
Are you attempting to stumble upon a POINT?

Of course.

But I can't lead anyone to that point, if they are incapable or unwilling to go there.

Can I?
No point, then? Figured.


You are actually helping make the point by also avoiding the question.

Thanks. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
What the fuck is a "pro-abort"?
It's the opposite of someone who is "anti-choice."

See, we can play that game too.
No it isn't.
Believing that a woman should be allowed to make her own choice is not "pro-abort".
I believe that people like you should have the right to say what you want...but I'm not "pro-fuckwit".
I am not making an argument for or against an early term abortion. There is some gray area there. There is absolutely no gray area when it comes to a late term abortion. It is murder, plain and simple and the only reasonable argument that can be made would be to save the life of the mother, and that is a 50/50 argument.

The only ones qualified to make that decision are the woman and her doctor, period. Eveyrone else needs to mind their own fucking business.

Sorry, murder is society's business. Sorry you can't understand that.

Abortion is not murder, no more than executions are. If the state sanctions killing another human, it is by definition NOT murder.

Only 7 states allow late term abortions. In the other 43 states, it is illegal and therefore murder. In other words, late term abortion is murder in the vast majority of this country.
Only 7 states allow late term abortions. In the other 43 states, it is illegal and therefore murder. In other words, late term abortion is murder in the vast majority of this country.

Those seven states are the majority of the country... You guys still labor under the delusion that Wyoming is as important as California.

The reality- there are very few doctors in the whole country who perform late term abortions, because 1) There isn't much demand for it, 2) You religious nuts terrify the crap out of them and 3) it's actually a tough specialty.

No woman is having a late abortion "Just because". They are having them because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy, and you ghouls are sticking your fucking noses where they don't belong.
Only 7 states allow late term abortions. In the other 43 states, it is illegal and therefore murder. In other words, late term abortion is murder in the vast majority of this country.

Those seven states are the majority of the country... You guys still labor under the delusion that Wyoming is as important as California.

The reality- there are very few doctors in the whole country who perform late term abortions, because 1) There isn't much demand for it, 2) You religious nuts terrify the crap out of them and 3) it's actually a tough specialty.

No woman is having a late abortion "Just because". They are having them because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy, and you ghouls are sticking your fucking noses where they don't belong.
Late term abortions are very rare and there is usually a pressing reason
Only 7 states allow late term abortions. In the other 43 states, it is illegal and therefore murder. In other words, late term abortion is murder in the vast majority of this country.

Those seven states are the majority of the country... You guys still labor under the delusion that Wyoming is as important as California.

The reality- there are very few doctors in the whole country who perform late term abortions, because 1) There isn't much demand for it, 2) You religious nuts terrify the crap out of them and 3) it's actually a tough specialty.

No woman is having a late abortion "Just because". They are having them because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy, and you ghouls are sticking your fucking noses where they don't belong.
Late term abortions are very rare and there is usually a pressing reason

It is illegal and therefore considered murder in the vast majority of our states. (43 out of 50)
We need to give a woman alternatives to aborting a child

Maternal care, save her job, low cost childcare, housing assistance, healthcare

If you are unwilling to do so, don’t complain if she chooses to terminate the pregnancy

Here's a question.

Think really hard before you answer.


Why do you feel like that "needs" to be done?


Because if you give a woman no other alternatives, she will choose abortion.


What's so wrong with her choosing to have an abortion?

Constitutional right to make own reproductive decision.
My issue is the balance between the right of the State to dictate to people vs. the right of people in general, born or unborn.

To me while abortion is abhorrent, banning it outright is a bridge I don't want to cross. My issue is Roe is horrible law, and States should be able to decide themselves based on our Constitution. I personally wouldn't vote to ban abortion, but to limit elective abortions to a certain time period.
It tried to reach a humane, social solution to a political problem. And that's generally not a role for courts.
To me the balance over "elective" abortions is viability. If you can figure it out by then, you are "pot committed" as the poker term goes.

In general I agree with you regarding viability and so does Roe.

Roe is terrible law, it made up a right out of thin air, and did nothing to end the debate on the issue.
It tried to reach a humane, social solution to a political problem. And that's generally not a role for courts.

I wouldn't call it humane for the fetus, but they tried to get the country past the issue, and failed miserably.

I think if it was left to the States the issue would have progressed naturally over time to be less restrictive, except for the States where they are wholly against it.
more humane than a coat hanger. But imo anything we can do to move to more contraception and earlier access to medical abortions with drugs is good

That's a weak argument.
How many people in the poll think overturning Roe would mean a nationwide abortion ban?

How many?

it is a common misconception.

How many?

Don't have a number, but It is a common misconception.

How common? Close to 80% of Americans do not want Roe overturned. Do you not share that opinion?

Again, how was the question asked, and do the respondents think overturning Roe means abortions are banned nationwide?

I want Roe overturned so the fight goes back to the State level where it belongs.

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