Roger stone pardon ??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
He never should have been raided by the SS FBI
It was 100 politics
Look at all the scum bags in Congress and heads of CIA , NSA and FBI who lie to Congress all the time and zero happens !!!

Obama pardoned a terrorist who committed 70 bombings in the USA , Garcia Ramirez

T should have Been smarter and pardon Stone after election
He never should have been raided by the SS FBI
It was 100 politics
Look at all the scum bags in Congress and heads of CIA , NSA and FBI who lie to Congress all the time and zero happens !!!

Obama pardoned a terrorist who committed 70 bombings in the USA , Garcia Ramirez

T should have Been smarter and pardon Stone after election
I am not so sure about your last sentence but you for sure are 100% right on everything else you said for sure,you nailed it.
He never should have been raided by the SS FBI
It was 100 politics
Look at all the scum bags in Congress and heads of CIA , NSA and FBI who lie to Congress all the time and zero happens !!!

Obama pardoned a terrorist who committed 70 bombings in the USA , Garcia Ramirez

T should have Been smarter and pardon Stone after election
I am not so sure about your last sentence but you for sure are 100% right on everything else you said for sure,you nailed it.

Well I Know which “very bright men “ to follow
He never should have been raided by the SS FBI
It was 100 politics
Look at all the scum bags in Congress and heads of CIA , NSA and FBI who lie to Congress all the time and zero happens !!!

Obama pardoned a terrorist who committed 70 bombings in the USA , Garcia Ramirez

T should have Been smarter and pardon Stone after election

He never should of lied under oath and threatened a witness. Clinton got impeached for lying under oath, and stone goes scott free.
He never should have been raided by the SS FBI
It was 100 politics
Look at all the scum bags in Congress and heads of CIA , NSA and FBI who lie to Congress all the time and zero happens !!!

Obama pardoned a terrorist who committed 70 bombings in the USA , Garcia Ramirez

T should have Been smarter and pardon Stone after election

He never should of lied under oath and threatened a witness. Clinton got impeached for lying under oath, and stone goes scott free.
The person he "supposedly" threatened, testified that he didn't feel threatened, as that was "just Stone being Stone."
I've addressed this on another post, however, will bring it up again, for clarity:
1. ALL....that is....ALL....presidents including Trump, have the total authority to pardon or offer clemency to any individual convicted of a crime, even violent ones.
2. Trump did NOT offer a pardon for Stone's crime, which was B.S. anyway. He offered "leniency," which is within his purview.
3. Leftist politicians and FAMM (Families Against Mandatory Minimums) have insisted that criminals aged 60 and over, be given clemency and released, as a symbol of mercy in the advent of the Coronavirus, which is hitting prisons hard. Stone is 67 and thus falls in that category.
So, shut the hell up and move on with your lives.
Poor Stone gets caught doing wrong and you people become blind to justice.

I was wondering what The Infowars crew are doing ever since Roger Stone's sentences was commuted.


We all know stone is slimy, untrustworthy but him in jail serves no purpose. Just take his $$$

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