Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

I support an increase in taxes to help take care of unwanted's called pro life stance that doesn't end at birth.
No, they'll need a greyhound ticket.

Are you OK with providing services to these unwanted kids?
No they wont, because they wont be getting any abortion.

I'm for providing services wherever warranted. If they're "unwanted" they shouldn't be with the adults who don't want them. If they get adopted, it's likely they'll be in good homes, and will get the services they need there.
No, they'll need a greyhound ticket.

Are you OK with providing services to these unwanted kids?
No they wont, because they wont be getting any abortion.

You don't think if Roe were overturned that women from red states would be getting abortions in blue states? How do you figure?

I'm for providing services wherever warranted. If they're "unwanted" they shouldn't be with the adults who don't want them. If they get adopted, it's likely they'll be in good homes, and will get the services they need there.

People who can't afford kids would likely be having more of them if their state outlaws abortion. Just want to make sure you're going to pay for their food, clothing and education. Or are you for forced adoption?

Women in red states like North Dakota are already. doing that. I donate money to an organization that it's only purpose is to pay for abortions and help women get them.

I've helped countless women from red states travel to my state for an abortion.

We will see more organizations like that open their doors if abortion is made illegal in some states.

The far right radical extremists now hate to help pay for food, clothes, housing and health care for children. They are going to be forced to pay for millions more now.

We will also see the death rate for women and girls skyrocket. Girls will be dying from either botched abortions or buy abortion pills in parking lots as they do now in some places in the south. Pills that will result in killing them or leaving them infertile for life. We will see women dying like flies from pregnancies that went wrong and were denied the right to save their own lives.
There really is no legitimate reason for any level of government or politicians to be involved in this issue.
Pro Israel Christians in America are the dumbest life forms in the universe, and they want all crack whores to bring every pregnancy to term.....

because human overpopulation "doesn't exist," because what exists to Pro Israel Christians is only what preacher and Fox say....

Just imagine that you support party X, and your opposition is party Y..... and what you support is growing the population of party Y so that your party X will never ever win elections in the future.


Those opposing abortion are the worst SUB HUMANS in the history of our species... will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.

I don't have a plan. I'm watching the number of people already hitting the markets on the southern border to purchase aborticants.
Personally, I do not like abortion

But I am not in the position to judge some woman’s financial, emotional and family situation.

So I am willing to leave the decision up to her
The outbreak of fires globally, most recently in Australia and the Amazon, is blamed on global "warming."

In reality, a WARMER EARTH is a WETTER EARTH, as was the data from Jurassic, and the clear truth of the extremes....

An Earth with a high temperature of 30F has NO H2O in the atmosphere because all H2O is frozen

An Earth with a low temperature of 215F has all H2O in the atmosphere and hence NO FIRES....

The fires are the result of too many humans sucking too much fresh water out of nature....

Plant life only burns when it is DRY. "Warming" it a degree or two, the claim of the fudgebaking liars, not the data, does nothing.

FIRES in wild plant life are from LACK of WATER. WHY is there a LACK of WATER? Because we, the human species, are stealing every drop we can from nature....

Desalination is a band-aid on a tumor.

Being "Pro Life" in the face of the truth of these fires is inescapable proof that religious humans are completely insane and totally brainless.

We should make it a death penalty for any religious leader to encourage the flock to have big families. If we don't, the cause of those "Pro Life" will result in the largest human extermination event ever.... proving once again that

SUB HUMAN IS AS SUB HUMAN DOES will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.

It’s hard to believe how close we are thanks to Trump. After decades of the lefts iron grip on power. And the liberals on this very board were saying “he’s fooling you Trump will nominate liberals you should vote for Democrats if you want to ban abortion. “

People just don’t fall for that any more.
The outbreak of fires globally, most recently in Australia and the Amazon, is blamed on global "warming."

In reality, a WARMER EARTH is a WETTER EARTH, as was the data from Jurassic, and the clear truth of the extremes....

An Earth with a high temperature of 30F has NO H2O in the atmosphere because all H2O is frozen

An Earth with a low temperature of 215F has all H2O in the atmosphere and hence NO FIRES....

The fires are the result of too many humans sucking too much fresh water out of nature....

Plant life only burns when it is DRY. "Warming" it a degree or two, the claim of the fudgebaking liars, not the data, does nothing.

FIRES in wild plant life are from LACK of WATER. WHY is there a LACK of WATER? Because we, the human species, are stealing every drop we can from nature....

Desalination is a band-aid on a tumor.

Being "Pro Life" in the face of the truth of these fires is inescapable proof that religious humans are completely insane and totally brainless.

We should make it a death penalty for any religious leader to encourage the flock to have big families. If we don't, the cause of those "Pro Life" will result in the largest human extermination event ever.... proving once again that


You people hated human life before you invented global warming.
You people hated human life before you invented global warming

It can be truly said that anyone who reads my post and concludes that I believe in Co2 based "Global Warming" is 100% qualified for the term


Try to pass 2nd grade next time...
Pro-Life for free childcare
Pro-Life for universal health care
Pro-Life for working wages
Pro-Life for free school lunches

when I start to see/hear the above I'll believe that Pro-Lifers actually give a shit.
Pro-Life for universal health care
Pro-Life for working wages
Pro-Life for free school lunches

Pro Lifers are really dumb, but your "spending" ideas are equally as dumb....

The only reason we are talking about "working wages" is because of the cost and crowding out effect of the BIG GOVERNMENT KLEPTOCRACY you support/represent/are a part of.... will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.

Women will vote for the Democrats to overturn the bullshit and given women back their rights. 80% of Americans favour safe, legal, abortions. 8 million more female voters than male.

Once again assuming all women are like you, and are a monolithic voting bloc.

Bans like Alabama would pass wouldn't fly without support from Women in the State, and a large number of them.

And a large portion of that 80% want elective abortions to be confined to the first trimester.

The women in Alabama are uneducated hillbillies. The educated women leave the state.
Pro-Life for free childcare
Pro-Life for universal health care
Pro-Life for working wages
Pro-Life for free school lunches

when I start to see/hear the above I'll believe that Pro-Lifers actually give a shit.

And you will still hate children.

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