Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

Tell me Chuz what happens in this situation?

Who Matters More? 15 Decisions That Go Into Saving Mom Or The Baby

One of the causes:

A lack of prenatal vitamins, full of nutrients mom and the baby need, can lead to issues such as neural cord defects, and that can make life outside of the womb impossible for little ones. However, if mom never received care and doesn't know her child has suffered from crippling birth defects, she may not even know this.
I mean if you had an illness that could be cured by injecting miscarriage remains, would you use them?
How can people be so insensitive. Let's get on the web and downgrade women for having an elective abortion. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.

Nope, not a chance in heck!
I have heard absolutely nothing as to how these forced-birth people plan to care for and raise these infants to adulthood.
You might as well ask who's going to take care of the elderly, the handicapped, or the terminally ill. If you say that, it's an argument for killing everyone who is dependent on someone else.

If your efforts result, as you want them to, in creating an unwanted child, it is your responsibility to come forward with the plans that you have made for caring for it. You have no right to dump it all off on someone else. One of the reasons that people have for having an abortion, along with medical or financial complications, is that they or their male partners, do not want to raise a child. So get busy.
Everything you need to know about abortion in America.

Abortion Surveillance — United States, 2016

So, I don't need to know that an abortion stops a beating heart? Kills a child?. What the Constitution says about equal protections of our laws?

None of it?

Abortion most times doesn't stop a beating heart.

A fetus- a potential child's heart- doesn 't start beating until around week 5.



What about the ones that do stop A beating heart?

The mere presence of a beating heart does not define what becomes a "child." Brain stem, brain structure, and the other organs have to be developed before a zygote or fetus can even be considered to be a child. You simply don't understand the human gestational process. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.

Yeah, you go with your religious wank fantasies.

You see, abortions will still happen no matter what the law is, buddy. This is why Roe was passed to start with, because the laws that were on the books were unenforceable.

The worst thing that could happen to the Conservative Movement would be for Roe to be overturned. It will mobilize millions of women who don't give a shit about politics to actually vote.

Then it's a simple matter of codifying the protections of Roe into Federal Law.
That's like saying outlawing slavery doesn't stop slavery, a true statement, but so what?

You don't allow people to kill people or enslave them even if it makes things more difficult for people who want to kill people or enslave them.

Kind of a dumb statement. Slavery only worked because you had a whole system of laws supporting it, including taking escaped slaves back in chains.

If a fetus escapes it's mother womb before an abortion, it still dies because it isn't viable.
Like Planned Parenthood Locating Near The Slums ??
'Planned Parenthood', Another Euphemism....

Euphemise This:

YOu mean a bunch of fake quotes?

It will then be time for taxpayers to foot the bill for unwanted kids....and rightfully so. Pro life doesn't end at birth.
What happens at birth? Are there programs in place? Are 700,000 women giving up child for adoption? What little programs we have are being shut down by President Trump.

The anti-choice people are not even considering who is going to be doing the diapering, bathing, feeding, keeping toddlers' fingers out of electrical sockets, wiping tears, taking them for first day of school and doctors' appointments, and on and on for 18 years, if the biological father and/or mother won't do it. Will all biological parents, fathers and mothers, stand up to do all of this? I don't think so. It's not all about money.

Just tonight, there is another story of a parent, an NYPD officer, arrested in the death of his 8-year-old son. Then the woman who strangled her three kids, Chris Watts, who murdered his pregnant wife and two children, apparently because he wanted out of the whole family thing.

These anti-choice people need to do a whole lot of thinking. They shrivel up like salted snails when asked to think.
I disagree with that. Let the States sort it out.

My view is I don't support banning abortion, but I do support regulating it. For cause only after say 1/2 way through the 2nd trimester, no free elective abortions, and parents have to be notified for minors.

Or you could try minding your own business... that would work.

The Right Wing Libertarian... he wants government small enough to fit into a woman's hoo-ha.
When they are born you can forget about them because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if by being born they have died to you will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.

Abortion can never be illegal in my state.

We took action in the 90s to prevent that from ever happening.

It was a ballot issue. It said no matter what any one in DC says. No matter what anyone in DC does. Abortion stays safe and legal in my state. No one and nothing can ever outlaw abortion in my state. We made sure of it. Everyone in my state voted and that law passed with a healthy margin. When it's left up to the people, people vote for choice. Not against it.

You will get backward hick red states in the south who will outlaw it but the rest of the nation that is sane will keep it legal and safe.

What will happen is more organizations like the ones I donate too will open. Organizations that their only job is to help women with abortions. We pay for everything the woman needs to get an abortion. I've helped countless women get out of backward states like South Dakota to get to sane states like mine for an abortion. You will see what happened in Ireland. Boats that take women out to international waters for a legal abortion. You will see poor women in those red states start dying at high rates from either botched abortions or from not being allowed to save her life when her pregnancy has gone wrong. You will see infants being left in dumpsters and killed. You will see the poverty and crime rates skyrocket in those states too.

You will see in places like my state men facing much harsher laws to force them to stop walking away from their own flesh and blood. Men will be put in prison for impregnating women then walking away. If you are going to force women to carry a pregnancy they don't want men will have to face consequences for impregnanting women then walking away from their own flesh and blood. It will no longer be legal for men to walk away from their own flesh and blood. As they do every day in our nation.

Finally you will see a population rise up and throw anti choice politicians out of office. Replaced with pro choice people who will restore reproductive rights.

The bottom line though is that abortion won't become illegal in America. The Supreme Court won''t rule it illegal. There is nearly 50 years of precedence. The republicans know that if they do this it will become much harder for a republican to win an election. The Republican Party will end up killing itself.

Keep deluding yourself. You do it all the time. You seem to be good with living a lie.

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