Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

Sorry, murder is society's business. Sorry you can't understand that.

Fetuses aren't people, and calling it "murder" won't work if society won't go along. Murder laws are enforceable because you have near 100% agreement they should be. We can prosecute murders because police will investigate, witnesses will testify and juries will convict murderers.

Police couldn't be bothered to investigate abortions even before Roe.
People would never know if their neighbor had an abortion and would generally mind their own business.
As for juries. If I ever found myself on an abortion jury, I promise you, I'd do everything I could to tank that trial.

You see, we already have a FINE example of a country where they have laws like you want. It's the Philippines!


Abortion is completely illegal except in cases of threats to the woman's life.

And they have anywhere from 500,000 to 800,000 abortions every year. A higher abortion rate than the US! they also have close to a million abandoned children.

So, um Hard Pass on your religious crazy.
I doubt it, strongly. The Pro-abortion lobby is too strong. Instead we will see state restrictions upheld neutering Roe in many states.
I am not making an argument for or against an early term abortion. There is some gray area there. There is absolutely no gray area when it comes to a late term abortion. It is murder, plain and simple and the only reasonable argument that can be made would be to save the life of the mother, and that is a 50/50 argument.

The only ones qualified to make that decision are the woman and her doctor, period. Eveyrone else needs to mind their own fucking business.

Sorry, murder is society's business. Sorry you can't understand that.

Abortion is not murder, no more than executions are. If the state sanctions killing another human, it is by definition NOT murder. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
Rove v Wade will not be overturned.
It is being weakened to protect the unborn.
The media is just trying to drum up support from women voters. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
What the fuck is a "pro-abort"?

A supporter and promoter of abortion, part of the billion dollar abortion industrial complex. Planned genocide, NARAL (NAZI?), et al. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
What the fuck is a "pro-abort"?

A supporter and promoter of abortion, part of the billion dollar abortion industrial complex. Planned genocide, NARAL (NAZI?), et al.
I reject any attempts to force me to pay taxes to perform abortions.
I figure...if liberals want to murder their own children....they can do it all they want....

The problem is so many of them are making money off of the enterprise. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
What the fuck is a "pro-abort"?

A supporter and promoter of abortion, part of the billion dollar abortion industrial complex. Planned genocide, NARAL (NAZI?), et al.
I reject any attempts to force me to pay taxes to perform abortions.
I figure...if liberals want to murder their own children....they can do it all they want....

The problem is so many of them are making money off of the enterprise.
Do you have any references to them making money off the enterprise? will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
What the fuck is a "pro-abort"?

A supporter and promoter of abortion, part of the billion dollar abortion industrial complex. Planned genocide, NARAL (NAZI?), et al.
I reject any attempts to force me to pay taxes to perform abortions.
I figure...if liberals want to murder their own children....they can do it all they want....

The problem is so many of them are making money off of the enterprise.
Do you have any references to them making money off the enterprise?
Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Business Partners Admit Guilt in $7.8 Million Settlement – The Center for Medical Progress

CMP Asks Appeals Court to Remove Judge with Planned Parenthood Ties From Undercover Videos Cases – The Center for Medical Progress
We need to give a woman alternatives to aborting a child

Maternal care, save her job, low cost childcare, housing assistance, healthcare

If you are unwilling to do so, don’t complain if she chooses to terminate the pregnancy

Here's a question.

Think really hard before you answer.


Why do you feel like that "needs" to be done?

Because if you give a woman no other alternatives, she will choose abortion. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
What the fuck is a "pro-abort"?

A supporter and promoter of abortion, part of the billion dollar abortion industrial complex. Planned genocide, NARAL (NAZI?), et al.
I reject any attempts to force me to pay taxes to perform abortions.
I figure...if liberals want to murder their own children....they can do it all they want....

The problem is so many of them are making money off of the enterprise.
Do you have any references to them making money off the enterprise?
Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Business Partners Admit Guilt in $7.8 Million Settlement – The Center for Medical Progress

CMP Asks Appeals Court to Remove Judge with Planned Parenthood Ties From Undercover Videos Cases – The Center for Medical Progress
Fake News will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.

Well considering the fact that Virginia just turned blue, and several other states aren't to far behind. That's an amendment that will never happen. As is a lot of right wing pipe dream amendments that are never going to happen.

What's your plan, when the fruitloops start putting girls in jail, and they hasten the demise of their state legislatures turning them blue also?
Abortion is the reason the Democrats are so incompetent.

All the competent politicians left the Democratic Party during the 1980's because, in part, of the party's support for Roe v. Wade.

For example, the South used to be solidly Democrat, now it's solidly Republican.

A majority of voters also support Roe vs Wade. Also worth noting that the North was solid Republican. Even in the South, cracks are showing as Republicans are losing the suburbs. Virginia is a Democrat leaner. North Carolina is a swing state. South Carolina is a 53% red state versus the 60+ it was in the 80s and 90s. Georgia is barely Republican. Even Texas is showing cracks.
All these states are getting redder and redder, with the deportation exodus of large numbers of illegal aliens, on a J curve.

Also, blacks are increasingly approving of Trump and the GOP. And why wouldn't they ? When black unemployment is at it's lowest level in US history, and the median wage the highest ever.

New polls show black support for Trump surging

No they don't. All of these polls are outliers. Also it is clear that blacks are turning out in large numbers to defeat Trump and the Republicans as we saw in November 2019.
Well considering the fact that Virginia just turned blue, and several other states aren't to far behind. That's an amendment that will never happen. As is a lot of right wing pipe dream amendments that are never going to happen.

What's your plan, when the fruitloops start putting girls in jail, and they hasten the demise of their state legislatures turning them blue also?
I think their plan is a left wing let the courts enact legislation that achieves the goals of the right...they will not only get their way but liberals will finally understand what judicial activism is. [though I'm pretty sure they have been just feigning ignorance all along].
We need to give a woman alternatives to aborting a child

Maternal care, save her job, low cost childcare, housing assistance, healthcare

If you are unwilling to do so, don’t complain if she chooses to terminate the pregnancy

Here's a question.

Think really hard before you answer.


Why do you feel like that "needs" to be done?


Because if you give a woman no other alternatives, she will choose abortion.


What's so wrong with her choosing to have an abortion?
We need to give a woman alternatives to aborting a child

Maternal care, save her job, low cost childcare, housing assistance, healthcare

If you are unwilling to do so, don’t complain if she chooses to terminate the pregnancy

Here's a question.

Think really hard before you answer.


Why do you feel like that "needs" to be done?


Because if you give a woman no other alternatives, she will choose abortion.


What's so wrong with her choosing to have an abortion?
Abortion is the reason the Democrats are so incompetent.

All the competent politicians left the Democratic Party during the 1980's because, in part, of the party's support for Roe v. Wade.

For example, the South used to be solidly Democrat, now it's solidly Republican.

A majority of voters also support Roe vs Wade. Also worth noting that the North was solid Republican. Even in the South, cracks are showing as Republicans are losing the suburbs. Virginia is a Democrat leaner. North Carolina is a swing state. South Carolina is a 53% red state versus the 60+ it was in the 80s and 90s. Georgia is barely Republican. Even Texas is showing cracks.
All these states are getting redder and redder, with the deportation exodus of large numbers of illegal aliens, on a J curve.

Also, blacks are increasingly approving of Trump and the GOP. And why wouldn't they ? When black unemployment is at it's lowest level in US history, and the median wage the highest ever.

New polls show black support for Trump surging

No they don't. All of these polls are outliers. Also it is clear that blacks are turning out in large numbers to defeat Trump and the Republicans as we saw in November 2019.
The post you quoted explains why these 3 polls have better accuracy than those of the MSM. No need to repeat.

MSM polls are inaccurate now for the reason I described, same as they were before election day 2016.
Of course PP should be located nearer the poorer sections of town. Why should poor women not be given options? The whole history of contraception in the U.S. involved poor women who did not want to be having baby after baby and wanted it stopped, including poor Irish Americans and poor Italian Americans in the 1800's and early 1900's. They wanted to find an answer.

And now it's mostly black women having abortions. Sounds like a win-win situation to me. I really don't know why some conservatives are complaining. I'm not. I do not think Roe vs. Wade will be overturned. I could be wrong, but too many women want this freedom, just in case. And there are more women than men, and more of us vote. Just saying.

Margaret Sanger would be smiling...considering she founded Planned Parenthood as an anti-black eugenics organization.

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