Romney effect: Mormon/Latter-day Saints church in the spotlight

Romney and Listening have taught me all I ever want to know about Mormons! They are assholes that lie with impunity.

You are a bigoted peon that deserves nothing but scorn and pity for your obvious ignorance and retardation.
In other words, you aren't really outraged at mormons. You just want to smear mormons to attack Romney.

And you think they are the ones that are untrustworthy... right

It's a new whisper campaign they've started. I was reading about it earlier tonight.

Giving out talking points as well in this anti Mormon whisper campaign. Unreal. There is no new low that these liberals won't go to.

Here's the link. At least they've been flushed out. This should actually have a thread of its own.

Obama Supporter Suggests Anti-Mormon Whisper Campaign

“I'm thinking that even though we don't LIKE campaigns to get nasty, we in the south (TN) come to EXPECT it,” a “team member” writes on the campaign Dashboard. The campaign removes the post after an inquiry.

Here's part of the article.

On Monday, a "team member" named Laurence De Palma, who lists his location as East Nashville, presented volunteers with some talking points to convince Southern Christian voters they shouldn't vote for a Mormon. The message was available under "Resources" and tagged "persuasion."

"I'm thinking that even though we don't LIKE campaigns to get nasty, we in the south (TN) come to EXPECT it," De Palma began. "What we also know is that we have a very 'rigid' view of Christianity, and apparently, Mormonism isn't anywhere in our views. This could easily win TN/SC/AL/GA, etc."

The post goes on to include brief, oversimplified summaries of Mormon doctrines, framed to clash with evangelical Christianity.

Obama Supporter Suggests Anti-Mormon Whisper Campaign

evangelical baptists are lefties, hmm

Some are some are conservatives....So what?
What's wrong with that?

People don't have a Constitutional right to free speech? They are informing their fellow citizens as to the belief system of the man they are being asked to vote for.

What's wrong with smearing Mormons to attack Romney politically? You have no problem attacking mormons for political gains you think I have a persecution complex? lol.
So, you equate talking about what Mormons believe with smearing Mormons.

I've never really met a Mormon I didn't trust. I've met my share of Mormons and I've found that the majority of those I've met smile in your face but behind your back... watch out.

Mormons do not really befriend non-Mormons nor do they trust them. The only Mormons I've really gotten along with are called... Jack-Mormons.

True Mormons, I've discovered are to secretive with their hand-shakes and special underwear. Especially disturbing about Mormons is the subject... "curse of Cain", relating to black people and early Mormonism. Look it up people. It wasn't until a few years ago 1978, that Mormons were, (due to politically-correctness) forced to change their stance on blacks via the 1978 Revelation on Priesthood which supposedly changed things.

Wake up America!

Mormon in America: Latter-day Saints on 2012 election and significance of Romney campaign - Rock Center with Brian Williams

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints say that their faith has experienced increased attention and scrutiny as one of their most prominent members, Mitt Romney, prepares to accept the Republican presidential nomination.

"His candidacy has shed some light on our faith and I get more questions now about being a Latter-day Saint than I did before. So I think that's a great thing, that's a positive thing," said Al Jackson.

Sounds like you're basically just a scumbag magnet... speaks volumes.

Oh, BTW, perhaps you should check your grammar, given the tone of your rant, I think you should have opened with "I've never met a Mormon I trusted".
Romney and Listening have taught me all I ever want to know about Mormons! They are assholes that lie with impunity.

Ah yes,

Well, I am smart enough not to judge a whole group by one person. Hence, despite your ignorance and retarded statements, I still think highly of native Americans.

As well you should. I do too. In fact, I think so higly of native americans that I married one:)
I can understand why people might not believe. But why the need to make crap up? It was precisely that reason that made me think there was some truth to what the Church taught. Those who opposed it would just outright lie and misrepresent things. Some very obviously. And I asked myself, if your position is correct, why would you have to lie?

What's been made up? I've seen curiosity and speculation, but that's because Mormons are secretive. You know who else is secretive? Cults.

Mormons aren't secretive. Their religion just hasn't been in the spotlight like this and so no one knows what it's all about.

On the contrary... Mormons are very secretive. There are rooms in the Temple that non-Mormons are strictly forbidden from entering. Secret Mormon weddings. Secret rituals to be able to enter the Celestial Room. Ordinances for the dead by proxy, etc.
Well, it made for a good story. He was a bit chagrined to find out how close the temple wasn't to the Great Salt Lake.

Of course he then started asking me about other things.

One thing he did enjoy hearing about was the welfare program. He asked a lot of questions and suggested that might be something other churches should consider.

I agree. The Church welfare program is a program that should be copied by other Churches and charities.
I've never really met a Mormon I didn't trust. I've met my share of Mormons and I've found that the majority of those I've met smile in your face but behind your back... watch out.

Mormons do not really befriend non-Mormons nor do they trust them. The only Mormons I've really gotten along with are called... Jack-Mormons.

True Mormons, I've discovered are to secretive with their hand-shakes and special underwear. Especially disturbing about Mormons is the subject... "curse of Cain", relating to black people and early Mormonism. Look it up people. It wasn't until a few years ago 1978, that Mormons were, (due to politically-correctness) forced to change their stance on blacks via the 1978 Revelation on Priesthood which supposedly changed things.

Wake up America!

Mormon in America: Latter-day Saints on 2012 election and significance of Romney campaign - Rock Center with Brian Williams

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints say that their faith has experienced increased attention and scrutiny as one of their most prominent members, Mitt Romney, prepares to accept the Republican presidential nomination.

"His candidacy has shed some light on our faith and I get more questions now about being a Latter-day Saint than I did before. So I think that's a great thing, that's a positive thing," said Al Jackson.

Sounds like you're basically just a scumbag magnet... speaks volumes.

Oh, BTW, perhaps you should check your grammar, given the tone of your rant, I think you should have opened with "I've never met a Mormon I trusted".

I stand corrected... I've never met a Mormon I trusted. Good eye Soggy.
In James Talmage's book Jesus the Christ he said that church members are under covenant to keep the beatitudes.
I wonder if Sir Harry thought of that when he bore false witness against his neighbor.

Ive never heard that comment, but as we are supposed to keep the commandments of God, i wouldnt doubt it if Elder Talmage did say that. It's been a while since I read Jesus the Christ so i might not remember all of it.

As for false witness, that's not in the beattitudes. Thats one of the 10 commandments.

Why Harry Reid was lying about people. I don't know. That's between him and God. Perhaps he will repent.
Well, it made for a good story. He was a bit chagrined to find out how close the temple wasn't to the Great Salt Lake.

Of course he then started asking me about other things.

One thing he did enjoy hearing about was the welfare program. He asked a lot of questions and suggested that might be something other churches should consider.

I agree. The Church welfare program is a program that should be copied by other Churches and charities.

The Mormon Church welfare program is socialism at it's finest. Works great.
What's wrong with that?

People don't have a Constitutional right to free speech? They are informing their fellow citizens as to the belief system of the man they are being asked to vote for.

What's wrong with smearing Mormons to attack Romney politically? You have no problem attacking mormons for political gains you think I have a persecution complex? lol.
So, you equate talking about what Mormons believe with smearing Mormons.


No. I equate lying about what Mormons believe for political purposes with smearing. Please try to keep up.
On the contrary... Mormons are very secretive. There are rooms in the Temple that non-Mormons are strictly forbidden from entering. Secret Mormon weddings. Secret rituals to be able to enter the Celestial Room. Ordinances for the dead by proxy, etc.

So secret that you know about them. So secret that we have tens of thousands of missionaries out sharing the Gospel. So secret we have members actively reaching out and preparing other members to go through these so called secret ceramonies.

Anyone can go into the Temple and perform the ordinances therein. They just need to exercise faith in Christ, repent, be baptized, recieve the Holy Ghost, get a temple recommend and walk in. The fact that you don't want to go through the process to enter, doesn't mean you are forbidden to.
I've never really met a Mormon I didn't trust. I've met my share of Mormons and I've found that the majority of those I've met smile in your face but behind your back... watch out.

Mormons do not really befriend non-Mormons nor do they trust them. The only Mormons I've really gotten along with are called... Jack-Mormons.

True Mormons, I've discovered are to secretive with their hand-shakes and special underwear. Especially disturbing about Mormons is the subject... "curse of Cain", relating to black people and early Mormonism. Look it up people. It wasn't until a few years ago 1978, that Mormons were, (due to politically-correctness) forced to change their stance on blacks via the 1978 Revelation on Priesthood which supposedly changed things.

Wake up America!

Mormon in America: Latter-day Saints on 2012 election and significance of Romney campaign - Rock Center with Brian Williams

Sounds like you're basically just a scumbag magnet... speaks volumes.

Oh, BTW, perhaps you should check your grammar, given the tone of your rant, I think you should have opened with "I've never met a Mormon I trusted".

I stand corrected... I've never met a Mormon I trusted. Good eye Soggy.

You're quite welcome.

The Mormon Church welfare program is socialism at it's finest. Works great.

No it isn't.

1) the government isnt involved.
2) Nothing is taken from anyone by force.
3) Church welfare exists to make people self-reliant, not keep them reliant on government.
4) Church welfare involves a belief in God.
5) Church welfare involves one on one ministering.

There are countless other differences. But as I dont think you are at all familiar with Church welfare or socialism, you probably dont care about them.
Is Harry Reid running for POTUS? No? I did not think so. Harry Reid is a Democrat... my kind of 'Mormon'! Ok?

Harry Reid is a Mormon....just like Mitt Romney. Was this a dig at the Mormon Church or Mitt Romney.

The two faced nature of your sorry post is all to evident.

In James Talmage's book Jesus the Christ he said that church members are under covenant to keep the beatitudes.
I wonder if Sir Harry thought of that when he bore false witness against his neighbor.
Ha! Calling Reid a liar while condemning him for calling Mittens a liar.

There is no hypocrisy quite like religious hypocrisy.
Harry Reid is a Mormon....just like Mitt Romney. Was this a dig at the Mormon Church or Mitt Romney.

The two faced nature of your sorry post is all to evident.

In James Talmage's book Jesus the Christ he said that church members are under covenant to keep the beatitudes.
I wonder if Sir Harry thought of that when he bore false witness against his neighbor.
Ha! Calling Reid a liar while condemning him for calling Mittens a liar.

There is no hypocrisy quite like religious hypocrisy.

Reid is a liar...Just look at what he said about Romney and taxes without any evidence....Reid is a lying scumbag.
The Mormon Church welfare program is socialism at it's finest. Works great.

No it isn't.

1) the government isnt involved.
2) Nothing is taken from anyone by force.
3) Church welfare exists to make people self-reliant, not keep them reliant on government.
4) Church welfare involves a belief in God.
5) Church welfare involves one on one ministering.

There are countless other differences. But as I dont think you are at all familiar with Church welfare or socialism, you probably dont care about them.

Just a matter of semantics. No matter how you slice it... it's socialism 101.

BTW... with the Church strict on keeping the Sabbath day holy... will Romney be able to work on Sundays? Go shopping? Watch tv? Drink 'hot chocolate'?
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The Mormon Church welfare program is socialism at it's finest. Works great.

No it isn't.

1) the government isnt involved.
2) Nothing is taken from anyone by force.
3) Church welfare exists to make people self-reliant, not keep them reliant on government.
4) Church welfare involves a belief in God.
5) Church welfare involves one on one ministering.

There are countless other differences. But as I dont think you are at all familiar with Church welfare or socialism, you probably dont care about them.

Just a matter of semantics. No matter how you slice it... it's socialism 101.

BTW... with the Church strict on keeping the Sabbath day holy... will Romney be able to work on Sundays? Go shopping? Watch tv? Drink 'hot chockolate'?
Idiot....You need to educate yourself on religon or just shut the fuck up.... It is sad someone raised someone so ignorant.
No it isn't.

1) the government isnt involved.
2) Nothing is taken from anyone by force.
3) Church welfare exists to make people self-reliant, not keep them reliant on government.
4) Church welfare involves a belief in God.
5) Church welfare involves one on one ministering.

There are countless other differences. But as I dont think you are at all familiar with Church welfare or socialism, you probably dont care about them.

Just a matter of semantics. No matter how you slice it... it's socialism 101.

BTW... with the Church strict on keeping the Sabbath day holy... will Romney be able to work on Sundays? Go shopping? Watch tv? Drink 'hot chockolate'?
Idiot....You need to educate yourself on religon or just shut the fuck up.... It is sad someone raised someone so ignorant.

Mormonism equates socialism in order to thrive and survive. You need to face this head on instead of denying that fact.

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