Romney claims multiple Senators wanted to vote to convict trump, but were afraid of violence against them and their families.

Not a necessarily bad thing, if that sort of loyalty could be directed toward Ron/Rand Paul types.

True enough. But that ain't gonna happen. Too many GOP voters have either forgotten or never learned what fiscal conservatism is, how important it is and how it built this country.

Guys like Rand, Chip Roy and Thomas Massie will never be allowed to advance high enough in the ranks to make any difference, because 90% of the Republicans are dem-lites. That's where the RNC and the lobbyist want them.

If I've said it once, I've said it 1,000 times. The system ain't broken. It's right where the R & D's want it to be. They only play the part of enemies on TV. The system involves everything necessary to keep the scam going. From the primaries, to the elections, the media, the lobbyist, all the way up past the president. It's embedded in our military and government agencies.
If you could compare it to the human body, the Fed is the heart, the brain is the lobbyist.

But with that said, if "we the people" could revamp this system and return it to an actual republic, it would send the country into one of the darkest, deepest depression the world ever seen. A new currency would become the worlds reserve currency. And it would take decades to recover.
I don't have a horse. we all need competence in the U.S though. China is definitely going to win long term thans tko decades of compromised politicians and their media cheerleaders. The world at least needs a president who wants to win and understands economics and fiscal rsponsibility.

Trump is about as close to a FS (fiscal conservative) as McCarthy is. The closest thing to a FS in the next election is DeSantis. But he don't stand a chance (atm).
At this point, the way the system is, it really doesn't matter who the next president is. Even if it's Trump.

Trump isn't going to be able to find anyone to lead the DOJ, FBI or any other agency that's going to stick their necks out and try to remove the corruption built into the system. The corruption is part of the governments DNA, at this point. The system is exactly how they want it. For us, it's all messed up. But for them, it's almost perfect.
True enough. But that ain't gonna happen. Too many GOP voters have either forgotten or never learned what fiscal conservatism is, how important it is and how it built this country.

Guys like Rand, Chip Roy and Thomas Massie will never be allowed to advance high enough in the ranks to make any difference, because 90% of the Republicans are dem-lites. That's where the RNC and the lobbyist want them.
If you think "that ain't gonna happen" then it won't.

Love him or hate him, Trump has demonstrated a template for winning, and it doesn't involve lofty rhetoric and platitudes as far as the eye can see....Anyone else embraces that model and runs with it, they can draw that kind of following too.

But with that said, if "we the people" could revamp this system and return it to an actual republic, it would send the country into one of the darkest, deepest depression the world ever seen. A new currency would become the worlds reserve currency. And it would take decades to recover.
You'd first need to hold their attention long enough to educate them on how the original republic has been contaminated and hijacked...How do you propose to do that?

I can see that. trump operates by instilling fear and violence. He can say a few words on his social media site, and there are cult members out there that will commit untold crimes to satisfy his every whim. That is why multiple judges have placed Gag Orders on him. trump uses Mafia tactics to intimidate prosecutors, witnesses, and influence prospective jurors.

There is one judge who has not and will not place a Gag order on trump. That is the judge in Florida named Cannon. And we all know why....
Oh, we're citing Romney now? I thought you guys hated his guts, based on how you talked about him when he ran for president.
Romney, "King of the RINOs", has absolutely no credibility. His vote to impeach Trump just showed what a piece of RINO shit he was. Just as bad the filthy Democrats.
What does Romney have to gain by his claim? You care to discuss the other people who's lives have been threatened by Trump's mob? Or how about the threats to Fanni Willis & her staff in Georgia following that mother***** Trump's veiled threats? How about the two election workers in GA. publicly attacked by Trump & GuiIani? The list goes on & on & on whose lives have been turned upside down by Trump & his lackeys.

You're just another Trump apologist who will excuse ANYTHING he says or does.
I didn't vote for Trump so nice try on the Trump apologist name calling. It may be hard for someone like to you to think about, but there are actually people who aren't just full on "Team Red" or "Team Blue". Boy, I thought Jim moved the goalposts. So, you don't have any supporting evidence for Romney, and there's no corroboration from any of the other six republican senators who voted to impeach Trump. So, now you want to switch gears to Georgia? Ok, let's shift gears.

So, if Trump has threatened violence against Fani Willis, that's a felony in the state of Georgia. Georgia law

  1. A person who by threat or force or by any threatening action, letter, or communication endeavors to intimidate any law enforcement officer, outside the scope and course of his or her employment, or his or her immediate family member in retaliation or response to the discharge of such officer’s official duties shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years, a fine not to exceed $5,000.00, or both.
So, the law's pretty clear. Has Trump been charged with an additional felony charge for his veiled threats against Willis? if not, why not?

It sucks that those campaign workers got caught up in the election mess. That happens when something that's highly politically charged. If it was done unfairly, they should go after those who falsely accused them. You know, the same that Kyle Rittenhouse went after some of the media after his trial. There has been plenty of instances where people have had their lives turned upside down by politicians from the right AND the left with the media fanning the flames. At least, I can call both sides of that since I'm not a partisan, like you. All you care about when it's done by the other team.
Two of the smartest things I did in my life with Presidential politics.

1. Contributed to The Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth who were instrumental in defeating that piece of traitorous shit John Kerry.

,2. Not voting for either that RINO McCain or that RINO Romney.
No one cares what clown boy has to say…


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The Ring leader of the GOP.

trump has built a significant cult out there that will do anything for him...including violence and mayhem...see J6.
We have seen insurrections the last several years that were all Prog dominated. The last few weeks we have seen more insurrections that progs caused with their endless agendas over the decades. The nonexistent white nationalist's supremacist crap blurs the Islamic nationalists' supremacists that are in their growing stage here in the United States.
I didn't vote for Trump so nice try on the Trump apologist name calling. It may be hard for someone like to you to think about, but there are actually people who aren't just full on "Team Red" or "Team Blue". Boy, I thought Jim moved the goalposts. So, you don't have any supporting evidence for Romney, and there's no corroboration from any of the other six republican senators who voted to impeach Trump. So, now you want to switch gears to Georgia? Ok, let's shift gears.

So, if Trump has threatened violence against Fani Willis, that's a felony in the state of Georgia. Georgia law

  1. A person who by threat or force or by any threatening action, letter, or communication endeavors to intimidate any law enforcement officer, outside the scope and course of his or her employment, or his or her immediate family member in retaliation or response to the discharge of such officer’s official duties shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years, a fine not to exceed $5,000.00, or both.
So, the law's pretty clear. Has Trump been charged with an additional felony charge for his veiled threats against Willis? if not, why not?

It sucks that those campaign workers got caught up in the election mess. That happens when something that's highly politically charged. If it was done unfairly, they should go after those who falsely accused them. You know, the same that Kyle Rittenhouse went after some of the media after his trial. There has been plenty of instances where people have had their lives turned upside down by politicians from the right AND the left with the media fanning the flames. At least, I can call both sides of that since I'm not a partisan, like you. All you care about when it's done by the other team.
Those election workers were "caught up" in the election mesx because those two MAGA Maggots Trump & Guiliani attacked & lied about them publicly opening them up to having their lives ruined by Trump's fascist scum who do his bidding.

You'd be singing a different tune if it was YOU or YOUR family subjected to death threats thanks to Trump & his Fascist MAGA Cult followers.
So no link.

Got it.
It's public knowledge. Just because I refuse to bow to your request for a link doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Get off your lazy ass & do your own research, MAGA CLOWN.
Those election workers were "caught up" in the election mesx because those two MAGA Maggots Trump & Guiliani attacked & lied about them publicly opening them up to having their lives ruined by Trump's fascist scum who do his bidding.

You'd be singing a different tune if it was YOU or YOUR family subjected to death threats thanks to Trump & his Fascist MAGA Cult followers.
I'll take your complete no response to the Willis "threats" IAW Georgia law as your admission that the whole thing was a lot to do with nothing.

Clipper, you're proving my point and you're showing that your arguments are based on emotions. I already said that they should go after those who made the false accusations against them. Just like Kyle Rittenhouse and Nick Sandman. So, at whose bidding was it that they were receiving death threats and in Nick's case, planning on attacking the school? You're ONLY mad when it's done by the other side. You keep your mouth shut or even come on this board and perpetuate the slander if the attack is against someone who's a republican or a conservative. But hey, that's just what partisans do. You be you, but I'm not going to be as closedminded as you are.
It's public knowledge. Just because I refuse to bow to your request for a link doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Get off your lazy ass & do your own research, MAGA CLOWN.
I accept your concession, Simp.

I can see that. trump operates by instilling fear and violence. He can say a few words on his social media site, and there are cult members out there that will commit untold crimes to satisfy his every whim. That is why multiple judges have placed Gag Orders on him. trump uses Mafia tactics to intimidate prosecutors, witnesses, and influence prospective jurors.

There is one judge who has not and will not place a Gag order on trump. That is the judge in Florida named Cannon. And we all know why....
I remember a time you leftists attacked Romney now you hold onto every word he says.

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