Rolling blackouts - Why?


Platinum Member
Nov 8, 2013
Kansas City, Missouri
Millions have had their power shut off during sub-zero temps. Are the utilities to blame?
Hell, no. Politicians are to blame. When temps fall below zero, natural gas power plants cannot fire. Wind turbines freeze up. And somebody shut down all our coal-fired plants - which work just fine in these temps.
Stupid asses.
Of course, the msm reporting that many natural gas plants have been disabled, but they won't say why. When a question/answer session was about to begin with the Southern Power Pool, the broadcast was conveniently cut off.
I take personal responsible for my family.

If that front had come a little farther east and hit Florida with the same temperatures that Texas got we would have been fine. Plenty of emergency food, bottled water and propane gas. Emergency generator.

I wouldn't be bitching like these pussies in Texas.
Millions have had their power shut off during sub-zero temps. Are the utilities to blame?
Hell, no. Politicians are to blame. When temps fall below zero, natural gas power plants cannot fire. Wind turbines freeze up. And somebody shut down all our coal-fired plants - which work just fine in these temps.
Stupid asses.
The power plant in Gentry, Ark is coal fired.
Millions have had their power shut off during sub-zero temps. Are the utilities to blame?
Hell, no. Politicians are to blame. When temps fall below zero, natural gas power plants cannot fire. Wind turbines freeze up. And somebody shut down all our coal-fired plants - which work just fine in these temps.
Stupid asses.
Partly Rick Perry's fault....He imposed a pixie piss "renewables" mandate on Texas.
Millions have had their power shut off during sub-zero temps. Are the utilities to blame?
Hell, no. Politicians are to blame. When temps fall below zero, natural gas power plants cannot fire. Wind turbines freeze up. And somebody shut down all our coal-fired plants - which work just fine in these temps.
Stupid asses.
The power plant in Gentry, Ark is coal fired.
Well, there's one plant that's still operational.
Of course, the msm reporting that many natural gas plants have been disabled, but they won't say why. When a question/answer session was about to begin with the Southern Power Pool, the broadcast was conveniently cut off.
one of the things i learned when i was in building management was that natural gas can freeze up at certain temperature, and oil needs to be used because it continues to flow. So this could be one condition that would cause the generators to stop. But then again, why in a world that is supposed to be warming up year after year, could you have such frigid temperatures?
Millions have had their power shut off during sub-zero temps. Are the utilities to blame?
Hell, no. Politicians are to blame. When temps fall below zero, natural gas power plants cannot fire. Wind turbines freeze up. And somebody shut down all our coal-fired plants - which work just fine in these temps.
Stupid asses.


I take personal responsible for my family.

If that front had come a little farther east and hit Florida with the same temperatures that Texas got we would have been fine. Plenty of emergency food, bottled water and propane gas. Emergency generator.

I wouldn't be bitching like these pussies in Texas.
demand is outstripping supply is another problem.
The demand was there, for sure. The supply should have been there. But, no. Let's shut off granny's power for three hours while all her pipes freeze up and burst in her crawlspace....
Millions have had their power shut off during sub-zero temps. Are the utilities to blame?
Hell, no. Politicians are to blame. When temps fall below zero, natural gas power plants cannot fire. Wind turbines freeze up. And somebody shut down all our coal-fired plants - which work just fine in these temps.
Stupid asses.
The power plant in Gentry, Ark is coal fired.
Arkansas Power Generation

Tennessee Power Generation

TVA's got it going on! Nice mix, eh?
Well, on the local news tonight, they were talking about this. There have been controlled power outages around the city, usually in the early morning (6:30), and they only last for 30 min. to an hour. Excel Energy (the people that power Amarillo), said that it was being done because there is a current shortage of natural gas, and they can't keep up with the demand for electricity, hence the controlled power outages here.

Interestingly enough, this latest cold snap has been some of the coldest temps here in Amarillo in the past 50 years.

And to think, just 2 weeks ago we had hit 70.
Millions have had their power shut off during sub-zero temps. Are the utilities to blame?
Hell, no. Politicians are to blame. When temps fall below zero, natural gas power plants cannot fire. Wind turbines freeze up. And somebody shut down all our coal-fired plants - which work just fine in these temps.
Stupid asses.

I love how conservatives immediately jump to the conclusion the Democrats all the blame for the power outages. The power outages are caused by ageing infrastructure. Replacing infrastructure isn’t profitable.

For profit utility companies haven’t been replacing infrastructure for decades. Especially in the flyover states where the grids aren’t all that power profitable to begin with. Added to which freezing cold weather always knocks out power sometimes for days.

Every time something goes wrong conservatives blame Democrats for sure as night follows day. Conservatives don’t look for solutions or investigate any other causes. They go straight to blaming Democrats and then they can’t be disabused of their dim witted notions.

Knee-jerk reactions every single time.Never try to solve a problem always try to blame Democrats

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