Romney defeats Obama?

Well, several Republican Governors are refusing to implement the Medicaid expansion in their states or implement the health care exchanges. How many people are going to suffer as a result of their partisan games?
You didn't start anywhere, just a bunch of words that you could use on anybody any time in history. Just replace the name. Obama the con artist, armed with a disarming smile, on and on.
Since you can't get to the point, I will.
Obama got Bin Laden, the guy this nation went to war with and couldn't get for over seven years under Bush. No brag, just fact. Those wars cost over 2 trillion with no results other than help bankrupt the country, kill hundreds of thousands, and create more enemies for us. It also enriched good buddies in the defense industry

The Nightmare
If you love your children, think hard and long about this president. Long after we leave this planet, they and their children will inherit his legacy.

Another four years of this president, is surely humankind's biggest political nightmare. The inventory of mismanagement is so long, one wonders where to start and how to prioritize the list. Where does one start first? Obama the world citizen, Obama the economic leader or Obama the con artist? Another question that jumps to mind is how does somebody with no track record, zero achievement and armed with a disarming smile and a gift of the gab become president of the US? Really, has Hollywood become so much part of the US psyche that millions of Americans were duped into thinking that an amateur with no credentials could run the worlds most powerful country?

View attachment 20234
Well, several Republican Governors are refusing to implement the Medicaid expansion in their states or implement the health care exchanges. How many people are going to suffer as a result of their partisan games?

How many will suffer by printing money out of thin air to pay for it?

ONE POUND let me repeat that ONE POUND of cooked bacon in a seattle grocery store came in at 22 dollars plus.

This is a direct result of the democrats monetary policy.

Try looking at the bigger picture instead of selfish wants.
heres a couple links.
That all you got, calling it bullshit, or are you one of these people that just get paid to post?

You know, when you say liberals kill kids, you must be refering to fetuses, right? Well, fetuses are not kids. Anyway, from everything I see, "conservatives" don't mind kids dying. You know, over 45,000 people a year die from lack of health insurance. A lot of these numbers are kids. republicans destroy any talk of national health care with joy, take ACA to supreme court, and when they didn't get the ruling they want, they just pass bills in the house that go nowhere like a bunch of immature juveniles.
Several states with republican governors have refused medicaid from the federal government, insuring that people, including kids, will suffer or die. They don't care. It's all about being against obama and also about money. So don't take pretend you give a damn about a human life.

Any links to support your bullshit?
heres a couple links.
That all you got, calling it bullshit, or are you one of these people that just get paid to post?

You know, when you say liberals kill kids, you must be refering to fetuses, right? Well, fetuses are not kids. Anyway, from everything I see, "conservatives" don't mind kids dying. You know, over 45,000 people a year die from lack of health insurance. A lot of these numbers are kids. republicans destroy any talk of national health care with joy, take ACA to supreme court, and when they didn't get the ruling they want, they just pass bills in the house that go nowhere like a bunch of immature juveniles.
Several states with republican governors have refused medicaid from the federal government, insuring that people, including kids, will suffer or die. They don't care. It's all about being against obama and also about money. So don't take pretend you give a damn about a human life.

Any links to support your bullshit?


I only call Bullshit when I see UNSUPPORTED Bullshit claims by dingleberries like you

still no links
Today's e-mail:

**** [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]This isn't hyperbole or exaggeration:

If we don't win this election, it will be because we didn't close the spending gap when we could.

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]In the last two weeks of this month, Romney and his allies had an almost 2:1 spending advantage in Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Virginia -- and that could be the election right there.

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]Barack and I honestly wish we could thank everyone who contributes to this campaign personally. You're our second family, you know.



[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Thanks for making my point. With republicans it's all about money.
Over 10 years ago we went to war to get bin laden over the loss of less than 3000 lives. (Had to wait for obama to do that job). Those wars cost over 2 trillion and counting. However, we can't pay for health care that would save 45,000 lives a year for people that lack health insurance, or to say it another way, almost half a million people in over ten years.
With republicans it's all about money, not people. The wars? OK. We are all about war because we've become a nation afraid of everything. Gotta get rombley in there so's we can go after Iran cause someday they may get a nuclear bomb and all that.

Well, several Republican Governors are refusing to implement the Medicaid expansion in their states or implement the health care exchanges. How many people are going to suffer as a result of their partisan games?

How many will suffer by printing money out of thin air to pay for it?

ONE POUND let me repeat that ONE POUND of cooked bacon in a seattle grocery store came in at 22 dollars plus.

This is a direct result of the democrats monetary policy.

Try looking at the bigger picture instead of selfish wants.
With voter suppression and unlimited money from billionaires wanting something, it's very, very likely. America is distracted with "Kim Kardasian", they have no time for politics. They will pay the price.

Yes rdean. We are all aware that Obama could get reelected because of American apathy of the political system.

And if that happens, we get what we deserve.
I sent you links. anybody in health care can tell you the validity of preventive care which unfortunately costs money. Cuts in Medicaid will cost suffering and lost lives and all you can do is post "bullshit". I won't waste any more time with you.

heres a couple links.
That all you got, calling it bullshit, or are you one of these people that just get paid to post?

Any links to support your bullshit?


I only call Bullshit when I see UNSUPPORTED Bullshit claims by dingleberries like you

still no links
Thanks for making my point. With republicans it's all about money.
Over 10 years ago we went to war to get bin laden over the loss of less than 3000 lives. (Had to wait for obama to do that job). Those wars cost over 2 trillion and counting. However, we can't pay for health care that would save 45,000 lives a year for people that lack health insurance, or to say it another way, almost half a million people in over ten years.
With republicans it's all about money, not people. The wars? OK. We are all about war because we've become a nation afraid of everything. Gotta get rombley in there so's we can go after Iran cause someday they may get a nuclear bomb and all that.

Well, several Republican Governors are refusing to implement the Medicaid expansion in their states or implement the health care exchanges. How many people are going to suffer as a result of their partisan games?

How many will suffer by printing money out of thin air to pay for it?

ONE POUND let me repeat that ONE POUND of cooked bacon in a seattle grocery store came in at 22 dollars plus.

This is a direct result of the democrats monetary policy.

Try looking at the bigger picture instead of selfish wants.

I wish I could live in a world where playing games with money and lying people like the Government does didnt hurt people. But I live in the real world.

You do realize that the money we are talking about is produced from the hard work, sweat, and labor of the American people. Wasting that money, borrowing uncontrolled, decreasing the value of the dollar only matter because they have the potential to seriously hurt real people.

It doesn't matter how much you claim to care about people. Until you are willing to be honest about whats causing them to hurt, namely, big government and crappy economic policy, people will continue to needlessly hurt.
I sent you links. anybody in health care can tell you the validity of preventive care which unfortunately costs money. Cuts in Medicaid will cost suffering and lost lives and all you can do is post "bullshit". I won't waste any more time with you.

heres a couple links.
That all you got, calling it bullshit, or are you one of these people that just get paid to post?


I only call Bullshit when I see UNSUPPORTED Bullshit claims by dingleberries like you

still no links

So you don;t know how to post links?
Well, several Republican Governors are refusing to implement the Medicaid expansion in their states or implement the health care exchanges. How many people are going to suffer as a result of their partisan games?

Alot less than are going to suffer if Obamacare is fully implimented.
Republicans, focus on economics and the economy and jobs.

We can beat the dems on those issues.

Anything else is a distraction.
Romney defeats Obama?

Not with his......



I am sure the dems feel the same about recent voting ID requirements.

However, I agree that our poll watchers should be vigilant.

Republicans, focus on economics and the economy and jobs.

We can beat the dems on those issues.

Anything else is a distraction.
None of that matters if there is cheating at the polls and a DOJ covering ACORN's voter fraud crimes.

I can't tell you how horrifying an issue that is to me.
You just did.

Romney defeats Obama?

Not with his......




It was the Palestinians grumbling about Romney.


"While Israeli’s were happy to meet Romney and hear what he had to say, it’s leaders, President Shimon Peres and the Minister of Defense Ehud Barack were telling CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in separate interviews which aired Monday, July 30, 2012, that no other President has had as close a tie with Israel as President Obama currently has with regards to security.

Barack: Under President Obama, he is doing in regards to help our security more than anyone I can remember in my life.

Blitzer: More than any other Presidents like, LBJ, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush?

Barack: Yes, in terms of the support for our security, the cooperation of our intelligence, sharing of sorts in a very open way, even when there are differences.

Peres: When I look at the record of President Obama concerning the major issue of security, I think it’s a highly satisfactory record from an Israeli point of view.

And Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has echoed these same remarks in past interviews on CNN."


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