Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

Pro-Life for universal health care
Pro-Life for working wages
Pro-Life for free school lunches

Pro Lifers are really dumb, but your "spending" ideas are equally as dumb....

The only reason we are talking about "working wages" is because of the cost and crowding out effect of the BIG GOVERNMENT KLEPTOCRACY you support/represent/are a part of....

I would simply like to hear the game plan that pro-lifers have when they stop abortions and we gain 700,000 children a year. Pro-Lifers are power hungry white people who think standing for pro-life will always be a winner when it comes to the argument.
I would simply like to hear the game plan that pro-lifers have when they stop abortions and we gain 700,000 children a year

When brains are empty, and Pro Lifer brains are that empty, it is simply who they parrot. They parrot Fox and Zionist warmonger preachers. So ask them. Once the preacher speaks, the Pro Lifer brain has been "programmed" to parrot it....

Pro-Lifers are power hungry white people

WRONG = a lot of blacks are pro life, ditto for Latinos = "Christians"

These are the same people absolutely certain that the only demographic to observe Jesus, the Jewish demographic, is 100% wrong about him, because they parrot a book.... written by them, and rejected by them....

Now, just how DUMB does one have to be to do that???

I know more about Jesus than those who observed him because I parrot a book.... written by precisely the demographic who observed and rejected....

No, they'll need a greyhound ticket.

Are you OK with providing services to these unwanted kids?
No they wont, because they wont be getting any abortion.

I'm for providing services wherever warranted. If they're "unwanted" they shouldn't be with the adults who don't want them. If they get adopted, it's likely they'll be in good homes, and will get the services they need there.
No, they'll need a greyhound ticket.

Are you OK with providing services to these unwanted kids?
No they wont, because they wont be getting any abortion.

You don't think if Roe were overturned that women from red states would be getting abortions in blue states? How do you figure?

I'm for providing services wherever warranted. If they're "unwanted" they shouldn't be with the adults who don't want them. If they get adopted, it's likely they'll be in good homes, and will get the services they need there.

People who can't afford kids would likely be having more of them if their state outlaws abortion. Just want to make sure you're going to pay for their food, clothing and education. Or are you for forced adoption?

Women in red states like North Dakota are already. doing that. I donate money to an organization that it's only purpose is to pay for abortions and help women get them.

I've helped countless women from red states travel to my state for an abortion.

We will see more organizations like that open their doors if abortion is made illegal in some states.

The far right radical extremists now hate to help pay for food, clothes, housing and health care for children. They are going to be forced to pay for millions more now.

We will also see the death rate for women and girls skyrocket. Girls will be dying from either botched abortions or buy abortion pills in parking lots as they do now in some places in the south. Pills that will result in killing them or leaving them infertile for life. We will see women dying like flies from pregnancies that went wrong and were denied the right to save their own lives.
1. Pregnancies that are bad and threaten the life of the mother are not opposed for abortion, by abortion opponents.

2. If women get botched abortions, they caused it. Answer? Don't get an abortion.
I would simply like to hear the game plan that pro-lifers have when they stop abortions and we gain 700,000 children a year

When brains are empty, and Pro Lifer brains are that empty, it is simply who they parrot. They parrot Fox and Zionist warmonger preachers. So ask them. Once the preacher speaks, the Pro Lifer brain has been "programmed" to parrot it....

Pro-Lifers are power hungry white people

WRONG = a lot of blacks are pro life, ditto for Latinos = "Christians"

These are the same people absolutely certain that the only demographic to observe Jesus, the Jewish demographic, is 100% wrong about him, because they parrot a book.... written by them, and rejected by them....

Now, just how DUMB does one have to be to do that???

I know more about Jesus than those who observed him because I parrot a book.... written by precisely the demographic who observed and rejected....


a lot of blacks? please site your source. As far as Jesus goes you know he came to earth to save sinners right. I mean he was for the underdog right?
They already do
Not the Republican women. :biggrin:

There are a lot fewer Republican women. Well educated suburban women have left the party in droves. Laws like the one in Alabama are the reason why.
I would like to see a pro-life rally and them holding signs to help the underlying reasons women seek abortions.
Those reasons being ?
free childcare
free school lunchs
universal healthcare
living wage
a lot of blacks? please site your source.

take your pick....

blacks pro life - Google Search

you know he came to earth to save sinners right.

I do not know that. I know that he bilked 5k out of "everything" and when he was convicted and nailed to a cross, all of his "followers" ended up with NOTHING, which is why they were the ones cheering after voting for Barabbas.

I know that when the authorities showed up to arrest him, his disciples BOLTED on him as if from the TV show COPS.... and that's really key here. The disciples knew the answer to the question - is he a fraud?

Now, if the disciples really thought this con artist was the "Son of God," would they have BOLTED????

I mean, really, Christianity is for "humans" who never think, have no intelligence, and never ask any basic questions....

The ONLY DEMOGRAPHIC to observe Jesus rejects him and considers him a fraud. Why would anyone think they know more than those who actually observed???

Religion is toxic dope for the hopelessly stupid.... will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
LOL You wish.
a lot of blacks? please site your source.

take your pick....

blacks pro life - Google Search

you know he came to earth to save sinners right.

I do not know that. I know that he bilked 5k out of "everything" and when he was convicted and nailed to a cross, all of his "followers" ended up with NOTHING, which is why they were the ones cheering after voting for Barabbas.

I know that when the authorities showed up to arrest him, his disciples BOLTED on him as if from the TV show COPS.... and that's really key here. The disciples knew the answer to the question - is he a fraud?

Now, if the disciples really thought this con artist was the "Son of God," would they have BOLTED????

I mean, really, Christianity is for "humans" who never think, have no intelligence, and never ask any basic questions....

The ONLY DEMOGRAPHIC to observe Jesus rejects him and considers him a fraud. Why would anyone think they know more than those who actually observed???

Religion is toxic dope for the hopelessly stupid....
So nothing in specific about blacks being pro-life just in general. I'm on a ego-trip I believe man was created not derivative of a monkey.
So nothing in specific about blacks being pro-life just in general.

Many blacks are pro life but vote Dem anyway, because preacher tells them to.... Those pieces are on page 1 of the link I provided...

In the end, when Dems scream "racism," it overpowers the black voter's mind relative to any other issue....
They already do
Not the Republican women. :biggrin:

There are a lot fewer Republican women. Well educated suburban women have left the party in droves. Laws like the one in Alabama are the reason why.
I would like to see a pro-life rally and them holding signs to help the underlying reasons women seek abortions.
Those reasons being ?
free childcare
free school lunchs
universal healthcare
living wage
How are those reasons for seeking an abortion ?

Do you agree that children have a Constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws?

Can you explain why it is that you feel those rights should not begin when their lives do?

My issue is the balance between the right of the State to dictate to people vs. the right of people in general, born or unborn.

To me while abortion is abhorrent, banning it outright is a bridge I don't want to cross. My issue is Roe is horrible law, and States should be able to decide themselves based on our Constitution. I personally wouldn't vote to ban abortion, but to limit elective abortions to a certain time period.

To me the balance over "elective" abortions is viability. If you can figure it out by then, you are "pot committed" as the poker term goes.

In general I agree with you regarding viability and so does Roe.

Roe is terrible law, it made up a right out of thin air, and did nothing to end the debate on the issue.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Roe is the progeny of Griswold and Eisenstadt – codifying the fact that the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments acknowledge a right to privacy, prohibiting government from interfering in personal, private matters such as whether to have a child or not, incorporated to the states by the 14th Amendment.

Roe is sound, consistent case law limiting the authority of the state and protecting individual liberty.

Limiting government power was something conservatives once believed in – no longer the case the consequence of the authoritarian social right.

Exactly true.

But it does take Conservatives back to their anti-women roots- they don't believe women should be having sex unless it is for reproduction. Conservatives had big government make contraceptives illegal for women. Conservatives had big government make abortion illegal for women.

That is why todays Conservatives put the value of a 3 day old fetus ahead of the value of a 12 year old rape victim. It isn't about saving a life- they are willing to risk the life of the 13 year old rape victim- it is about controlling women, and their reproduction.

Thank you.

What these people want to do is monstrous in my opinion.

They want to force a rape or incest victim to give birth to a child who is the result of that brutal violence forced upon her.

The barbarian who brutalized the woman or child then has parental rights to all children that resulted from their brutality. Forcing that woman or child and the child that is the result of the brutality to have to have a relationship with the barbarian who brutalized them.

That child will have to grow up knowing how it was created and it will have to live with it until the day they die.

Then there's cases like what happened to a friend of mine. One day a private investigator showed up at his door asking about his dead mother and the child that was the result of her being raped she gave up for adoption. Apparently that child grew up to rape and murder his girlfriend's daughter.

His defense. He is the result of rape. He's not guilty because it's in his DNA.

My friend's mother had never told him and his sister about any of it. She died without telling them. My friend was shocked to find out all of this. He was dragged into the court case.

The far right radical extremists don't care what they do. They don't care about the people who are hurt by what they do. All they care about is themselves and forcing their way of life on our nation full of people who don't want to live that lifestyle.

Meanwhile countless lives are destroyed.
a lot of blacks? please site your source.

take your pick....

blacks pro life - Google Search

you know he came to earth to save sinners right.

I do not know that. I know that he bilked 5k out of "everything" and when he was convicted and nailed to a cross, all of his "followers" ended up with NOTHING, which is why they were the ones cheering after voting for Barabbas.

I know that when the authorities showed up to arrest him, his disciples BOLTED on him as if from the TV show COPS.... and that's really key here. The disciples knew the answer to the question - is he a fraud?

Now, if the disciples really thought this con artist was the "Son of God," would they have BOLTED????

I mean, really, Christianity is for "humans" who never think, have no intelligence, and never ask any basic questions....

The ONLY DEMOGRAPHIC to observe Jesus rejects him and considers him a fraud. Why would anyone think they know more than those who actually observed???

Religion is toxic dope for the hopelessly stupid....
And the hundreds of thousands of people who witnessed his miracles, in different places, over a span of 3 years ?
You claim they are all frauds ?
My issue is the balance between the right of the State to dictate to people vs. the right of people in general, born or unborn.

To me while abortion is abhorrent, banning it outright is a bridge I don't want to cross. My issue is Roe is horrible law, and States should be able to decide themselves based on our Constitution. I personally wouldn't vote to ban abortion, but to limit elective abortions to a certain time period.

To me the balance over "elective" abortions is viability. If you can figure it out by then, you are "pot committed" as the poker term goes.

In general I agree with you regarding viability and so does Roe.

Roe is terrible law, it made up a right out of thin air, and did nothing to end the debate on the issue.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Roe is the progeny of Griswold and Eisenstadt – codifying the fact that the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments acknowledge a right to privacy, prohibiting government from interfering in personal, private matters such as whether to have a child or not, incorporated to the states by the 14th Amendment.

Roe is sound, consistent case law limiting the authority of the state and protecting individual liberty.

Limiting government power was something conservatives once believed in – no longer the case the consequence of the authoritarian social right.

Exactly true.

But it does take Conservatives back to their anti-women roots- they don't believe women should be having sex unless it is for reproduction. Conservatives had big government make contraceptives illegal for women. Conservatives had big government make abortion illegal for women.

That is why todays Conservatives put the value of a 3 day old fetus ahead of the value of a 12 year old rape victim. It isn't about saving a life- they are willing to risk the life of the 13 year old rape victim- it is about controlling women, and their reproduction.

Thank you.

What these people want to do is monstrous in my opinion.

They want to force a rape or incest victim to give birth to a child who is the result of that brutal violence forced upon her.

The barbarian who brutalized the woman or child then has parental rights to all children that resulted from their brutality. Forcing that woman or child and the child that is the result of the brutality to have to have a relationship with the barbarian who brutalized them.

That child will have to grow up knowing how it was created and it will have to live with it until the day they die.

Then there's cases like what happened to a friend of mine. One day a private investigator showed up at his door asking about his dead mother and the child that was the result of her being raped she gave up for adoption. Apparently that child grew up to rape and murder his girlfriend's daughter.

His defense. He is the result of rape. He's not guilty because it's in his DNA.

My friend's mother had never told him and his sister about any of it. She died without telling them. My friend was shocked to find out all of this. He was dragged into the court case.

The far right radical extremists don't care what they do. They don't care about the people who are hurt by what they do. All they care about is themselves and forcing their way of life on our nation full of people who don't want to live that lifestyle.

Meanwhile countless lives are destroyed.
What people are those ? I talk to conservatives who are opposed to abortion, and listen to conservative radio all the time. I've never heard any be opposed to abortion for rape victims. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.

It’s hard to believe how close we are thanks to Trump. After decades of the lefts iron grip on power. And the liberals on this very board were saying “he’s fooling you Trump will nominate liberals you should vote for Democrats if you want to ban abortion. “

People just don’t fall for that any more.

I think that you are listening to voices inside your own head.

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