Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

We need to give a woman alternatives to aborting a child

Maternal care, save her job, low cost childcare, housing assistance, healthcare

If you are unwilling to do so, don’t complain if she chooses to terminate the pregnancy

Here's a question.

Think really hard before you answer.


Why do you feel like that "needs" to be done?
Please keep the catholic church and clergy out of the discussion....

That the Catholic Church is filled from top to bottom with child sex predators disguised as priests is obvious, but not the point.

Government is filled from top to bottom with left wing homos. Those homos rape kids. Give them control of kids and rape will happen...

How many left wing child raping homos are in government?
Everyone is pro-life – including those who defend a woman’s right to privacy.

This issue isn’t solely about unwanted children – it’s about government excess and overreach at the expense of individual liberty, it’s about prohibiting unwarranted government interference in personal, private matters, and it’s about allowing each individual to decide the issue for himself in accordance with his own good conscience safeguarded by the right to privacy.

And we should all ignore the biological fact that a child is killed in the process.

Right claypool?
Last edited: will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
Actually not.

Most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy – including some red states such as Arizona and Alaska.

And although ‘illegal,’ abortion will still take place in repressive rightwing states hostile to privacy rights.

Moreover, women seeking abortions will need only travel to free states to have the procedure; indeed, overturning Roe would do little to end abortions.

‘Banning’ abortion will only have the effect of satisfying the authoritarian right in its desire to increase the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Many women seeking abortion cannot afford to travel state to state. Also, extensive traveling is not a healthy thing for pregnant women.
Which demonstrates that most conservatives are not only hostile to privacy right, but they’re hostile to women subject to poverty as well.

Like most Republican policies, ‘banning’ abortion will disadvantage solely low-income Americans.
Not if it's banned nationwide, by the Supreme Court.
I support an increase in taxes to help take care of unwanted's called pro life stance that doesn't end at birth.
Everyone is pro-life – including those who defend a woman’s right to privacy.

This issue isn’t solely about unwanted children – it’s about government excess and overreach at the expense of individual liberty, it’s about prohibiting unwarranted government interference in personal, private matters, and it’s about allowing each individual to decide the issue for himself in accordance with his own good conscience safeguarded by the right to privacy.
This is the Infamous Debbie Wasserman Schultz argument that abortion is just between a woman and her doctor.

FALSE argument.
Abortion is the reason the Democrats are so incompetent.

All the competent politicians left the Democratic Party during the 1980's because, in part, of the party's support for Roe v. Wade.

For example, the South used to be solidly Democrat, now it's solidly Republican.

A majority of voters also support Roe vs Wade. Also worth noting that the North was solid Republican. Even in the South, cracks are showing as Republicans are losing the suburbs. Virginia is a Democrat leaner. North Carolina is a swing state. South Carolina is a 53% red state versus the 60+ it was in the 80s and 90s. Georgia is barely Republican. Even Texas is showing cracks.
They aren't babies until the umbilical cord is cut.

Wow. So maybe now we should allow moms to get a good look at their baby after it is born before cutting the cord to make sure she approves. Maybe she was shooting for a blue eyes but got brown instead. The doctor could just go ahead with the termination of the unwanted child to satisfy the mom and to make sure we don't violate her rights, which evidently trump every other right known the mankind.

You guys are immoral, wackos.
They aren't babies until the umbilical cord is cut.

Wow. So maybe now we should allow moms to get a good look at their baby after it is born before cutting the cord to make sure she approves. Maybe she was shooting for a blue eyes but got brown instead. The doctor could just go ahead with the termination of the unwanted child to satisfy the mom and to make sure we don't violate her rights, which evidently trump every other right known the mankind.

You guys are immoral, wackos.
Scientifically speaking until the cord is cut, it’s a fetus. (More or less)
Wow. So maybe now we should allow moms to get a good look at their baby after it is born before cutting the cord to make sure she approves. Maybe she was shooting for a blue eyes but got brown instead. The doctor could just go ahead with the termination of the unwanted child to satisfy the mom and to make sure we don't violate her rights, which evidently trump every other right known the mankind.

You guys are immoral, wackos.

Well, you guys have some fantasy there's a woman who would actually do this...

So let's look at another thing. The kid comes out, he's severely deformed and will live maybe only days in excruciating pain. If it were any other species other than Homo Sapiens, they would be put down immediately. Is that humane?

You do realize that eye color doesn't become obvious until the baby is several months old, right.

When Do Babies’ Eyes Change Color?
Wow. So maybe now we should allow moms to get a good look at their baby after it is born before cutting the cord to make sure she approves. Maybe she was shooting for a blue eyes but got brown instead. The doctor could just go ahead with the termination of the unwanted child to satisfy the mom and to make sure we don't violate her rights, which evidently trump every other right known the mankind.

You guys are immoral, wackos.

Well, you guys have some fantasy there's a woman who would actually do this...

So let's look at another thing. The kid comes out, he's severely deformed and will live maybe only days in excruciating pain. If it were any other species other than Homo Sapiens, they would be put down immediately. Is that humane?

You do realize that eye color doesn't become obvious until the baby is several months old, right.

When Do Babies’ Eyes Change Color?

Yeah, I know that, but that is beside the point. How about she didn't like the shape of his/her nose. Like that better. The point is, not many women would do this, but that is beside the point. She should not have the RIGHT to do this.
Yeah, I know that, but that is beside the point. How about she didn't like the shape of his/her nose. Like that better. The point is, not many women would do this, but that is beside the point. She should not have the RIGHT to do this.

Again, I think you need to learn to mind your own business. The reality- even when women murder their babies due to Post-Partum Depression, the justice system tends to be lenient with them.

So there's that.

Let's not deal with hypotheticals that will never happen.

Most abortions are women using abortion as birth control in the first 12 months of pregnancy.
Yeah, I know that, but that is beside the point. How about she didn't like the shape of his/her nose. Like that better. The point is, not many women would do this, but that is beside the point. She should not have the RIGHT to do this.

Again, I think you need to learn to mind your own business. The reality- even when women murder their babies due to Post-Partum Depression, the justice system tends to be lenient with them.

So there's that.

Let's not deal with hypotheticals that will never happen.

Most abortions are women using abortion as birth control in the first 12 months of pregnancy.

I am not making an argument for or against an early term abortion. There is some gray area there. There is absolutely no gray area when it comes to a late term abortion. It is murder, plain and simple and the only reasonable argument that can be made would be to save the life of the mother, and that is a 50/50 argument.
Abortion is the reason the Democrats are so incompetent.

All the competent politicians left the Democratic Party during the 1980's because, in part, of the party's support for Roe v. Wade.

For example, the South used to be solidly Democrat, now it's solidly Republican.

A majority of voters also support Roe vs Wade. Also worth noting that the North was solid Republican. Even in the South, cracks are showing as Republicans are losing the suburbs. Virginia is a Democrat leaner. North Carolina is a swing state. South Carolina is a 53% red state versus the 60+ it was in the 80s and 90s. Georgia is barely Republican. Even Texas is showing cracks.
All these states are getting redder and redder, with the deportation exodus of large numbers of illegal aliens, on a J curve.

Also, blacks are increasingly approving of Trump and the GOP. And why wouldn't they ? When black unemployment is at it's lowest level in US history, and the median wage the highest ever.

New polls show black support for Trump surging
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I am not making an argument for or against an early term abortion. There is some gray area there. There is absolutely no gray area when it comes to a late term abortion. It is murder, plain and simple and the only reasonable argument that can be made would be to save the life of the mother, and that is a 50/50 argument.

The only ones qualified to make that decision are the woman and her doctor, period. Eveyrone else needs to mind their own fucking business.
I am not making an argument for or against an early term abortion. There is some gray area there. There is absolutely no gray area when it comes to a late term abortion. It is murder, plain and simple and the only reasonable argument that can be made would be to save the life of the mother, and that is a 50/50 argument.

The only ones qualified to make that decision are the woman and her doctor, period. Eveyrone else needs to mind their own fucking business.

Sorry, murder is society's business. Sorry you can't understand that.

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