Romney and the Morman plan for America


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Republican Mitt Romney and the 'Mormon Plan For America'

He told me that there was a council room up there which was an exact replica of the Oval Office of the White House. He told me they even had all the radio and telemetry equipment in place, hidden beneath a dome on top of the temple. He said that from this council room, the prophet could run the nation just as easily as he could from the White House itself. He also claimed that these electronic devices on the roof were so strong that airlines had to avoid flying right over the temple or their instruments might be thrown
Wow, I was wondering how long it would take for the left to say, "Wow, he's a Mormon!"

Anyway, it's spelled MORMON, not "MORMAN". Why does everyone get that wrong?
Republican Mitt Romney and the 'Mormon Plan For America'

He told me that there was a council room up there which was an exact replica of the Oval Office of the White House. He told me they even had all the radio and telemetry equipment in place, hidden beneath a dome on top of the temple. He said that from this council room, the prophet could run the nation just as easily as he could from the White House itself. He also claimed that these electronic devices on the roof were so strong that airlines had to avoid flying right over the temple or their instruments might be thrown

I'd rather a Mormon run the country than a Muslim.
Oh, women are going to be forced to wear those long "Little House on the Prairie" dresses, Coca Cola and booze will be banned nationwide, everyone will be forced to attend Mormon church 7 days a is all part of the master plan.
Romney is unqualified to be president because of his position on the issues, having noting to do with his religion.
The source, Cutting Edge:

We believe our site represents the most complete, concise and comprehensive source of information available which deals with the Biblical prophecy of The New World Order. Our Christian organization is a fundamental independent Baptist Church outreach ministry. We are dedicated to the Scriptures as the only revelation of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Whether you're a fundamental Christian who already has knowledge of the New World Order, and who is seeking a greater understanding of how current events are affecting our daily lives, or someone who is seeking some basic answers, we know you'll find what you are seeking in our carefully organized and presented material.

Yea, absolutely no agenda here. None.

Oh wait.... yea.... anti-Mormon bigots..... that could be the agenda.
Wow, I was wondering how long it would take for the left to say, "Wow, he's a Mormon!"

Anyway, it's spelled MORMON, not "MORMAN". Why does everyone get that wrong?

You would have gotten it wrong, but your so obsessed with Mormons, you can't help but spell it correctly.
Romney is unqualified to be president because of his position on the issues, having noting to do with his religion.

Its not your position that makes you unqualfied, its your professional experience. For example, if Mitt Romney was a community organizer he would be unqualified.
I would rather have a Mormon for a president then our current president who went to a church that hates America!
The source, Cutting Edge:

We believe our site represents the most complete, concise and comprehensive source of information available which deals with the Biblical prophecy of The New World Order. Our Christian organization is a fundamental independent Baptist Church outreach ministry. We are dedicated to the Scriptures as the only revelation of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Whether you're a fundamental Christian who already has knowledge of the New World Order, and who is seeking a greater understanding of how current events are affecting our daily lives, or someone who is seeking some basic answers, we know you'll find what you are seeking in our carefully organized and presented material.

Yea, absolutely no agenda here. None.

Oh wait.... yea.... anti-Mormon bigots..... that could be the agenda.

Ones who normally probably vote Republican, but won't this time.

Which is why Romney will lose.
The Constitution Hanging by a Thread and the “White Horse Prophecy” – LDS Conservative - Latter-day Conservative

A rebuttal

The only statements of the alleged prophecy that can be attributed to Joseph Smith are as follows:

Even this nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground, and when the Constitution is upon the brink of ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean, and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.

BTW thank you for bringing this up because it's given me an opportunity to find this statement:

Will we be prepared? Will we be among those who will “bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction?” If we desire to be numbered among those who will, here are some things we must do:

1. We must be righteous and moral… 2. We must learn the principles of the Constitution and then abide by its precepts… 3. We must become involved in civic affairs… 4. We must make our influence felt by our vote, our letters, and our advice…

I have faith that the Constitution will be saved as prophesied by Joseph Smith. But it will not be saved in Washington. It will be saved by the citizens of this nation who love and cherish freedom. It will be saved by enlightened members of this Church — men and women who will subscribe to and abide the principles of the Constitution. ( Source: CHB 28-31 )

For years we have heard of the role the elders could play in saving the Constitution from total destruction. But how can the elders be expected to save it if they have not studied it and are not sure if it is being destroyed or what is destroying it?…

There is no excuse that can compensate for the loss of liberty.

Satan is anxious to neutralize the inspired counsel of the Prophet and hence keep the priesthood off balance, ineffective and inert in the fight for freedom. He does this through diverse means, including the use of perverse reasoning. . . .

The cause of freedom is a most basic part of our religion. Our position on freedom helped get us to this earth and it can make the difference as to whether we get back home or not. . . .

Now part of the reason why we do not have sufficient Priesthood bearers to save the Constitution, let alone to shake the powers of hell, is, I fear, because unlike Moroni, our souls do not joy in keeping our country free and we are not firm in the faith of Christ, nor have we sworn with an oath to defend our rights.

( Ezra Taft Benson, “Our Immediate Responsibility” 10-11; also in An Enemy Hath Done This 313-15 )

Ive come to very similiar conclusions myself. and it's always nice to find people I respect agreeing with my previously held ideas. What can I say, I have a little ego.:)

Oh and more quotes on the Mormon plan for America:

Joseph Smith, the prophet, was inspired to affirm and ratify this truth, and he further predicted that the time would come, when the Constitution of our country would hang as it were by a thread, and that the Latter-day Saints above all other people in the world would come to the rescue of that great and glorious palladium of our liberty. We cannot brook the thought of it being torn into shreds, or destroyed, or trampled under foot and ignored by men. We cannot tolerate the sentiment, at one time expressed, by a man, high in authority in the nation. He said: “The Constitution be damned; the popular sentiment of the people is the Constitution!” That is the sentiment of anarchism that has spread to a certain extent, and is spreading over “the land of liberty and home of the brave.” We do not tolerate it. Latter-day Saints cannot tolerate such a spirit as this. It is anarchy. It means destruction. It is the spirit of mobocracy, and the Lord knows we have suffered enough from mobocracy, and we do not want any more of it. Our people from Mexico are suffering from the effects of that same spirit. We do not want any more of it, and we cannot afford to yield to that spirit or contribute to it in the least degree. We should stand with a front like flint against every spirit or species of contempt or disrespect for the Constitution of our country and the constitutional laws of our land. (Joseph F Smith)

Need we be surprised that they should trample under foot the Constitution of the United States? No; Joseph Smith told us that they would do it. Many around me here knew long ago that they would do this thing and further knew that the last people that should be found to rally around the sacred instrument and save it from the grasp of unrighteous men would be the Elders of Israel! When, therefore, we see these things progressing need we be astonished? I do not think we need be. (John Taylor)

Every organization of our government, the best government in the world, is crumbling to pieces. Those who have it in their hands are the ones who are destroying it. How long will it be before the words of the prophet Joseph will be fulfilled? He said if the Constitution of the United States were saved at all it must be done by this people. It will not be many years before these words come to pass. (Brigham Young)

There are others quotes. But I've made my point. The Mormon position is and always has been to uphold the United States Constitution and the liberty it provides because liberty is essential for our Eternal welfare.

I would also point out that nothing indicates whether Mitt Romney is part or not part of this. And our thoughts on saving the Constitution are likely why Ron Paul attracts alot of Saints. But the solutions arent in Washingtong DC, they are in our hands.
I would rather have a Mormon for a president then our current president who went to a church that hates America!

The Mormons had a vow to avenge Joseph Smith on america in their temple vows until the 1930's.

I guess they crossed that out and put "Pancake Breakfasts", so we're all good now, right?
Oh, women are going to be forced to wear those long "Little House on the Prairie" dresses, Coca Cola and booze will be banned nationwide, everyone will be forced to attend Mormon church 7 days a is all part of the master plan.

Yes we want people to do all those things that we don't:) lol
Romney is unqualified to be president because of his position on the issues, having noting to do with his religion.

4 years ago, you may have been able to play that card.... now, meh, not so much.

meh, now, Unemployment is at it's lowest level in 3 years, the Dow is at a 4 year high and the NASDAQ is at an 11 year high...

Bin Laden's dead. Qadafy's Dead.

I'm sorry, what's your argument for Romney again?
Wow, I was wondering how long it would take for the left to say, "Wow, he's a Mormon!"

Anyway, it's spelled MORMON, not "MORMAN". Why does everyone get that wrong?

Because certain people are lazy. Others are disrespectful. Others are ignorant. And some just want to decieve people.
Romney is unqualified to be president because of his position on the issues, having noting to do with his religion.

That may be so, but it's not going to stop the left or the right from using it if they think it can help them beat Romney.

I'm all for it. The church can stand up to the scrutiny and lies told about it. It will just help the honest in heart find us and learn more about what we really stand for.
Republican Mitt Romney and the 'Mormon Plan For America'

He told me that there was a council room up there which was an exact replica of the Oval Office of the White House. He told me they even had all the radio and telemetry equipment in place, hidden beneath a dome on top of the temple. He said that from this council room, the prophet could run the nation just as easily as he could from the White House itself. He also claimed that these electronic devices on the roof were so strong that airlines had to avoid flying right over the temple or their instruments might be thrown

Serious question.... is this what you deem to be an informative source?

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