Romans 12:19 and the desire for revenge...opinions?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So, for those of Faith who follow the Book, how do you interpret this?

Romans 12:19
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

To me, this suggests to live virtuous and do what is right, the Lord will even the debt. I certainly don't believe one should be passive against immediate threats or danger, but to those who have done you wrong, go forward with integrity, character and truth and their fate will be decided by a Higher Power.
So, for those of Faith who follow the Book, how do you interpret this?

Romans 12:19
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

To me, this suggests to live virtuous and do what is right, the Lord will even the debt. I certainly don't believe one should be passive against immediate threats or danger, but to those who have done you wrong, go forward with integrity, character and truth and their fate will be decided by a Higher Power.
I think the message is don't take it upon yourself to punish. It seems to me, that is what revenge is. I agree this is different from defending your self or others from harm. This is more like "turn the other cheek".
So, for those of Faith who follow the Book, how do you interpret this?

Romans 12:19
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

To me, this suggests to live virtuous and do what is right, the Lord will even the debt. I certainly don't believe one should be passive against immediate threats or danger, but to those who have done you wrong, go forward with integrity, character and truth and their fate will be decided by a Higher Power.
It's cowardly and selfish, because an unpunished criminal will go on to harm others.
As my wife says in her sweetest Southern accent:

"We don't judge but we do comment.":biggrin:

Romans 12 Commentary - 'Thru the Bible' with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

I didn't listen to the entire Chapter 12 commentary, but I did listen to 12:19-21. I did like this comment that he made:

He believes the Lord is saying "I'll handle it fairly, I'll handle it in a just manner, and If this party needs to be taken care of, I'll take care of him" the Lord can do that.

In my opinion, it requires more than just turning the other cheek. It is making sure you are on the right side of the ledger, and have proven yourself worthy of intervention. As long as you are honest, transparent and righteous, all will fall into place according to the Lords Will.
So, for those of Faith who follow the Book, how do you interpret this?

Romans 12:19
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

To me, this suggests to live virtuous and do what is right, the Lord will even the debt. I certainly don't believe one should be passive against immediate threats or danger, but to those who have done you wrong, go forward with integrity, character and truth and their fate will be decided by a Higher Power.
It's cowardly and selfish, because an unpunished criminal will go on to harm others.

What of someone who was falsely sent to prison, or in which someone bore false witness to harm them?

It is not a case of turning the other cheek in all things in life, it is often out of someones control, or harm done to one not even known. When it is known it requires self control to not seek revenge, of course, often it isn't known, in which case this still should be held in truth. The Lord will even the score as required and as deserved.
If I had revenged all the azzholes that pizzed me off there would be a lot of dead people and I would be hunted as a serial killer.

Not good either way around.
So, for those of Faith who follow the Book, how do you interpret this?

Romans 12:19
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

To me, this suggests to live virtuous and do what is right, the Lord will even the debt. I certainly don't believe one should be passive against immediate threats or danger, but to those who have done you wrong, go forward with integrity, character and truth and their fate will be decided by a Higher Power.
It means that failed behaviors naturally lead to failure and successful behaviors naturally lead to success. You don't have to do anything because people who behave without virtue will eventually suffer predictable surprises. Not all behaviors lead to equal outcomes.
So, for those of Faith who follow the Book, how do you interpret this?

Romans 12:19
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

To me, this suggests to live virtuous and do what is right, the Lord will even the debt. I certainly don't believe one should be passive against immediate threats or danger, but to those who have done you wrong, go forward with integrity, character and truth and their fate will be decided by a Higher Power.
It's cowardly and selfish, because an unpunished criminal will go on to harm others.
You can't control that. We do what we can, when we can. Stand for good and oppose evil. Judge behaviors, not persons. Good men can do bad things.
As my wife says in her sweetest Southern accent:

"We don't judge but we do comment.":biggrin:

Romans 12 Commentary - 'Thru the Bible' with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

I didn't listen to the entire Chapter 12 commentary, but I did listen to 12:19-21. I did like this comment that he made:

He believes the Lord is saying "I'll handle it fairly, I'll handle it in a just manner, and If this party needs to be taken care of, I'll take care of him" the Lord can do that.

In my opinion, it requires more than just turning the other cheek. It is making sure you are on the right side of the ledger, and have proven yourself worthy of intervention. As long as you are honest, transparent and righteous, all will fall into place according to the Lords Will.
Justice and mercy. He seeks those that worship in Spirit and Truth. Both are needed.
"It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"

if it's not good for the Gander why would it be good for the Goose - wishful thinking at best.

the Almighty does not avenge.

He doesn't have too , He has built in a law of compensation. Everything takes care of itself given enough time. Error can't stand. Eventually it falls.
He doesn't have too (They haven't too), He has (They have) built in a law of compensation. Everything takes care of itself given enough time. Error can't stand. Eventually it falls.

built in a law of compensation.

the Almighty's Judgement ^ is binding ... in the end either all will be Admitted or none.

"It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"

if it's not good for the Gander why would it be good for the Goose - wishful thinking at best.

the Almighty does not avenge.

He doesn't have too , He has built in a law of compensation. Everything takes care of itself given enough time. Error can't stand. Eventually it falls.
He doesn't have too (They haven't too), He has (They have) built in a law of compensation. Everything takes care of itself given enough time. Error can't stand. Eventually it falls.

built in a law of compensation.

the Almighty's Judgement ^ is binding ... in the end either all will be Admitted or none.

I didn't say it wasn't. I am saying that He would not give us signs to know the difference. It really shouldn't be a surprise in the end.
"It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"

if it's not good for the Gander why would it be good for the Goose - wishful thinking at best.

the Almighty does not avenge.

Acccording to the Book Of Daniel, JHVH-God watches the affairs of nations. And he rewards kings for their deeds whether good or bad.

The Babylonians were given as an example of the bad. They were then conquered by the Persians & Medes.

And prior to this the Hebrews had been punished for their evils as well, when first the Assyrians and then the Babylonians conquered them.

After this the Biblical record falls silent.

However Constantine is miraculously converted by Christian parents and a vision from Lord-Jesus resulting in all of Europe becoming Christian.

Since then all Hell has been loosed against the Jews for persecuting and murdering the early Christians.

Think again.
"It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"

if it's not good for the Gander why would it be good for the Goose - wishful thinking at best.

the Almighty does not avenge.

Acccording to the Book Of Daniel, JHVH-God watches the affairs of nations. And he rewards kings for their deeds whether good or bad.

The Babylonians were given as an example of the bad. They were then conquered by the Persians & Medes.

And prior to this the Hebrews had been punished for their evils as well, when first the Assyrians and then the Babylonians conquered them.

After this the Biblical record falls silent.

However Constantine is miraculously converted by Christian parents and a vision from Lord-Jesus resulting in all of Europe becoming Christian.

Since then all Hell has been loosed against the Jews for persecuting and murdering the early Christians.

Think again.
Think again.

I would clarify simply again that the Almighty does not avenge - - (book k4t2) - - that is not the same as to exact punishment.

avenging is a lost cause, sadly the victim.

"It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"

if it's not good for the Gander why would it be good for the Goose - wishful thinking at best.

the Almighty does not avenge.

Acccording to the Book Of Daniel, JHVH-God watches the affairs of nations. And he rewards kings for their deeds whether good or bad.

The Babylonians were given as an example of the bad. They were then conquered by the Persians & Medes.

And prior to this the Hebrews had been punished for their evils as well, when first the Assyrians and then the Babylonians conquered them.

After this the Biblical record falls silent.

However Constantine is miraculously converted by Christian parents and a vision from Lord-Jesus resulting in all of Europe becoming Christian.

Since then all Hell has been loosed against the Jews for persecuting and murdering the early Christians.

Think again.
Think again.

I would clarify simply again that the Almighty does not avenge - - (book k4t2) - - that is not the same as to exact punishment.

avenging is a lost cause, sadly the victim.

"Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord."

What part of this are you not getting?

The game of nit picking is a fallacy in English.

You would need to go back to the Hebrew and/or the Greek to play it.

Do you read Hebrew or Greek ??
"It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"

if it's not good for the Gander why would it be good for the Goose - wishful thinking at best.

the Almighty does not avenge.


Then why the precise wording?

I think a little fear of God is healthy and well placed, and it is rightfully an important consideration before wanting to do harm to others.
"It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"

if it's not good for the Gander why would it be good for the Goose - wishful thinking at best.

the Almighty does not avenge.

Acccording to the Book Of Daniel, JHVH-God watches the affairs of nations. And he rewards kings for their deeds whether good or bad.

The Babylonians were given as an example of the bad. They were then conquered by the Persians & Medes.

And prior to this the Hebrews had been punished for their evils as well, when first the Assyrians and then the Babylonians conquered them.

After this the Biblical record falls silent.

However Constantine is miraculously converted by Christian parents and a vision from Lord-Jesus resulting in all of Europe becoming Christian.

Since then all Hell has been loosed against the Jews for persecuting and murdering the early Christians.

Think again.
Think again.

I would clarify simply again that the Almighty does not avenge - - (book k4t2) - - that is not the same as to exact punishment.

avenging is a lost cause, sadly the victim.

"Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord."

What part of this are you not getting?

The game of nit picking is a fallacy in English.

You would need to go back to the Hebrew and/or the Greek to play it.

Do you read Hebrew or Greek ??
"Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord."

that is not a part of the spoken religion, exacting punishment is - southern dialect.

* ours is simply the religion of the Almighty - the Triumph of Good vs Evil, Noah's Parable in essence spoken not read.

As my wife says in her sweetest Southern accent:

"We don't judge but we do comment.":biggrin:

Romans 12 Commentary - 'Thru the Bible' with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

I didn't listen to the entire Chapter 12 commentary, but I did listen to 12:19-21. I did like this comment that he made:

He believes the Lord is saying "I'll handle it fairly, I'll handle it in a just manner, and If this party needs to be taken care of, I'll take care of him" the Lord can do that.

In my opinion, it requires more than just turning the other cheek. It is making sure you are on the right side of the ledger, and have proven yourself worthy of intervention. As long as you are honest, transparent and righteous, all will fall into place according to the Lords Will.
What Goes Around Does Not Come Around

It is in the perp's interest to get his victims to believe that.

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