Romney Brags about "Patriotic" Lapel Pins Made in China

Crackerjack said:
I run into quite a few Chinese who think it's ironic that we're embracing socialism while they're rejecting it. :doubt:

Why do lies come so easily to you. That comment is a complete fabrication.
You think I'm lying about my own personal experience?

O-kay. :dunno:

Yes. I think you made that up. I don't think that "quite a few" Chinese people that you have "run into" have expressed that sentiment to you. I don't think you can find many Chinese people who think that China is rejecting Socialism.........or think that America is embracing it.

I think you have absorbed that bullshit idea from listening to years of liars on the radio and thought you could say that without anyone questioning you.

I think you lied.
Why do lies come so easily to you. That comment is a complete fabrication.
You think I'm lying about my own personal experience?

O-kay. :dunno:

Yes. I think you made that up. I don't think that "quite a few" Chinese people that you have "run into" have expressed that sentiment to you. I don't think you can find many Chinese people who think that China is rejecting Socialism.........or think that America is embracing it.

I think you have absorbed that bullshit idea from listening to years of liars on the radio and thought you could say that without anyone questioning you.

I think you lied.
You're clearly not very good at thinking. :lmao:
You don't have to admit it. We already know that you were bullshitting. It is obvious.
Instead, go vote for the guy who thinks capitalism doesn't work.

Now, of course, nowhere did Obama say that "Capitalism" didn't work, however he did clearly say that "Trickle Down" "your-on-your-own" CON$ervoFascism doesn't work, but you dishonestly edited that part out.

Here's the part you edited out!!!

We simply cannot return to this brand of your-on-your-own economics if we’re serious about rebuilding the middle class in this country. We know that it doesn’t result in a strong economy. It results in an economy that invests too little in its people and its future. It doesn’t result in a prosperity that trickles down. It results in a prosperity that’s enjoyed by fewer and fewer of our citizens.
I didn't edit the video, dip$hit. Thi$ i$n't my feed.

My point $tand$. Obama doe$n't believe in the U$'$ capitali$t $y$tem. Keep making excu$e$ for it, though.
You posted the edited video therefore you own the dishonest editing.
Trickle down CON$ervoFascism is not Capitalism, it is Corporatism or Corporate Feudalism if you prefer, but it is not in any way, shape, or form Capitalism.

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