Romney had it of course the Dems call foul!

Alot of rich people pay no income taxes because of tax shelters.

They make their money on investments and derivatives that produce nothing.

Investments "produce nothing?"

Ignorant morons like you are the reason this country is so fucked up.
Well as they say about Mittens and his tax free dollars offshore, it is all legal for those people not to pay taxes, get over it.
Alot of rich people pay no income taxes because of tax shelters.

They make their money on investments and derivatives that produce nothing.

Investments "produce nothing?"

Ignorant morons like you are the reason this country is so fucked up.

Derivatives produce something? It just gambling ... fool.

Derivatives are just another form of investment, turd. All investment involves risk, except when a company "invests" in a politician.
Lies are not promises that can't be kept...Pub dupes. Pub lies? See sig pp3, "Obama gutted Medicare, Workfare, had total control for 2 years, people on welfare or don't pay taxes are all Dems"- ALL TOTAL LIES for dupes only.

ONE LIE from Obama? Nuthin yet...
And if you count ALL taxes and fees, the poorest pay as much as the richest %wise. Total Pubcrappe, a tidal wave of BS propaganda.
One example, brainwashed Pub dupe?

I'll take that as a "My head isn't up MY ass, it's up OBAMA'S, and I like it there!"

Nevertheless, for the sake of anyone reading who might still have salvageable brain cells . . .

1. Americans want higher taxes: During the debate over raising the debt ceiling, President Obama said that 80% of Americans support including higher taxes as part of the deal. But a Rasmussen poll taken the same week showed that only 34% believe a tax hike should be included in a debt-ceiling agreement.

2. Mother denied health insurance: During his presidential campaign, Obama said that his mother died of cancer after being denied coverage for a preexisting condition. He used her image in a campaign ad, repeated the claim in debates, and used the same rhetoric as President when he tried to sell ObamaCare to the American people. But a new book by New York Times reporter Janny Scott says that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, had health insurance through her employer and was only denied disability insurance.

3. Tax restraint for middle and lower class: Obama pledged during his campaign and throughout his presidency not to raise taxes on families making less than $250,000. But ObamaCare’s individual mandate will hit many under the $250,000 mark. (Obama’s own Justice Department said the mandate was a tax, not a penalty, when it argued its constitutionality.) Not to mention a higher federal cigarette tax and countless other “fees” in the health care law that hit the middle and lower class.

4. Shovel-ready jobs: When Obama was selling his $787 billion stimulus package, he consistently bragged about how shovel-ready construction jobs would be funded across the nation. Even the President later admitted that was a lie, when he told the New York Times: “There’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects.”

5. Keep your doctor: President Obama repeatedly pledged that under his health care measure, Americans would be able to keep their doctors. However, with rising costs, many employers will dump their health care plans and force workers into the state health care exchanges (unless you belong to one of the unions getting ObamaCare waivers.) A survey by McKinsey & Company found that more than 30% of companies will discontinue coverage for their workers.

6. No lobbyists: During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama said: “We have the chance to tell all those corporate lobbyists that the days of them setting the agenda in Washington are over. … I don’t take a dime of their money, and when I am President, they won’t find a job in my White House.” At least a dozen former lobbyists got top jobs in his administration at the beginning of his presidency, according to Politico, and National Public Radio reported the Obama administration was granting waivers to lobbyists to circumvent the ban.

7. Foreign money in campaigns: During his 2010 State of the Union address, and again during the 2010 midterm elections, Obama railed against foreign money influencing U.S. elections. The only problem was that there was no evidence to support the charge or, as Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, in the State of the Union audience, silently mouthed, “Not true.”

8. Arizona immigration law: During the battle over Arizona’s immigration law, President Obama said: “Now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed, that’s something that could potentially happen.” Uh, actually, Mr. President, it couldn’t. The law would allow law enforcement officials to inquire about immigration status only when there is suspicion of a crime being committed.

9. Transparency: Obama pledged that transparency would be a top priority, but his administration refused to grant one-third of the Freedom of Information Act requests, according to an Associated Press analysis. He also was dishonest about transparency when he said that health-care negotiations would be televised on C-SPAN and that he would wait five days to sign a bill so people would have a chance to read it online.

10. Constitutional oath: During his January 2009 inauguration, Barack Obama pledged to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” yet he has consistently ignored the 10th Amendment giving powers not enumerated in the Constitution to the states. Exhibit No. 1: ObamaCare.

Thanks to "Human Events", and if you're planning to dismiss the post based on the source, you'd better be prepared to prove they're wrong.

They're wrong. 1. Debt ceiling fix, MY AZZ. Your stuff is ALL Pubcrappe.

I said "PROVE it wrong", not "CALL it wrong". Learn the difference.
Lies are not promises that can't be kept...Pub dupes. Pub lies? See sig pp3, "Obama gutted Medicare, Workfare, had total control for 2 years, people on welfare or don't pay taxes are all Dems"- ALL TOTAL LIES for dupes only.

ONE LIE from Obama? Nuthin yet...

When one makes promises one KNOWS cannot be kept, THAT is a lie.

Furthermore, your little rant against the words you'd like to put in Republicans' mouths, rather than against any actual quotes by Republicans, provides the final proof that you know Obama is a liar, and you enjoy being lied to.

Game, set, and match.

Buh bye.
If you think Romney can be taken at his word you don't know much about him.

I judge people on what they "do" not what they "say". Barack Obama promises much...yet delivers little.

That's not true, you've already judged Romney to be a better choice than Obama and he hasn't done anything but talk.

I judge Mitt Romney on his body of work over his lifetime...the same exact way I judge Barack Obama. One man has a long history of success...of taking troubled companies...a troubled State and a troubled Olympics, turning them around and making them successful. The other man has no history of ever doing anything like that. One man has a history of working across the aisle and of forging bipartisan approaches to governing. The other man has no history of ever doing anything like that.

I'm sorry, Bob...but "talk" has always been Barack Obama's strong point. It's what he's great at. Where he fails miserably is everything AFTER the know...the leadership part?
Romney, at a $50,000 per plate fundraiser, entertaining his rich pals by making fun of poor people.

That alone should convince any normal person not to vote for him.
Romney's fixers won't be able to fix this mess, his goose is cooked....

Was he correct or not?

Tell me, do the following have any impact on your thinking?

1. The desire for equality of income or of wealth is, of course, but one aspect of a more general desire for equality. “The essence of the moral idea of socialism is that human equality is the supreme value in life.”
Martin Malia, “A Fatal Logic,” The National Interest, Spring 1993, pp. 80, 87

2. Sociologist Helmut Schoeck’s observation: “Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.”
Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179

He was correct, which is why they are hell bent on declaring it's a lie.
Ignoring the fact that their precious dictator's failed policies in the Middle East are killing people by the gross.

"According to the Census Bureau, 49% of Americans in the second quarter of 2011 lived in a household where at least one member received a government benefit. (The total population at the time was 305 million).
That’s up from 30% in the 1980s and 44.4% in the third quarter of 2008, a recent growth in part attributable to the bad economy of President Obama’s first term."

The Data Behind Romney’s 47% Comments - Washington Wire - WSJ

Everyone is calling foul you dumb bitch. He is driving voters from him to Obama every day if you can't see that then you should probably GTFL.
Left wing extremist loons are not "everyone".

Elsewhere the world is focusing on the real news...which is how hideously Obama has bungled the middle east, particularly the security of our embassy in Libya. Despite being told, repeatedly, that the embassy was a disaster waiting to happen.
Yes, because a 47/46 split with Obama is indicative of election disaster.

If this is the second-best clip that Mother Jones has on Mitt Romney, I think his campaign can breathe a sigh of relief. MJ headlines this as “On Israel, Romney Trashes Two-State Solution,” but that’s not accurate. What Romney actually says is that peace isn’t possible because the Palestinians won’t accept a two-state plan as a permanent solution … a point that has been obvious ever since Yasser Arafat walked away from a carefully-crafted deal at the end of the Clinton administration and called for another intifada. With Hamas now in the mix and their parent group Muslim Brotherhood taking control of Egypt, the Palestinians have even less incentive to accept a permanent state of Israel.
All Romney does here is describe the situation realistically rather than aspirationally."

"What exactly is supposed to be “embarrassing” about this? It’s a more honest assessment of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than we’ve seen in decades from presidential-level politics, from either party. Barack Obama promised that his leadership would lead to a breakthrough in the impasse, but he set the process back several decades by fumbling the question of construction in Jerusalem, which Mahmoud Abbas hadn’t raised as a deal-stopper until Obama handed him the issue. That’s embarrassing. I’d rather hear an American President talk straight about the impasse and the actual problem rather than provide us another Lucy-and-the-football promise for something over which we have little actual control."

Latest Romney “embarrassment”: Israeli-Palestinian conflict unresolvable under current conditions « Hot Air

To progressives, the truth is disaster, which is why when faced with it they dissolve into hysterics.
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