Roger Waters on Useful Idiots

as long as he says what you want to hear....

Actually, I've been a fan of Waters since the 1970's. Things he has to say about the human condition are kind of awesome. His lyrics on Dark Side of the Moon and especially The Wall are awesome.

Yeah, I'm the first one to tell rock stars and actors to shut up, because they are kind of dull. Waters, not so much, the man has always been brilliant.
so he says what you want to hear.....otherwise you would be telling him to shut up....

Dang, the folks you libs look up to.
so he says what you want to hear.....otherwise you would be telling him to shut up....

Actually, back in the 1990's, when I was a hard core conservatives, I STILL liked what Roger had to say.

If anything, my musical tastes have kind of changed since then, I'm more into classical music now. But still enjoy his body of work. Except that weird opera he wrote in the Oughts... I'm not sure what he was thinking.
Geezus. PROGS don't get the connection the reason Waters is a great composer is he lives in an abstract world.
Unlike everyone in this thread, I have actually worked with Mr. Rogers and have a working friendship with him. I've worked with him many times through the years. I worked with his son once.

Mr. Waters is Pink Floyd. Once he left the band it stopped being Pink Floyd. It became fake Pink Floyd. I even saw them perform once in the 80s in Los Angeles. It was pathetic. They tried to be Pink Floyd but it was just sad. They couldn't even get the sax solo on Money right.

Where as a Roger Waters show is a Pink Floyd Show.

Mr. Waters actually knows what he is talking about mostly because it's coming from actual experience. He spent time in a war torn nation, Kosovo. He got to know people who were affected by the war. He wrote songs about it. He has lived and seen the aftermath of war. He writes songs about it.

His beliefs come from honest convictions he has about our world and I respect him for it.

He is a very nice man who loves to be playful on stage with me. To make me laugh etc. We have a couple inside personal jokes that he will do on stage that will crack me up. He will give me his sly grin when he sees me laugh.

He's the real thing. He lives what he says. He walks the walk. Not just talks the talk.

That's on top of making some of the best music ever recorded.

Thank you for that. I've never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Waters personally, although I have gone to a few of his concerts. (The best was the Wall Concert at Wrigley Field in 2012).

Roger Waters has always been an anti-war advocate, and it comes from a genuine place, having lost his father in World War II.

I also went to the Pink Floyd Division Bell concert in 1994 at Soldier's Field. Not as impressive, the first part of the concert was playing their "new" (post-Waters) material. The audience kind of politely listened. Then they went with their classic stuff from Wish You Were Here, the Wall and Dark Side, and the Audience went wild.

Also, every Floyd/Waters concert I've gone to, there's always that one idiot in the audience who drops acid and starts flipping out a few seats away from you. Good times.

You're welcome.

I get frustrated when people make comments about people they don't know, have never met and never spent any time with. Especially musicians. People are cruel to musicians and actors.

Musicians aren't what people say they are.

Most are just sweet people who love music. Who live for it.

They put their pants on one leg at a time just like the everyone else.

Mr. Waters is one of those people. I loved working with him.

He came to my area twice to perform The Wall. I covered both shows. The first one was better than the second. Shots from the first one were published in Rolling Stone Magazine. (I'm a former shooter for Rolling Stone)

The first time I worked with him was over 20 years ago. I will never forget that day. Wow. What a day.
Going to a performance is a bit different than putting him on a pedestal for political advise.

Again your party put a Fake Game Show Host in charge of the country.

I think you fall a little short of who is worthy to give advice. (Not advise).

Frankly, I'd be far more interested in anything Waters had to say than Trump, and not just because everything sounds smarter when said with a British Accent.

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