Roman Catholic Church Has A Pagan Roots


Aug 22, 2011
Roman Catholic Church (RCC) very often tries to eliminate and defame every person who expose RCC's pagan roots and that its origin is in pagan religions, not in the teaching of the Bible. In the matter of fact, RCC has mixed up Biblical and pagan doctrines. This combination makes from its anti-Christian sect and cult, which doesn't represent Biblical Christianity. RCC has systematically tried to distort evidence that shows clearly wrong doctrines of the RCC and its undisputed connections to paganism. See yourself clear connection of paganism to Catholicism. The site contains also pictorial material:

Roman Catholic Church Babylon pagan origin roots deception
Note to the OP: EVERYTHING is rooted in prechristianity Paganism to at least some extent.
Roman Catholic Church (RCC) very often tries to eliminate and defame every person who expose RCC's pagan roots and that its origin is in pagan religions, not in the teaching of the Bible. In the matter of fact, RCC has mixed up Biblical and pagan doctrines. This combination makes from its anti-Christian sect and cult, which doesn't represent Biblical Christianity. RCC has systematically tried to distort evidence that shows clearly wrong doctrines of the RCC and its undisputed connections to paganism. See yourself clear connection of paganism to Catholicism. The site contains also pictorial material:

Roman Catholic Church Babylon pagan origin roots deception

Roman Catholic Church (RCC) very often tries to eliminate and defame every person who expose RCC's pagan roots and that its origin is in pagan religions, not in the teaching of the Bible. In the matter of fact, RCC has mixed up Biblical and pagan doctrines. This combination makes from its anti-Christian sect and cult, which doesn't represent Biblical Christianity. RCC has systematically tried to distort evidence that shows clearly wrong doctrines of the RCC and its undisputed connections to paganism. See yourself clear connection of paganism to Catholicism. The site contains also pictorial material:

Roman Catholic Church Babylon pagan origin roots deception

The pagan roots can't be more obvious. Jesus (Horus and others), Mary (any number of Goddesses); Easter (spring fertility rites -- and the lunar caledar); Christmas; "All Saints Day" (Samhain/Hallowe'en); The "Feast of the Assumption" (Lammas); the entire biography of "St. Valentine" (after Roman spring sex rituals); the whole idea of sacrificing and cannibalizing a god in human form... the Ten Commandments (Egyptian Book of the Dead); even this still goes on:


These aren't roots of origin, but roots of co-optation. When the pagans (which means 'country folk') are already venerating a Goddess and observing Samhain and Yuletide and Lupercalia and Pan (who gets morphed into Satan), the new kid on the block paints itself in the robes of the old established customs. It's an advertising gimmick.

But --- where do you get this idea that the RCC "tries to eliminate or defame" anyone who points this out? Ever seen this happen? I haven't. In our own lifetime I mean. Got a link?
Note to the OP: EVERYTHING is rooted in prechristianity Paganism to at least some extent.
Yep. The Jesus figure in the bible could even had been modeled on Dionysus.

Jesus wasn't the first religious figure with the same backstory as previous ones. Buddha was supposedly born to a virgin as well as one of the big deities in the Egyptian pantheon.

Most interestingly, none of the Jewish prophecies about the Messiah mention he'll be born to a virgin. They actually specify he'll be related to King David on his FATHER'S side. Biggest proof Jesus wasn't the Messiah.

"B. Descendent of David

Many prophetic passages speak of a descendant of King David who will rule Israel during the age of perfection. (Isaiah 11:1-9; Jeremiah 23:5-6, 30:7-10, 33:14-16; Ezekiel 34:11-31, 37:21-28; Hosea 3:4-5)

The Messiah must be descended on his father's side from King David (see Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, 33:17; Ezekiel 34:23-24). According to the Christian claim that Jesus was the product of a virgin birth, he had no father ― and thus could not have possibly fulfilled the messianic requirement of being descended on his father's side from King David. (1)

According to Jewish sources, the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, (2) nor will he possess supernatural qualities."
Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus
if the rcc is pagan in nature so is every protestant sect

Not necessarily. Protestants could have broken off because of the pagan roots returning to a more Scripturally sound verison.

As long as they still have a Solstice called "Christmas" and an spring fertility festival to Ishtar called "Easter" and such trappings--- they''re still steeped in the same pagan history.
if the rcc is pagan in nature so is every protestant sect

Not necessarily. Protestants could have broken off because of the pagan roots returning to a more Scripturally sound verison.

As long as they still have a Solstice called "Christmas" and an spring fertility festival to Ishtar called "Easter" and such trappings--- they''re still steeped in the same pagan history.

Again, not necessarily. Though Jewish I was raised with Christmas, Easter, Halloween. But as the secular holidays they in fact are. The religious aspects were left out.
To this day, borrowing a line from "Ghostbusters" (with some adjustment,)

"If there's presents or candy, I'll celebrate anything you say." :)
if the rcc is pagan in nature so is every protestant sect

Not necessarily. Protestants could have broken off because of the pagan roots returning to a more Scripturally sound verison.

As long as they still have a Solstice called "Christmas" and an spring fertility festival to Ishtar called "Easter" and such trappings--- they''re still steeped in the same pagan history.

Again, not necessarily. Though Jewish I was raised with Christmas, Easter, Halloween. But as the secular holidays they in fact are. The religious aspects were left out.

That doesn't mean they're not still incorporated into the various religions.

There's no evidence, for instance, that Jesus was born in December. There's plenty of evidence that it was simply plunked onto an existing and long-held observance.
if the rcc is pagan in nature so is every protestant sect

Not necessarily. Protestants could have broken off because of the pagan roots returning to a more Scripturally sound verison.

As long as they still have a Solstice called "Christmas" and an spring fertility festival to Ishtar called "Easter" and such trappings--- they''re still steeped in the same pagan history.

Again, not necessarily. Though Jewish I was raised with Christmas, Easter, Halloween. But as the secular holidays they in fact are. The religious aspects were left out.

That doesn't mean they're not still incorporated into the various religions.

There's no evidence, for instance, that Jesus was born in December. There's plenty of evidence that it was simply plunked onto an existing and long-held observance.

Think he was born in Spring if I recall.

Most of the "Christian" holidays were in fact compromises by the Catholics to get pagans into Catholicism. That's beyond dispute.
if the rcc is pagan in nature so is every protestant sect

Not necessarily. Protestants could have broken off because of the pagan roots returning to a more Scripturally sound verison.

As long as they still have a Solstice called "Christmas" and an spring fertility festival to Ishtar called "Easter" and such trappings--- they''re still steeped in the same pagan history.

Again, not necessarily. Though Jewish I was raised with Christmas, Easter, Halloween. But as the secular holidays they in fact are. The religious aspects were left out.

That doesn't mean they're not still incorporated into the various religions.

There's no evidence, for instance, that Jesus was born in December. There's plenty of evidence that it was simply plunked onto an existing and long-held observance.

I believe he was born 12 days after Dec 25th. Christmas was just the first day of the celebrations.
if the rcc is pagan in nature so is every protestant sect

Not necessarily. Protestants could have broken off because of the pagan roots returning to a more Scripturally sound verison.

As long as they still have a Solstice called "Christmas" and an spring fertility festival to Ishtar called "Easter" and such trappings--- they''re still steeped in the same pagan history.

Again, not necessarily. Though Jewish I was raised with Christmas, Easter, Halloween. But as the secular holidays they in fact are. The religious aspects were left out.

That doesn't mean they're not still incorporated into the various religions.

There's no evidence, for instance, that Jesus was born in December. There's plenty of evidence that it was simply plunked onto an existing and long-held observance.

I believe he was born 12 days after Dec 25th. Christmas was just the first day of the celebrations.

Nope. The "twelve days" and Twelfth Night are associated with old Anglo-Saxon traditions of wassailing and with the beginning of the old Roman season of carne vale ("farewell to flesh", or Carnival (Mardi Gras)). Nothing to do with Jesus.
Not necessarily. Protestants could have broken off because of the pagan roots returning to a more Scripturally sound verison.

As long as they still have a Solstice called "Christmas" and an spring fertility festival to Ishtar called "Easter" and such trappings--- they''re still steeped in the same pagan history.

Again, not necessarily. Though Jewish I was raised with Christmas, Easter, Halloween. But as the secular holidays they in fact are. The religious aspects were left out.

That doesn't mean they're not still incorporated into the various religions.

There's no evidence, for instance, that Jesus was born in December. There's plenty of evidence that it was simply plunked onto an existing and long-held observance.

I believe he was born 12 days after Dec 25th. Christmas was just the first day of the celebrations.

Nope. The "twelve days" and Twelfth Night are associated with old Anglo-Saxon traditions of wassailing and with the beginning of the old Roman season of carne vale ("farewell to flesh", or Carnival (Mardi Gras)). Nothing to do with Jesus.

I read that that was the case. His spiritual birth was when he was baptized by John the Baptist.12 days after Dec. 25th

I'm reading that he was actually born on September 11th.

No shit!!!
When Was Jesus Christ Born The Bible Says September 11 3BC-The Day of the Feast of Trumpets Goodness Of God Ministries

The Greek word for “wonder” in verse 1 means “sign” and God’s Word declares that there will be a sign in the heavens when Mary went into labor and gave birth to Jesus Christ. The Word of God is written across the heavens and in the stars. The signs of the Zodiac were originally not used in astrology but each one signified a characteristic of the life and ministry and kingship of Jesus Christ, the promised Savior and Son of God. The sign of the women that the Bible is referring to here is to the constellation Virgo. Revelation 12 further states that this woman was “clothed with the sun” another celestial body. The sun, as it appears to travel through the ecliptic each year, enters into the mid-body between the neck and the knees of the constellation Virgo, clothing her with the sun for approximately a 21 day period during any given year. In the year 3 B.C. which we later show by other celestial events in the heavens to be the year of the birth of Jesus Christ, the sun was in this position from August 27th through September 15th. Revelation also declares that “the moon was under her feet.” With these two specific details, we can pinpoint the birth of Christ very precisely. In 3 B.C. the sun and the moon in Virgo occurred on only one day and that was September 11. The configuration of the sun and the moon was visible in Palestine between sunset and moonset, this twilight period being called “night” in the Bible. On September 11, 3 B.C., sunset was at 6:18pm and moonset at 7:39pm. Jesus Christ was born on September 11, 3 B.C sometime in that eighty-one minute span of time between 6:18pm and 7:39pm. Amazingly this corresponds to Tishri 1 on the Jewish Calendar which is the First day of the festival of the Feast of Trumpets. We will discuss the wonderful significance of this in a minute but I also wanted to share that was another significant astronomical display on September 11, 3 B.C.
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As long as they still have a Solstice called "Christmas" and an spring fertility festival to Ishtar called "Easter" and such trappings--- they''re still steeped in the same pagan history.

Again, not necessarily. Though Jewish I was raised with Christmas, Easter, Halloween. But as the secular holidays they in fact are. The religious aspects were left out.

That doesn't mean they're not still incorporated into the various religions.

There's no evidence, for instance, that Jesus was born in December. There's plenty of evidence that it was simply plunked onto an existing and long-held observance.

I believe he was born 12 days after Dec 25th. Christmas was just the first day of the celebrations.

Nope. The "twelve days" and Twelfth Night are associated with old Anglo-Saxon traditions of wassailing and with the beginning of the old Roman season of carne vale ("farewell to flesh", or Carnival (Mardi Gras)). Nothing to do with Jesus.

I read that that was the case. His spiritual birth was when he was baptized by John the Baptist.12 days after Dec. 25th

I'm reading that he was actually born on September 11th.

No shit!!!
When Was Jesus Christ Born The Bible Says September 11 3BC-The Day of the Feast of Trumpets Goodness Of God Ministries

The Greek word for “wonder” in verse 1 means “sign” and God’s Word declares that there will be a sign in the heavens when Mary went into labor and gave birth to Jesus Christ. The Word of God is written across the heavens and in the stars. The signs of the Zodiac were originally not used in astrology but each one signified a characteristic of the life and ministry and kingship of Jesus Christ, the promised Savior and Son of God. The sign of the women that the Bible is referring to here is to the constellation Virgo. Revelation 12 further states that this woman was “clothed with the sun” another celestial body. The sun, as it appears to travel through the ecliptic each year, enters into the mid-body between the neck and the knees of the constellation Virgo, clothing her with the sun for approximately a 21 day period during any given year. In the year 3 B.C. which we later show by other celestial events in the heavens to be the year of the birth of Jesus Christ, the sun was in this position from August 27th through September 15th. Revelation also declares that “the moon was under her feet.” With these two specific details, we can pinpoint the birth of Christ very precisely. In 3 B.C. the sun and the moon in Virgo occurred on only one day and that was September 11. The configuration of the sun and the moon was visible in Palestine between sunset and moonset, this twilight period being called “night” in the Bible. On September 11, 3 B.C., sunset was at 6:18pm and moonset at 7:39pm. Jesus Christ was born on September 11, 3 B.C sometime in that eighty-one minute span of time between 6:18pm and 7:39pm. Amazingly this corresponds to Tishri 1 on the Jewish Calendar which is the First day of the festival of the Feast of Trumpets. We will discuss the wonderful significance of this in a minute but I also wanted to share that was another significant astronomical display on September 11, 3 B.C.

Nobody really knows --


I've heard theories for the Spring and for October, but shepherds watching their flocks doesn't sound like winter.

This part though, is just flat made-up:
"The signs of the Zodiac were originally not used in astrology but each one signified a characteristic of the life and ministry and kingship of Jesus Christ, the promised Savior and Son of God."​

Not even close. Astrology was ancient and primitive observation way predating 3BC.
Again, not necessarily. Though Jewish I was raised with Christmas, Easter, Halloween. But as the secular holidays they in fact are. The religious aspects were left out.

That doesn't mean they're not still incorporated into the various religions.

There's no evidence, for instance, that Jesus was born in December. There's plenty of evidence that it was simply plunked onto an existing and long-held observance.

I believe he was born 12 days after Dec 25th. Christmas was just the first day of the celebrations.

Nope. The "twelve days" and Twelfth Night are associated with old Anglo-Saxon traditions of wassailing and with the beginning of the old Roman season of carne vale ("farewell to flesh", or Carnival (Mardi Gras)). Nothing to do with Jesus.

I read that that was the case. His spiritual birth was when he was baptized by John the Baptist.12 days after Dec. 25th

I'm reading that he was actually born on September 11th.

No shit!!!
When Was Jesus Christ Born The Bible Says September 11 3BC-The Day of the Feast of Trumpets Goodness Of God Ministries

The Greek word for “wonder” in verse 1 means “sign” and God’s Word declares that there will be a sign in the heavens when Mary went into labor and gave birth to Jesus Christ. The Word of God is written across the heavens and in the stars. The signs of the Zodiac were originally not used in astrology but each one signified a characteristic of the life and ministry and kingship of Jesus Christ, the promised Savior and Son of God. The sign of the women that the Bible is referring to here is to the constellation Virgo. Revelation 12 further states that this woman was “clothed with the sun” another celestial body. The sun, as it appears to travel through the ecliptic each year, enters into the mid-body between the neck and the knees of the constellation Virgo, clothing her with the sun for approximately a 21 day period during any given year. In the year 3 B.C. which we later show by other celestial events in the heavens to be the year of the birth of Jesus Christ, the sun was in this position from August 27th through September 15th. Revelation also declares that “the moon was under her feet.” With these two specific details, we can pinpoint the birth of Christ very precisely. In 3 B.C. the sun and the moon in Virgo occurred on only one day and that was September 11. The configuration of the sun and the moon was visible in Palestine between sunset and moonset, this twilight period being called “night” in the Bible. On September 11, 3 B.C., sunset was at 6:18pm and moonset at 7:39pm. Jesus Christ was born on September 11, 3 B.C sometime in that eighty-one minute span of time between 6:18pm and 7:39pm. Amazingly this corresponds to Tishri 1 on the Jewish Calendar which is the First day of the festival of the Feast of Trumpets. We will discuss the wonderful significance of this in a minute but I also wanted to share that was another significant astronomical display on September 11, 3 B.C.

Nobody really knows --


I've heard theories for the Spring and for October, but shepherds watching their flocks doesn't sound like winter.

This part though, is just flat made-up:
"The signs of the Zodiac were originally not used in astrology but each one signified a characteristic of the life and ministry and kingship of Jesus Christ, the promised Savior and Son of God."​

Not even close. Astrology was ancient and primitive observation way predating 3BC.

I'm Cancer, and a Pig (cracks knuckles daring all) on the Chinese Zodiac. :) Ex-gf way back was into that stuff and did my chart or whatever. Was tolerant of it up to the "I'm an alien-human hybrid." Oooooook, cya around. :)
As long as they still have a Solstice called "Christmas" and an spring fertility festival to Ishtar called "Easter" and such trappings--- they''re still steeped in the same pagan history.

Again, not necessarily. Though Jewish I was raised with Christmas, Easter, Halloween. But as the secular holidays they in fact are. The religious aspects were left out.

That doesn't mean they're not still incorporated into the various religions.

There's no evidence, for instance, that Jesus was born in December. There's plenty of evidence that it was simply plunked onto an existing and long-held observance.

I believe he was born 12 days after Dec 25th. Christmas was just the first day of the celebrations.

Nope. The "twelve days" and Twelfth Night are associated with old Anglo-Saxon traditions of wassailing and with the beginning of the old Roman season of carne vale ("farewell to flesh", or Carnival (Mardi Gras)). Nothing to do with Jesus.

I read that that was the case. His spiritual birth was when he was baptized by John the Baptist.12 days after Dec. 25th

You realize that being 12 days old would make it kind of difficult for them to have the conversation -- John himself being only six months older ("I have need to be baptized of thee!")....

It's been theorized that what was happening --whenever it happened-- was John recruiting ("baptizing") his cousin for an insurgency group to rise against the Romans. John being the elder of the two having a sort of right of succession. And of course when John was taken out of the picture the road was then clear for Jesus to take over the insurgency, ride into town on an ass and start a riot in the temple, which lines up nicely with what the Romans tried and crucified him for... so more correctly it could be said that the RCC has not pagan roots but political ones.

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