Romney created 100,000 jobs....


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Mitt Romney and 100,000 jobs: an untenable figure

Last week, when we first looked at the former Massachusetts governor’s claim that “we helped create over 100,000 new jobs,” his campaign provided a list that included the growth in jobs from three companies that it said Romney helped to start or grow while at Bain Capital: Staples (a gain of 89,000 jobs), The Sports Authority (15,000 jobs), and Domino’s (7,900 jobs).

As we noted, “This tally obviously does not include job losses from other companies with which Bain Capital was involved — and are based on current employment figures, not the period when Romney worked at Bain.”
Mitt Romney and 100,000 jobs: an untenable figure - The Washington Post

Romney fuzzy math.
Romney is really good at trying to take credit for other people's success. I am surprised he has not started saying he shot Osama.
I think when examining Romney's claims on job creation, one also needs to ask "What kind of jobs?"

A job at Staples is not a career. It's a job you work during college to pay for tuition. Usually, it pays barely above minimum wage with no benefits, and those employees end up living off their parents health insurance and in their parents houses.

By comparison, a job he eliminated at AmPad or GS Steel paid good wages, had good benefits, and generated actual tax revenue.
How many "Shovel Ready" shit jobs has Commander-In-Chump created between golf outings and vacations?
How many "Shovel Ready" shit jobs has Commander-In-Chump created between golf outings and vacations?

Why do you guys need to bring up Obama whenever someone scrutinizes Romney?

The Stimulus created 3 million jobs. Most of them pay better than Staples.

Why do you guys need to bring up Bush everytime someone scrutinizes Commander-In-Chump Barry Sotero?
How many "Shovel Ready" shit jobs has Commander-In-Chump created between golf outings and vacations?

Why do you guys need to bring up Obama whenever someone scrutinizes Romney?

The Stimulus created 3 million jobs. Most of them pay better than Staples.

Why do you guys need to bring up Bush everytime someone scrutinizes Commander-In-Chump Barry Sotero?

I rarely do... but Bush actually was the guy who had the job before Obama, so that's actually an apt comparison.

Frankly, guy, you need to get over your xenophobia. "Sotero"? really?
I think when examining Romney's claims on job creation, one also needs to ask "What kind of jobs?"

A job at Staples is not a career. It's a job you work during college to pay for tuition. Usually, it pays barely above minimum wage with no benefits, and those employees end up living off their parents health insurance and in their parents houses.

By comparison, a job he eliminated at AmPad or GS Steel paid good wages, had good benefits, and generated actual tax revenue.

And was a money loser fro the company. That's why it doesn't exist anymore.
But I would have thought liberals would applaud any job creation. And Romney's record is about 100M times better than Obambumbum's.
I think when examining Romney's claims on job creation, one also needs to ask "What kind of jobs?"

A job at Staples is not a career. It's a job you work during college to pay for tuition. Usually, it pays barely above minimum wage with no benefits, and those employees end up living off their parents health insurance and in their parents houses.

By comparison, a job he eliminated at AmPad or GS Steel paid good wages, had good benefits, and generated actual tax revenue.

And was a money loser fro the company. That's why it doesn't exist anymore.
But I would have thought liberals would applaud any job creation. And Romney's record is about 100M times better than Obambumbum's.

Well, no it isn't, because first, Romney created nowhere near 100K jobs. Most of the gains Staples Made were after they got Bain out of their lives.

And frankly, if the goal is to just make money for the rich assholes, and not gainfully employing Americans, we have our priorities skewed.
... but Bush actually was the guy who had the job before Obama, so that's actually an apt comparison.

And Obama is the guy who had the job before Romney did.

So get used to it, asspilot.

Romney's never going to get the job.

Too weird, too creepy, too Mormon.

As Mike Huckabee once said, "He looks like the guy who lays you off".
I think when examining Romney's claims on job creation, one also needs to ask "What kind of jobs?"

A job at Staples is not a career. It's a job you work during college to pay for tuition. Usually, it pays barely above minimum wage with no benefits, and those employees end up living off their parents health insurance and in their parents houses.

By comparison, a job he eliminated at AmPad or GS Steel paid good wages, had good benefits, and generated actual tax revenue.

And was a money loser fro the company. That's why it doesn't exist anymore.
But I would have thought liberals would applaud any job creation. And Romney's record is about 100M times better than Obambumbum's.

Well, no it isn't, because first, Romney created nowhere near 100K jobs. Most of the gains Staples Made were after they got Bain out of their lives.

And frankly, if the goal is to just make money for the rich assholes, and not gainfully employing Americans, we have our priorities skewed.

The goal of business is to make money for the owners. I'm sorry if you dropped out of high school before you learned that. But it's true.
In the course of that businesses employ people. Romney's businesses employed lots of people, in sustainable jobs btw.
And Obama is the guy who had the job before Romney did.

So get used to it, asspilot.

Romney's never going to get the job.

Too weird, too creepy, [too Mormon.

As Mike Huckabee once said, "He looks like the guy who lays you off".

Bigot much, anuslips?

Crazy religions started by Child Molestors don't deserve respect.

And if you really think that when people start finding out about all the craziness in Mormonism, they aren't going to run screaming from this guy, you are delusional.

You know, like the Mormons posthoumously baptized Hitler so he could get into the celestial Heaven. really. They also baptized Holocaust victims.

(One just imagines Ann Frank suddenly finding herself in the Celestial Heaven and running into Adolf!)

Or the whacky Temple Oath vowing revenge against the United States for the Murder of Joseph Smith.

Or Magic Underwear.

Or ruling your own planet in the Afterlife.

I mean, Romney doesn't want to talk about this shit when he goes to Liberty University (where they call Mormonism a cult) but eventually, someone is going to.
The goal of business is to make money for the owners. I'm sorry if you dropped out of high school before you learned that. But it's true.
In the course of that businesses employ people. Romney's businesses employed lots of people, in sustainable jobs btw.

Again, why should it be?

This is a case of parasites calling themselves vital organs.

The purpose of the economy should be to provide employments, goods and services to people as a whole. Not to make a few assholes rich.

And in the rest of the world, them evil "Socialists", it reallly doesn't work that way.

Only in America do we let guys collect 8 figure salaries for wrecking their companies.
The goal of business is to make money for the owners. I'm sorry if you dropped out of high school before you learned that. But it's true.
In the course of that businesses employ people. Romney's businesses employed lots of people, in sustainable jobs btw.

Again, why should it be?

This is a case of parasites calling themselves vital organs.

The purpose of the economy should be to provide employments, goods and services to people as a whole. Not to make a few assholes rich.

And in the rest of the world, them evil "Socialists", it reallly doesn't work that way.

Only in America do we let guys collect 8 figure salaries for wrecking their companies.

No, Joe. Business is not charity. The goal of business is to earn money. That's how you stay in business. Unless you're a green company and can get by on gov't loans, of course.

We see how well guaranteeing employment worked in the Soviet Union and East Germany. Is that the economy you want?
The goal of business is to make money for the owners. I'm sorry if you dropped out of high school before you learned that. But it's true.
In the course of that businesses employ people. Romney's businesses employed lots of people, in sustainable jobs btw.

Again, why should it be?

This is a case of parasites calling themselves vital organs.

The purpose of the economy should be to provide employments, goods and services to people as a whole. Not to make a few assholes rich.

And in the rest of the world, them evil "Socialists", it reallly doesn't work that way.

Only in America do we let guys collect 8 figure salaries for wrecking their companies.

No, Joe. Business is not charity. The goal of business is to earn money. That's how you stay in business. Unless you're a green company and can get by on gov't loans, of course.

We see how well guaranteeing employment worked in the Soviet Union and East Germany. Is that the economy you want?

Nope. but I wouldn't mind having West Germany's economy. Or Japan's economy. Or any other economy where they've preserved the middle class and no one gets obscenely rich.

Again, you talk like it "always works this way", when it hasn't always been that way and in most of the world, it isn't.

Frankly, I'm ashamed that I live in a country where Mitt Romney can own four mansions, pay less of a percentage of his income in taxes than I do, and we have poor children who go to bed hungry at night. I think that's seriously messed up.

And, no, that's not a partisan thing. I think both parties are responsible for that kind of status quo.

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