Rolling Thunder "muzzles" media star

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Thank goodness they got their priorities straight:

Rolling Thunder to Keep Focus on Troops Despite Palin's Appearance -
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin may be stealing the Rolling Thunder from the motorcycling group's annual Memorial Day ride with her plans to tag along on Sunday, but the group says it will keep the focus on their mission to support U.S. troops and veterans.
Palin will ride with the Rolling Thunder and its hundreds of thousands of bikers to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial but she will not make any remarks nor be mentioned in any speeches by members of the group, Rolling Thunder spokeswoman Nancy Regg told Fox News.

I attended that procession @ 3 yrs ago because I'm a vet. I think they made the right decision.
A spokesman for Rolling Thunder said that they in no way were endorsing Palin.
No doubt she inserts herself anywhere that there is a crowd.
But don't call her an attention, or media, whore,

because she's a conservative female and the rightwing PC thought police will come out and call you

I think Rolling Thunder would do the same if someone from the Democrat side tried to exploit the event.

Rolling Thunder is dedicated to one thing and one thing only: full accountability for those left behind as POWs and MIAs. They're not going to let politics get in the way for anything.

Good on them!
You Palin haters are pathetic. Mrs, Palin had a son who served in Iraq. I'm sure that is what she will be there for.

some of you make me ill..really
Thank goodness they got their priorities straight:

Rolling Thunder to Keep Focus on Troops Despite Palin's Appearance -
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin may be stealing the Rolling Thunder from the motorcycling group's annual Memorial Day ride with her plans to tag along on Sunday, but the group says it will keep the focus on their mission to support U.S. troops and veterans.
Palin will ride with the Rolling Thunder and its hundreds of thousands of bikers to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial but she will not make any remarks nor be mentioned in any speeches by members of the group, Rolling Thunder spokeswoman Nancy Regg told Fox News.

I attended that procession @ 3 yrs ago because I'm a vet. I think they made the right decision.

Theres no need for republicans to pursue a vote that they allready have. She is there to honor the troops just like everyone else. - Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry
You Palin haters are pathetic. Mrs, Palin had a son who served in Iraq. I'm sure that is what she will be there for.

some of you make me ill..really

Do you know that it wasn't until she was preparing for the debate against Joe Biden, she found out Saddam wasn't behind 9/11? They had to tell her Saddam had no part in 9/11. Imagine. She actually believed Republican swill.
You Palin haters are pathetic. Mrs, Palin had a son who served in Iraq. I'm sure that is what she will be there for.

some of you make me ill..really

Do you know that it wasn't until she was preparing for the debate against Joe Biden, she found out Saddam wasn't behind 9/11? They had to tell her Saddam had no part in 9/11. Imagine. She actually believed Republican swill.

You my dear are a very useful IDIOT and a liar to boot..
You are one of many here who make me ill.
I would have loved to have been there for the "debate" preperation. I could just imagine.

Sarah: When do I say the part about Obama voting against getting the guy who brought down the WTC, Saddam.

Mod: Oh, you don't know? That was a lie. It was Bin Laden who was behind bringing down the WTC.

Sarah: Whaaat? Then why did we invade Iraq?

Mod: Because Iraq has oil.

Sarah: Alaska has oil.

Mod: Yea, but not as much as Iraq.

Sarah: Then what happened to Bin "what's his name"?

Mod: We let him go.

Sarah: Let him go? Why?

Mod: Because if we got Bin Laden, the American people would never have let us invade Iraq.

Sarah: Oh, that makes sense. Well then, what do I say?

Mod: You do what Republicans have always done.

Sarah: What's that?

Mod: Lie!

Sarah: Oh, I can do that. I've been lying to the people of Alaska for two years.

Mod: Good. Then you don't need to practice.
You Palin haters are pathetic. Mrs, Palin had a son who served in Iraq. I'm sure that is what she will be there for.

some of you make me ill..really

Do you know that it wasn't until she was preparing for the debate against Joe Biden, she found out Saddam wasn't behind 9/11? They had to tell her Saddam had no part in 9/11. Imagine. She actually believed Republican swill.

You my dear are a very useful IDIOT and a liar to boot..
You are one of many here who make me ill.




No you di int.

Did you just call Bill O'Reilly a "liar"?????


In her first appearance as a Fox News contributor, O’Reilly was asking Palin to respond to claims that she came across as clueless when being prepped for her vice presidential debate by John McCain’s presidential campaign staff. O’Reilly was running clips of John Heilemann, co-author of “Game Change,” on CBS’ “60 Minutes.”

“She still didn’t really understand why there was a North Korea and a South Korea,” Heilemann said. “She was still regularly saying that Saddam Hussein had been behind 9/11. And literally the next day, her son was about to ship off to Iraq, and when they asked her who her son was going to fight, she couldn't explain that.”

Bill O'Reilly Presses Sarah Palin

Hilarious. Simply hilarious. Right wingers never know a thing about their "masters". They sit in front of the damn Internet and refuse to learn a single thing. Simply hilarious.
You Palin haters are pathetic. Mrs, Palin had a son who served in Iraq. I'm sure that is what she will be there for.

some of you make me ill..really

Do you know that it wasn't until she was preparing for the debate against Joe Biden, she found out Saddam wasn't behind 9/11? They had to tell her Saddam had no part in 9/11. Imagine. She actually believed Republican swill.

You my dear are a very useful IDIOT and a liar to boot..
You are one of many here who make me ill.

We don't want to make steph :cuckoo: ill LOLOL
Thank goodness they got their priorities straight:

Rolling Thunder to Keep Focus on Troops Despite Palin's Appearance -
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin may be stealing the Rolling Thunder from the motorcycling group's annual Memorial Day ride with her plans to tag along on Sunday, but the group says it will keep the focus on their mission to support U.S. troops and veterans.
Palin will ride with the Rolling Thunder and its hundreds of thousands of bikers to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial but she will not make any remarks nor be mentioned in any speeches by members of the group, Rolling Thunder spokeswoman Nancy Regg told Fox News.

I attended that procession @ 3 yrs ago because I'm a vet. I think they made the right decision.

Theres no need for republicans to pursue a vote that they allready have. She is there to honor the troops just like everyone else. - Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry

Palin's son served in Iraq. She has long been a strong supporter of the military. Only a moron would think that she was being muzzled by Rolling Thunder.
She is, like yourself, a civilian.
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Thread fail

When you lie, you shouldn't post links;

Regg expressed frustration about how all the will-she-or-won't-she media coverage of Palin has threatened to overshadow Sunday's event, which she emphasized is about the Rolling Thunder servicemen and women. Palin will be riding as an equal who will not get any extra attention, Regg said.

Read more: Rolling Thunder to Keep Focus on Troops Despite Palin's Appearance -

The group has visited the White House more than half a dozen times. During one visit, members of the group made President George W. Bush an honorary member and presented him with his own cowhide vest jacket as they pushed for increased veterans benefits.

You libtarded morons are pathetic.
But don't call her an attention, or media, whore,

because she's a conservative female and the rightwing PC thought police will come out and call you

Oh, she's definitely an attention whore. Sounds like she lost some respect.

Palin’s arrival at the event around 11:30 a.m. caused a huge commotion that event organizers struggled to contain. Photographers swarmed her; young men in suits hung around the press pack asking Palin to sign copies of her books. Rolling Thunder security yelled at press and fans not to touch the expensive bikes.
“I’m very not appreciative of the way she came in here,” Ted Shpak, Rolling Thunder’s national legislative director, said of Palin’s arrival. The former governor came in the front of the Pentagon’s north parking lot, where event staff and press were assembled. “If she wanted to come on the ride, she should have come in the back.”
The ride goes from the Pentagon, past the Vietnam Memorial, to the National Mall. From there, Palin plans to head to the National Archives to see the Constitution. It’s the beginning of a week-long tour of historic sites in the Northeast.
Mixed feelings about Sarah Palin at Rolling Thunder - The Fix - The Washington Post


She's going to be all over the place this summer, probably inserting herself where she's not wanted. I full expect her to take credit for the moonwalk, victory in WW2, and the capture of bin laden.
Her staff are not known for making the most prudent decisions :razz:
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But don't call her an attention, or media, whore,

because she's a conservative female and the rightwing PC thought police will come out and call you

Oh, she's definitely an attention whore. Sounds like she lost some respect.

Palin’s arrival at the event around 11:30 a.m. caused a huge commotion that event organizers struggled to contain. Photographers swarmed her; young men in suits hung around the press pack asking Palin to sign copies of her books. Rolling Thunder security yelled at press and fans not to touch the expensive bikes.
“I’m very not appreciative of the way she came in here,” Ted Shpak, Rolling Thunder’s national legislative director, said of Palin’s arrival. The former governor came in the front of the Pentagon’s north parking lot, where event staff and press were assembled. “If she wanted to come on the ride, she should have come in the back.”
The ride goes from the Pentagon, past the Vietnam Memorial, to the National Mall. From there, Palin plans to head to the National Archives to see the Constitution. It’s the beginning of a week-long tour of historic sites in the Northeast.
Mixed feelings about Sarah Palin at Rolling Thunder - The Fix - The Washington Post


She's going to be all over the place this summer, probably inserting herself where she's not wanted. I full expect her to take credit for the moonwalk, victory in WW2, and the capture of bin laden.

All the way at the bottom of that parade of fuck palin quotes;

But not everyone was opposed.

“I’m delighted… I think its just great. Her son serves,” Virginia resident Gretchen Fisher said referring to Palin’s son Track, who is in the Army.

Seems the truth takes some more reading
Thank goodness they got their priorities straight:

Rolling Thunder to Keep Focus on Troops Despite Palin's Appearance -

I attended that procession @ 3 yrs ago because I'm a vet. I think they made the right decision.

Theres no need for republicans to pursue a vote that they allready have. She is there to honor the troops just like everyone else. - Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry

Palin's son served in Iraq. She has long been a strong supporter of the military. Only a moron would think that she was being muzzled by Rolling Thunder.

You're creeping me out w/ your daily PM's to my inbox boedummy. Do you stalk anyone else here besides me? Your petty, vindictiveness is childish. PUT YOUR BIG- GIRL PANTS ON & MOVE ON!!!
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The interesting thing to watch is gonna be next week. I wonder that since they didn't let her speak, if she's gonna go to Facebook and Twitter (as well as all her speeches) and bitch about not being allowed to give a speech.

I bet she does, and that will tank any and all hopes of running for President.

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