Romney & Bachmann are Miserable - Perry to Announce


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Romney = Not Conservative enough for the extremists.
Bachmann = Pure whackjob to anyone but her little fan club.

Rick Perry. Hmmm. I lived in Texas from '05 - ' 09. I like him a lot. He is Conservative enough to get those Tea Voters. He is not so whackjobby that he would instantly lose us Independents.

There are some things I disagree with him on. Overall though, I like him and how he handles things.

I'll bet he ends up with the nomination. And if can manage to keep Whackmann and Eskimo Barbie off the ticket, I'll bet he wins in 2012.
This might actually be good news for Romney, depending on how long Bachmann and Perry fight it out for the wingnut vote.
I love anything Texas... So my vote would go to Perry. Hoping he picks Christy as his VP and it would be a perfect ticket!!
I love anything Texas... So my vote would go to Perry. Hoping he picks Christy as his VP and it would be a perfect ticket!!

I loved Houston. Friendliest people in the world - except when behind the wheel! Then the most dangerous group of lunatics ever assembled on a freeway.

Most of the Conservatives I knew there, would be considered Moderates in the Internet World.
I love anything Texas... So my vote would go to Perry. Hoping he picks Christy as his VP and it would be a perfect ticket!!

I loved Houston. Friendliest people in the world - except when behind the wheel! Then the most dangerous group of lunatics ever assembled on a freeway.

Most of the Conservatives I knew there, would be considered Moderates in the Internet World.
Houston is a mad house to drive through. When we lived in corpus christi and then moved here to GA I had to drive through that mess my self. NEVER AGAIN
This might actually be good news for Romney, depending on how long Bachmann and Perry fight it out for the wingnut vote.

You call your wingnuts Mr. President, Mr. Majority Leader and Madam Minority Leader.
What do you find to be wingnuttery about Perry?

That may be the ‘problem’:
But the enthusiasm over a possible Perry candidacy has thus far clouded one inconvenient truth: While the governor is currently the model of a Tea Party politician, his past includes plenty to give Tea Partiers and social conservatives pause if and when they decide to take a closer look.

That fact was highlighted last Thursday, when former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee took a very pointed shot at Perry. "For all his new found commitment to hyper-conservatism," said the former GOP presidential candidate, "he'll get to explain why he supported pro-abortion, pro-same sex marriage Rudy Guiliani last time."

Perry's support for Giuliani - whose moderation on social issues alienated social conservatives and contributed to his dramatic flameout in the 2008 presidential race - isn't his only potentially problematic endorsement. He doesn't much like to talk about it these days, but Perry was actually a Democrat until 1989; the year before he converted to the GOP, he served as Texas chairman for then-presidential candidate (and current target of conservative disdain) Al Gore.

Then there are the issues, chief among them immigration. Perry, who presides over a state with a large and growing Hispanic population. has been criticized by Texas Tea Party groups for not pushing hard enough to pass a "sanctuary city" ban and other hard-line immigration legislation. In 2001, he signed the Texas version of the DREAM Act allowing children of illegal immigrants access to in-state college tuition. As Arizona Sen. John McCain's reelection campaign illustrated last year, any perceived softness on immigration issues can become a major headache in a Republican primary.

There are niche issues that could hurt Perry, like his support for the (never-created) Trans-Texas Corridor, a toll-road despised by small-government types that would have meant the appropriation of an estimated 81,000 acres of rural land. Or the executive order he signed in 2007 requiring that Texas sixth-grade girls be vaccinated against the human papilloma virus, a sexually transmitted disease that causes cervical cancer. (The order was ultimately blocked, but the order outraged many conservatives.)

And then there's the elephant in the room: Texas' debt problem. In the 2010 governor's race, Democrat Bill White pointed out that Texas' debt has doubled under Perry. Since 2001, according to the Star-Telegram's Mitchell Schnurman, Texas' debt has grown at a faster rate than that of the U.S. government. Perry assumed office in December 2000.

All this could lead Republican voters to the same conclusion about Perry that many have made about Romney, whose position on a number of issues has shifted over the years: That he is a political opportunist without core beliefs. Some conservative bloggers have already seized on a list of 14 reasons Perry "would be a really, really bad president." The list points to many of the issues mentioned above as well as tax increases. One blogger, citing the list, derides Perry as "a big-time globalist."

The skeletons in Rick Perry's closet - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Of course Perry suffers from the same problem as all the other GOP candidates: he doesn’t appeal much to moderates, independents, and less to weak democrats, the voters who elect presidents.
I hope Sarah Palin runs

This group of Republicans are so fucking boring
This might actually be good news for Romney, depending on how long Bachmann and Perry fight it out for the wingnut vote.

You call your wingnuts Mr. President, Mr. Majority Leader and Madam Minority Leader.

When Bachmann gets elected president you get to use that line and not look like an asshole,

so bookmark it.
You look like an asshole all the time. Which one of your posts shall we bookmark?
Romney = Not Conservative enough for the extremists.
Bachmann = Pure whackjob to anyone but her little fan club.

Rick Perry. Hmmm. I lived in Texas from '05 - ' 09. I like him a lot. He is Conservative enough to get those Tea Voters. He is not so whackjobby that he would instantly lose us Independents.

There are some things I disagree with him on. Overall though, I like him and how he handles things.

I'll bet he ends up with the nomination. And if can manage to keep Whackmann and Eskimo Barbie off the ticket, I'll bet he wins in 2012.

NOPE--No One is really miserable. I am a fiscal conservative--and Perry is too socially conservative for me--and if he's too socially conservative for me--he will lose the independent vote--and will lose the general election against Barack Obama--and that's one thing this country couldn't handle another 4 years of.

He's already got 3 strikes against him--coming from Texas.
I love anything Texas... So my vote would go to Perry. Hoping he picks Christy as his VP and it would be a perfect ticket!!

I love the fact that Texas has the largest percentage of uninsured, by far, in the entire country. More profits for business.
Romney sure didn't look miserable on the campaign trail.

Seriously, at this point I'd consider running if i could just to give myself an alternative to vote for.
I hope Sarah Palin runs

This group of Republicans are so fucking boring

To get her support in the general election, Perry can promise her she'll be the next Secretary of State. He can offer Bachmann Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Of course Perry suffers from the same problem as all the other GOP candidates: he doesn’t appeal much to moderates, independents, and less to weak democrats, the voters who elect presidents.

Oh, that again.


Where have I heard this song before. Maybe it was in 2008, when the usual suspects told me we just HAD to nominate John McCain because he was a sensible moderate. He lost.

Or 1996, when we nominated Bob Dole, who referred to himself in the third person and gave a farewell speech talking about all the things he did to make government bigger. He lost.

Or when we nominated the "unelected" Jerry Ford to run for a full term, even though he had pardoned Nixon. He was much more "appealling" than Ronald Reagan. He lost.

On the other hand, when the usual suspects in the liberal media warned us how our candidate was too right wing to ever possibly win, like George W. Bush, George H. Bush or Ronald Reagan, guess what, they won.

People aren't looking for moderation, they are looking for certitude. They are looking for leadership. They are looking for someone who seems to think they have a way out of the mess.
This might actually be good news for Romney, depending on how long Bachmann and Perry fight it out for the wingnut vote.

So you admit you've given up on your boy Obama actually impressing anyone with his accomplishments, and your best hope is for the GOP to have a bruising nominating fight?

I think Bachmann's going to fade very quickly now that Perry is officially in it. Then it will be down to Perry and Romney. Perry will probably win because he can appeal to the grassroots, compared to Romney.
Romney = Not Conservative enough for the extremists.
Bachmann = Pure whackjob to anyone but her little fan club.

Rick Perry. Hmmm. I lived in Texas from '05 - ' 09. I like him a lot. He is Conservative enough to get those Tea Voters. He is not so whackjobby that he would instantly lose us Independents.

There are some things I disagree with him on. Overall though, I like him and how he handles things.

I'll bet he ends up with the nomination. And if can manage to keep Whackmann and Eskimo Barbie off the ticket, I'll bet he wins in 2012.

NOPE--No One is really miserable. I am a fiscal conservative--and Perry is too socially conservative for me--and if he's too socially conservative for me--he will lose the independent vote--and will lose the general election against Barack Obama--and that's one thing this country couldn't handle another 4 years of.

He's already got 3 strikes against him--coming from Texas.

Ohh, no, not EEeeeeek, Texas.

You liberal RINO's talk about Texas like it's frickin' Mordor!

Actually, there are more social conservatives than fiscal conservatives. And frankly, it's not like these issues matter. Eight years of Rick Perry, abortion will still be legal, more states will legalize gay marriage, and kids will still not be allowed to pray in school or be taught any alternative to Darwinism. So I guess I'm just not seeing what horror you are so afraid of.

The independents will go for Perry because he's resolute, compared to the limp-spined Obama.
Romney = Not Conservative enough for the extremists.
Bachmann = Pure whackjob to anyone but her little fan club.

Rick Perry. Hmmm. I lived in Texas from '05 - ' 09. I like him a lot. He is Conservative enough to get those Tea Voters. He is not so whackjobby that he would instantly lose us Independents.

There are some things I disagree with him on. Overall though, I like him and how he handles things.

I'll bet he ends up with the nomination. And if can manage to keep Whackmann and Eskimo Barbie off the ticket, I'll bet he wins in 2012.

NOPE--No One is really miserable. I am a fiscal conservative--and Perry is too socially conservative for me--and if he's too socially conservative for me--he will lose the independent vote--and will lose the general election against Barack Obama--and that's one thing this country couldn't handle another 4 years of.

He's already got 3 strikes against him--coming from Texas.

Ohh, no, not EEeeeeek, Texas.

You liberal RINO's talk about Texas like it's frickin' Mordor!

Actually, there are more social conservatives than fiscal conservatives. And frankly, it's not like these issues matter. Eight years of Rick Perry, abortion will still be legal, more states will legalize gay marriage, and kids will still not be allowed to pray in school or be taught any alternative to Darwinism. So I guess I'm just not seeing what horror you are so afraid of.

The independents will go for Perry because he's resolute, compared to the limp-spined Obama.

I lived in Texas. Looked for but never found Sauron.
I like Perry. I like that he prays in public.
However someone posted a lot of FACTS about the guy that have given me pause for concern. Big Debt problem in Texas. Stuff like that. Still researching the validity of the claims but he doesn't look as good as he did before.
Perry will announce tomorrow and immediately shoot to the top of the polls. New guys tend to do that. Most of America, myself included, know very little about Perry

The key will be, does he have legs? Will he wear out his welcome? Can he stand up to 24/7 scrutiny?

Time will tell

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