Romani discrimination experiment

Very retarded low IQ comment. Reducing the complexity of history and the situation to attack roma and put blame for persecution on themselfes, but every tyrannt has a explanation as to why he kills or genocides a certain people even Hitler had his "reasons"
Wolfgang Science

German education never lets the student think for himself. After he graduates, he is allowed to but doesn't know how. So he comes up with what he thinks is the opposite of his education. But wild, illogical, and emotionally charged speculations are as wrong-headed as having the mind restricted into a narrow and conformist channel.
and others called them gypsies, or cigani, zigeuner, etc.
Those Terms Come from the Greek for "Untouchable." Like Lepers.

Gypsy comes from a Greek word meaning "vulture." So the English knew what this toxic race represented.

Never trust simple-minded academic-hermit etymologists. The term has nothing to do with "Egyptians." Why would it? The professors never ask the common-sense questions.
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Those Terms Come from the Greek for "Untouchable." Like Lepers.

Gypsy comes from a Greek word meaning "vulture." So the English knew what this toxic race represented.

Never trust simple-minded academic-hermit etymologists. The term has nothing to do with "Egyptians." Why would it? The professors never ask the common-sense

Im no expert but I think its documented they were called egyptians by some your theory seems like ufo science just to claim that english knew what gypsies are suppossed to represent kinda essoteric
Im no expert but I think its documented they were called egyptians by some your theory seems like ufo science just to claim that english knew what gypsies are suppossed to represent kinda essoteric
Vultures Flying High Love Vultures on the Ground

Academics and their graduates who brainwash you have nothing but snobbish contempt for the common experience and common people. Here they accuse the English of being so ignorant they'd think gypsies are from Egypt.

Anti-racists always pick silly reasons for their opponents. For example, what could be more silly and unrealistic than their imaginary inferiors hating people for a superficial reason like skin color and not a rational reason like genetic criminal behavior.
Vultures Flying High Love Vultures on the Ground

Academics and their graduates who brainwash you have nothing but snobbish contempt for the common experience and common people. Here they accuse the English of being so ignorant they'd think gypsies are from Egypt.

Anti-racists always pick silly reasons for their opponents. For example, what could be more silly and unrealistic than their imaginary inferiors hating people for a superficial reason like skin color and not a rational reason like genetic criminal behavior.

I think its recorded not only in english sources, that gypsies were called egyptians by some. I doubt they could have possibly made that up when it is written in late medieval sources. Why would they even want to make it up? The Origin of the Gypsies

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