Romney Impeachment Speech... WOW

They just read a posted a tweet from Trump Jr. on TV

He said Mitt Romney is part of the resistance and should be expelled from the GOP.

I heard that, soon tramp will his pit bull (Ag Barr) after him, and charge him with campaign finance or many other things.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a yes, on impeachment. I’ll post a video once one becomes available.
/——/ What do you expect from a RINO who puts his dog on top of the car and drives to Canada, keeps a book of women and doesn’t pay any taxes? He’s the perfect democRAT lap dog.
yep. any mofo mistreating animals like that gets zero respect from me on much of anything.
do you think he intentionally did that to his dog?
do you unintentionally tie a crated dog to the roof off your car and head out on vacation?

do you even know the story?
I know nothing about the story which is why I asked. Was he punishing the dog or did he forget it was up there?
know much of google?

that's something i would be likely to do before i ask if someone accidentally tied their family pet to the roof of their car.
Just out of curiousity, how does Recall work in Utah?

Holders of federal offices cannot be recalled even by the states they are supposed to represent. There is no provision in the constitution for it and the constitution supersedes any state law.
You have to wait for their election or hope they commit a serious crime for which they can be arrested, convicted and locked up or as in McCain's case hope for nature to intercede. McCain's illness could indeed have been the underlying cause of his RINO behavior but we'll never know now. That is outside of assination of course which the democrats attempted with Scalise but failed.
/——/ What do you expect from a RINO who puts his dog on top of the car and drives to Canada, keeps a book of women and doesn’t pay any taxes? He’s the perfect democRAT lap dog.
yep. any mofo mistreating animals like that gets zero respect from me on much of anything.
do you think he intentionally did that to his dog?
do you unintentionally tie a crated dog to the roof off your car and head out on vacation?

do you even know the story?
I know nothing about the story which is why I asked. Was he punishing the dog or did he forget it was up there?
know much of google?

that's something i would be likely to do before i ask if someone accidentally tied their family pet to the roof of their car.
I’ll look it up later. Let’s get back to the subject. I’m not very interested in Romney’s dog at the moment.
yep. any mofo mistreating animals like that gets zero respect from me on much of anything.
do you think he intentionally did that to his dog?
do you unintentionally tie a crated dog to the roof off your car and head out on vacation?

do you even know the story?
I know nothing about the story which is why I asked. Was he punishing the dog or did he forget it was up there?
know much of google?

that's something i would be likely to do before i ask if someone accidentally tied their family pet to the roof of their car.
I’ll look it up later. Let’s get back to the subject. I’m not very interested in Romney’s dog at the moment.
no - just interested in anyone offering overly dramatic anti-trump statements.

carry on.
I just watched the idiot commit political seppuku on CSPAN. He may as well pack up and move to California, Washington or Oregon and register as a demodumbass because in Oregon he's as dead as a doornail.

in OREGON ?? what the fuck does Mitt Romney care about OREGON ? o_O

Oregon is full of demodumbasses now or haven't you visited Portland lately.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a yes, on impeachment. I’ll post a video once one becomes available.
How can it be incredible,, if a president can’t ask about corruption you’re handicapping America.. all of you that are deranged need to get help
A President can ask about corruption. There’s a way to do it. Trump did not do it the right way. It’s incredible that Romney said what he said. He just ranked the rest of his political career to uphold an oath. Agree or disagree you gotta admit that takes balls

It doesn't take balls when you have an ego the size of Utah.
Mitt always wants the spotlight, no matter what the facts say.
The defense gave more than enough evidence that the offense wasn't impeachable, as did Lamar Alexander's rationale'.
Mitt can't justify his interpretation of the Constitution that Trump's non-crime rose to the level of "treason or bribery", what a POS.
Personally I am beginning to think he is jealous of Trump. He accomplished what he couldn’t. Even his niece called him out at one point.
Guess he never watched The Godfather...we know what happens when a plot against the emperor fails....:Boom2:
Do you think that's why all the other Rs are afraid of doing the truthful, right and honest thing, and voting yes to impeach? The fear of Trump' s deadly wrath? :eek:
i think the bigger fear is having to spend an evening engaged in active conversation with you.

at that point, tie me to the roof of any 18 wheeler headed out of town.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a yes, on impeachment. I’ll post a video once one becomes available.
/——/ What do you expect from a RINO who puts his dog on top of the car and drives to Canada, keeps a book of women and doesn’t pay any taxes? He’s the perfect democRAT lap dog.
yep. any mofo mistreating animals like that gets zero respect from me on much of anything.
do you think he intentionally did that to his dog?
do you unintentionally tie a crated dog to the roof off your car and head out on vacation?

do you even know the story?
I know nothing about the story which is why I asked. Was he punishing the dog or did he forget it was up there?
Let's be honest here. It was Joe Biden that Romney was going on vacation with and Joe Biden is who forgot the dog was tied to THE Roof. Rumor has it they changed it to The Bumper and called it artistic license.

They made a movie out of it, with Chevy Chase playing Romney, and Beverly D'Angelo playing Biden.
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Obama shipped illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels, used the IRS to punish political enemies and lied about his Health Care law but Romney cries over a freaking phone call by Trump? Drain the freaking swamp.
The phone call wasn't even a tenth of it.

This was a months if not years long crime syndicate operation.... using outside and inside people in the whole operation. You didn't watch the trial... or read the news?

Poor Mittens. Couldn't beat one of the worst presidents in history. His white guilt wouldn't allow him. Now he's jealous and vindictive.

Bye bye Mittens.
Romney is a high profile Mormon in the predominately Mormon state Utah, and that is what has kept him in office.

But the Mormon's are also a very conservative people.

Hopefully, they will finally become feed up with Romney's liberal proclivities and quit voting for him. ... :cool:
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Guess he never watched The Godfather...we know what happens when a plot against the emperor fails....:Boom2:

That accounts for 99.9% of the mood in Washington these days. They took their best shot and it wasn't good enough. They lost for four years in a row at the end of every weekly news cycle. It's yummy. If it were me looking down the barrel of another four years where reelection was not a concern many burocrats in Washington would need to be worrying about pay back. It will be intresting to see what Trump does. Me? I would encourage a committee to look into Paul Pelosi's finances.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a yes, on impeachment. I’ll post a video once one becomes available.

This is hardly surprising. It’s no secret that Romney hates Trump.
Obama shipped illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels, used the IRS to punish political enemies and lied about his Health Care law but Romney cries over a freaking phone call by Trump? Drain the freaking swamp.
The phone call wasn't even a tenth of it.

This was a months if not years long crime syndicate operation.... using outside and inside people in the whole operation. You didn't watch the trial... or read the news?


Na, months and years of the DNC failing to prove any of that.
Obama shipped illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels, used the IRS to punish political enemies and lied about his Health Care law but Romney cries over a freaking phone call by Trump? Drain the freaking swamp.
The phone call wasn't even a tenth of it.

This was a months if not years long crime syndicate operation.... using outside and inside people in the whole operation. You didn't watch the trial... or read the news?

know damn well you didn't.,
This will not change the outcome one bit. Trump will be exonerated by a good margin.

All this does is keep Trump for claiming it was 100% partisan.

It is a spite thing for Trump pointing out Romney was a very weak candidate in 2012 that should have never lost to Obama's terrible record.

Reminiscence of when McShitstain voted against doing away with Obamacare just to spite Trump.

Democrats are shitheads but RINOs give them a run for their money.

I didn't vote for either McCain in 2008 or Romney in 2012 because I don't do RINOs.
They just read a posted a tweet from Trump Jr. on TV

He said Mitt Romney is part of the resistance and should be expelled from the GOP.

I heard that, soon tramp will his pit bull (Ag Barr) after him, and charge him with campaign finance or many other things.

and what does that have to do with Romney?
about as much as you quoting scriptures has to do with reality.

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