Rogue Republican


Aug 13, 2012
The two titans of American politics, President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney, locked horns this week in the first televised debate of the election season.

Romney managed to show that he was still a viable candidate in spite of a barrage of recent criticism and increasingly negative polls. Obama spoke with his usual oratorical mastery and projected an air of deep thought and calm. But to many, the president appeared rather tired and lacking in his usual pep. Being president and campaigning at the same time is exhausting.

The first debate alleviated some of the gloom previously felt by Republicans and slightly lifted Romney’s poll standing. Yet neither candidate generated much emotion, unlike the waves of hysterical adulation for Obama in 2008. Instead of being the Expected One, Obama turned out to be another typical politician mouthing platitudes and making promises that are not kept.

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Rogue Republican by Eric Margolis
It will make little difference in ten years who is elected.
In ten years the USA will be bankrupted by the governmental overspending and lax attitude over the national debt of 16+trillion and counting (add 3 trillion (at least) anually for the next ten years and it will be close to 50 trillion dollars. We won't be able to pay the interest any longer!
All I can say is get prepared. You will need a way to feed yourself and a way to protect yourself. You will need a home (unless you already own yours outright) and a way to pay the taxes on it. You will need a skill that is in demand if you want to be accepted into a new community. You could take a stand now and demand the foreign debt be dismissed and the representative government revised so that the people are put back in control.

If you think the people can't do it I would remind you of the congressman's statement on sending troops to Haiti... that we shouldn't send too many or the island would capsize.
I think most Americans are smarter than that.
That is the debt added each year from borrowed money to fund the deficits - not the actual deficits. I am not talking about the budget, I am talking about the money that has been borowed to make up the deficit all these years. It actually goes up every year so it isn't actually as low as 3 trillion dollars. The debt was 13+trillion dollars last June and they borrowed another 3 trillion in October. They may need to borrow more in April just to keep the country running.
Try an internet search for "national debt" and "US debt ceiling" the ceiling was at 13 trillion - they raised it so they could borrow the 3 trillion in October. This is the big elephant in the living room that nobody in politics wants to talk about. We only pay the interest on the debt and the debt will soon be so big that we can't pay the interest. That means we default. Inflation runs wild (3 digit). Everyone below the billionaire level goes broke and the very rich will get even richer.
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