Roger Waters, (Pink Floyd), To "Little Prick" Mark Zuckerberg, F**k You, No F**king Way...

In honor of Roger Waters calling that weird little oddball cuck Zuckerberg a "little prick" and an "idiot," today I will be binge listening to Pink Floyd. Glad I saw Pink Floyd At Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, WI many moons ago.


Roger Waters Slams ‘Little Prick’ Mark Zuckerberg, Says ‘F**k You, No F**king Way’ After Oligarch Asks To Use Pink Floyd Song In Instagram Video

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters ridiculed Big Tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg as an “idiot” and a “little prick” after the latter sent a personal request to use “Another Brick in The Wall, Part 2” in promotional videos for Instagram.​

“This is something that I actually put in my folder when I came out here today,” Waters said at a recent pro-Julian Assange event, holding up a piece of paper. “It’s a request for the rights to use my song, ‘Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2’ in the making of a film to promote Instagram. So it’s a missive from Mark Zuckerberg to me – arrived this morning, with an offer of a huge, huge amount of money, and the answer is – f**k you! No f***ing way!”

The Facebook message stated in part, “We want to thank you for considering this project. We feel that the core sentiment of this song is still so prevalent and so necessary today, which speaks to how timeless the work is.”

“I only mention that because this is an insidious movement of them to take over absolutely everything,” Waters stated. “I will not be a party to this bullshit, [Mark] Zuckerberg . . . And yet, they want to use it to make Facebook and Instagram more powerful than it already is, so that it can continue to censor all of us in this room and prevent this story about Julian Assange getting out into the general public so the general public can go, ‘What? No. No More.’”

“How did this little prick who started out as ‘She’s pretty, we’ll give her a four out of five, she’s ugly, we’ll give her a four out of five,’ how did we give him any power?” Waters went on to ask. “And yet here he is, one of the most powerful idiots in the world.”

The left eating their own. I had to close the door on pinko floyd when I found out what a commie Waters is.
In R&R Hall of Fame induction for Pink Floyd three of the band members refused to take the stage
with Roger Waters. That tells everyone something.
Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and the rest of these so-called Fat cats are actually poor as a peasant from the Victorian era .
There are Global Elites who controls the international banking system. printing money and putting it into their accounts.
But they need to prove where did the money came from. And so they uses people like Bill Gates who are trying to start a business to launder their money.
And so they controls the medias, and the medias will report that Gates stocks are rising quickly and they will create phony bank statements that shows that many people are purchasing their products.
But Bill can spend a little from these accounts just to make it look as if they are his accounts. But actually the fiat currencies belongs to these Elites. But they are using these characters like Gates and Zuckerberg as a front.
But it will be hard to trace where all the money come from. It will be like tracing down who all bought books from these book deals.
And so these so-called Fat cats are the Whipping boy for the Elites. The ones the public will throw stones at like the way Bernie Madoff was the Elite's fall guy
But that job does pays well..

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Good for Waters.

Waters is pushing 80 and has a net worth of over $300 million. I'd say he's in pretty good shape without Facebook's money...
In honor of Roger Waters calling that weird little oddball cuck Zuckerberg a "little prick" and an "idiot," today I will be binge listening to Pink Floyd. Glad I saw Pink Floyd At Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, WI many moons ago.


Roger Waters Slams ‘Little Prick’ Mark Zuckerberg, Says ‘F**k You, No F**king Way’ After Oligarch Asks To Use Pink Floyd Song In Instagram Video

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters ridiculed Big Tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg as an “idiot” and a “little prick” after the latter sent a personal request to use “Another Brick in The Wall, Part 2” in promotional videos for Instagram.​

“This is something that I actually put in my folder when I came out here today,” Waters said at a recent pro-Julian Assange event, holding up a piece of paper. “It’s a request for the rights to use my song, ‘Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2’ in the making of a film to promote Instagram. So it’s a missive from Mark Zuckerberg to me – arrived this morning, with an offer of a huge, huge amount of money, and the answer is – f**k you! No f***ing way!”

The Facebook message stated in part, “We want to thank you for considering this project. We feel that the core sentiment of this song is still so prevalent and so necessary today, which speaks to how timeless the work is.”

“I only mention that because this is an insidious movement of them to take over absolutely everything,” Waters stated. “I will not be a party to this bullshit, [Mark] Zuckerberg . . . And yet, they want to use it to make Facebook and Instagram more powerful than it already is, so that it can continue to censor all of us in this room and prevent this story about Julian Assange getting out into the general public so the general public can go, ‘What? No. No More.’”

“How did this little prick who started out as ‘She’s pretty, we’ll give her a four out of five, she’s ugly, we’ll give her a four out of five,’ how did we give him any power?” Waters went on to ask. “And yet here he is, one of the most powerful idiots in the world.”

The Young Turks.....a couple of total assholes decided to trash Rodger Waters.

Roger waters is as big a Jew hater as they get
I hate their music
The post belongs anywhere but current events. Does anybody really care what the aging leader of a Brit hair band thinks?

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